Changing opinion on Global Warming

Who said it was? When was that ever claimed by anyone? When you put that last comment at the end of the thread starter, you must have thought that was what people were touting as settled science.

Also, why are you trying so hard to convince me that you're not upset? You're an idiot, just get over it.
You want me to be upset? OKAY I'M VERY UPSET NOW. SO UPSET IM TALKING IN ALL CAPS!! ha ha ha

I actually tried pretty hard to get you to converse with me back on page one and you went into troll mode with the same repeated question. At least that is how I remember it.

Off to make rosin! Cheerios!
I'll be me.

You opened a thread to give your view and it got punted because it is shit. There is no "alarmist" science. There is science, and there are articles by bloggers and media outlets that argue over whether or not we should be alarmed. If you don't know the difference between a peer reviewed study and a news article, maybe you should not make threads on the internet. Maybe just stfu and keep your uninformed, retarded ass opinion to yourself.

Meanwhile, the fucking science is settled.

Did someone piss the bed this morning?
Ha ha, maybe I won't. Free speech can be a bitch, no? No need to be ugly other than a continued troll.

You might be surprised to learn that lots of the underlined stuff in his article are things called links. Many go to peer reviewed studies. I know how you love those.
This is not a learning place.

This is the area where geniuses fluff each other vigorously.
Geothermal and solar are both solid technologies available at the local level. A reduced dependence on centralized utilities is a good thing

Yeah... we need to talk tech sometime, soon.

I'm already using a heat pump and I think the two approaches can create some synergies.
You want me to be upset? OKAY I'M VERY UPSET NOW. SO UPSET IM TALKING IN ALL CAPS!! ha ha ha

I actually tried pretty hard to get you to converse with me back on page one and you went into troll mode with the same repeated question. At least that is how I remember it.

Off to make rosin! Cheerios!
There is nothing to converse about. The science is settled, that's why your post consists wholly of trying to convince that you're not upset.

I'm sorry. You are right.

The articles he linked are basically saying we shouldn't worry about this.

Some of the links in the rebuttal to the rebuttal were low budget blogs.
No worries. It is just how I write, I seem to have a pissed off tone, which is made all the worse by my cynicism and sarcasm. I think I get it from my mother. My dad always said she has "resting bitch face", she's not upset, that's just her face.
It took 50 years for the tobacco industry to admit smoking causes cancer. But their first arguments were that The science isn't settled, Cancer is caused by other things and it just isn't as bad as you think.

All the time knowing that they sold a product that caused cancer.

I see similarities between Big Tobacco and Big Energy
So if the science is settled, why did you just discuss three different views? Hmmm? That doesn't sound settled.

If you actually read the link you would find links to peer reviewed studies that do not support the high end of the warming range.

I will gladly concede that I do not know anyone who believes or argues that the climate is not changing.

and to think at one time i thought of you as mildly intelligent.

you are shit for brains.
Both techs are solid. Solar drops a tad in efficiency, then stabilizes. Panels are cheap, no motor mounts to track sun.

It's more than it would cost me to buy a new roof. Is what I meant by expensive.

It'll cheapen up as time progresses.

It doesn't continue to drop in efficiency?
What are your non-governmental solutions to this most dire problem?
Everything the Government says is true, you regurgitate this with great aplomb...
You have been provided with numerous peer reviewed studies which are contrary to your governmentaly provided viewpoint...
And yet, you then imitate an ostrich and call people names who disagree with you.

we make fun of people like you who called climate change a "hoax", dipshit.
It took 50 years for the tobacco industry to admit smoking causes cancer. But their first arguments were that The science isn't settled, Cancer is caused by other things and it just isn't as bad as you think.

All the time knowing that they sold a product that caused cancer.

I see similarities between Big Tobacco and Big Energy

hell, the same companies that tried to convince us the science wasn't settled about smoking and cancer are now doing the same for climate change.

see the heartland institute, for just one example.

people like OP eat that shit up. it's sad.
Both techs are solid. Solar drops a tad in efficiency, then stabilizes. Panels are cheap, no motor mounts to track sun.
Yes panels are cheap but with buying cheap you get bad efficiency i own a off grid 10,000 watt home system @ 46,000 $$ installed this included 3000 watt wind generator figure that out cost per WATT which covers complete half off house roof ,,
I think people are mis lead into thinking ? we are mainly the cause of Global warming.
When in fact we are just a spec in the entire universe , something is effecting the entire solar system.
The planets and the sun are physically changing , at a accelerated pace
So with any changes of the sun will directly cause change to us being the sun is our life line
We know the suns magnetic field has changed in the last 100 years.
Since 1901 the suns magnetic field has increased 230 percent
Are you aware the Earths moon is growing a atmosphere ????
Venus 2500 percent increase in auroral brightness and substantive Global atmospheric change in the last 40 years
How about Mars ???? Global warming , huge storms and disappearance of polar ice caps
Now Earth major geological weather change stronger hurricane like storms , droughts ,
The earths Axis has changed , A dramatic increase in Earth quakes , erupting Volcano's are happening more frequently ..
Land slides, Floods
Putting it into perspective since 1963 the over all number of natural disasters have increased 410 percent .. Volcano activity since 1875 overall activity 500 percent earthquake activity since 1972 400 percent increase
The earths magnetic field has been decreasing for a long time its really started taking off 500 years ago ,, but in last 20 years its become erratic..
We tend to think our solar system is stationery but we have been moving as a solar disk through space Scientists believe or have come to the conclusion that we have moved into a area of space that is different and has a much higher energy level ..
We all can think we are or have changed our Earth truth is Government has known this and using Global warming as a tool for some agenda or another
We can stop everything tommorow and go back to the cave man era its not going to make a difference as to where the Earth is headed its Evolution its a set path decided by non humans its there and its changing nothing and i mean NOTHING we can or will do will change Earths future

PS the sun is 30 perent brighter then when it was formed eventually it will engulf Earth
It is rather funny to see the ad hominem attacks that occur in this forum when someone has an opinion on the impact of AGW that is anything other than that put out by the IPCC. Because I think the lower end of the IPCC prediction range is most likely, I am an idiot, a retard, and a couple other nasty names. Oh well, so it goes. It would have been fun to explore the topic with those that have other ideas but the nature of RIU politics is what it is. :bigjoint: