I found like a DOZEN VIDEOS of Christ Himself, He said that He posted on HERE!!!!!

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So then you are talking about the difference between objective evidence and subjective hearsay.

Though subjective hearsay isn't evidence, it's far from it... usually our emotions/feelings tell us what we want, rather than what really is... when dealing with reality.

...but, that's the outer layer, strife. You have 'personal' truths just as much as the next guy, no? That's 'hearsay' from within - which is totally different but equal in value to objectified evidence, imo :) How can we apply scientific scrutiny to all that there 'is'. Can you see your mind with the same eyes that you use to see your objects?


edit: I know what you mean about not being able to trust what we apprehend subjectively. The point is to clear those 'pathways' so the communication is better. Then, over time and much toil, you learn 'how' to trust them. Denying them only makes them pop up ways that are less than fruitful - so they say.

and another edit: I'm just as messed up as anyone else - all I can do is keep trying to trust myself. Feels like running through molasses, some days :cuss:
...but, that's the outer layer, strife. You have 'personal' truths just as much as the next guy, no? That's 'hearsay' from within - which is totally different but equal in value to objectified evidence, imo How can we apply scientific scrutiny to all that there 'is'. Can you see your mind with the same eyes that you use to see your objects?

Personal truths are completely different than having a truth based on objective evidence. There is a big difference.

Let's say, for example, my personal truth is that the reality we all reside in right now is a dream. My emotions and feelings and experiences tell me that what this is, is merely the dream of a god.

^Now, i could be right... or wrong about this, because there is no objective evidence to support my claim of reality being the dream of a god, because it is completely based upon my own hearsay... and not objective evidence, the possibility will always exist that i could be wrong about this claim.
(The same goes for ideas about gods, an afterlife, and any and all supernatural ideas which cannot be tested or observed) <--- We could be wrong about those ideas.

Now, lets take for example the objective truth everything that is observable in the universe is made up of extremely tiny pieces of matter called atoms. There is an abundance of objective evidence to support this claim, so much so that it cannot be refuted. It doesn't matter how we feel, or what we experience, it doesn't matter if you die... or anyone else dies, the fact that everything observable in the universe is made of of tiny pieces of matter (or stuff) is irrefutable.

^We can be truthful to ourselves when we say, i know for sure that everything observable in the universe is made of of tiny pieces of matter (atoms).

And here comes the kicker------

If i were to say that i know for sure that reality is a dream... i would be lying to myself, even if it IS my truth. If you, or anyone else were to say for sure that god does, or doesn't exist, they also would be lying to themselves even if it IS their truth. (This goes for all subjective truths (claims based on hearsay)

Therefor, there is a massive difference between claims based on objective evidence and claims based on hearsay (personal truth).

If we are to base the purpose of our existence on honesty with ourselves (like i do, but i know many others don't) then we must admit to ourselves that our personal truths... have the possibility of being wrong.

Though even though i know, understand and accept that i may be wrong about reality being a dream... i still think it is, regardless. This is the only honest way to hold onto a personal truth, to admit to yourself that you may be wrong about it.
Personal truths are completely different than having a truth based on objective evidence. There is a big difference.

Let's say, for example, my personal truth is that the reality we all reside in right now is a dream. My emotions and feelings and experiences tell me that what this is, is merely the dream of a god.

^Now, i could be right... or wrong about this, because there is no objective evidence to support my claim of reality being the dream of a god, because it is completely based upon my own hearsay... and not objective evidence, the possibility will always exist that i could be wrong about this claim.
(The same goes for ideas about gods, an afterlife, and any and all supernatural ideas which cannot be tested or observed) <--- We could be wrong about those ideas.

Now, lets take for example the objective truth everything that is observable in the universe is made up of extremely tiny pieces of matter called atoms. There is an abundance of objective evidence to support this claim, so much so that it cannot be refuted. It doesn't matter how we feel, or what we experience, it doesn't matter if you die... or anyone else dies, the fact that everything observable in the universe is made of of tiny pieces of matter (or stuff) is irrefutable.

^We can be truthful to ourselves when we say, i know for sure that everything observable in the universe is made of of tiny pieces of matter (atoms).

And here comes the kicker------

If i were to say that i know for sure that reality is a dream... i would be lying to myself, even if it IS my truth. If you, or anyone else were to say for sure that god does, or doesn't exist, they also would be lying to themselves even if it IS their truth. (This goes for all subjective truths (claims based on hearsay)

Therefor, there is a massive difference between claims based on objective evidence and claims based on hearsay (personal truth).

If we are to base the purpose of our existence on honesty with ourselves (like i do, but i know many others don't) then we must admit to ourselves that our personal truths... have the possibility of being wrong.

Though even though i know, understand and accept that i may be wrong about reality being a dream... i still think it is, regardless. This is the only honest way to hold onto a personal truth, to admit to yourself that you may be wrong about it.

..yes, I can see that. One thing I'd like to point out is that your material life only shows what is in your own mind - as symbols ready for interpretation. It is inherently slanted by your point of reference / disposition. One 'crazy' fundamental thing is 'true'. After all of us have had our time here, consciousness will live on. Can I prove that in the classic scientific sense? No. Can you? We don't even know what the source if 'that' is. We only have instruments to measure a portion of 'that'.

