First SCROG Grow, looking for help from the forum

How long ago did you begin your first grow?

  • Within a year

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • 1-3 years ago

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • 5-10 years ago

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • 10+ years ago

    Votes: 8 50.0%

  • Total voters
If you want to check out Cob lights, take a wander over to the LED thread in the indoor growing part of this site.
Also look for growmau5 on youtube. Check it early videos. Check out greengenes on youtube too.
I will take some photos of my cob set up and my quantum boards when I get home from work.

The double net isn't really a scrog, its two support nets. It helps but its not the same as a scrog. Ideas often get watered down over time.
I Get a decent scrog by filling the first net as tradition and lollipopping all undergrowth. The second layer is only needed if you get big floppers lol
1.5 pounds should be about average for that type setup. With that setup, if you're not netting between 6.5 to 9 ounces per plant, you did something seriously wrong.

I used to scrog when I first started because I figured if I did it would only take one grow per year of two plants. So that's what I did. I netted 8.5 ounces off one plant and 8 off the other and it turned out to be far, far, far more than I could ever use in a year. Wound up giving a lot of it away.

So now I grow two plants per year cropped once and let it go. I still net between 4 and 6 ounces per plant.

So if you're doing a decent yield strain with that setup, if you don't get at least a pound and a half, you should be disappointed.
A meticulous task it seems to be indeed. To be so hands on with the plant vs. letting it just grow out it's natural way seems a bit intimidating but I must be comfortable with the plants and make them what I desire them to be, so trying this method doesn't scare me too bad. Ya gotta learn some how!

So why the 600s you ask? Well, with the reading I've done, I've came to the conclusion that more watts on the lights, the higher the harvest. So, when I say that I was the two 600s, I'm really saying that I'm aiming for the big yield of having those 1200 watts. Who wouldn't want a bigger yield, haha! I actually had been doing some extensive research in the previous two or so days on the heat build up in the tent and really just maintains the heat in general. I read that these HPS lights tend to create a copious amount of heat to begin with, let alone on top of that, cramming into a little 5x5 space! I just figured that maybe somehow, someway I could keep the tent cool and the lights cool as well. There's gotta be someway, but if one 1000 watt is really the way to go then I can suffice. I actually originally planned on going with one 1000 Watt before I got the idea for two 600s. Just trying to figure it all out my friend.

Will do on the fox farms and I'll be sure to do some research on the bonticare cal/mag as well.

I've always heard that indices tend to be shorter and bushy, even wider. Sativas lean towards taller and more stretched out it seems. Really interesting how the same plant can have such different genetics. Speaking of strains being different and what not, do you suggest any specific strains that I might test out for my first grow? Thanks for all the helpful advise mate, I wish I could help you out near as much as you're helping me 8-)

No worries, we are just getting started. And from the look of the poll you posted you have close to a 100 years of combined knowledge in your thread haha.
We are all bringing up points that I'm sure we have all put money into that maybe didn't work as well as we hopped or created different problems. Don't know about you guys but I have a bedroom full of old grow lights/ equipment just laying around as a back up in case something happens. Lots of wasted cash in there. Hopefully you won't have the same problem.

I've just made the jump myself from hps to led's when I moved. I used to run dual 600's,one on a mover. But my single plant net was bigger than your tent space. and my room was much larger to deal with heat issues. With a true scrog plant penetration "which is what you are talking about with the size of lights/watts" becomes a little less pertinent. We don't need to get 30 inches of leaf penetration because we have a mostly flat screen utilizing the light. Gotta roll to work. Check out Quantum boards. I just built a 1000w replacement so they say....for 400 bucks Runs @400 watts at the moment. It's been fantastic in the last week so time will tell.
No worries, we are just getting started. And from the look of the poll you posted you have close to a 100 years of combined knowledge in your thread haha.
We are all bringing up points that I'm sure we have all put money into that maybe didn't work as well as we hopped or created different problems. Don't know about you guys but I have a bedroom full of old grow lights/ equipment just laying around as a back up in case something happens. Lots of wasted cash in there. Hopefully you won't have the same problem.

I've just made the jump myself from hps to led's when I moved. I used to run dual 600's,one on a mover. But my single plant net was bigger than your tent space. and my room was much larger to deal with heat issues. With a true scrog plant penetration "which is what you are talking about with the size of lights/watts" becomes a little less pertinent. We don't need to get 30 inches of leaf penetration because we have a mostly flat screen utilizing the light. Gotta roll to work. Check out Quantum boards. I just built a 1000w replacement so they say....for 400 bucks Runs @400 watts at the moment. It's been fantastic in the last week so time will tell.
Im very interested in your led build. Im about to add my lights to the waisted money pile too lol. Ive seen cobs on other channels get really great gram per watt so i think im going to go that route. Lmk
Sorry if im hogging your

You can use a wet and dry vac. I have one but its a large twin motor one so i made up this:

#6065 < click on.
Very nice setup on the draining system. Very clever I must say. I think it would be delightful to have a whole entire room that I could devote to growing. Ah how I dream of the endless possibilities in projects such as they one you speak of. Might just go with the shop vac to be honest, doesn't seem like a cheap option to me. More or less just an opinion factor. Atleast while I'm in the tents I think this will suffice. Once I move on to bigger and better things though.. better not get ahead of myself, I'm still on the first grow, haha!
G per W can be tricky though


1000w light and get a 1000 grams= 1 gram per w.

