Are you sitting down?

I've done my research and I stand by that statement as well as most scientists involved. Embryonic stem cells turn into a primitive and very virulent cancer. They can't get it out of the lab successfully. The only human to ever receive the treatment developed tumors in his brain and spinal cord.

I don't swing with political parties, I swing with accurate data. It's the only way.

out. :blsmoke:
I've done my research and I stand by that statement as well as most scientists involved. Embryonic stem cells turn into a primitive and very virulent cancer. They can't get it out of the lab successfully. The only human to ever receive the treatment developed tumors in his brain and spinal cord.

I don't swing with political parties, I swing with accurate data. It's the only way.

Hey Swinging Cracker Jocks, Lets dont forget what type of website we are on. The man has already done more to help the cause here with his attitudes and statements on marijuana than any other president before. Remember, both Bushsters said they would build more jails for pot smokers!:bigjoint:
I certainly hope Obama does help with weed and people in need, yes indeed.

However, ( <--- I always have a however handy :lol:) I must call each issue raised upon its merit. One area does not give you a pass on the other. If you get a B+ in Math, you can't go to your history teacher and tell him you want some credit towards your C-.
I have to call em as I see em. In the same light I didn't give Bush a pass either.
There is a lot of misinformation on embryonic stem cell research on both sides of the aisle. I simply follow the science, the politics be damned. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:
So then Jax, you stand by the fact that people won't give to charity of they aren't getting some kind of kickback?

So then basically charitible donations aren't really about charity, it's about a tax loophole.

Anyone who stops donating to charity for the simple fact that they don't get a tax credit aren't people I want to share this planet with anyway. Whatever happened to helping people because it's the right thing to do?

This all falls back to greed, "I can't give unless I get" :roll:

Remember when it used to be better to give than receive?

So you think a stick is better than a carrot? Tell that to the charities Miss. Obama is trying to Kill private charity (which works VERY well) monies.
What is really in play dear is Obama wants the private sector out and the govt. in. Then the Govt. can decide who gets the money. One more powah grab. He's running quite a pattern and it is scary as heck.

out. :blsmoke:
Miss, it is the human nature to give more when there is an incentive. Frankly why should the Govt. get a piece of private charity anyways? they are just standing in the middle of good deeds and siphoning off from the needy. Obama wishes to INCREASE the siphoning. I completely am at odds with that viewpoint.

out. :blsmoke:
My incentive is, "I could throw these clothes away, or I could donate them because I don't need them" I always try to give at least 2 bags of food to the food drive too. Just because sometimes people need help.

I did donate a lot more when my kids were young, I had way more stuff to get rid of and I never saw the point of throwing perfectly good stuff away when someone out there could use it.

Even now my daugher who is 20 is trying to scare up donations for the preschool she works for. She's sending notes home to parents "do you have anything to donate? Clothes are especially needed please".

I guess we're just different, we like to help people because sometimes people need help, we don't feel like we need a reward for it, our reward will come in Karma.
Speaking of a karmic reward, I once helped a woman put oil in her car, she was trying to put it down the dipstick hole. I went over to her and showed her the proper way to add the oil. No big deal, it didn't take any time out of my day.

A few weeks later I went to a fast food place and ordered chicken and who came to the drive up window? The woman who I helped. We ended up with a lot of extra stuff, she recognized me and loaded us up with food. I didn't expect any reward for helping, but later I got one anyway, what a nice treat.

No, we are not different, I give clothes and food on a regular basis without seeking tax deductions. However, I also give anywhere between 10k and 20k to charity org's per annum. It's a matter of degrees. Most people who accumulate that much to GIVE away, will give more if the Govt. gets OUT of the way. Instead Obama wishes to get more IN the way. This is to control the charities based on supposed race and politics. I do not agree with that at all. If I give to a charity, it should be MY choice, not the govt's.

out. :blsmoke:
Name a president and if you dig deep enough, you'll find the dirt they did on the economy.. I had a dream...... but i dont remember it.
So then Jax, you stand by the fact that people won't give to charity of they aren't getting some kind of kickback?

So then basically charitible donations aren't really about charity, it's about a tax loophole.

Anyone who stops donating to charity for the simple fact that they don't get a tax credit aren't people I want to share this planet with anyway. Whatever happened to helping people because it's the right thing to do?

This all falls back to greed, "I can't give unless I get" :roll:

Remember when it used to be better to give than receive?

Miss, the idea behind offering tax deductions on charity is that it's no longer income that a person can use. Thus there is no logical reason for them to be forced to pay income tax on it.

All in all though, I'd rather be able to deduct my rent, car payments, car insurance, utilities, and food.

Maybe just part of the car payment...
That doesn't even make sense to me TBT. They want money for giving away money they can't use? Think about it for a second, please.

