Homeless in America during COVID-19

You really don't seem to understand the fear 'one paycheck away' people feel.
But nice iPhone reference, asshole.
Posting from my Galaxy s5

I lived paycheck to paycheck for years. So you telling me I don't understand shows how little you actually know. I have seen examples of what I posted. But here again you are someone that can't seem to handle the truth because you don't like it so you immediately resort to name calling.

I have a friend that has a couple rentals. They are not the rich elite by any means. They haven't collected rent in 4 months but they have still had to pay the mortgage on the property without any rent income. The tenants might have been laid off but they received the state unemployment, the additional $600 federal checks, and the $1200 stimulus. These tenants all received $2400 a month in just the $600 federal payments. Now consider that there was a minimum of 2 people occupying the property that is $4800 a month and none of that went towards paying the rent because of the moratorium. The reason they didn't pay the rent is because they didn't have to and there was nothing a property owner could do to make them pay.

Hardworking people that purchased property as an investment are now cashing out their own retirement investments so that they don't lose their property to the bank for not paying the mortgage. All the while the tenants are waiting for more checks that if and when they receive will not pay anything towards their back or future rent and will continue to occupy property that they don't own while the owners are dealing with the financial burden of that property.

Your lack of comprehending reality and your black and white tunnel vision shows. It's not just the rich elite which you equate as the enemy. It's hard working people that made the right decisions and choices and worked hard to have what they have that are suffering as well. Why should they provide free housing while they are still paying for that housing? Why are people allowed to stop paying rent when they still have the money to do so? Many of the people that you say are living paycheck to paycheck ended up having more income unemployed than when they were working. Why didn't they use that stimulus money to pay their bills?

Call me an asshole all you want but the real assholes are the ones that abused the eviction moratorium and chose not to pay their rent even when they had the money to do so.

I doubt you'll understand until you get older and maybe have things you worked hard to get. Imagine working for years to have something and then end up on the verge of losing it while others benefit from it's use. I have sympathy but there comes a time when people have to make the right choices. Not paying the rent when you had the means to do so is not the right choice.

And before you get back into the paycheck to paycheck issue. Those people that were laid off were receiving money beyond what they had before so there is no excuse for them to have used that money as some sort of windfall to just be squandered. If it wasn't for those $600 weekly checks I would have more compassion but people made their choices. And one of those choices was to not pay the rent but instead squander the money on other things.

I have compassion for the poor but that compassion ends when so many people are just looking for a free ride. Nobody ever gave me anything for free. I've worked for everything I have. Others chose not to work as hard and have less. That doesn't make me a villain or some elite taking advantage of others. That makes me smart. It's unfortunate that the cause of those that are actually in need is being hijacked by those that are just lazy and selfish.

I look forward to more of your name calling as you likely will become enraged because you can't handle the truth and your first instinct will be to lash out at those that can.

Posted from my ASUS ROG Strix GD30 CI not my Samsung Galaxy S7.
You scored a hat trick of error in just one sentence!! Nice job!!!

There is no constitutional authorization for a "stimulus check".

Gun ownership is not supposed to be infringed.

Rittenhouse was running away from an attack, his pursuers were idiots (who pursues and tries to attack an armed guy without being armed?) and the aggressors, hence not murdered.

1. soooooooo Rittenhouse from Illinois was in Wisconsin doinggggggggggggg what?

2. on the 'stimulus' check- just who's stimulus is/was it?
I lived paycheck to paycheck for years. So you telling me I don't understand shows how little you actually know. I have seen examples of what I posted. But here again you are someone that can't seem to handle the truth because you don't like it so you immediately resort to name calling.

I have a friend that has a couple rentals. They are not the rich elite by any means. They haven't collected rent in 4 months but they have still had to pay the mortgage on the property without any rent income. The tenants might have been laid off but they received the state unemployment, the additional $600 federal checks, and the $1200 stimulus. These tenants all received $2400 a month in just the $600 federal payments. Now consider that there was a minimum of 2 people occupying the property that is $4800 a month and none of that went towards paying the rent because of the moratorium. The reason they didn't pay the rent is because they didn't have to and there was nothing a property owner could do to make them pay.

Hardworking people that purchased property as an investment are now cashing out their own retirement investments so that they don't lose their property to the bank for not paying the mortgage. All the while the tenants are waiting for more checks that if and when they receive will not pay anything towards their back or future rent and will continue to occupy property that they don't own while the owners are dealing with the financial burden of that property.