People will still be having conscious experience after other people are gone. I can 'test' this via memory of those who have gone before me. That said, we can clearly see that a part of us passes, and the other part (shared by all) keeps going.

...many of the images that we now know as particles were drawn long before their classification by science.

* 'maybe wrong about it' is the ability to change. Your biological system will advance with or without your consent. But it seems we've been given a choice to do the same with our hearts and minds. That slows aging - speaking of super-physics :)
I'm going to reply to your comments later but FIRST I'm going to tell you guys about the FIVE (5) SIGNS IN THE CLOUDS THAT I SAW between 2008 and 2009. I made a video about these SIGNS but I erased the video but I will make another one when I feel like making a video..... I really dont like making videos but its just so hard to explain these SIGNS with just words.

By The Way, if you dont believe Me than go look at My year-book pictures since I was a boy. You can start by looking at Hancock Elementary School in Brockton MA (USA), I was there from 2nd grade to 6th grade. Than I went to West Jr High in Brockton MA (USA). Than I went to South Eastern Regional Vocational Technical High School in Easton MA (USA). I finished senior year at Greater New Bedford Voc Tech High School in New Bedford MA (USA). You guys can do a backround check and see where I worked too. But I've been George Manuel Oliveira My WHOLE LIFE! But thats obvious to Me but you might think I'm trying to pull a fast one. NOPE, its The Truth! Go ahead, I dare you to.

The FIRST SIGN I saw in the clouds was God! I was with My buddy Patrick Gould and I was driving in My Jeep. Than I pulled over and parked at a spot that I used to make the most money scuba diving for quahogs. Within a minute of parking I looked up and said "That looks like God in the clouds." And My buddy said "Yeah it does look like God." I'm not going to get into details because I dont have time right now but like I said, Im going to make another video. The sun was right behind the face of God and it looked like He was wearing a white robe that went to His feet and He had long wavy hair and everything looked proportional to what a human would look like wearing a robe, but His face was lite up by the sun and His hair was SUPER WAVY and pretty long. It was the most beautiful thing I ever saw (at the time, but NOW I saw an ET about 3-4 months ago and that was MUCH cooler because it was an ET person wearing a somewhat invisible suit! I watched the ET person for like 2-3 hours until the sun went down and I couldnt see him in the tree. The ET I saw was super beautiful and I still cant believe what I saw! :D )But I watched the cloud that looked like God for about 5 minutes or so and than the wind blew it away. It was SUPER VIVID and it honestly looked like God, you would say it did too if you saw it too. That was THE FIRST SIGN!

The SECOND SIGN was AN UPSIDE-DOWN PYRAMID that had like 4 distinct layers of the pyramid! What happened was I was going to the grocery store with My mom, and I looked up into the sky and I saw this SUPER VIVID UPSIDE-DOWN PYRAMID with like 4 distinct layers and I was like what is this supposed to mean? It was SUPER VIVID and God as My Witness, I AM telling The Truth. I wouldnt lie to you guys because it would make Me a liar. I looked at it for like 30 seconds and then I went into the store and I was like "What was that?" I knew what it looked like and I still do because it was so VIVID, but I still dont know what its supposed to mean....??

The THIRD SIGN I saw in the clouds was A BLACK BLACK BLACK low flying cloud! For some reason I felt like taking a little ride on the eve of BLACK FRIDAY in 2009 and I stopped at a park up the street from Me- it was between 2AM-3AM in the NIGHT or EARLY MORNING. I looked up and I saw A BLACK BLACK BLACK CLOUD that was flying LOW LOW to the ground, maybe like 200-300 yards above the ground, but I didnt measure it so that My best guess. This cloud was decent size, I just dont know how to measure something in the clouds, LOL.. But the funny thing was that A WHITE WHITE WHITE cloud was flying much higher and it was WHITE and the other, lowflying cloud was BLACK BLACK BLACK. And this was THE EVE OF BLACK FRIDAY of 2009. I didnt know what to think of it but I knew I saw something that I never saw before. And the funny thing is that like a week later I was sent to PRISON for fighting with My dad. So if you do a backround check and see when I entered Bridgewater State Prison, go a week (or so) back to THE EVE OF BLACK FRIDAY and thats when I saw THE BLACK BLACK BLACK CLOUD, at a park in New Bedford MA called BUTTONWOOD PARK, it actually has a little zoo there too. Anyways, I was in PRISON for 2 months but I was NOT convicted of any crime but I saw the LAST TWO (2) SIGNS IN THE CLOUDS in PRISON! I'm going to get to those in the next couple paragraphs.

