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  1. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    lol....:rolleyes: Jewish shoreline?
  2. FauxRoux

    Alabama Republican wants to stop people on food stamps from owning cars

    Absolutely. I view anarchy as the absence of a governing body in favor of every man living by his own integrity (or lack thereof). I know the traditional definition mostly conveys that as being a chaotic "free for all". But I more often hear the term used to describe some sort of ideal utopian...
  3. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    I came back to the states in 2000. That was back when most of the borders were still open and Lebanon was shelling pretty hard.
  4. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    5 points cause you made me laugh. Was an NBC for the IDF. So in the event of a zombie apocalypse I would have been called in to be eaten first :mrgreen:
  5. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    Hahaha....nice. Not too far off base really
  6. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    So what branch did you serve in?
  7. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    Jesus......I love the average Americans scope on world politics from the comfy point of view fed to them by American media. Our media cant even cover our own news accurately for fucks sake... I would be surprised if most of these folks have ever even left the country except for maybe tourist...
  8. FauxRoux

    Alabama Republican wants to stop people on food stamps from owning cars

    I agree completely, that would be ideal.... I also understand the legal loopholes a system like that would create...we kinda had one before we added layer upon layer of bureaucracy to try and close up those loop holes (which of course leads to other issues)...which is why accountability falls on...
  9. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    ok....but even if true what does that have to do with me or my post? Why are you including me? Thx Captain non-sequitur! :clap:
  10. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    He WAS a known slumlord....also was arrested at a KKK rally....later when Donald and the big D's mom were brought up on discrimination charges in N.Y back in the 70's all the Black rent applications in their records (the ones they never rented too) had big red "C" marks for "colored"....that...
  11. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

  12. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    The Donald Trump story began when his grandfather, Friedrich, emigrated from Germany to America. Here's everything you need to know about what's happened since: How did Friedrich make his money? He arrived in New York City in 1885, at age 16, hoping to make his fortune. Friedrich had grown up...
  13. FauxRoux

    Alabama Republican wants to stop people on food stamps from owning cars

    Despite us probably not having the same political views I would like to take a second to tell you how much I appreciate a coherent answer and the opportunity to discuss it like adults...I don't see that too often on RIU.... And in that spirit I went and spent a few minutes with my Milwaukee's...
  14. FauxRoux

    Jews and Catholics

    I hear ya, and I'll say if you aren't racist in any way simply don't worry about it...if its not true then its not true and I wouldn't go worrying who online may wrongly believe it. I would thank you for the apology, but if its true there's no need for it and I'll simply thank you for the...
  15. FauxRoux

    Jews and Catholics

    But the very act of screening for different religous backrounds would turn religion into a requisite....either it DOES play a role in who gets the job or it cant pick and choose when race matters...period. So while your opinion that you would like to see all groups better...
  16. FauxRoux

    Jews and Catholics

    Dude....c'mon...its not like all 300mill were up for those jobs, right? Or did I not check my email that day? Im really not trying to be a dick but these statements start with your valid opinion and then kind of fly off into space when it comes to the reason behind the statement... I mean...I...
  17. FauxRoux

    Jews and Catholics

    Haha...despite the occasional rude thing even I cant help but say (mostly to "NOT GOP") I try to avoid an argument and simply have a discussion. Hence the distinction in what I agree with that you pointed out. :mrgreen: I find its best to give no one opportunity to take something, put a twist...
  18. FauxRoux

    Jews and Catholics

    didn't say it was a "problem"... at least not in the spitting "fuck you kike" kind of way....but I have certainly heard the opinion before and even more frequently when people didn't know I was Jewish.
  19. FauxRoux

    Alabama Republican wants to stop people on food stamps from owning cars

    The lack of a job market has no bearing on the price or difficulty of obtaining an education...which is the part that makes a "college degree a privilege". So your point is kind of moot....and contextually makes no sense... Your making a generalization. A really BAD one. Basically you just...