Your lack of comprehending reality and your black and white tunnel vision shows. It's not just the rich elite which you equate as the enemy. It's hard working people that made the right decisions and choices and worked hard to have what they have that are suffering as well. Why should they provide free housing while they are still paying for that housing? Why are people allowed to stop paying rent when they still have the money to do so? Many of the people that you say are living paycheck to paycheck ended up having more income unemployed than when they were working. Why didn't they use that stimulus money to pay their bills?

Call me an asshole all you want but the real assholes are the ones that abused the eviction moratorium and chose not to pay their rent even when they had the money to do so.

I doubt you'll understand until you get older and maybe have things you worked hard to get. Imagine working for years to have something and then end up on the verge of losing it while others benefit from it's use. I have sympathy but there comes a time when people have to make the right choices. Not paying the rent when you had the means to do so is not the right choice.

And before you get back into the paycheck to paycheck issue. Those people that were laid off were receiving money beyond what they had before so there is no excuse for them to have used that money as some sort of windfall to just be squandered. If it wasn't for those $600 weekly checks I would have more compassion but people made their choices. And one of those choices was to not pay the rent but instead squander the money on other things.

I have compassion for the poor but that compassion ends when so many people are just looking for a free ride. Nobody ever gave me anything for free. I've worked for everything I have. Others chose not to work as hard and have less. That doesn't make me a villain or some elite taking advantage of others. That makes me smart. It's unfortunate that the cause of those that are actually in need is being hijacked by those that are just lazy and selfish.

I look forward to more of your name calling as you likely will become enraged because you can't handle the truth and your first instinct will be to lash out at those that can.

Posted from my ASUS ROG Strix GD30 CI not my Samsung Galaxy S7.


don't fall prey to conspiracy theory.

the reason for the $600 checks, was to make up for UI being archaically low at $200/weekly, therefore you'd get $800 weekly pretty much what most make. that was for 3 months.

i chose what was most important for me to maintain- rent, food and dog.
Let's not forget the coming commercial real estate collapse now that companies and corporations realize they don't need a large fraction of the land and buildings they've developed over the last 75 years. This is going to be a perfect storm of economic destruction
You know, so Trump, who claimed the Obama economy as his own, can shit on Biden for the next four years for ruining his economy.

Just a taste

Parties sabotaging parties so they look like savior's next election cycle . Creating problems in america so they can solve them. Creating problems...and we want to vote them in? So sad. 75% of the planet lives on the other side of earth, and this country thinks they are globally relevant. The US govt isn't even trying to be globally relevant . It's been backyard squabbling for last few years. And the earth moves forward while we argue at home.

On second thought, we should focus on our communities, but the big stick method is breaking our societal windows. We need a carrot, imo. I say..UBI. eliminate ultra poverty, empowering households and stimulating the economy
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Parties sabotaging parties so they look like savior's next election cycle . Creating problems in america so they can solve them. Creating problems...and we want to vote them in? So sad. 75% of the planet lives on the other side of earth, and this country thinks they are globally relevant. The US govt isn't even trying to be globally relevant . It's been backyard squabbling for last few years. And the earth moves forward while we argue at home.

On second thought, we should focus on our communities, but the big stick method is breaking our societal windows. We need a carrot, imo. I say..UBI. eliminate ultra poverty, empowering households and stimulating the economy
Although I would say it is only one party sabotaging the other (I understand with how loud and repetatively the 'both sides' things is said that it can easily seem like it is the case), I agree with you that we need a bottom up fix.
well he wanna-be dictator of the US..and if you noticed? he's pushing his way back in..that's what he does; that's all he does..he's zero end game and if he can't have it no one can..how long before you think his militia base will be back out just walking around with guns ala Handmaids Tale- that was the beginning when they took over..nobody realized it before it was too late.

those that did went to canada- we don't have that option.

Not going to happen. He is going to be an ugly spot in history. His base are loyal to nobody but themselves. They are the deplorable 100%, now we can add treasonous. But Trump is done.
I lived paycheck to paycheck for years. So you telling me I don't understand shows how little you actually know. I have seen examples of what I posted. But here again you are someone that can't seem to handle the truth because you don't like it so you immediately resort to name calling.

I have a friend that has a couple rentals. They are not the rich elite by any means. They haven't collected rent in 4 months but they have still had to pay the mortgage on the property without any rent income. The tenants might have been laid off but they received the state unemployment, the additional $600 federal checks, and the $1200 stimulus. These tenants all received $2400 a month in just the $600 federal payments. Now consider that there was a minimum of 2 people occupying the property that is $4800 a month and none of that went towards paying the rent because of the moratorium. The reason they didn't pay the rent is because they didn't have to and there was nothing a property owner could do to make them pay.

