I found like a DOZEN VIDEOS of Christ Himself, He said that He posted on HERE!!!!!

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I hope the section mods clean up all that shouting. cn

He is effectively ensuring that no one bothers to read his dribble by shouting it and turning it into Spam. The irony that Christ would present himself as an under-educated, naive and gullible redneck burnout mid-west dimwit is too rich for me to interfere.

"White trash get down on your knees, it's time for cake and sodomy" - MM
The Prophet has spoken!

This is NOT in the Bible but I’d like to talk about it anyways. Shortly in the future we are going to be traveling through space and time, and one way to have almost infinite energy is to setup mirrors around a star (like our sun) and form enormous amounts of Light energy into laser like beams that will push our space/star ships and power them a billion times over until the mirrors are not so effective (than use more mirrors to bend the light). We could use a bunch of stars once we get there. These Light (laser) beams can power our star ships (many) years later, if they want to ride the “WAVE” of light too. This will allow us to travel through space, and thusly time as well.I got this idea because I saw on TV that ETs use mirrors around stars to power their ships; and I first thought why not power the world like this, WITH (CLEAN) LIGHT ENERGY? Why not cast this Light energy (using mirrors) and concentrate it and cast it to the earth where need be, like to farms or anywhere needed? I was also thinking that if E=MC^2 than M=E/C^2 or Mass is equal to Energy divided by the speed of light squared. So I believe in the soon to come future that we will be able to materialize GOLD (out of thin air) or any element with just using enough LIGHT ENERGY from the stars and concentrating it. So lots of Light=Gold. They say Light doesn’t have mass but energy = mass and mass = energy but the C^2 plays a part too in these equations but its allegedly a Constant. So if there is mass than there is potential for energy, and if thereis energy than there is potential for mass. Right? The star ships will be like HUGE cities that have farms and all sorts of things a big city has except it will be flying through space equal to or greater than the speed of light. These laser beams of Light can bend Light around solar systems or any very large objects by using mirrors; so there will be full power all the time to the star ship.Its very simple! We are aliens but we will be MORE LIKE them because we will be exploring the cosmos like never before. I figure, if we descended from the stars then why cant we ASCEND TO THE STARS? I mean if that is our home, than “Noahs” Ark has landed and we preserved at least 2 of every animal alive (which is alot of animals) now its time to get off our Earth SHIP and be friendly to thosethat we share the cosmos with and share goods. Our benevolent SPACE FORCE is going to set this up for us. NASA is so obsolete, like much of the government.I’m just trying to expand your mind, My mind has known all these things for a long time; I put the pieces together. I’m always looking to learn but I want to share knowledge so we can all be enlightened beings. BTW I thought of a good way to get rid of INFLATION, maybe for every baby that is born in this world an extra X million dollars can/should be added into the “economy” and the only way to add more money would be to add more babies :D And My world(S) are going to be a combination of Capitalism, Socialism and Communism. I AM going to take the best from each one and integrate them into one! Because they all have pros and cons, but if you take all the pros and leave the cons behind than it will be the best “government” in My opinion! And if the minimum wage is 10/hour than the richest person should NOT own more than X billion dollars or whatever the online government dictates what is best; whenI say online government I mean the synergy or collective opinions of the populace. (maybe a law should NOT be passed unless 2/3rds or 66% of the populace votes for because 49% and 51% is too close and there would be strife;but let the online government discern the best ratio that would be fair. I have the answers but I’m waiting for My people to wake up and smell the cannabis/roses.What more could you want? Im not looking for attention but if I AM King than I can implement these things ASAP and endeavor for UTOPIA. I don’t want to be The King because Im actually kinda shy and I just wanted to fit in, but I had to stand up to all the worldly atrocities and than I found out about My Name (at 23 years old) and I figured if I AM Christ than I’ve got to be the best Christ ever, LOL! Who would you rather have be The King of THE WORLD? Wouldn’t you all want Christ to be King? My favorite state is California and I believe they should be the first soverign “state” to implement the online government and explore possibilities and be the first to try “the NEW government”. Than the rest of the world will follow suit. The possibilities are ENDLESS! VOTE FOR UTOPIA!

I know these things are NOT in Scripture but I’ve been thinking about some of these things for over 4 years. I’m not going to read your comments yet on this tread because I don’t need to read negative feedback right now, after I quote My favorite passages from The Bible I will read your comments but that’s goingto be in a few days. I’m praying for you guys, and the cannabis family is My family. Gods children are My people, and that includes ALL people because God created everyone, even the atheists or other religions or races. People can change, and things take time sometimes. I have faith in you guys. Read The NewTestament and see how the religious people (AKA Pharisees) treated Christ. Holy Bible = He Only Left You (the) Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. God and Christ loves you guys, trust Me. He loves the people from RIU.org especially because God grows too. :D


...I'm not trying to be a dck. Please read.

