advanced nutes

I agree, AN is one of the only lines I have run and not run into random deficiencies. Which is funny, because most of the haters say its incomplete. Most of the time, I don't even run all of the additives. The other thing is cost… The nutrients are so concentrated that I have never run past 3/4 strength in flower. As it is the application rate beats out most lines and products, but when you don't even run at full strength, cost aint shit.

AN is mixed from RO water and the base has enough calmg, so you don't need to supplement even if you are using an RO. They recommend you run RO and don't recommend calmg. I don't run RO, but I do like to run it with an inert medium. I ran it with OF for a long time, but switched to Sunshine 4, Pro Mix and now I am using Happy Frog. Way more constancy. I am liking HF with extra perlite.

If you don't mind me asking, how many mls/gal of each part are you using of their base nutrients?
I use 2ml of base an 1ml of the additives an only change water out once every 2 weeks.

I have 400L Rez thou so everything stays nice stable in big Rez.

They drink around 100L a week so after one week top up with RO water only back to 400L
At those rates, you'd blow through a gallon of plant food per 9 week flowering cycle in a 20 gallon res. It may work for you but that's no where near 'concentrated'.

I knew last nite when I saw you ask the Ml's per gallon I would see a post similar to this lol.
I knew last nite when I saw you ask the Ml's per gallon I would see a post similar to this lol.

As did I… So, what are you using that is more concentrated? In general compared to what is available on the market today, AN gives the biggest bang for your buck. (Please don't give me the "I buy raw materials and mix my own speech" I get it, but I am not into doing that, so lets not even throw it out as an option.) I peak out at 12mls and generally follow a bell curve. I have not done the math on my particular usage rate for my grow, but i can feed 50G res feeding 6-12 plants on less than a gallon. I usually end up with around 1/4 left after the full run. In veg… I use half of that.
As did I… So, what are you using that is more concentrated? In general compared to what is available on the market today, AN gives the biggest bang for your buck. (Please don't give me the "I buy raw materials and mix my own speech" I get it, but I am not into doing that, so lets not even throw it out as an option.) I peak out at 12mls and generally follow a bell curve. I have not done the math on my particular usage rate for my grow, but i can feed 50G res feeding 6-12 plants on less than a gallon. I usually end up with around 1/4 left after the full run. In veg… I use half of that.

I'm not trying to argue with you but you've got to be kidding with that statement. Have you tried any other plant foods before?
I have read for hours and hours and your name keeps popping up every time AN gets attention. Its Dyna this and Dyna that. You ask the question "have you tried any other plant food?" With all of your comments and the way you position yourself...Have You? You have such a hard on for AN and I have to ask. why? First off if you get your nutrients from a bottle over the counter then you have nothing to argue about...they are all the same, lacking and in need. Dyna, GH, AN...all have issues supplying the PROPER nutrient regime, especially when it comes to a plant with so many different cannabis. You guys keep fighting and arguing about what? Subtle differences in formulations...that's it! The reasons that there are less issues with all AN products is the research behind it. They are the only company that is cannabis specific which allows for concentrated research on one type of plant. Yes, yes, yes, I've heard it before..."makes no difference" well correct to an extent. Formulation changes drastically when you know that a certain combination of products are accepted better by the plant in question and since you don't have to generalize your formulation. Bottom line is they are basically all the same and you are arguing about subtle growing differences and experiences that the grower brings to the table.
I have read for hours and hours and your name keeps popping up every time AN gets attention. Its Dyna this and Dyna that. You ask the question "have you tried any other plant food?" With all of your comments and the way you position yourself...Have You? You have such a hard on for AN and I have to ask. why? First off if you get your nutrients from a bottle over the counter then you have nothing to argue about...they are all the same, lacking and in need. Dyna, GH, AN...all have issues supplying the PROPER nutrient regime, especially when it comes to a plant with so many different cannabis. You guys keep fighting and arguing about what? Subtle differences in formulations...that's it! The reasons that there are less issues with all AN products is the research behind it. They are the only company that is cannabis specific which allows for concentrated research on one type of plant. Yes, yes, yes, I've heard it before..."makes no difference" well correct to an extent. Formulation changes drastically when you know that a certain combination of products are accepted better by the plant in question and since you don't have to generalize your formulation. Bottom line is they are basically all the same and you are arguing about subtle growing differences and experiences that the grower brings to the table.