Light mover adds 50%

Co2 adds 25% again.
About this, when you see light mover adds 50% and Co2 adds 25% are you referring to added yield or..? Sorry mate, just not quite clear on what ya mean.
If you want to check out Cob lights, take a wander over to the LED thread in the indoor growing part of this site.
Also look for growmau5 on youtube. Check it early videos. Check out greengenes on youtube too.
I will take some photos of my cob set up and my quantum boards when I get home from work.

The double net isn't really a scrog, its two support nets. It helps but its not the same as a scrog. Ideas often get watered down over time.
I'll be sure to check out these fellas on YouTube as well.
Seems to me like these COBs are new to the scene. Would you consider COBs a subcategory of LEDs or are COBs their own category. Also wanted to ask why you guys tend to be leaving the LEDs for these COBs? Not trying to put all the research on you guys by any means, just want to get some main pointers from those who've been hands on their self.
LMAO yea i agree. Hes a weird dude but his information is good. I dont think i could hang out with that guy tho lol..
Haha! Yes definitely a strange fella,
I Get a decent scrog by filling the first net as tradition and lollipopping all undergrowth. The second layer is only needed if you get big floppers lol
was gonna ask about this too. So @wearealldumb, in situations where you have those super heavy colas, you use the second screen just for support? I thought maybe I would use string to hold these heavy colas up if the complication arises but haven't quite figured out what exactly they would be tied to.. any suggestions on this?
1.5 pounds should be about average for that type setup. With that setup, if you're not netting between 6.5 to 9 ounces per plant, you did something seriously wrong.

I used to scrog when I first started because I figured if I did it would only take one grow per year of two plants. So that's what I did. I netted 8.5 ounces off one plant and 8 off the other and it turned out to be far, far, far more than I could ever use in a year. Wound up giving a lot of it away.

So now I grow two plants per year cropped once and let it go. I still net between 4 and 6 ounces per plant.

So if you're doing a decent yield strain with that setup, if you don't get at least a pound and a half, you should be disappointed.
Glad you think I can achieve these numbers @TacoMac. I like how you went about your grow so you only had to do one grow a year to keep yourself supplied until the next rolls along. I'm aiming for the same kind of idea except I medicate on the heavier side so this is why I would like to have these big results. But I've never met anyone who aimed for a small yield ;) mind showing some pics of your grow setup? Very curious to see it if you've got any!
There is no "setup". It's a 600 watt MH/HPS and two pots in the basement. I use home made reflectors I made that I use (3 panel cardboard displays with mylar space blankets glued to them). Presently, I don't have a grow going as I've still got 6 32 oz. large mouth mason jars full of white widow from the last grow.
No worries, we are just getting started. And from the look of the poll you posted you have close to a 100 years of combined knowledge in your thread haha.
We are all bringing up points that I'm sure we have all put money into that maybe didn't work as well as we hopped or created different problems. Don't know about you guys but I have a bedroom full of old grow lights/ equipment just laying around as a back up in case something happens. Lots of wasted cash in there. Hopefully you won't have the same problem.

I've just made the jump myself from hps to led's when I moved. I used to run dual 600's,one on a mover. But my single plant net was bigger than your tent space. and my room was much larger to deal with heat issues. With a true scrog plant penetration "which is what you are talking about with the size of lights/watts" becomes a little less pertinent. We don't need to get 30 inches of leaf penetration because we have a mostly flat screen utilizing the light. Gotta roll to work. Check out Quantum boards. I just built a 1000w replacement so they say....for 400 bucks Runs @400 watts at the moment. It's been fantastic in the last week so time will tell.
Really wish I would've smarted up and posted months ago. I would be lightyears ahead of where I'm at now if I would've done so! Ya live and ya learn though.:lol: Ah, the ole grow graveyard as I've heard it referred to as. I came across a post on another thread a couple of weeks back where some verteran growers were warning to make sure you get the best equipment and know what you're buying. Doing other wise can result in a bigger graveyard I've heard and that's no bueno, my friend. Looking to make the most out of every single one of my purchases.

