Can one be gay and not know it?

dude at work was married...was offering pills and a good time to a teenager.--eharmony420

LOL, sounds like every other adult male I ever worked with when I was a teenager.

It would seem that many men--regardless of sexual orientation--hit on teens, and offer them drugs. (Some women do, too, so please don't think I'm being a sexist man-hater. ;-) )

*smooches to all, and to all a good night! :fire:
a couple i know are getting divorced after a 4 year marriage.
the guy says he has just realised he is gay
When I was in high school, the one teacher's husband left her for another man.... shame they still had a son in the school... a year older than me...
My (male) friend had had sex with a chick years before he had figured out he's gay. I think it's normal for a lot of gay people to enter into hetro relationships thinking that attraction/arousal/love just wasn't as intense as it's pumped up to be. Then, later on when they feel the real thing with someone of their gender, it clicks.

Apparently this can take years. Luckily, some of us figure it out sooner than others.
Plenty of gay dude couples never do anal. Despite the fact that they are gay, they still have internalized homophobia, and neither is comfortable being penetrated, or indeed penetrating, because they feel it makes them less of a man.

Took me a while to get over the idea that wearing a strap-on would make me less of a lady, or that it was a "gross" "dyke-ish" or just plain embarrassing.

There is nothing outside the man which can defile him if it goes into him; but the things which proceed out of the man are what defile the man. -Mark 7:15
It means putting what ever you like into yourself is OK. (cocks, drugs, booze etc).

But saying and doing Negetive things to people is bad.
Wy not just find some gay guy, and try it out?
Just don't be a bi-sexaul male. you could be responsible to spreading a disease to innocent straight people.
Sorry if this sounds insensitive, but It is a hard fact.
Wy not just find some gay guy, and try it out?
Just don't be a bi-sexaul male. you could be responsible to spreading a disease to innocent straight people.
Sorry if this sounds insensitive, but It is a hard fact.

Its a hard fact? So because someone is attracted to both male and female, that means you are enevitably spreading deseases to straight people. Two things wrong there,

1)You can have safe sex with anyone, no matter who you are.
2)what makes straight people more innocent then gay people?
I'm not a liberal
I am not gay
If you were dating or married to my daughter, and decided to have sex with an HIV pos male, and somehow ( GEE I DON'T KNOW HOW THIS HAPPENED, honey), and infected this female, what do you think I have the morral right to do to you ?
That is MORAL right, not legal.
I think you would be pretty fuck'n dead, pretty fuck'n fast.
BY the way, KINGB420,
I wish I lived in your area.
Nothing like sweet young things getting to know each other, even better if I'm the MEAT in that sandwich