Search results

  1. FaCultGen

    Conformation Of Membership

    I just wanted to make sure that all is good as far as me being a member... got that e mail and took me to a link but the process seemed kind of glitchy. So Rollitup just please check for me if you have the time, I have been a member for years (even a paying member at one point) and would hope...
  2. FaCultGen

    Active member saying hello to the new ppl!

    where the old homies at? fdd, hippychick, non green even skunky,smoker, don't see any of them around (havn't been on i na while)
  3. FaCultGen

    white widow/top 44 52days flowering how much longer?

    ya you need to take some pics close up with the light off and the flash of he camera on... without proper color we couldn't tell you if there ready or not
  4. FaCultGen

    Need Help On Vegi Garden Fencing

    Hello, Cult here and would first like to say "WOW" this site has totaly changed since the last time i was on, it looks perrty. lol so anyway, i'm putting in a vegitible garden and i need advise on what kind of fence to put around it. i have rabits, voles, moles, deer and cyoties in my area...
  5. FaCultGen

    soil less medium (like cana coco)

    lol no one has anything to say? it's been like 3 days...
  6. FaCultGen

    Red Diesel 8 weeks 4 days Flowering

    ya i know... i mean i havn't been around to much lately but wow... and theres like 1000000 people on right now too lol, johnny blunts caligrown. smoker and nongreen are way long gone lol and i couldn't even find anything by fdd that was recent (allthough i did really look that hard)
  7. FaCultGen

    Red Diesel 8 weeks 4 days Flowering

    ya was there somthing wrong? did i accedentaly do bad rep?
  8. FaCultGen

    Goin' to Amsterdam - Best places for seeds? Varieties? Limited Vertical Space tips?

    just mail them to yourself, carying them over borders is a bad idea, and make sure to get a bunch of different kinds and many seeds of each, because there cheeper there then to order them online, send them in a couple different packages at different times just in case one doesn't make it...
  9. FaCultGen

    Red Diesel 8 weeks 4 days Flowering

    lol peter is such a cop... or a spammer lookin for email addresses... but anyway, that shit looks amazing, swolen buds, shining in the light... perty perty stuff
  10. FaCultGen

    soil less medium (like cana coco)

    i was thinking of doing a soil less grow, and was looking into canacoco from cana nutrients, they make it sound so easy... anyone done this or similar... opinions? :peace: -Cult
  11. FaCultGen

    Getting To Know The Ladies

    hot n sexy... i must say you are one fine pregnant chich... congrats on #2, mmm mmm mm so fine, thats one lucky dude.
  12. FaCultGen

    Michigan has medical marijuana now?

    fuck ya... i live in the MI and let me tell you... it's a step in the right direction. so cheers fellow michiganders.bongsmilie
  13. FaCultGen

    lookin for a commune

    lol i m really more in to beer then wine lol... ya thanks, some of those are good. lol is it really called smokey bowl? or is that a joke? sounds like a sweet place.
  14. FaCultGen

    lookin for a commune

    god damn... ineed a little mor specific than europe... but thanks anyway... the peace core requiers a degree now... i think i'll just off myself instead
  15. FaCultGen

    lookin for a commune

    I hate the world i live in, i want to escape. looking for a place that doesn't cost any money to join, where i can work for room and board, where i can smoke my weed and drink aaallll my wine lol(led zepplin). i love to garden and so on, want to be able to be free. if anyone knows of...
  16. FaCultGen

    meth help?

    just get her to come to where you are, if she comes then she wo't be able to get meth because she wont know anyone to get it from... i mean short of walking around in the getto and asking random dudes. pluss have the brother around for moral dupport is good too.
  17. FaCultGen

    Busted 4 days after 420

    larry sounds like him to... drunkin redneck ignoramous...
  18. FaCultGen

    I have a shrooms/acid question

    well actually, shrooms are not tested for in the standard 5 panel or even the more extencive 10 panel tests, but it is possible to test for them...but no one will test you for them. the reason being that mushrooms, even though common among the small culture we are all a part of, are very...
  19. FaCultGen

    I have a shrooms/acid question

    lol do not listen to this guy... aminitas are the most deadly mushroom on the planet... muscaria is very closly related to the fly argaric, whis is responsible for 90% of mushroom related deaths... nuf said, i ate them like 4-5 times... almost killed my freind, shut down his respritory system...
  20. FaCultGen


    you know the people who own marlbero cigaretts own thousands of acers of prime farmland that they have been preping specificaly for weed?... i would do it in a second...people with that kind of money and power could very easily be a protected section of the government, if you went down then...