This is THE FOURTH (4) SIGN I saw in the clouds! So I was in PRISON (in 2009) for fighting with My dad (and like I said "I wasnt convicted of any crime") and I was really depressed because its PRISON but I was sharing the Love of God with My fellow inmates. They were all good people in My opinion, I had alot of friends there and most of them called Me "Jesus". No lie, most of My fellow inmates called Me Jesus! Anyways, I watched a commercial on the ONE TV that we had, and something inspired Me to think of the UNDERWATER CITIES/MANSIONS, FARMS AND ENVIORNMENTS and I started to tell My fellow inmates "WE ARE GOING TO LIVE IN UDERWATER HOMES AND FARM UNDERWATER AND DO SOME CRAZY COOL THINGS!" It sparked a NEW world of inventions for Me and I was telling My fellow inmates about it.... Than like 20-90 minutes later it was time for "chow" or lunch and we exited the building to go to the "chow hall" to get our food. On the way there I looked up and THE WHOLE SKY was UNDULATING like WAVES IN THE OCEAN! Its hard to explain with words but I spent countless days UNDER THE WATER SCUBA DIVING for quahogs and when I looked up at the clouds that day it looked like I was UNDERWATER because I spent countless days working as a SCUBA DIVER and I KNOW WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE UNDERWATER and the clouds looked like I was under the water.. The NEXT SIGN that I saw while in PRISON wasnt as cool but I'll talk about it in the next paragraph. These are TRUE EVENTS that happened to Me!

The FIFTH (5) SIGN and last sign that I saw, I was still in PRISON for fighting with My dad, By The Way, this was the ONE and ONLY time I ever got into a fight with My dad. In the past 10 years I've only gotten into ONE FIGHT! So this is the 5th sign, and what happened was I was in a PRISON cell and a few days prior I got a picture of Jesus. In the picture, Jesus had on arm verticle towards the sky and one arm parallel with the ground and in the backround there was a strip of clouds. So I put the picture of Jesus in the cell window so the prison guard (or C.O.) could see it. I think the other 4 signs were much cooler but I remembered this because the next time I went for "chow" or lunch I looked up in the clouds and THE WHOLE SKY was covered with clouds EXCEPT a strip of blue sky was parting the whole length of clouded sky. It was basically OPPOSITE of the picture of Jesus that I put in the cell window. Like I said, the picture of Jesus had a strip of clouds in the backround but I saw the OPPOSITE, I saw the whole sky filled with clouds but a strip of blue sky was parting it. It was completly opposite to the picture but at the same time it was PROPORTIONALLY OPPOSITE! Its funny because I put that picture of Jesus in the cell window and than like 1-2 hours later I saw the opposite of the picture. I think this is the least coolest sign I saw in the clouds but whatever!

I also saw like 8 UFOs on July 2 of 2012, and like 2 months after that I saw a partially invisible ET. I'd have to say that seeing the ET was THE COOLEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN IN My Life. Maybe the ETs like Me and they manipulated the clouds. I talked a little about the ET in a youtube video that you guys can watch and I think I talk a little about the UFOs that I saw. Ya, the ET that I saw was THE COOLEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN IN My Life. I only saw the ~8 UFOs ONCE in My Life and also I only saw ONE ET in real life! The ET was super cute, LOL :D Light could pass through him at will, because it was wearing an invisible suit, but it made an upside-down smile at Me where light could pass right through. There is no reason trying to explain what it looked like because words can NOT explain but God as My Witness I saw an ET and I would NOT lie because that would make Me a liar and I'm not. But light could pass right through him, how do I explain that? I could see him but I could see what was behind him too... It must have been wearing a high tech suit because thats the only explaination I can think of. I wish I could have shaken his hand but he was like ~50 feet obove the ground in a tree. I didnt talk to him but I watched the show that he showed Me by passing light through in a really cool way. Like I said, I know I AM CRAZY but I wouldnt lie and I will take a lie detector test to vindicate Me. I'm "crazy" because some people dont want to hear My Truth. Or it sounds crazy to them and I'd think I'm crazy too but these things literally happened to Me.

To be very blunt and candid, I dont know if it was God controlling the clouds or EXTRA Terrestrials or something like HAARP? But something was making the clouds form into the shapes that I AM telling you guys about!

God lives in YOU, so be with God!

"You can't trample infidels when you're a tortoise. I mean, all you could do is give them a meaningful look."
I'll pray for you too buddy.

Thank you bud, I'll pray for you too, but I pray for THE WORLD and THE UNIVERSE constantly.

God loves you!

I think you have a very lax idea of what counts as evidence. The same standards that are used to discount the evidence of the bible (standards which you support apparently) can be applied to the evidence you have put forth. IOW you seem happy to criticize the mistakes of Christians while overlooking those mistakes in yourself. With that sort of approach you could 'prove' to yourself just about anything you were motivated to.

If your mother was on trial for murder wouldn't you want something more solid than her initials being G.K (guilty killer) or that she likes to drink 'redrum'? What if the prosecutor just had a strong feeling and really believed she was a killer? After all, we can prove that she is alive, trace her birthdate, ect. What if I found a prophecy that a woman with her initials and birthdate would be a monster who kills children? Would you be okay with seeing your mother get the electric chair based on this 'evidence'?

If you choose to be delusional rather than suffer the consequences of the medication that is your business I suppose. But when you disingenuously shout that you have evidence and all you have are half-baked scraps of insanity, you should be prepared to realize that your message is being impressed upon no one.

