I cant do that , The whole media-less hydro and all, I did an experiment with dark periods before harvest to try and increase resins and trich's .... It's all bro science shit too and while I did notice a difference with a paki kush strain , I saw no discernable differences in any other strain I tried it with....There is an in-between method whereby instead of flushing tons of water through the medium you simply have a water only period or mostly water only period where you can also let the pots dry between waterings which is purported to increase resin.
I cant do that , The whole media-less hydro and all, I did an experiment with dark periods before harvest to try and increase resins and trich's .... It's all bro science shit too and while I did notice a difference with a paki kush strain , I saw no discernable differences in any other strain I tried it with....
ebb n flow with neoprene collars..... no media, I get about 6 hours of no water before the plants start stressing out a bit . I've upgraded to true HPA now and just finishing up on the build, I'm sure the time will drop to an hr or mere minutes now....Are you using DWC?
You can do it in coco or promix however the drought tolerant plants might be more suitable to the drought conditions however there’s a book from the 70s I’m reading about how to grow marijuana indoors that suggests drought-like conditions for the last 2 weeks and it doesn’t say anything about whether the plants are indica or sativa it’s a broad suggestion.
I don't.Again. How do you flush the Earth?
So.... you only shit at home?I don't use tp, I rinse my ass in the shower and waffle stop the dingleberries. Maybe stoners should for the first time in 40 years update the terminology. Ass rinsing, Bidet tech. Not to be confused with Biden tech when you sniff your girls to determine maturity.
I see reveg possibilities!When it looks like this:
Yeah as i said pages back here flushings a pretty controversial subject to say the least thats why i just recomend you make your own mind up try with and without and see what jar you keep going back for moreWow this site is ruthless! It’s kinda funny I’ll give y’all that but tbh I was hoping to gain some knowledge and pick the brains of other like minded dudes. I’ve been growing indoors since 2001 but this is my first outdoor grow ever. Yes there are similarities but there are also nuances to the outdoor specimen. Especially the time in preflowering and early flowering. Not having that 12/12 switch day to kinda use to count plus the differences in regional and longetudal growth. I’m in central Ohio where timing is many days apart between north Cleveland grows and southern Dayton/Cincinnati grows. So it’s hard to find local specific nugz of info. Hope to learn here without getting bashed too bad but if it’s in fun I can bash with the best. Happy growing y’all
Fifyearth flush = The Great Flood