ummmmm. no. there are many people here who have done side by side comparisons and Dyna-Gro always comes out on top. There are many people who have used AN, GH, and now use only Dyna-Gro. I personally have used every single nutrient line out there, and I get the best results with Dyna-Gro. I have 4 rooms with 1800 plants that I've tested with for the last year. They all get Dyna-Gro now.
I have read for hours and hours and your name keeps popping up every time AN gets attention. Its Dyna this and Dyna that. You ask the question "have you tried any other plant food?" With all of your comments and the way you position yourself...Have You? You have such a hard on for AN and I have to ask. why? First off if you get your nutrients from a bottle over the counter then you have nothing to argue about...they are all the same, lacking and in need. Dyna, GH, AN...all have issues supplying the PROPER nutrient regime, especially when it comes to a plant with so many different cannabis. You guys keep fighting and arguing about what? Subtle differences in formulations...that's it! The reasons that there are less issues with all AN products is the research behind it. They are the only company that is cannabis specific which allows for concentrated research on one type of plant. Yes, yes, yes, I've heard it before..."makes no difference" well correct to an extent. Formulation changes drastically when you know that a certain combination of products are accepted better by the plant in question and since you don't have to generalize your formulation. Bottom line is they are basically all the same and you are arguing about subtle growing differences and experiences that the grower brings to the table.

I also like that DG provides a full analysis of what's in it. And if their label is correct then it's a complete formula. Either AN doesn't divulge what's really in there or it's BASE formula is incomplete.
ummmmm. no. there are many people here who have done side by side comparisons and Dyna-Gro always comes out on top. There are many people who have used AN, GH, and now use only Dyna-Gro. I personally have used every single nutrient line out there, and I get the best results with Dyna-Gro. I have 4 rooms with 1800 plants that I've tested with for the last year. They all get Dyna-Gro now.

I think you can find a "side by side" in favor of just about any product out there.

DG though... as far as being simple and effective... the stuff is awesome. You really can do your entire grow with nothing but a bottle of DG 7-9-5 or 9-3-6. If you want to add a bottle of ph, it won't hurt.

I've tried many too... I don't see DG performing way beyond others, but I do see it perform a little better than most. WAAAY easier to use than anything else. Just dump it in some water, there you go.

I just started playing with House and Garden again, but, I used DG all last year. DG 7-9-5 and 9-3-6 are great...Anyone who tells you they are inferior to AN, GH, etc...bullshit.
The reasons that there are less issues with all AN products is the research behind it.

Sorry Johnny, that is total bullshit buddy... Round up all of the AN pics you can find and round up all the DG you can find.. I rarely see AN plants that are not burnt up and having leaf issues. WHY? The system is complicated as all hell with so many options and additives. Scientists might develop it, but stoners are using it..

You look at the DG users around RIU, you do not see nearly as many issues... take a look. It's the simplicity of a 1 bottle complete food.. imo, that's all.

Perhaps AN does have more research behind it, but, it is not translating to plants with "less issues" around RIU. There are some folks doing real well around RIU with AN, most of them have leaf issues though, not less issues. In theory, a plant with no leaf issues out performs a plant with leaf issues.

My point... AN is not leading the pack as an easy to use, issue free nute.
I posted complete analysis of AN two posts up the whole advancapedia.

I see they show their ingredients... do they show their ingredients by concentration? In relation to eachother? THAT is complete analysis. no? All I see is NPK numbers... I might have just missed it.

That's nice they list all the ingredients... but, a complete list of the essentials by concentration (complete analysis, no?) would be nice. Maybe it is on the back of the bottle? Idk. But,I don't see it in your link there.
No I don't see concentrations but I'm not about to argue about this or debate. If you like dyna grow cool. If you run advanced fine. I'm happy with what I run and don't need a scientific readout to be satisfied. I know people who use AN people who use DG both have good results that I'm not about to question. Dyna grow is in a lot of the corn fields this season by me and have to say its impressive to say the least.

As far as labeling goes there is only so much room on one bottle to print.
No I don't see concentrations but I'm not about to argue about this or debate. If you like dyna grow cool. If you run advanced fine. I'm happy with what I run and don't need a scientific readout to be satisfied. I know people who use AN people who use DG both have good results that I'm not about to question. Dyna grow is in a lot of the corn fields this season by me and have to say its impressive to say the least.

As far as labeling goes there is only so much room on one bottle to print.

I'm not looking to argue either.. Just discussing. No hate here man..:-P. I would be playing with AN more if it was sold locally. I'm totally interested in their work... I like many things that I have heard Big Mike say. I am a little skeptical though. Yes.. I think they might be cashing in on the inexperience of the average MJ grower a little bit.
AN should work on providing a complete analysis though. MAYBE it IS on the back of the bottle? I can't walk into a store here and take a look as they don't carry it.

Dboi said it... complete analysis would be nice.. I agree. It would make it easier to use AN. From what I can see... folks are having trouble using it without harming leaves at least a little bit.

I just didn't think an ingredients list made for a "complete analysis"... so I called it out,that's all.

I've seen your posts around more lately... you've got good stuff to say. nice..