And so we have the Marlboro man, riding off in the sunset with his code of conduct and his lack of need for anyone at all. What a small crock this is when viewed in perspective. We NEVER had the #1 medical system in the world when it came to over all care. The further entrenchment is a result of a free enterprise system runnimg rampant on citizens. This is not a society of individuals alone, it is a United STATES, not a inited individual E pluibus Unum, not in many..... many.
People in this country have been telling others how to live from day one, from the pilgrims themselves. The right wishes to impose it's will upon the people, fearing national debt they want to impose their will on the status quo, the poor, the working class while masterfully asserting that the rich (and by virtue of that assertion, everyone) be "free" and unencumbered.
This country now is interconnected in ways we cannot even untangle but you still want to believe that you have no help and need no help. Bullshit, you simply don't want to see the help you have gotten, and believe me, should you need government assistance, and you are cornered, you will take it. All conservatives are against "government handouts" until one is offered to them. then they don't call it a hand out any more.
An armed society is a polite society unless the person in front of you is texting during a movie.
Like it or not we are a community and like it or not, the more there is a disparity between one member of that community and another the fewer rights you actually preserve, but you see it differently. You actually believe you are independen and self sustaining. Resenting anyone who might take abit of what you think is all, rightfully yours.
Living in he United States costs money, some can't afford it, others can afford to pay their ticket, that is the ship we happen to be sailing on and all your and other's wailing about somebody somewhere getting something for nothing only demonstrates your lack of understanding of this country.
Or did you think the founders did everything they did simply for themselves and their own immediate gain.
As to the bolded above, I say why not?
SNAP is the only government assistance I have ever been on, and my oh my is that program a crock of shit.
First, I was signed up against my will illegally. I was using drugs and my parents sent me to a rehab. The rehab enrolled everyone into the food stamp program. Everyone got $200 in SNAP benefits. They held your card and spent $150 of it to buy groceries for their rehab. They then gave you the card and you could spend the last $50 on what ever you chose.
I got the card when I left. I got a job and called to cancel it because it made me feel dirty. I made $9hr and they told me I still qualified. So I kept it. Well I eventually relapsed.
Damn near every drug addict is incapable of holding down a job, much less landing and keeping a good one, so they are ALL on food stamps. I mean every drug addict I was running around with had a SNAP card. I don't know any of them that keep the card on them. They have an arrangement with someone who keeps their card and gives them half (if not less) of the cards value in cash each month.
Are there people who use the program like it should be used? Sure. I doubt there are any statistics on it, if there are I don't know how accurate they would be (people do not typically admit selling their SNAP to strangers.) I will just pull a number out of my ass here, but I wouldn't be surprised if over half the people on SNAP abuse it.
TL/DR - Government programs are abused beyond comprehension.
Second, most people here label me a "right winger" and I took food stamps, does this somehow make me a hypocrite, like you imply? I don't think so. I think a right winger is less likely to become to depend on government programs for life. I have paid a lot into taxes in my life, prior to being a drug addict I had several good jobs. The year before I went to law school I earned $60,000. Not huge money, but enough to have a hefty tax bill.
Furthermore, while I was on SNAP I relied heavily on my parents for support. My dad has made good money for the last 30 years as a small business owner. Every dime I got was a dime they didn't have to give me. So yeah, I don't have a problem with people who need, and don't abuse it getting government support. I have a problem with people who have no motivation to get off of it.
I'm no longer on SNAP, and am now paying plenty in taxes.
As to the rest of your post, I will just say that although help is provided by the government, many would be able to, and would prefer to do it on their own. No reason for anyone not take advantage of government schools, and other stuff that their taxes have paid for.