Florida Republicans fight to keep medical Marijuana off ballot

Fair enough, I think we were both arguing over each other instead of with each for the most part anyway. There was so much idiocy in this thread from both sides....

There was one person here who equates decriminalizing drugs with it will be legal to steal to pay for it. It's just hard to have a debate when the peanut gallery comes up with gems like that.


rawn pawl fanboi thinks it's a good idea to legalize or decriminalize heroin. that's funny.
Are cigarettes legal in florida? Tobacco legal to grow for personal use?


Noone ever had a car accident from a heart attack from smoking cigs and drinking beer?


Let's be real. "Societys interest" means taxes.

"Marijuana illegal but cigarettes cool....if you want to synthesize I empathize".(coke, crack and heroin)

Thanks Outkast for clearing that up for us.

real world examples like what's going on in Portugal says you need to stop yapping about things you nothing of.

so portugal, estonia, and latvia are great examples that we can learn from, but germany, japan, england, switzerland, hong kong, japan, france, and elsewhere are off limits for us to learn from with respect to health care?

you're a swell guy.
Let's be real. "Societys interest" means taxes.

I watched assholes claim gay marriage would be the downfall of society
Our recent past includes banning inter-racial marriage based on what's good for society
Even further back was eugenics "for the greater good"
bush argued for the Patriot act for the good of our society

I'm really tired of the central planners bitching about what other central planners want, when they think forcing their ideals on everyone is righteous. Collectivism sucks donkey balls no matter how you slice it.
so portugal, estonia, and latvia are great examples that we can learn from, but germany, japan, england, switzerland, hong kong, japan, france, and elsewhere are off limits for us to learn from with respect to health care?

you're a swell guy.

did we learn anything from those countries regarding the UCA? Are you really that stupid to think we have ANYTHING that looks like what they have? It's like you are saying that you want what they have so you will support O'care even though it's totally different.

I give you real world examples, you try to debunk those claims by saying stupid shit like decriminalizing is the same as allowing people to steal.

Shouldn't you be telling a penis joke you stole from C4 while criticizing a repost of an email joke? This thinking thing seems too tough for you.
did we learn anything from those countries regarding the UCA? Are you really that stupid to think we have ANYTHING that looks like what they have?

so you're saying that we should have more government involvement with health care then, since all the models from successful nations shows that's how it works best.

so you're saying that we should have more government involvement with health care then, since all the models from successful nations shows that's how it works best.


no, actually you are the one that says that's what works best, yet you support the UCA with such fervor. In fact, you use those countries as a reason WE should support it so the rest of us can look as stupid as you, no thanks man.

This is a fun little exercise that exposes the collectivist hypocrisy on both sides
Do you support a 50 year old gay male's right to marry another man? yes/no why?
Do you support that sames man's right to purchase health insurance that doesn't cover maternity care? yes/no why?

You and the moral majority collectivist will have the same answers in opposite order yet you will both argue over who gets to tell the other how their central planning is best. One answer will be based on rights and freedom and the other for what you feel is best for society. If you can't answer yes to both, you support oppression and are nothing more than a hypocrite.
no, actually you are the one that says that's what works best, yet you support the UCA with such fervor. In fact, you use those countries as a reason WE should support it so the rest of us can look as stupid as you, no thanks man.

This is a fun little exercise that exposes the collectivist hypocrisy on both sides
Do you support a 50 year old gay male's right to marry another man? yes/no why?
Do you support that sames man's right to purchase health insurance that doesn't cover maternity care? yes/no why?

You and the moral majority collectivist will have the same answers in opposite order yet you will both argue over who gets to tell the other how their central planning is best. One answer will be based on rights and freedom and the other for what you feel is best for society. If you can't answer yes to both, you support oppression and are nothing more than a hypocrite.

Yes, I support the right for anyone to marry anyone person they choose. What business is it of mine?
Yes, I think they should be required to pay insurance that even covers maternity care, because as a nation, as citizens of a collective should help contribute to the wellbeing of others. If not for humanity's sake.
no, actually you are the one that says that's what works best, yet you support the UCA with such fervor. In fact, you use those countries as a reason WE should support it so the rest of us can look as stupid as you, no thanks man.

This is a fun little exercise that exposes the collectivist hypocrisy on both sides
Do you support a 50 year old gay male's right to marry another man? yes/no why?
Do you support that sames man's right to purchase health insurance that doesn't cover maternity care? yes/no why?

You and the moral majority collectivist will have the same answers in opposite order yet you will both argue over who gets to tell the other how their central planning is best. One answer will be based on rights and freedom and the other for what you feel is best for society. If you can't answer yes to both, you support oppression and are nothing more than a hypocrite.

name one other nation that covers all their citizens for less than what we pay to cover only some of ours that doesn't have an individual mandate.

your question is only another illustration that you don't get how insurance works. at all. clueless. completely clueless.

you are an ideologue and your empty headed rhetoric will not bring us any closer to the health care system we need.
Yes, I support the right for anyone to marry anyone person they choose. What business is it of mine?
Yes, I think they should be required to pay insurance that even covers maternity care, because as a nation, as citizens of a collective should help contribute to the wellbeing of others. If not for humanity's sake.

i also think the mother who needs maternity care should be required to have insurance that also cover prostate exams she will never need.

failwilly doesn't get how pooling reduces costs, because he is an ideologue with empty talking points. talks a lot and never says a thing.
Yes, I support the right for anyone to marry anyone person they choose. What business is it of mine?
Yes, I think they should be required to pay insurance that even covers maternity care, because as a nation, as citizens of a collective should help contribute to the wellbeing of others. If not for humanity's sake.

and ask the moral majority person and their answer will be the exact same but in different order. Why do you get to tell everyone what YOU think is best when the unintended consequence is when THOSE idiots have power and do it.

Have you seen the reasons the religious nuts give against gay marriage? sounds like your answer why that gay man needs to buy maternity coverage. There answer is in the negative, but the same. It's detrimental to... blah blah blah.

Nope, you can both stop telling society what's best for them and let us advance the way we do in spite of your shackles. You will not find advancements in history that will beat what freedom has brought us.
and ask the moral majority person and their answer will be the exact same but in different order. Why do you get to tell everyone what YOU think is best when the unintended consequence is when THOSE idiots have power and do it.

Have you seen the reasons the religious nuts give against gay marriage? sounds like your answer why that gay man needs to buy maternity coverage. There answer is in the negative, but the same. It's detrimental to... blah blah blah.

Nope, you can both stop telling society what's best for them and let us advance the way we do in spite of your shackles. You will not find advancements in history that will beat what freedom has brought us.

I am confused by your statement. Can you break it down into bite sized chunks for my tiny brain please.

Do you agree that a person should have the right to choose whomever they want to marry?
Do you agree that same said person should pay their portion of maternity care, even though they may never have a child?
i also think the mother who needs maternity care should be required to have insurance that also cover prostate exams she will never need.

failwilly doesn't get how pooling reduces costs, because he is an ideologue with empty talking points. talks a lot and never says a thing.

Hey man, just looking out for ya, one of your "look at me!!" threads is near the bottom of the page, you want me to bump it for ya or have you got it again?
Hey man, just looking out for ya, one of your "look at me!!" threads is near the bottom of the page, you want me to bump it for ya or have you got it again?

i'll bump my own thread if i have something relevant to add.

i may have to just make a buck's bogart every night of the week, as they seem to piss you off so much.
I am confused by your statement. Can you break it down into bite sized chunks for my tiny brain please.

Do you agree that a person should have the right to choose whomever they want to marry?
Do you agree that same said person should pay their portion of maternity care, even though they may never have a child?

Yes, we live in a free society and a person's choices are their own to make.
No, same answer.
i'm pretty sure most people get that pooling reduces costs, not just see4.

in fact, you may be the only person who doesn't get it.

I get it, that's why I argue that I should be able to pool with my neighbors, bowling team and the guy at the laundromat to reduce the costs of our insurance plans. It's a shame you support a bill that won't allowing this.