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  1. tommy5669


    MG potting soil, and MG plant food, with high levels of N and i started off with 5 drops of the recommended 20 for the first dosage and worked my way up from there and now im using 7 to 8 drops in a pint of diluted water and sprinkled plants, then put 2 pints of water in the soil today, and some...
  2. tommy5669


    nah dude i been feeding for a week and a half almost two and i feed every three days half the recommended in diluted water i was doing 1/4 but i upped it so yeah it isnt that and i dont think they would die off beczause of nute burns right?
  3. tommy5669


    nopee, not the first set from seed or the oine t, (THOSE DIED) but the first set of 3 leaves died.
  4. tommy5669


    hey guys so my plant has two sets of 7 now, and its about 14 to 15 inches tall, its set of leaves at the bottom (SET OF 3) has completly died, like, folded up and become dry. (I DIDNT TOUCH IT THO, JUST WATERED AND MOUNDED SOIL UP AROUND STALK UNDER THE DEAD LEAVES)whats happening? and anyway to...
  5. tommy5669

    Is It Better To Water/Freed At Night, Or During The Day?

    anyone wanna comment...? lol
  6. tommy5669

    Watering: If you read this, imagine my plants are yours.

    dammnnitt my friends been tellin me that is natural an they supposed to die and i can juus pluck em or let them fall off into the soil
  7. tommy5669

    Watering: If you read this, imagine my plants are yours.

    SHAGALICIOUS heres pics bro. my very bottom leaves are curling and dyin but they are the first set of big 1 leaves (not the circluar first ones direct from seed but those that follow). is this bad?
  8. tommy5669

    Watering: If you read this, imagine my plants are yours.

    and i use MG potting soil its my first grow and its doing wonderful i have pics from today if anyone wants to see?
  9. tommy5669

    Watering: If you read this, imagine my plants are yours.

    appreciate the tips guys. i dont really water the soil too much but i water the plants and when i pop off the bottom of my cotainer, roots are hangin everywhere already. the soil is always prety much good bc it rains every couple of days and i sprinkle water with nutes on leafs and shit and some...
  10. tommy5669

    Watering: If you read this, imagine my plants are yours.

    hell yeah thanks for the advice im excited just to see them go from seedlings to so tall already! nearly 14 inches!!!! haha im so impatient but i know that it will pay off eventually!!
  11. tommy5669

    [CFL] Fruit Hair! [Bagseed]

    lookin great man keep up the growin i hve some that are more then 7 weeks and i am bout to try an get it to start to flowerin in a few wweeks
  12. tommy5669

    Make this bud?

    itll b a bitch to get up real early for 12 hours sun thengettin back home at the right time to put back inside for 12/12 tho
  13. tommy5669

    Make this bud?

    yea but i dont wanna wait another mmonth or two for bud man i got college startin back real soon
  14. tommy5669

    Watering: If you read this, imagine my plants are yours.

    i have a couple of plants well over a month and they are both in 5 gallon pots, with one plant with a set of 5 and the other plant with 2 sets of 7. it doesnt rain to often here and i usually feed every three days with water diluted with plant food, am i under doing it, or overdoing? (not on...
  15. tommy5669

    Inducing Flowering Outdoors?

    i have a 13 almost 14 inch plant with 2 sets of seven and you can see small lil hairs growin from stem and more leaves as well. (not really hairs, but more very tiny stems:?:) they r in 5gallon pots stay outdoors always, they are 7 weeks old. what to do?
  16. tommy5669

    Make this bud?

    well shit idk then what would u do? and how do i induce flowering?
  17. tommy5669

    Wish my plant luck...

    yeah goodluck man hope it dont shock from the transplant.
  18. tommy5669

    can u still get bud from a male plant?

    coolcool thanks
  19. tommy5669

    can u still get bud from a male plant?

    yea hermi means the plant makes bud but it also uses alotta energy to produce seeds as well. get ridda them sacks niggaa lol
  20. tommy5669

    Make this bud?

    so how would i induce flowering? throw a garbage bag over it? and switch lighting from twelve to twelve or what? cuz i am outdoor