Changing opinion on Global Warming

Present even one comment I have ever made on this forum that even hints at this, ya dingus.

Well of course the climate changes, which is what I said.
It does not require the assistance of mankind to accomplish this change.
AC has an unhealthy obsession for peer reviewed papers which nurture his sense of Statist faith...

What are your non-governmental solutions to this most dire problem?
Everything the Government says is true, you regurgitate this with great aplomb...
You have been provided with numerous peer reviewed studies which are contrary to your governmentaly provided viewpoint...
And yet, you then imitate an ostrich and call people names who disagree with you.
Not really an answer, but I admire your spunk and consistency!
Big giant Government shall save us all...:bigjoint:
Speaking of consistency, I just wanted to point out that your first line in your first comment in this thread was a personal attack against me and a falsehood. You have followed that up by ignoring my response and then fallaciously claiming that my next argument did not answer your red herring that did in fact answer your purile question. So my previous retort still stands unanswered. Find one post where I have ever even hinted that I am an unabashed statist.

The government can't save us, the gov't is the biggest obstacle to our ability to save ourselves. I have never wavered from this stance. By all means, continue with your fallacious and false insistence that I am advocating something I'm not. It only proves you can't address my arguments.
Happy to stop bitching because I'm in a great mood. I really appreciate you respecting my free speech, mighty big of you. Step into the light brother! You are carrying so much darkness! :bigjoint:
You've been downgraded to sharing a post with this other idiot since you're just talking from both sides of your mouth. You suggested the science is not settled, yet didn't post any science, then did a 180 and admitted the science is in fact settled. You're an idiot. No wonder you're in such a good mood, ignorance is bliss.
What is the free market solution to global warming?
That's a good question. I guess it would have to occur at the grass roots level with everyone doing more to conserve and being willing to pay a bit more for products that are more energy efficient.
AC is an unabashed Statist who simply parrots the big Government mantra that only the Government can save the future of the planet.

It makes no difference whatsoever that somehow, miraculously, the Earth has survived and endured tumultuous change in climate well before the advent of Human Beings.
Wild gyrations in temperature occurred millions of years Humans around.

No possibility of AGW or AGC...there were no Humans to blame!

The climate has changed dramatically before mankind existed, and will most certainly continue to change when mankind exits the planet.

With or without Humans, you can all rest assured, that the climate will most certainly continue to change.

That's not the point and you know it. The point is that we are changing the climate more rapidly and thus make the environment unable to sustain us.
AC is an unabashed Statist who simply parrots the big Government mantra that only the Government can save the future of the planet.

It makes no difference whatsoever that somehow, miraculously, the Earth has survived and endured tumultuous change in climate well before the advent of Human Beings.
Wild gyrations in temperature occurred millions of years Humans around.

No possibility of AGW or AGC...there were no Humans to blame!

The climate has changed dramatically before mankind existed, and will most certainly continue to change when mankind exits the planet.

With or without Humans, you can all rest assured, that the climate will most certainly continue to change.
Humans can most definitely have an effect.

The real pressure needs to go to the countries producing most of the pollution.

America has cleaned up its act and will work towards making alternative energy cheaper for the world.

China has to make good on its promises and so do the other countries still using dirty coal.

This old canard about not agreeing with alarmism assumes science is alarmist in nature. The findings are the findings and the reaction is either alarmist or not. He says the science is not settled, but he never presented an iota of scientific findings that upend the settled science.

OR maybe he was quibbling over the speed at which the changes might occur or how much of a change would occur.

At least, that's what I got out of it.
Speaking of consistency, I just wanted to point out that your first line in your first comment in this thread was a personal attack against me and a falsehood. You have followed that up by ignoring my response and then fallaciously claiming that my next argument did not answer your red herring that did in fact answer your purile question. So my previous retort still stands unanswered. Find one post where I have ever even hinted that I am an unabashed statist.

The government can't save us, the gov't is the biggest obstacle to our ability to save ourselves. I have never wavered from this stance. By all means, continue with your fallacious and false insistence that I am advocating something I'm not. It only proves you can't address my arguments.

You've been downgraded to sharing a post with this other idiot since you're just talking from both sides of your mouth. You suggested the science is not settled, yet didn't post any science, then did a 180 and admitted the science is in fact settled. You're an idiot. No wonder you're in such a good mood, ignorance is bliss.
Fair enough, nice chatting with you. I'm unbelievably upset by the downgrade. Really hurt my feelings bro.

AGW settled science? The AMOUNT OF WARMING is the part that isn't settled. If you had just read the link I think you could have figured this out. I did, even with my limited intelligence.
The AMOUNT OF WARMING is the part that isn't settled.
Who said it was? When was that ever claimed by anyone? When you put that last comment at the end of the thread starter, you must have thought that was what people were touting as settled science.

Also, why are you trying so hard to convince me that you're not upset? You're an idiot, just get over it.