Boycott China.


Well-Known Member
it's incredible the amount of communist sympathizers in this country. Only idiots are Builders from Manhattan. The hardest place to build in the world. We got Barack Obama over here dude couldn't even run a gift shop. a Saul Alinsky Community organizer. Trump is the biggest capitalist this country has ever seen. And people are defending China as if it's not some authoritarian mercantilist dictatorship.
Trump cratered the economy

just his latest in a long line of bankruptcies for the fat racist retard


Well-Known Member
Oh yea? Tell me about the chinese communist party and how they operate. The advances they made under obama. The nuclear weapons secrets they stole under the clintons. Your wrong big guy. The decoupling from china has been taking place for 3 years now. And this will just advance decoupling from them by many countries.
Trump handed Saudi Arabia nuclear technology after the Prince murdered a Washington Post reporter.

it's incredible the amount of communist sympathizers in this country. Only idiots are Builders from Manhattan. The hardest place to build in the world. We got Barack Obama over here dude couldn't even run a gift shop. a Saul Alinsky Community organizer. Trump is the biggest capitalist this country has ever seen. And people are defending China as if it's not some authoritarian mercantilist dictatorship.
Trump was born to a rich daddy who was giving him $2 million a year by the age of 3, and lost it all over and over again. If it wasn't for Russia and other foreign dictators washing their money through his hotels he would have been screwed.


Well-Known Member
Canada my country offers a good comparison in terms of response, we fucked up a bit too at the start. You can directly measure the impact of Trump by comparing the per capita death rates. Your talking to someone who advocates sending aid to America when our own house is in order and I'm pretty sure we will. We have 1/10 the population of the USA so multiply our deaths by 10x to get your answer. Our government response has had few complaints from the medical and scientific communities and the public, just like the states provinces run public health etc, same basic setup.
Have a look at the usa death rates compared to Canada

USA= 2,960 / Canada= 86 x10 = 860 in US terms
327 million / 37.59 million
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Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
it's incredible the amount of communist sympathizers in this country. Only idiots are Builders from Manhattan. The hardest place to build in the world. We got Barack Obama over here dude couldn't even run a gift shop. a Saul Alinsky Community organizer. Trump is the biggest capitalist this country has ever seen. And people are defending China as if it's not some authoritarian mercantilist dictatorship.
Wait What???


Well-Known Member
We had a recent outbreak in a nursing home and it caused our rate of increase to spike
TOTAL782,210↑ 57,887 (7.99%)37,652↑ 3,510 (10.28%)165,07926,817
★ United States160,034↑ 17,544 (12.31%)2,971↑ 385 (14.88%)4,7173,534
Canada 7,427↑ 1,107 (17.51%)86↑ 21 (32.30%)93162

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member

Canada my country offers a good comparison in terms of response, we fucked up a bit too at the start. You can directly measure the impact of Trump by comparing the per capita death rates. Your talking to someone who advocates sending aid to America when our own house is in order and I'm pretty sure we will. We have 1/10 the population of the USA so multiply our deaths by 10x to get your answer. Our government response has had few complaints from the medical and scientific communities and the public, just like the states provinces run public health etc, same basic setup.
Have a look at the usa death rates compared to Canada

USA= 2,960 / Canada= 86 x10 = 860 in US terms
327 million / 37.59 million
Well the complaints are starting, give it another two weeks and see where we’re at....... I hope it gets better and hopefully it will but my 9 days of staying home and fucking raining every day has turned me into something different than the happy go lucky guy I use to be lol. I don’t like comparing, it just seems like bad karma :(.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
We have been decoupling from china for 3 years. They have trump over a barrel thats laughable. Keep reading the news you get. China lost 5 million jobs since trump took office. There economy was cratering. Thats why we are where we are now.
And you were doing so well :(. You do realize that the US lost thousands of manufacturing jobs due to the trade war right? You know, the same jobs he said he would save. The recession in China was actually driving the world towards the same fate. As for China losing factories, I’m not so sure the loss was that great actually with just as many starting up, foreign I mean, so the net loss was basically zero. China waited for him to blink and he did. The trade deal was pretty much the same deal he had before he started his bullshit. You really need to look at the facts and not fox.


Well-Known Member
Being Canadian and all...I'd find it hard to point fingers at our neighbors and suggest we have all the's tough to generalize..I've heard stories of both good and bad human conduct all over the world..For awhile, here in Calgary, I saw the parasites looking to sell essentials for 10 fold profits on Kijiji..

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Being Canadian and all...I'd find it hard to point fingers at our neighbors and suggest we have all the's tough to generalize..I've heard stories of both good and bad human conduct all over the world..For awhile, here in Calgary, I saw the parasites looking to sell essentials for 10 fold profits on Kijiji..
Countries and borders do not define parasites, their everywhere ....... it’s to bad there is one running the US though :(.


Well-Known Member
Oh yea? Tell me about the chinese communist party and how they operate. The advances they made under obama. The nuclear weapons secrets they stole under the clintons. Your wrong big guy. The decoupling from china has been taking place for 3 years now. And this will just advance decoupling from them by many countries.
Trump squandered all of the progress of the previous administration's pivot to Asia. China has showcased its BRI at the perfect time with Trump harming trade with the countries that have always been our allies.


Well-Known Member
1 thread of Chinese hate wasn't enough for you!!?? You had to make a 2nd one to satisfy you!! Ohh man. I'm starting to think maybe this sick obsession stems from a deep and hurtful rejection from a Chinese woman or man when they found out the rumors of large western penises weren't true in your case. #Freud

Also, you presented the 1918 "Spanish" flu origin of Chinese as fact. It is not. You like to do that don't you? Present opinions as facts then chastise people when they do the same? And apparently the guy you cited that wrote that is the only one that even believes that. Well besides you.