Dont get Me wrong, if I had only one book to read for the rest of My Life than it would be The Bible because of all of the spiritual "truths" (what is truth though?). But My point is that these truths are refutable because some people dont even believe in God... How can one prove or disprove God because God is different to most people? I AM a Person, and that is irrefutable and what I say is what has literally happened and if I say something I believe, I usually say "I believe" so try and disprove My irrefutable FACTS that I postulate.

I believe God loves the Christians but at the same time I believe that I have irrefutable evidence of what I am sharing. Maybe My words are NOT meant for you and thats fine but I'm speaking to the people that want evidence for believing, besides a book from 2000 years ago that people preach like its an irrefutable fact. Like I said "I will take a lie detector test in order to be vindicated!" I love The Bible and its My favorite book, but I cant prove most of the things it says but I put My faith in it. But I want facts that are provable, and I found them in Myself and revealed through The Bible, as I showed you guys the prophecies that I have fulfilled IMO. I say IMO (In My Opinion) because I actually did the things I said but its up to the observer whether they think it fulfills prophecy or not. To Me, I believe the SIGNS all point to Me, but to some of you that is My "DELUSION" but to Me its evidence. You dont have to believe anything, but I choose to believe in My evidence. I dont want a cult I want to be King. Why? Because I could set up PARADISE for us, it would/will happen very fast because I'm not going to tarry. God knows that I dont want to be King because I AM shy and I dont want attention but if I do it for everyone than I'll be able to live in peace. Whats My goal? UTOPIA for the masses! But Utopia will be different for everyone and thats why diversity is going to be paramont too. I want the best for everyone and I feel as though I could help, but I need help to get to that point.

Watch My videos and refute the evidence based in there and whats bad about the things I say?

God loves you!

...we should be able to separate evidence from evidence. I think I know what kind of 'evidence' you're talking about. It's the kind of evidence that you can feel and see within, so no outer expression is necessary. Even the most skeptical among us can't 'prove' their own thoughts, other than to talk about them. Another form of evidence is tangible, right? So the tangible manifestation of 'thought' is a 'product'. (going with the flow here, all, bear with me) The line that divides genius and madness is nothing more than a product. I'm using the term genius in the inner genius / higher voice sense. I've asked the question before, who is 'driving' when someone is having a 'nous' experience, or is experiencing madness. Either or, the answer is still the same. The 'base self' of who we are does the driving. Some call that self. Some say that if that 'self' ever says that harm is in order, then it would be the flip-side of that self and best not to make action of that thought. I hope that's kind of clear.

Don't do stuff that harms yourself, or other people. There's your 'higher voice' right there. It's fckn genius! :razz:

I'm not going to hurt Myself (or others) because I'm a Man on a mission and you guys may believe what you want but I'm doing it for God.

What would happen if Christ is a FACT and He just never tried to reach anyone with The Message? Whats a better way than THE INTERNET? What if heaven on Earth was just One Person away? What if everyone could be rich? What if everyone could have a MANSION, A MANSION UNDERGROUND, A MANSION UNDERWATER, and maybe a mansion on another planet? What if this is just the starting point? What if GREATNESS is One Person away? What if the basic necessities of life can be FREE or very cheap? What if a Person could fulfill most of your dreams? What if Christ wants to do these things NOW?

What about NOW?

God loves you!

So then you are talking about the difference between objective evidence and subjective hearsay.

Though subjective hearsay isn't evidence, it's far from it... usually our emotions/feelings tell us what we want, rather than what really is... when dealing with reality.

I believe preachers preach subjective hearsay but good for them, people need to believe in something right?

What is reality? I dont think anyone can really answer that because there are as many realities as there are beings or people or life. How many universes are there? Could there be as many universes as there is life? How much life is there? I'd have to say that there is infinite life and thusly infinite universes. So pick your reality. LOL :D

God loves you!

You guys might be wondering how I, Christ, plan on building all THESE MANSIONS? I'm going to use My favorite plant, THE HEMP PLANT!... Hemp can make PLASTIC and thats how I AM going to do it. So if THE MANSIONS are built on the ground or UNDERGROUND, or UNDERWATER or where-ever the answer is PLASTIC from the HEMP PLANT. I AM going to employ BILLIONS of FARMERS like you guys to cultivate the HEMP plant and build up and build down and above the water and below the water.

These MANSIONS are going to be MASS PRODUCED in forms, or molds, that will shelter all of mankind. They are going to be pre-installed with FIBER OPTIC ceilings and walls that when you speak to your wall and/or ceiling you can watch TV or go online or download any image or picture or video right on your walls and/or ceiling. These walls are also going to be breathalble or pourous. In other words your walls (and/or ceiling) are going to to have pre-installed ductwork that is going to be like central air for climate control. You will be able to chill in your rooms at a comfortable 70 degrees (or whatever you want) and be able to make a draft, at that tempeture, to suck the air out and replace it with new air. This would help if you like to smoke but dont like stagnant smoke in the room. (Just speak to it and it will be done.) You could have a 10mph breeze flow through your walls if you want. In order to do this its very simple, you just need to have like 1/2inch gap between the FIBER OPTIC screens and the "base board" or interior of the walls. So there will be breathable walls for climate control. Also the plumbing will be intergrated into the plastic MANSIONS and if you want radiant heat than that will be pre-installed too. Basically THESE MANSIONS will be preinstalled with all the right accomadations to suit royality. HEMP plastic is impervious to water so you will never have to worry about a leak. And the insulation will be made out of HEMP too for the exterior walls; the insulation will be between maybe a 8inch gap and it will work fine. THESE MANSION will also have the ability to be INVISIBLE and BULLET-PROOF. The exterior of your home will be able to take on any picture, color or even video that you want. It will be BULLETPROOF because the exterior plastic can be made like 4inches thick which would stop viritually any bullet but in the soon to come future there will be such a PEACE that people wont have to worry about it. Like I said, it will be made from HEMP PLASTIC. Your HEMP MANSION will also have like 50 basements UNDERGROUND so how many square feet will that add to your MANSION? I said "LIKE 50 BASEMENTS"! It could be more or less. UNDERGROUND MANSIONS could be made using TUNNEL BOREING MACHINS (or TBMs). In the future I plan on building (over) MILLIONS of TBMs to augment the process of DIGGING BELOW in order to create insulated space homes BELOW! UNDERWATER is easy because the HEMP PLASTIC is the solution for that too. Dont worry the Oxygen will come from the SALT WATER in the OCEAN! We can even FARM UNDERWATER too and grow HEMP for PLASTIC to help build more UNDERWATER MANSIONS. Like I said, I have THE GRAND DESIGN!

I also plan on gathering ASTROIDS and COMETS from the Astroid belt in order to make NEW PLANETS in the "Goldy Locks Zone" so there will be more planets like Earth revolving around The Son (of God :D ) In the videos I talk about turning Jets into SPACE JETS and also UNDERWATER JETS so we will be able to fly where-ever we want to go, whether it be in SPACE or AIR or UNDERWATER! What more could you want? And energy is NEVER going to be a problem because NUCLEAR FUSION is going to work for us. And with enough pressure, I will be able to CREATE GOLD AND PLATNUM (or any element) from (the Hydrogen in) WATER! So like I said, invest in your family because in the end thats what really matters because once people find out that GOLD can be created from WATER than the price is going to drop and hit the floor, but I dont know when thats going to be. And if we need more light for FARMS than we can always redirect the suns light energy to any-where needed....... And people need fresh water(?) that answer is simple too; all you need to do is take the salt out of the ocean water. Its called distilleries, and basically its boiling the water to make steam and collecting the steam, steam doesnt have salt in it. People are hungry(?) they say the HEMP seed is very nutricious and a good source of protien and other organic fruits and vegitables will be GROWN like never before to feed EVERYONE! We are going to grow topside and UNDERGROUND and UNDERWATER and the sky is the limit.

You guys dont understand all the G(o)od things that I can do. I'll make what needs to be made. I'll create what needs to be created. I'll feed those that need to be feed. I'll shelter those that need to be sheltered. I'll provide as much water to those that thirst. I'll love as much as I can love. What more could people want?

How many jobs would My plan create? It would employ THE WORLD!!! (My people dont perish because of lack of resources BUT LACK OF KNOWLEDGE!)

Its nothing personal to you guys, all I see is words and avatar pictures. But can you guys blame Me for being honest and wanting to do good things for people? Like I said, I believe God lives in everyone so I dont know how else to repay God for My Life other than helping people. What if everything disappeared when I die? Just a question, and you cant prove it ANY WAY YOU TRY because if I AM dead than you wont be able to prove anything (to Me), and I believe that I AM The Life so..... What happens if (The Way, The Truth and) The Life goes to heaven and passes? Like I said, I dont want to be worshipped but RESPECTED because its not an easy endeavor trying to usher in UTOPIA to a WICKED world! You think you could live without Me but you will NEVER EVER be able to prove it. And I'm living for God and thusly you all. What if everything is THE BODY of God? What if you have been bought with a price and your NOT your own? (It teaches that in The Bible, right?) I'm not trying to depress any of you but rather to stimulate your mind and expand you spiritually. We are all connected through God so just think about Who made EVERYTHING? Jesus allegedly said "You believe in God, believe also in Me!"

I'm praying for you guys and I wish the best of luck... Like I said, I'm not trying to start a cult but I want to be King, either The King of nothing or The King of EVERYTHING. I really dont need to ask permission but I'll be a gentleman.

God loves and blesses you ALL!


Personal truths are completely different than having a truth based on objective evidence. There is a big difference.

Let's say, for example, my personal truth is that the reality we all reside in right now is a dream. My emotions and feelings and experiences tell me that what this is, is merely the dream of a god.

^Now, i could be right... or wrong about this, because there is no objective evidence to support my claim of reality being the dream of a god, because it is completely based upon my own hearsay... and not objective evidence, the possibility will always exist that i could be wrong about this claim.
(The same goes for ideas about gods, an afterlife, and any and all supernatural ideas which cannot be tested or observed) <--- We could be wrong about those ideas.

Now, lets take for example the objective truth everything that is observable in the universe is made up of extremely tiny pieces of matter called atoms. There is an abundance of objective evidence to support this claim, so much so that it cannot be refuted. It doesn't matter how we feel, or what we experience, it doesn't matter if you die... or anyone else dies, the fact that everything observable in the universe is made of of tiny pieces of matter (or stuff) is irrefutable.