Hardworking people that purchased property as an investment are now cashing out their own retirement investments so that they don't lose their property to the bank for not paying the mortgage. All the while the tenants are waiting for more checks that if and when they receive will not pay anything towards their back or future rent and will continue to occupy property that they don't own while the owners are dealing with the financial burden of that property.

Your lack of comprehending reality and your black and white tunnel vision shows. It's not just the rich elite which you equate as the enemy. It's hard working people that made the right decisions and choices and worked hard to have what they have that are suffering as well. Why should they provide free housing while they are still paying for that housing? Why are people allowed to stop paying rent when they still have the money to do so? Many of the people that you say are living paycheck to paycheck ended up having more income unemployed than when they were working. Why didn't they use that stimulus money to pay their bills?

Call me an asshole all you want but the real assholes are the ones that abused the eviction moratorium and chose not to pay their rent even when they had the money to do so.

I doubt you'll understand until you get older and maybe have things you worked hard to get. Imagine working for years to have something and then end up on the verge of losing it while others benefit from it's use. I have sympathy but there comes a time when people have to make the right choices. Not paying the rent when you had the means to do so is not the right choice.

And before you get back into the paycheck to paycheck issue. Those people that were laid off were receiving money beyond what they had before so there is no excuse for them to have used that money as some sort of windfall to just be squandered. If it wasn't for those $600 weekly checks I would have more compassion but people made their choices. And one of those choices was to not pay the rent but instead squander the money on other things.

I have compassion for the poor but that compassion ends when so many people are just looking for a free ride. Nobody ever gave me anything for free. I've worked for everything I have. Others chose not to work as hard and have less. That doesn't make me a villain or some elite taking advantage of others. That makes me smart. It's unfortunate that the cause of those that are actually in need is being hijacked by those that are just lazy and selfish.

I look forward to more of your name calling as you likely will become enraged because you can't handle the truth and your first instinct will be to lash out at those that can.

Posted from my ASUS ROG Strix GD30 CI not my Samsung Galaxy S7.
Things are tough all over. One could wonder if forcing people out into winter weather during an epidemic is worth doing in order to protect a landlord from struggling to pay a mortgage. Would eviction even solve their liquidity problems? Are there people lining up in hope of renting from your acquaintances? Do we even want a lot of people to move right now? I read your self justified diatribe and was astounded at how simple you are.

Also, what people did with their money is not your concern. You have no idea what another person's situation is, you simply overlaid your situation onto them.

Finally, you described the rental property as an investment. They borrowed money in order to seek rent money. They took a risk. I get that there is a tragedy unfolding here but the idea that investments only have upside risk and no downside is naïve. People make that mistake all the time. Then they cry "unfair" when the downside risk shows up.
I'm somewhat torn on this.

It's not that cut and dry. I know people that own property and people that rent. A good percentage of the people that own rental properties are just small guys that are still paying the mortgage and taxes on the property while not collecting any rent. They have tenants that have abused the eviction moratorium to stop paying their rent.

Many people that got laid off collected both state unemployment and the $600 a week federal payment. They also received the $1200 stimulus check. There were millions of people that were receiving more money not working than when they were. Also, many took advantage of that eviction moratorium to stop paying their rent. Now they're saying they can't pay the back rent or future rent even though they continued to have the money to pay their bills. It was like "They can't evict us. Lets stop paying the rent and buy new IPhones". Now that it's time to pay the piper many are saying they don't have the money to pay the back rent they stopped paying not because they didn't have the money but because they could.

Most people are short sighted and they convinced themselves that even though they had the money "the $600 weekly federal checks" that they would skip the rent and make it up next month. 1 month turned into 2 and then 3. All the while spending money like drunken soldiers. Now it's time to pay the piper and everyone's outraged.

I'm sure glad my parents taught me to be frugal. Always keep a nest egg and never spend on anything you don't absolutely need especially in tough financial times.
I hear your point. And agree with most. Yet I must add that those payments to people have yet to materialize for many. My wife was laid off for the first time in after almost perfect attendance, barring actual need, for 31 years with the same employer. New job now. 15 weeks and no check for un employment yet.

Broaden your view. I know many scamming now. I'm not sure I blame them. No work, help or recourse with children. And the slum lord owners I personally know spent their rent on shiny things. Not the mortgage. More irresponsible than tenants scraping to live.

Just the perspective I have seen. And food for thought. No challenge.

