PSA for noobs like me. Get glasses before you start growing. the led light.... you might be tempted to believe wont hurt you , you are probably right unless looking directly into them (the cheap ones for lettuce for germ) . If you have really good eyes like i do you can tell just from being in the same room as it indirectly for a week or two that in dark rooms your night vision is getting bleached dark. I encourage wearing eye protection even in indirect exposure. Getting into the habit of not wearing them while using the cheaper germination lights is a really bad idea. So even though the cheaper leds or incandescents might not be particularly dangerous, looking at them will still screw you up due to the way light intensity falls off at square of distance and you will be staring at them up close the first time trust me. Wear the glasses always , so when you fire up the portable sun (cmh315) after the little incandescent your stoner brain is already trained to reach for glasses before looking at it. 5 seconds looking at the wash coming out the air intake and I have a big box in my field of vision. Another thing to think about is the ir you cant see but can cook the retina. Protect your sight you will need it to inspect nuggets later, hopefully.
As mentor says Rule number one to growing is leave it alone and let it grow. Rule number two is if you cant figure out whats broke follow your water schedule and dont fix it. They give ya time to fix most things so you can wait till you know what is going on. Or you make it much worse rapidly. Trust me when i say rule number one is the hard one. Proper pot, proper water schedule. Then leave it alone. Solo cup as soon as it cracks , 1 gal smart pot at 7 leaves / 6 inches , and finish in a 10gal . Its huge , happy roots happy stoner at the end its worth it . It both allows you to mediate nute lock problems by 20% runoff each time and watering every 2-3 days as needed.
1 inch square pot i used under a fan needed watering 3 or 4 times a day 2-4ml depending on seedling state.
Stupid jiffy pot that stunted her, took about 1 solid watering a day might hit it at night to make sure it didnt dry out.
Solo cup , its kinda perfect once you put 4 or 5 holes in the bottom, Its deep enough to match a 1 gal smart pot almost exactly. Roots just explode outwards if you time it right. Watering anywhere from once per 3 days to spot watering in a ring around sprout till she drinks to ramp up to once per 3 days.
The first two pots did nothing but make me tend to the plants WAY more than ideal. Rule number 1.
Also , the nute mix. I mixed the bloom and micro to give me 5-5-5. If you follow exactly what i did , we might have a bit of a leafy result. When we caught this I got a lesson in results of nutes early on. You can make short plants tall plants little nugs everywhere , you can make them really leafy or the goal of probably everyone you can make them make enormous buds. Get one thing thru your head early on mr overthinker..... you do NOT want natural pot plants. They are straight corn stalk looking things quit overthinking and follow your mentors directions. Even if you screw up and misunderstand the nute mix for a week its gonna be way better than what you would do.
Im waiting on the call for the delivery guy and wanted to share something more than pictures. Hope someone finds it useful
Ridiculously bright, Keep yer lil ones away from this even. Crappy picture , its the intake to the tent. Indirect light from cmh315 @ 4 feet .
Oh set that height more or less by the temperature you have at the foilage . 77 is my current target. Humidity according to books should be 65, it is what it is though its growing so dont fix it. You could buy the fancy light meter but the bottom line is you care about the temperature. . . alot. So you give it as much light as you can give it while maintaining those nice 72-77 temps with indirect fan indirectly moving air. . Simple. Come back in an hour and make sure its not stretching (if it is move light closer adjust fans to lower temps to target) if its burning move it off. Once you get that, then all you need to mind is the ambient temperature of the tent room. I find 66 on the thermostat , results in a workable enviroment for me and the plant. Its gonna have to be lower than your target obviously. If your tent warms slowly , duct the exhaust away towards the tent room door. Simply pointing it at the door was the feather that tipped the temp battle scales for me.

As mentor says Rule number one to growing is leave it alone and let it grow. Rule number two is if you cant figure out whats broke follow your water schedule and dont fix it. They give ya time to fix most things so you can wait till you know what is going on. Or you make it much worse rapidly. Trust me when i say rule number one is the hard one. Proper pot, proper water schedule. Then leave it alone. Solo cup as soon as it cracks , 1 gal smart pot at 7 leaves / 6 inches , and finish in a 10gal . Its huge , happy roots happy stoner at the end its worth it . It both allows you to mediate nute lock problems by 20% runoff each time and watering every 2-3 days as needed.
1 inch square pot i used under a fan needed watering 3 or 4 times a day 2-4ml depending on seedling state.
Stupid jiffy pot that stunted her, took about 1 solid watering a day might hit it at night to make sure it didnt dry out.
Solo cup , its kinda perfect once you put 4 or 5 holes in the bottom, Its deep enough to match a 1 gal smart pot almost exactly. Roots just explode outwards if you time it right. Watering anywhere from once per 3 days to spot watering in a ring around sprout till she drinks to ramp up to once per 3 days.
The first two pots did nothing but make me tend to the plants WAY more than ideal. Rule number 1.
Also , the nute mix. I mixed the bloom and micro to give me 5-5-5. If you follow exactly what i did , we might have a bit of a leafy result. When we caught this I got a lesson in results of nutes early on. You can make short plants tall plants little nugs everywhere , you can make them really leafy or the goal of probably everyone you can make them make enormous buds. Get one thing thru your head early on mr overthinker..... you do NOT want natural pot plants. They are straight corn stalk looking things quit overthinking and follow your mentors directions. Even if you screw up and misunderstand the nute mix for a week its gonna be way better than what you would do.
Im waiting on the call for the delivery guy and wanted to share something more than pictures. Hope someone finds it useful
Ridiculously bright, Keep yer lil ones away from this even. Crappy picture , its the intake to the tent. Indirect light from cmh315 @ 4 feet .
Oh set that height more or less by the temperature you have at the foilage . 77 is my current target. Humidity according to books should be 65, it is what it is though its growing so dont fix it. You could buy the fancy light meter but the bottom line is you care about the temperature. . . alot. So you give it as much light as you can give it while maintaining those nice 72-77 temps with indirect fan indirectly moving air. . Simple. Come back in an hour and make sure its not stretching (if it is move light closer adjust fans to lower temps to target) if its burning move it off. Once you get that, then all you need to mind is the ambient temperature of the tent room. I find 66 on the thermostat , results in a workable enviroment for me and the plant. Its gonna have to be lower than your target obviously. If your tent warms slowly , duct the exhaust away towards the tent room door. Simply pointing it at the door was the feather that tipped the temp battle scales for me.

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