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  1. GottaLuvIt

    Male Plants! General questions

    If your a begginer and you just aquired 2 seeds then listen up. (***THIS ONLY APPLIES IF THE 2 SEEDS ARE THE SAME STRAIN***) If during flowering you notice one is male and the other female, then I suggest you do the following; keep the male for 1.5 weeks after you notice its male, then kill...
  2. GottaLuvIt

    how far

    Mh or hps? Either way I'd say atleast 30 inches
  3. GottaLuvIt

    Help my girls live need help !

    18/6 is the best light ratio for your plants during their vegetative stage, so thats not your problem, however, I strongly disagree with ever using LEDs for growing marijuana. Not a very natural spectrum with those things. If your using 2 90's that equals 180 total watts for three plants. I'd...
  4. GottaLuvIt

    Day 36 flowering

    A thc powerplant in my second grow op:bigjoint:
  5. GottaLuvIt

    Second Indoor Closet Grow Journal

    how can I make these buds bigger without adding more light?
  6. GottaLuvIt

    Second Indoor Closet Grow Journal

    more pics, indoor op#2
  7. GottaLuvIt

    Second Indoor Closet Grow Journal

    Some new pics, Is there any way I can maximize these buds without adding more light? Any suggestions would be appreciated. 150w hps, 34w cool white, 3x40w grolux.
  8. GottaLuvIt

    lighting and nut problems!!! Help me please...

    NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!! wrong numbers for flowering pal, the less nitrogen your plants absorb during flowering the better. Nitrogen (The first number) helps the plants during their vegetative stage, but if you give too much during flowering your buds will be tiny, kind of like what your...
  9. GottaLuvIt

    Day 60 of flower,they ready yet?

    Give em the old snip snip, their done.
  10. GottaLuvIt

    Can someone help me with sprouting?

    Be patient
  11. GottaLuvIt

    lighting and nut problems!!! Help me please...

    Seems like a problem with your nuts.... I mean.. NUTES. The 400w your using and what your buddys using to flower are definately not the problem, its enough light for more than one plant. What is your NPK ratio on the nutes your using? should read something like 10-30-10, 10-50-10, (You want to...
  12. GottaLuvIt

    help please

    I wouldn't worry about red stems, some strains naturally develop this way. Do some research on the strain your growing and then compare.
  13. GottaLuvIt

    Are these 3 girls? [pics]

    Too early to tell, but have faith, most cannabis seeds end up female anyway. I think you may be overwatering though on #2 looks a lil droopy
  14. GottaLuvIt

    sprout but won't grow

    I'd say you most likely overwatered. Its very easy to drown your seeds in the paper towel method. The seeds start looking for water to absorb as soon as it gets dark and damp around it, but if it absorbs too much, the embryo will rot, resulting in death. I've sprouted in paper towels before...
  15. GottaLuvIt

    boy or girl?

    Too early to say, but like ^ said, have faith, most marijuana seeds end up female anyway.
  16. GottaLuvIt

    Second Indoor Closet Grow Journal

    the buds, close-up. mmmmmm:hump:
  17. GottaLuvIt

    Second Indoor Closet Grow Journal

    Update! hey I was wondering if anyone can tell me why the very top leaves of my plant are curling down whilst the leaves directly lower are looking very lush and healthy? too much water, nutes? or too little. or something else.... ?
  18. GottaLuvIt

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    what the hell??? are those top colas? shoot colas? or a lil further down? they look a lil off
  19. GottaLuvIt

    hps bulbs

    I'd say that as soon as your bulb is acting out of whack (Not its typical light production) It might be time to buy a new bulb. If your using other lights alongside the HPS, you may just want to let it burn out by itself; although you might also have an issue with your ballast.:twisted:
  20. GottaLuvIt

    Second Indoor Closet Grow Journal

    The 3rd plant in my second closet grow attempt. This seed was ugly from the beginning. The other 2 bagseed I got where striped and colourful, but this one was plain white. Looked really shitty and has been growing such ever since. but female nevertheless. I named her Betty. Very curly growth...