^We can be truthful to ourselves when we say, i know for sure that everything observable in the universe is made of of tiny pieces of matter (atoms).

And here comes the kicker------

If i were to say that i know for sure that reality is a dream... i would be lying to myself, even if it IS my truth. If you, or anyone else were to say for sure that god does, or doesn't exist, they also would be lying to themselves even if it IS their truth. (This goes for all subjective truths (claims based on hearsay)

Therefor, there is a massive difference between claims based on objective evidence and claims based on hearsay (personal truth).

If we are to base the purpose of our existence on honesty with ourselves (like i do, but i know many others don't) then we must admit to ourselves that our personal truths... have the possibility of being wrong.

Though even though i know, understand and accept that i may be wrong about reality being a dream... i still think it is, regardless. This is the only honest way to hold onto a personal truth, to admit to yourself that you may be wrong about it.

Cool ideas, bro.
I'm not going to hurt Myself (or others) because I'm a Man on a mission and you guys may believe what you want but I'm doing it for God.

What would happen if Christ is a FACT and He just never tried to reach anyone with The Message? Whats a better way than THE INTERNET? What if heaven on Earth was just One Person away? What if everyone could be rich? What if everyone could have a MANSION, A MANSION UNDERGROUND, A MANSION UNDERWATER, and maybe a mansion on another planet? What if this is just the starting point? What if GREATNESS is One Person away? What if the basic necessities of life can be FREE or very cheap? What if a Person could fulfill most of your dreams? What if Christ wants to do these things NOW?

What about NOW?

God loves you!

...what if Christ is a 'fact' that is constantly being taught, but few try to reach the message? The message is way 'lower' than most people think. "In the dirt we find it".

...I can see that you're saying 'you guys may believe what you want'. That applies to you as well :) When I respond to you, it's because I'm curious about what this thread as a whole has to say. Not trying to tell you, or anyone, that you're 'wrong' or 'nuts'. I think it's great that you're nuts :razz:
I want to know WHAT IS THE PROBABILITY? WHAT ARE THE CHANCES? WHAT IS THE LIKIHOOD? How can these things happen to One Man AKA ME- George Manuel Oliveira?

When you find out the probability and chances of all these things happening to One Man, The NEW Christ, than come and refute the EVIDENCE. And if you do NOT see any EVIDENCE than your BLIND like PHARISEES!






I'm a preacher in the making. I'm born again & I'm here to spread the gospel. Or the Good News that we have a living Savior & that The Bible is NOT about a guy that lived & died 2000 years ago but its about THIS Person that has overcome & iTAKING US ALL TO HEAVEN!

What dont you guys understand?

There might be some "funny guys" on here and whatever, but I'm looking for the Christians in search of Christ!

You guys want to refute the evidence in the videos? If it is true than "What time is it?"? Can anyone say its time TO BE RAPTURED?

I hear Christ (AKA George Manuel Oliveira) talk about HEAVEN on EARTH and building a UTOPIAN SOCIETY, with UNDERGROUND MANSIONS, FARMS & ENVIORNMENT, UNDERWATER MANSIONS, FARMS & ENVIORMENTS, & EVERYTIHNG IN BETWEEN.. I hear of ways to make the most of the best & make things more efficient so people can prosper..

Like I said, REFUTE THE EVIDENCE ON THE VIDEOS. Whats wrong with what He said besides He was a little chubby for a few, but everyone knows a chubby good person and loves them.

REFUTE THE EVIDENCE! IF He is not Christ than who is?

Christianity is "THE NUMBER ONE 'RELIGION' IN THE WORLD", so WAIT UNTIL the Christians (that are looking for The Savior) to find out!

God bless!


You may be wondering &#8220;How could people breath in UNDERWATERmansions?&#8221; Or &#8220;How could the world &#8216;blow up&#8217; with UNDERGROUND mansions?&#8221; Or&#8220;How can a jet fly both in OUTERSPACE and UNDERWATER using the SAME jet?&#8221;

I&#8217;m going to try and candidly explain these things because Idid NOT have time to do so in the videos I made and I don&#8217;t like making youtubevideos because I embarrass Myself&#8230;. LOL&#8230; But FIRST..

The people and animals and plants will breath UNDERWATERvery simply, FIRST the SALT WATER is made up of H2O, or Hydrogen and Oxygen andthe SALT makes it a decent conductor of electricity which is very good forELECTROLYSIS. Electrolysis is basically PASSING AN ELECTRIC CURRENT THROUGHSALT WATER. Salt is very good in this case because it augments the process. Youcan then collect the Hydrogen bubbles and Oxygen bubbles to be used forwhatever. Its best to liquefy BOTH the Hydrogen and the Oxygen if you want todecrease the space it takes up as a gas. So if you have electricity and saltwater, it is very simple, just pass a current through the salt water. In thefuture there will be NO SHORTAGE of electricity. So the Oxygen FOR US TO BREATHwill be in abundance because it can be &#8220;ripped&#8221; out of the ocean water, andlikewise the hydrogen FOR FUEL! That is why living UNDERWATER is going to be SOEASY! PLUS any plastic (or FIBER OPTICS) needed for the building materials canbe grown FROM HEMP, all day long in farms that are bigger than a small countryto feed our needs. PLUS we will be growing things UNDERGROUND too, like 200stories of underground farms or as many need be. We are/will be able to growUNDERWATER TOO because that is TOO EASY too.

