are women good?

They're all evil, It all started with Eve and Lilith. One bitch wouldn't obey her man and the replacement threw us under the bus for eternity over an apple. If you believe in fairy tales...
if his comment pissed you off, educate him. Don't lower yourself to his expectation. You were too quick to pry on his insecurity. Whether is was to please an audience or come naturally to your type of personalities, it is a nasty trait.

Welcome to the Internet where you shouldn't play if you are seriously bothered by others rebuttles.

I have every right to tell him what I think. Who wouldn't ?

I'm not here to prove to some newbies that I'm a nice person!!? I've been here long enough.
Welcome to the Internet where you shouldn't play if you are seriously bothered by others rebuttles.

I have every right to tell him what I think. Who wouldn't ?

I'm not here to prove to some newbies that I'm a nice person!!? I've been here long enough.

Nice avatar, is that you? If so, you look just like the sort of woman I thought you were... Loose.
Nice avatar, is that you? If so, you look just like the sort of woman I thought you were... Loose.

Well does anybody want to explain why after about 50 girlfriends, I still haven't found a good one?

Your picker is broken. Don't feel to bad mine is too. I keep picking assholes. Although my asshole is maintenance and I'm a hangar queen so it works out. You need a very good female friend (not friend with benefits type either), just a good female friend who can read women and help you find someone.
Welcome to the Internet where you shouldn't play if you are seriously bothered by others rebuttles.

I have every right to tell him what I think. Who wouldn't ?

I'm not here to prove to some newbies that I'm a nice person!!? I've been here long enough.
it's about being civil, length of time as a member here means nothing, a mere bragging point. I'm not trying to push my point though, you are entitled to respond however you wish as we all are.
it's about being civil, length of time as a member here means nothing, a mere bragging point. I'm not trying to push my point though, you are entitled to respond however you wish as we all are.

That's exactly my point. I've been here for years and never had a warning or a ban. He's been here for 2 mins, tried dismally to troll people and you pretty much defend that!? Shows where you are coming from too tbh.
I just know there's a joke here somewhere. :wink:

You know it sort of went OVER my head :) In my defense I've been involved in this while still posting. Right now I'm smoking LA Affie. It tastes of cantaloupe :) Next I am not sure what I will sample but I must get this all smoked up FAST LOL......

I have sort of an embarrassment of riches. PS If Bushie draws down on me you wanna fly down and be part of my pit crew :) I know a GREAT Gastropub we could all hang out at while Bushie is trying to get off the line :)