Our government has failed us. And that means they did their job. They are just pawns to pretend placating you.

Hope we get some kind of help and direction. Not holding my breath. Have to help 3 friends move right after xmas.

Peace and security are becoming precious. Be calm all.
1. soooooooo Rittenhouse from Illinois was in Wisconsin doinggggggggggggg what?

2. on the 'stimulus' check- just who's stimulus is/was it?

I will admit I haven't done much homework on the back story here so I'm open to hearing evidence of him being in the wrong.
If you mean he was in Wisconsin to shoot somebody, I can't say what his state of mind was or wasn't. He could have been, I don't know.

What I did see when grazing a video a few months back was him running away from people chasing him with what appeared to be intent to attack, due bodily harm etc. He shot them. Usually the guy running away isn't the attacker or a murderer. Chasing a guy who has a gun when you don't is best left to real men, not pissants protesters. :lol:


Stimulus checks are not authorized by the constitution are they ? (Playing "small government guy" here...humor me)

The question you may want to ask is where does the money come from and what is behind that ? Cui bono ?
If giving money to peasants is a good idea, why not give everybody a million dollars ? What could go wrong ?
I will admit I haven't done much homework on the back story here so I'm open to hearing evidence of him being in the wrong.
If you mean he was in Wisconsin to shoot somebody, I can't say what his state of mind was or wasn't. He could have been, I don't know.

What I did see when grazing a video a few months back was him running away from people chasing him with what appeared to be intent to attack, due bodily harm etc. He shot them. Usually the guy running away isn't the attacker or a murderer. Chasing a guy who has a gun when you don't is best left to real men, not pissants protesters. :lol:


Stimulus checks are not authorized by the constitution are they ? (Playing "small government guy" here...humor me)

The question you may want to ask is where does the money come from and what is behind that ? Cui bono ?
If giving money to peasants is a good idea, why not give everybody a million dollars ? What could go wrong ?
Watch independent media for the "entire" video. He was being chased because he shot people. Turn off corporate pre pared and cherry picked news. That story alone should have caused a revolution. Why you never heard it.

Thank you for admitting not having the facts. Get the truth people. It's out there. Just hidden from us.
How many incredibly stupid moves had to take place before the one you are focused on? Besides, if you had ever been in a riot you'd know that people don't make the best decisions, it becomes a life of it's own. Only a piece of shit looking to kill somebody would bring a gun to one. Little red neck psychopath thought it was open season, for real. I mean for Christ's sake, the silver spoon guy is in his corner.

Actually if rioting and looting has been taking place, bringing a gun is a great idea if a person is there to protect themself /others and / or property etc..

Chasing an armed person when you are not armed, would not rate high on my list smart things to do...nor would destroying property that isn't yours.

I'm not sure what your silver spoon guy reference means?
Watch independent media for the "entire" video. He was being chased because he shot people. Turn off corporate pre pared and cherry picked news. That story alone should have caused a revolution. Why you never heard it.

Thank you for admitting not having the facts. Get the truth people. It's out there. Just hidden from us.

I will consider further review. Thanks.

I don't watch television (okay maybe the NBA playoffs every other year) no mainstream news for years though.
Watch independent media for the "entire" video. He was being chased because he shot people. Turn off corporate pre pared and cherry picked news. That story alone should have caused a revolution. Why you never heard it.

Thank you for admitting not having the facts. Get the truth people. It's out there. Just hidden from us.
Im not sure if you mean the Washington Post or not, but they did a really thorough walkthrough of everything knowable on this.
What I did see when grazing a video a few months back was him running away from people chasing him with what appeared to be intent to attack, due bodily harm etc. He shot them. Usually the guy running away isn't the attacker or a murderer. Chasing a guy who has a gun when you don't is best left to real men, not pissants protesters. :lol:
Well, review the time-line of that video @Rob Roy
The "pissants" were trying to disarm that motherfucking murderer (he had already shot & killed one individual moments before)
Unfortunately for 2 more of the "pissants" he was able to escape, killing one more & seriously wounding another.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Not going to happen. He is going to be an ugly spot in history. His base are loyal to nobody but themselves. They are the deplorable 100%, now we can add treasonous. But Trump is done.

any friends in Georgia need to vote Ossoff and Warnock..make a few posts and texts..pass it on.

his base is still sending him money..we must separate the head from the body and this includes mcconnell.

everything's down to georgia; we need those two seats which will give us a tie in the Senate; Harris is the tie breaker.

the 400 bills on mcconells desk will be passed for us- we'll have two years of pure dem rule and our way back.