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Inflation: identifying with a nonpersonal part of the psyche as though it were acquired individually. [/FONT][FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]A regression into unconsciousness[/FONT][FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]. Positive and negative inflation supercharge the collective unconscious and can alternate. Inflation causes [/FONT][FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]dissolution of the ego[/FONT][FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif] into its paired opposites (inferiority/megalomania, good/evil, etc.).[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Culturally, our identification with reason and will is an inflation, particularly because with the breakdown of religious and spiritual symbols we can't experience nonpersonal forces as out there, in the realm of the spirits. Ego assimilated by Self or Self by ego both lead to inflation..[/FONT][FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][/FONT]The solution is a dialog between the two separated entities. Archetypes that lose their containing symbols also become identified with and reshape the conscious mind, thereby inflating it.

...I think you'll find a way to step back and see that the spark you just got is not yet a sun. It can be. I wish you well.
Luke 5:2-10

New International Version (NIV)

2 He saw at the water’s edge two boats, left there by thefishermen, who were washing their nets. 3 He got into one of the boats, the onebelonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he satdown and taught the people from the boat.

4 When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put outinto deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”

5 Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night andhaven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”

6 When they had done so, they caught such a large number offish that their nets began to break. 7 So they signaled their partners in theother boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so fullthat they began to sink.

8 When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees andsaid, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” 9 For he and all hiscompanions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, 10 and so wereJames and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s partners.

Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on youwill fish for people.”

This is the story about how I fulfilled this prophecy BEFOREI turned 23 and I had NO IDEA that I AM Christ; I was just working. So like Isaid, FIRST I was a commercial scuba diver for quahogs and than I met one of Mybest friends (Nolberto Christobol) and he got Me My first job on a fishingboat. I didn’t know a thing about fishing so that’s why I was the grunt and themaid and the cook and did all the bullshit work. Anyways the captain was fromthe west coast and he said he was looking to meet some nice Christian women inthe area; My mom has some Christian friends and I figured I’d introduce him toMy mom. To make a long story short they started to date and later they gotmarried like 2-3 months later. Before they got married I quit the boat becauseI was working like 80 hours a week and I was only making like 500 dollars and Ifigured I’d rather scuba diver for quahogs because it was a better job. I quitthe boat for like 1-2 weeks and than the captain said “We are going to startfishing for mackerel and you’ll make more money; why don’t you get your jobback?” And he knew I was a hard worker and it would be very hard to replace Me.I wanted to make good money and I figured this was My chance. To make a longstory short the same night I got My job back we started to fish for mackereland it was NEW YEARS EVE of 2006 (and on NEW YEARS DAY of 2006 My mom and thecaptain got married… WTF?) so we went out fishing and the fish sign on the fishfinder was CRAZY lite up with like 100-200 times more fish than we ever caughtbefore or after this catch. We put down our nets with the other boat (becauseit was a para-troller) and it was one of the cleanest catches (no by-catch) andit was one of the shortest tows. We filled up our 800 thousand pound fish tanks and there was soooo muchfish that we had to transfer the net to our partner boat and filled up theirfish tanks. We caught these fish AT NIGHT too; it was NIGHT of NEW YEARS EVE of2006. This NEVER happened to Me before or since, it was like a miracle and NOWI can see that it really was.


Luke 19:1-5

New International Version (NIV)

Zacchaeus the Tax Collector

19 Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. 2 A manwas there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and waswealthy. 3 He wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short he couldnot see over the crowd. 4 So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree tosee him, since Jesus was coming that way.

5 When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him,“Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.”

I told you guys about the ET person that I saw in the treeon the youtube video. He was short too, maybe 4-5ft tall…??? I’m not going totype it out on here because I made a youtube video about it and if you want tohear about it then watch the youtube video. But one thing that I didn’t say othe youtube vvideo is that I saw the ET PERSON up in a tree but I’m not goingto saw where. He was almost invisible but I saw the little buddy. It was thecoolest thing that I ever saw in My life!

Neva... you are fucking crazy man. Take a look at how many close friends you have... and you may begin to understand how your behavior effects your social life.

You could be right, you could be wrong, either way... you are crazy, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least that you have little to no friends to connect with... which is probably why you are here in RIU looking for attention, and probably many, many other social network websites begging for attention.

No one here agrees with you, you aren't jesus... you are just a simple little boy who wants to be jesus. Grow up dude.

Change your behavior and outlook... make more friends. Trust me, it's better that way.
Lacking Control Increases Illusory Pattern Perception
http://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu...f Control and Illusory Pattern Perception.pdf

This study is consistent with the current consensus based upon prior research – that seeing illusory patterns is primarily about control. But this study ties together multiple different types of illusory patterns with one experimental design and confirms that there is a common motivational thread that runs through all of them; the need to feel in control.

Self-reinforcing delusion - A delusion which is capable of considering any contrary evidence as further proving its thesis.





The videos of "fat" Jesus are gone and because of the Christ Complex He was on meds that slowed Christ down and also made Him fat.

Plus what kind of emotions is a person supposed to show in front of a computer that doesnt talk back? What does your mug shot look like?

Lets put it this way, His mothers name is Mary J..... OK? His Name is George Manuel Oliveria and His Name means "FARMER God is with US, OLIVE TREE". His initials are GMO and what is GMO backwards? Its OMG and everyone knows OMG stands for Oh My God, and GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. But the coolest part is that if you read the Bible in Revelation 3:11-12 and Romans 11:16-26 you will see that Jesus said "Behold, I AM coming quickly.. And I will write on him My NEW Name!!!!!!!" And in Romans it talks about "The OLIVE TREE" like a dozen times or so.