I cannot ignore how much I'm hearing you guys say you've made the switch from LED to HPS. I may have mentioned this earlier, but just wanted to ask about a main concern I have with LEDs. I've often heard rumors of LEDs resulting in airy buds that lack that dense feel we all love so much. Is this true or just another rumor that's passed through the years? I would love to go the green route on this, so if I can save on power consumption, I'd love to. Overtime my pockets will thank me as well :mrgreen:

Quantum boards huh? Never heard of this but just looked up some pictures and my goodness it seems promising. A lot of other growers running this setup? So only drawing 400watts on a 1000watt setup. Got a thread on this? Would love to see some pictures, good day mate
I'll be sure to check out these fellas on YouTube as well.
Seems to me like these COBs are new to the scene. Would you consider COBs a subcategory of LEDs or are COBs their own category. Also wanted to ask why you guys tend to be leaving the LEDs for these COBs? Not trying to put all the research on you guys by any means, just want to get some main pointers from those who've been hands on their self.
LED tech has changed a lot. It used to be that all people could choose was blurple lights, been mainly red and blue single diodes, lots of promises were made by manufacturers about how they were so great, they tuned the spectrum toward what was thought to be needed to grow plants, so they could produce the amount of light needed for less wattage. The problem was and still is that outrageous claims were made and that fact plants need a whole lot more than just red and blue light.
Cobs (chip on board) are an LED but they use white light to give a much broader spectrum, they are very efficient so you can create the same amount of light for less watts. So you can run a room cooler, or you can have more light for the same wattage and same heat.
They are basically lots of tiny diodes on one chip. They are LEDs, just not mono or single diodes.
Quantum boards (or other boards using same high efficient chips) are like a cross between. They are single diodes but the same white light is used instead of blues and reds mixed, they use Samsung diodes which are one of the most efficient, so again for every watt used they are creating a lot of photons. They are pretty powerful.
Compared to HPS Cobs are new to the scene, they have been about for a few years though. This is what a lot of folks in the LED community use these days. Unfortunately the blurple light manufacturers still pump out lights and the sales pitch is full of false advertising. That technology is so cheap and the lies so bold people still fall for it. This gives all LEDs a bad name.

The reason some people go from HPS to LED is either to reduce power consumption and heat or to try and get better yield from using the same wattage. An example would be Growmau5 who was hitting less than 1gpw with HPS and went to hitting 1.4gpw with COBs

I'm only just starting with LED in comparison to my HPS grows, but so far I'm hitting bigger yields than I did. But my other parts of my system has changed at the same time my lights changed. It would be unfair to make big claims without more LED grows under my belt.
Haha! Yes definitely a strange fella,

was gonna ask about this too. So @wearealldumb, in situations where you have those super heavy colas, you use the second screen just for support? I thought maybe I would use string to hold these heavy colas up if the complication arises but haven't quite figured out what exactly they would be tied to.. any suggestions on this?
Of course thats exactly what the second trellis does. Ties are always another option. I just add the second trellis so i dont have string all over. As far as finding a spot to hook it too youll have to get creative maybe hooks in the ceiling if thats possable.
LED tech has changed a lot. It used to be that all people could choose was blurple lights, been mainly red and blue single diodes, lots of promises were made by manufacturers about how they were so great, they tuned the spectrum toward what was thought to be needed to grow plants, so they could produce the amount of light needed for less wattage. The problem was and still is that outrageous claims were made and that fact plants need a whole lot more than just red and blue light........

I'm only just starting with LED in comparison to my HPS grows, but so far I'm hitting bigger yields than I did. But my other parts of my system has changed at the same time my lights changed. It would be unfair to make big claims without more LED grows under my belt.

I Couldnt of said it better. Cobs are nice because you can add any spectrum to your final light. Adding multiple spectrums gives it a nice boost. I think growmau5 called it the emmerson effect. Another thing is that you can add ir light.. never seen this done but im curious. Watching his youtube channel will help the most because you can visually see what to do.
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Really wish I would've smarted up and posted months ago. I would be lightyears ahead of where I'm at now if I would've done so! Ya live and ya learn though.:lol: Ah, the ole grow graveyard as I've heard it referred to as. I came across a post on another thread a couple of weeks back where some verteran growers were warning to make sure you get the best equipment and know what you're buying. Doing other wise can result in a bigger graveyard I've heard and that's no bueno, my friend. Looking to make the most out of every single one of my purchases.

I cannot ignore how much I'm hearing you guys say you've made the switch from LED to HPS. I may have mentioned this earlier, but just wanted to ask about a main concern I have with LEDs. I've often heard rumors of LEDs resulting in airy buds that lack that dense feel we all love so much. Is this true or just another rumor that's passed through the years? I would love to go the green route on this, so if I can save on power consumption, I'd love to. Overtime my pockets will thank me as well :mrgreen:

Quantum boards huh? Never heard of this but just looked up some pictures and my goodness it seems promising. A lot of other growers running this setup? So only drawing 400watts on a 1000watt setup. Got a thread on this? Would love to see some pictures, good day mate
Dont over look the HID. They work. Whilst lots are moving into LED, COBS etc HID are proven performers especially were yield vs cost comes into play. Large commercial growers use them for a reason.
THats a bold claim at 50% more yield. I wouldnt take that seriously. I will say light movers are can put lights closer to the plants and have even light coverage if you dont really rotate your plants and that will help your plants become bigger. It deffinately helps but you will not see 50% more yield.