With that being said, THE UNDERWATER JETS will be able tofly in OUTER SPACE using liquid Hydrogen and liquid Oxygen for its fuel (whichcomes from the ocean). If the jet is flying in the air than just the liquidHydrogen will be needed because there is sufficient Oxygen in the air. And theOxygen needed to &#8220;fly&#8221; a jet UNDERWATER will come from the ocean and it can be&#8220;ripped&#8221; right from the water. Like I said in a video (about UNDERWATER), &#8220;Aninternal engine will be needed, like a FUEL CELL.&#8221; A FUEL CELL candidly takesHydrogen and turns it into electricity. So these two can be ripped right out ofthe water and while the jet is moving forward VERY VERY VERY FAST! We mighteven take a &#8220;dunk&#8221; in the ocean (with our SPACE JETS) just to refill up withthese &#8220;supplies&#8221; because its sooo abundant there. (Jets could fly using nuclearenergy, but its too dangerous IMO)

The space jets will be used to gather ASTROIDS and COMETS toform other planets for posterity too. You might be a SPACE CADET (like Me) whowill gather these rocks to form planets for us, just in case we need morespace.

As far as the &#8220;SPACE BALLS&#8221; go, the inside wouldn&#8217;t have tobe round, it could be square on the inside too. If the outside had a ROUND&#8220;case&#8221; around this UNDERWATER HOME than like 3 points could be used to rotateit in place. Think of a FERRIS WHEEL how the tires rotate it in place, but onthe bottom. I was thinking that 3 points would all that would be needed to rotateit in any direction, AND since its going to be like 2K square feet (OR MORE) insize, its most likely going to be buoyant and there would be something neededto keep it down. That&#8217;s why these &#8220;wheels&#8221; that are going to rotate it willmost likely be near the top but far enough apart to keep the space ball downeven with heavy ocean currents or a storm. But this is NOT the only way, butit&#8217;s a start. The world is 70% water ON THE SURFACE and the ocean can go veryvery deep, So how much vacant real estate is there? NOW? I talk about FLOATINGmansions, farms and environment too on the videos. And maybe these could beused to keep the space balls underwater.?. So I CAN walk on water, but&#8230;. I&#8217;m100% human so its not like I can just step on water and glide across, but ifJesus could walk on water than He could fly too, right? I&#8217;m a human on a Divinemission, call Me CRAZY but I already know I&#8217;m CRAZY! LOL

The UNDERGROUND mansions will be made using TUNNEL BORINGMACHINES (or TBMs) and/or using HIGH POWERED LASERS that will cut through stonelike a hit knife through butter. I told My buddies on Rollitup.org about thesein like 2008 and I believe I mentioned it in a few videos (when I was chubby).I AM going to grow more hemp and more hemp and more hemp etc. to keep growingthe world for posterity so there will never be &#8220;over population&#8221;. Another thingto think about is WHEN YOU ESCAVATE FROM THE INSIDE OF THE EARTH, THAN ITSGOING TO BUILD MORE MATTER (OR DIRT) ON THE OUTSIDE and thusly &#8216;blowing up&#8217; theworld to a greater diameter. Get it?

Basically I plan on maximizing the best ideas so that therewill be a global UTOPIAN SOCIETY and to get over petty differences and work onmaking everyone having the richest life possible, and NOT to exclude any race,creed or tongue. Utopia will be different for everyone but I think these arethe right steps in A NEW DIRECTION! I talked about the other things on theyoutube videos, I just wanted to clarify on these points, and I wrote over 7Kposts on rollitup.org BUT I know these things are totally possible and I havealready put the pieces together, I&#8217;m just waiting on My people to come togetherand advocate for UTOPIA. You can see My face and hear My voice on the youtubevideos, I NEVER said I&#8217;m perfect and I NEVER will be perfect, BUT I&#8217;m fightingon your side and I always will be (too). My goal is NOT to offend anyonebecause My beef is with the central banks and no one else, I don&#8217;t have timefor bickering or BS because I have My own problems. But trust Me, I have THEGRAND DESIGN all laid out for those who will just grab it and take it toheavens gates. I&#8217;m only going to improve on My world until&#8230;. I&#8217;ll never stoptrying to make it better and better.

And NO family shouldgo without when God freely gave us all of these things. Food? NO PROBLEM!Water? NO PROBLEM! Energy? NO PROBLEM! Shelter? NO PROBLEM! And again, NOPROBLEM! We just need to grow more (HEMP), its that simple !

You may be wondering &#8220;Are these things really possible?&#8221; Itell you The Truth, it says in The Go(o)d Book, &#8220;With men these things areIMPOSSIBLE&#8230;.. BUT with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!&#8221; So start by ready The NewTestament. God loves you (all) and Christ loves you (all) too.