I can't use this money, so I'll give it away, but I'd better get money back for doing it? :confused:

If I could deduct my housepayment alone that would make a huge difference to me. Can't deduct home improvements, but I can surely be property taxed to death for making them. :roll:
Speaking of a karmic reward, I once helped a woman put oil in her car, she was trying to put it down the dipstick hole. I went over to her and showed her the proper way to add the oil. No big deal, it didn't take any time out of my day.

A few weeks later I went to a fast food place and ordered chicken and who came to the drive up window? The woman who I helped. We ended up with a lot of extra stuff, she recognized me and loaded us up with food. I didn't expect any reward for helping, but later I got one anyway, what a nice treat.


:lol: here's a little karma for you Miss. Last year I am at the McD's drive thru and I can tell something is wrong with the car in front of me. They kept turning the car off every time they moved three feet. I'm noticing but not overly. Well, they pick up their food and the car dies right there with a big line behind us. Now I'm in one of my larger 350's and this lady gets out and starts to try and push the car. I offered to gently push them over to the passing lane to clear the way for everyone and she agrees. I do so. Then the guy gets out of the drivers side and I can tell right away he's a wino :lol: "I ran out of gas". I'm thinking (with a gas station an 1/8 of a mile away, "this guy can't be running on all cylinders". No matter, I offer to give him a ride to the gas station. The girl (20 years his junior) wants to go but I tell her she should stay with the auto. No problems. we get to the station and he buys a gallon of water as I had no container. He proceeds to pour out the water (poison to him I suppose :lol:), and pump in the gas. I tell him to ride in the back with it so it won't spill. No problems....
We get back to the car at McD's and there is a huge shouting match (one way actually) going on between the girl and the employee at the window. As I open the door all I can hear is This N****R this and this N****R that. She sees me and starts to tell me her opines. I glance over to the point of her deriison and this lovely and tolerant young black woman in the drive thru is just giving me death ray eyes!!!

"I'M NOT WITH THEM"!! I cried as loud as I could and drove off. No good deed goes unpunished... :mrgreen:

I went back there the next day and explained it to the woman who thankfully totally understood and thanked me for getting rid of them. OMG!!! :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
That doesn't even make sense to me TBT. They want money for giving away money they can't use? Think about it for a second, please.

I can't use this money, so I'll give it away, but I'd better get money back for doing it? :confused:

If I could deduct my housepayment alone that would make a huge difference to me. Can't deduct home improvements, but I can surely be property taxed to death for making them. :roll:

It's not money that they can't use. I'm sure if they wanted to they'd be able to find a way to spend it, instead of giving to charity.

Maybe they could buy some more puppies to kill in cruel and unusual ways.
That doesn't even make sense to me TBT. They want money for giving away money they can't use? Think about it for a second, please.

I can't use this money, so I'll give it away, but I'd better get money back for doing it? :confused:

If I could deduct my housepayment alone that would make a huge difference to me. Can't deduct home improvements, but I can surely be property taxed to death for making them. :roll:

No Miss, we can USE the money...we CHOOSE to GIVE it away.
Quite a difference.

out. :blsmoke:
Miss, the idea behind offering tax deductions on charity is that it's no longer income that a person can use. Thus there is no logical reason for them to be forced to pay income tax on it.

All in all though, I'd rather be able to deduct my rent, car payments, car insurance, utilities, and food.

Maybe just part of the car payment...

That is what TBT said, " it's no longer income a that a person can use. "

That's why I said it doesn't make sense, I can't use this money so I'll give it away but I want money back for it. :confused:
That is what TBT said, " it's no longer income a that a person can use. "

That's why I said it doesn't make sense, I can't use this money so I'll give it away but I want money back for it. :confused:

They can no longer use it, because they gave it away. If they hadn't given it away, they could probably find a use for it.
I don't know, I'm just different, I do the right thing because it's right, not because I expect something in return. I suppose I'm not the average human, I don't spend any time wondering what someone else can do for me, I spend time wondering what I can do for myself and to help others. *shrugs*
It is a method to produce more for the charities. You should call up your favorite charity Miss and talk to them about how they feel about the deductions being taken away. I'm sure you will find they agree with us.

Again, I will restate...why should the govt. be able to siphon off monies intended for charities in the first place??? the TAX RATE SHOULD BE ZERO.

out. :blsmoke:
My 2 cents...
My dad is a doctor, he served in the army, went through 4 years of college, 3 years of premed, and 3 years of med, and after turning 39(6 years ago) he finally got his student loans payed off.
He makes about 260k a year... in 2007 he payed over 140k in taxes(not to include sales tax).
can a democrat tell me why a man who works his ass off to get ahead in life should pay for 7 welfare moms who wanna get knocked up and not work to live???
Why do the best in our society get fucked by the worst?
"well he makes a ton so thats just fair" OK, in 2006 while in the army my wife and I made a total of 63k and payed over 23k in taxes because not having children we were bumped into the "upper class" tax bracket.
our system sucks and i say no stimulus for anyone, if you dont wanna work as hard as the next guy to get payed then fuck you go somewhere else.