Oxford Academic - The origins of the great pandemic


Well-Known Member
1 thread of Chinese hate wasn't enough for you!!?? You had to make a 2nd one to satisfy you!! Ohh man. I'm starting to think maybe this sick obsession stems from a deep and hurtful rejection from a Chinese woman or man when they found out the rumors of large western penises weren't true in your case. #Freud

Also, you presented the 1918 "Spanish" flu origin of Chinese as fact. It is not. You like to do that don't you? Present opinions as facts then chastise people when they do the same? And apparently the guy you cited that wrote that is the only one that even believes that. Well besides you.

Oxford Academic - The origins of the great pandemic
Abandon has stuck to objective and verifiable facts. If you get emotional over reading them the problem lies in yourself.

It's a complicated issue and you claim an unimportant detail as being untrue -- so, cite it and illuminate us with the unimportant detail, we have time. It's unimportant because "if true", that still does not make the rest of what AC says wrong. As I said before, the untrue part of your post is the claim AC is promoting hate of "China". He's clearly not doing that.


Well-Known Member
Abandon has stuck to objective and verifiable facts. If you get emotional over reading them the problem lies in yourself.

It's a complicated issue and you claim an unimportant detail as being untrue -- so, cite it and illuminate us with the unimportant detail, we have time. It's unimportant because "if true", that still does not make the rest of what AC says wrong. As I said before, the untrue part of your post is the claim AC is promoting hate of "China". He's clearly not doing that.
Haha. Objective and verifiable facts. Zedd already proved that untrue. I just did it again. I left the citation at the bottom. Did you miss it?


Well-Known Member
Haha. Objective and verifiable facts. Zedd already proved that untrue. I just did it again. I left the citation at the bottom. Did you miss it?
It's easy to say. So, shred what AC said, then. Do it honestly, though. The point of the thread is that the Chinese Communist Party-run government is corrupt and their country should be boycotted. Until they are out of power, I guess. Let's get to the nuts and bolts of this. Answer with facts and details. Why is that hate-speech?


Well-Known Member
It's unimportant because "if true", that still does not make the rest of what AC says wrong.
It's easy to say. So, shred what AC said, then. Do it honestly, though. The point of the thread is that the Chinese Communist Party-run government is corrupt and should be boycotted. Let's get to the nuts and bolts of this. Answer with facts and details. Why is that hate-speech?
Why would he blame an entire nation of people, he didn't say government he said people, for the 1918 pandemic when it isn't true. To sow hate. It's things like that that show his true intent.


Well-Known Member
1 thread of Chinese hate wasn't enough for you!!?? You had to make a 2nd one to satisfy you!! Ohh man. I'm starting to think maybe this sick obsession stems from a deep and hurtful rejection from a Chinese woman or man when they found out the rumors of large western penises weren't true in your case. #Freud

Also, you presented the 1918 "Spanish" flu origin of Chinese as fact. It is not. You like to do that don't you? Present opinions as facts then chastise people when they do the same? And apparently the guy you cited that wrote that is the only one that even believes that. Well besides you.

Oxford Academic - The origins of the great pandemic
I love Taiwan. I have been there many times and spent months. Saingapore too. Not sure how you got any of what you said from my arguments against the CCP but you're also the guy who thinks there are bushmeat markets all over Asia. There's only one country where it's legal and that's PRC. The rest of your post is impertinent personal insults your just made up.

Pretty much nothing of substance here.

I like how you put "Spanish" in parenthesis there as if to suggest it originated in Spain. There are dozens of researchers from several disciplines who argue that the 1918 pandemic originated in China. I posted one. It doesn't mean I could only find one. The Langford study is cited by a whole lot of scholars. The Chinese laborers having spread it throughout the world is the most plausible. I cited Humphries because he described it succinctly. You're so offended by the facts, I'm not singling you out or lobbing insults at you. Calm down, comrade.



Well-Known Member
Haha. Objective and verifiable facts. Zedd already proved that untrue. I just did it again. I left the citation at the bottom. Did you miss it?
What did he prove untrue? It's not a fucking bio-weapon. Why not cite something if you believe that hasn't been proven?


Well-Known Member
I love Taiwan. I have been there many times and spent months. Saingapore too. Not sure how you got any of what you said from my arguments against the CCP but you're also the guy who thinks there are bushmeat markets all over Asia. There's only one country where it's legal and that's PRC. The rest of your post is impertinent personal insults your just made up.

Pretty much nothing of substance here.

I like how you put "Spanish" in parenthesis there as if to suggest it originated in Spain. There are dozens of researchers from several disciplines who argue that the 1918 pandemic originated in China. I posted one. It doesn't mean I could only find one. The Langford study is cited by a whole lot of scholars. The Chinese laborers having spread it throughout the world is the most plausible. I cited Humphries because he described it succinctly. You're so offended by the facts, I'm not singling you out or lobbing insults at you. Calm down, comrade.

I agree that the Chinese government is corrupt and murderous. But after this it's pretty clear to see that most are. Trump had weeks, a month to prepare. Did nothing. Lots of dead.

I put Spanish in parentheses to emphasize how dangerous it is to put a region to a disease.

Everybody just references Humphries really. Like USA today?

Go YouTube Thailand wet market right now. Go YouTube Vietnam wet market right now.