Well-Known Member
Is trying to configure (48 individual 23W TCI strips per (4.33' x 2.25') grow area doable? Is 177k lm overkill for a 10.75sq' area? (16,250lm/sq') I would try to do 3 end to end linear to form a single row and make 16 individual 1.75" wide rows. Open walls.Took some crude PPFD measurements tonight... using an Apogee SQ-120 and voltmeter.
Highest current setting (@ 200W total), Eight 3k/4k alternating strips in a 16"x24".
Unimpressed with the #'s so far, not sure of the correction factor for the SQ-120, but assuming x 1.0
Roughly center of fixture
Distance | mV | PPFD
20" 96 480
16" 114 570
12" 141 705
6" 226 1130
Numbers on the sides varied ... 15%-30% drops. which is understandable because not much from the edge strips is reflecting off the walls and hitting the sensors.
One factor is definitely the fact that the front of the 2.5' x 4' grow enclosure was open (no reflection), and a large distance to the reflective walls.
I'm going to build a fake 3'x2' tent with some foam board and see what the numbers are, may need to add a bunch more strips.
What's the best efficiency with LEDs, in terms of lumen per watt? How does 154lm/watt stack?
How often does he run out of stock? Out atm..

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