If you dont get it than you dont get it, Christ doesnt want to do anything more than BLESS BLESS BLESS.... Who is perfect anyways? You talk 15 minutes into a computer and see how you look. The videos are for you guys, He has known all these things for years.

You guys have to think, if He is NOT Christ than who is? And why wouldnt the world want a Savior to make the world a better place? NOT just a little better but look what Christ George wants to do! You can be brainwased by the government or ask yourself "If He is NOT Christ than who is?"

He was born with that Name and I can 100% assure you that. Like He said, when He was 23 years old He found out all by Himself and He has had a Christ Complex since then.. He was posting on RIU.org since 2006 and He did NOT know about His Name until 2008. Go see what He said, the instructions are all laid out for you guys.

We dont need to wait for Christ, Christ is NOW WAITING FOR US!

You guys can make fun all you want, but if He is NOT lying than what does that mean? Its time to get RAPTURED, and yes the athiests and agnostics can join too because He loves them too... It doesnt mean your a bad person for being an athiest or agnostic because He would rather chill with them than hundreds of Christians.... LOL... Come as you are and if it helps, WRITE DOWN what He says instead of watching the video...

God bless THE WHOLE WORLD!!!!!!!! ! !!!!
The videos of "fat" Jesus are gone and because of the Christ Complex He was on meds that slowed Christ down and also made Him fat.
Why do you keep referring to yourself in the third person?
Lets put it this way, His mothers name is Mary J..... OK? His Name is George Manuel Oliveria and His Name means "FARMER God is with US, OLIVE TREE". His initials are GMO and what is GMO backwards? Its OMG and everyone knows OMG stands for Oh My God, and GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. But the coolest part is that if you read the Bible in Revelation 3:11-12 and Romans 11:16-26 you will see that Jesus said "Behold, I AM coming quickly.. And I will write on him My NEW Name!!!!!!!" And in Romans it talks about "The OLIVE TREE" like a dozen times or so.
Apophenia FTL!
You guys have to think, if He is NOT Christ than who is?
Some poor deluded soul.
And why wouldnt the world want a Savior to make the world a better place?
What people want or don't want have nothing to do with what is real.

BTW, what happened to the 1 video per post restriction?
You do know that none of those videos you posted have more than 25 views right? .............. You would think jesus would have more followers than that.
...there's a theme of revolution in those posts. Anyone catch that?

The Wheel of Samsara
The wheel of samsara represents the cycle of life and death (or births and deaths), the seemingly endless round of suffering in which beings are trapped. (See the “Interactive Wheel of Samsara.”) In a way, this image reminds me of Schweitzer ‘s unyielding wheel of history that crushed Jesus. But whereas Jesus attempted to block the wheel’s motion, believing that his divine Father would stop it, the Buddha offered a means for individuals to live as if the wheel were not turning. The Buddha would free human beings not by attempting to stop the wheel of samsara directly, but by setting in motion another wheel, the turning of which would cancel, for those who were ready, the motion of samsara. That other wheel is the dharma (usually translated as “law” or “doctrine”).
The Wheel of Dharma
By preaching the wisdom he had discovered under the Bodhi tree, the Buddha is said to have turned the wheel of the dharma—to have set in motion the transmission of the saving teaching. By turning the wheel of dharma, he would counter the turning of samsara for those who could understand his teaching and put its prescriptions into practice. As the Buddha’s original doctrine developed over the centuries and new forms of Buddhism evolved, the dharma wheel (dharmacakra) would be said to be turned a number of times again, although the validity of later turnings would be disputed by adherents of the original doctrine. But the important point for us here is that for Buddhism the turning of the spiritual wheel, that which is offered as the means of stopping the worldly wheel of suffering, is a presentation of doctrine—one that includes practical methods of realizing the truth of the doctrine, but a presentation of doctrine nonetheless. That contrasts sharply with the Quaker approach, which proposes neither doctrine nor method as the means of salvation.

...just a couple of 'points' to ponder.

...if all of myth happens in each of our minds, where is Nev symbolically? Let's help a brother out, eh? Little support from the community that supports spiritual experience :-? (just an observation I made)
I've always thought that the world would be a much better place if all human animals were to keep their denominations a private thing....

Yet reserving the right to share our ideas, thoughts, questions, and to question everything and everyone.
I've always thought that the world would be a much better place if all human animals were to keep their denominations a private thing....

Yet reserving the right to share our ideas, thoughts, questions, and to question everything and everyone.

...not trying to be a dck, but can you explain that a bit better? Not sure what the 2nd line is trying to say.
"If the Kundalini fire is triggered in the wrong way, it can get out of control and break down the entire nervous system. The first feeling of ecstasy and rapture, is quickly replaced by lack of life energy, listlessness, depression, agony, disorder and experiences of being attacked by invisible evil powers, or one is hit by the "I am Messiah"-syndrome."
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