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  1. S

    HELP PLEASE. Plant 5 feet tall still in 24/0 veg

    Try using 20/4. 24/0 puts to much stress on the plants over that much time. Guessing thats why you had one hermie. Im not sure of any way to stop just your colas (no idea why you'd want this in the first place) other than stunting the whole plant by underfeeding. I made the same mistake...
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    Soil to Hydroponics

    You're problem with soil is that your stems aren't thick enough? From the first post I thought you're plants were dying on you or something. Do you have any pics of your plants that you're worried about? If thats what you're expecting to change in hydro, I dont think you're gonna end up with...
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    Soil to Hydroponics

    Yep, if you cant grow in soil, hydro isn't the answer. Stick with soil and figure out what you're doing wrong. What exactly are the problems you're having in soil?
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    Having post Topping/FIMing remorse: Did I do this right?

    Bag seeds should be fine. I top all my seedlings above the 2nd node. Looks like you did 3rd or so, but hard to tell in the pics. I wouldn't worry about it.
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    Hydro seedlings under developed

    You're just using plain water? How do you expect them to grow with no nutrients? You have to give them something to work with.
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    Newb LED+Hydro Setup Advice Needed

    Haven't grown hydro (did use an aerocloner I built for a couple times) so wont comment on whether I think hydro increases yield or not. But, it will not increase YOUR yield. Im pretty sure you have to have a system really dialed in to see this increase in yield. If you dont have a good...
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    Reserva privada Colorado, anyone grow out their seeds?

    Disappointing to hear so many hermies reported. Was planning on picking up some of their seeds to try out. Not sure now.
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    Should you water just before harvest

    I think you should water them as usual. If they happen to need watering the day before harvest, I go ahead and water them.
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    Leaves Yellowing during flowering too fast?

    You have a lack of nitrogen. How would you have nute burn after not feeding since 2 weeks before flowering. You need to feed your plants full strength.
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    three plants - good till week 10 or 11 then problems

    Sounds like you have your lights way too far from your plants. Probably not your only problem, but try to get the light closer. I have my HID lights around 1.5 - 2 ft usually. Fluorescents need to be closer.
  11. S

    First grow - not looking too good

    I think you'll be happy with your decision here. I would get as many plants in the tent as you can or are allowed to have. If you want you can try different things out and see how they react differently to different amounts of nutes or frequency of watering. Its your first go so try to learn...
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    three plants - good till week 10 or 11 then problems

    Yes, something is definitely wrong...they do not look good. I dont think I've seen a plant that tall be so bare. Did you remove any of the lower leaves or did some die and fall off? How often do you water and with what nutes?
  13. S

    First time closet grow

    You dont need to worry about your PH in soil, it acts as a buffer. I've never tested mine and have had 0 issues. Just make sure you get a good runoff with each watering and you'll be fine. I guarantee your plants do not have an issue with PH, problem is something else. In this case, most...
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    Newb LED+Hydro Setup Advice Needed

    My advice. Go soil on your first grow or do 2 soil and 2 hydro if you really want to try hydro. I know you "assisted" someone, but it doesn't sound like you have a very good understanding of hydro even after this experience. You should be able to come up with a resevoir and size of grow area...
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    First time closet grow

    If you already watered with no nutes you should be fine. If you really want to flush it you need to wait a couple days, dont want to stress the plant by overwatering. Check the new leaves and if theres no yellowing you're fine. If theres still yellow, water again with no nutes until you see...
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    Getting very worried now! Please help?

    Pretty sure that is not true. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but that doesn't sound right to me.
  17. S

    Getting very worried now! Please help?

    Back off the nutrients a little and let it use whats in the soil. Add nutes back in when needed by the plant. I dont know if I'd repot them, dont want to stress them anymore than you have to.
  18. S

    Getting very worried now! Please help?

    1. They will probably always grow slow. When they start out stunted in poor conditions they usually dont fully recover. 2 & 3. Sounds and looks like a little nute burn. I wouldn't worry too much about it.
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    Any ideas?

    No idea about the quality of these nutrients, but dont just follow the schedule. You have to look at the plant and adjust accordingly. I'd give the yellow plants more N (guessing your feeding schedule is having you give the plants higher P & K right now) and back off the strength of your nutes...
  20. S

    New to hydro and would love helpful advice

    You shouldn't need the gel in a cloner. Dont think it will hurt, but they should root without it. I dont use my aerocloner anymore, but I used 1/4 strength of whatever grow nutrient I was using at the time to get them started and it worked just fine.