EDIT- I cant forget the ~PEACE~ LOL


I still have MUCH to teach fromThe Bible but this is enough for today. I&#8217;m praying for you guys every day,nonstop! (I&#8217;m sorry if some of the words are typos or are not separated becauseI&#8217;m copying and pasting from Microsoft Word and I don&#8217;t feel like proof reading it. But 99% of it should be accurate, the 1% is from typos and getting messed up from copying and pasting, sorry.)

This is My, George Manuel Oliveira, commentary about the Bible and what I believe is pertinent and some of the prophecies that I (The Second Coming (or The First Coming? I&#8217;m not sure&#8230;LOL)) have fulfilled! First I AM going to site the OBVIOUS prophecies that I have fulfilled. Hold on its going to be a ride into My past, present and future and the whole world will one day find out these things also.

Matthew 4:2

&#8220;And when He had fasted fortydays and forty nights, afterward He was hungry.&#8221;

I bought My house in ME when I was 21 years old and I paid cash from working as a commercial scuba diver for quahogs and later I started working on commercial fishing boats, and if I wasn&#8217;t working on a fishing boat I was scuba diving for quahogs because I was already engaged at 21 and I was trying to start a family with her. I planned on growing enough herb to retire early and pay off the taxes for My VERY HARD labor, that&#8217;s why I bought the house. Long story short, I had to move from ME to MA because I ran out of money and I was 22 turning 23 within a couple months. I came back from Maine and within a few weeks My X fiancé broke up with Me. I wanted to die butI didn&#8217;t want to hurt Myself and I couldn&#8217;t keep down food because I was sick to My stomach that she would do that to Me, I&#8217;ve been a godly person all My Life; but that&#8217;s a story for another time. Anyways, I couldn&#8217;t eat so I figured I just wouldn&#8217;t eat and decided to starve Myself. So the point is that I went about 6 weeks without any food besides grape juice and maybe a TINY snack every few days. I weighed 185lbs (and I&#8217;m 6ft 1) and after the 6 weeks or ROUGHLY 40DAYS (because 6x&#8217;s 7 is about 40) of fasting I weighed 160lbs. I was very skinny but strong before the fast and after the fast I could see My bones, it was NOT healthy. I got delusional and was hearing voices on the radio, and I said to My dad &#8220;you make Me feel like I want to kill Myself.&#8221; But like 3 days earlier I found out I AM Christ; I looked up what My middle and last Name meant and I found out that GMO backwards is OMG. I went to the first mental hospital after like an hour of telling someone I&#8217;m Christ. This was August of 2008 when this happened and I&#8217;ve been talking to My people on Rollitup.org prior to this point for like 3 years of bullshitting with you guys. So the prophecy of fasting for 40 days was fulfilled in this point in My Life!
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Matthew 8:23-27

New International Version (NIV)

Jesus Calms the Storm

23 Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. 24 Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. 25 The disciples went and woke him, saying, &#8220;Lord, save us! We&#8217;re going to drown!&#8221;

26 He replied, &#8220;You of little faith, why are you so afraid?&#8221; Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

27 The men were amazed and asked, &#8220;What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!&#8221;

So like I said &#8220;I was a commercial fisherman.&#8221; The boat called &#8220;The Direction&#8221; was the second boat I worked on, and it is a 65ft lobster boat. It was actually on the DiscoveryChannel; the show was called &#8220;Lobster Fisherman of New England&#8221;. It was like &#8220;The Deadliest Catch&#8221; kind of show. Go look it up if you don&#8217;t believe Me. I worked on The Direction a year after that show. Anyways, I went out to go fishing and it was a 24 hour ride to get to the fishing grounds and I would work 21 hours a day once we got to the lobster pots so we would try to sleep during this ride. So I was sleeping on the bow of the boat where the beds are I woke up and I was floating every other second. The storm was so bad that I was rising like 1-3inches off the bed (or &#8220;rack&#8221;) and then sinking back down into the bed/rack. LOL, no lie. The winds were blowing about 120mph and the waves were about 30-40 feet HIGH! I woke up and talked to the rest of the crew and the captain (his name is Al) said &#8220;We are going to die, I&#8217;ve never been in a storm so bad!&#8221; (Mind you this was when I was like 20 years old, before I ever had the notion I&#8217;m Christ because I never believed I AM Christ until I turned 23 years old.) I believe I said &#8220;Is it a good time to check the survival suits?&#8221; I wasn&#8217;t that scared because I always had faith in God and I knew the boat had survival suits. So if the boat did go under, I would have a survival suit to don on. AFTER being awake for like 2 hour I was tired and I took some pictures of the storm (or &#8220;tempest&#8221;) on my cell and that was enough; and I went back to sleep! I was a little apprehensive that the captain said &#8220;We might die&#8221; but I lived for that stuff. LOL! But I&#8217;ve been on plenty of boats in BAD BAD weather; but I worked on boats that were usually much larger (than 65ft) like around TWICE that size, like 185 footers. But that storm stuck in My mind because the captain said &#8220;We might die&#8221;. BUT I lived for that stuff, I liked it. (I&#8217;m less &#8220;dangerous&#8221; now though.) So there is another prophecy fulfilled in Me.

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(These next TWO quotes Scriptures are about THE SOWER AND THE SEED! PAY ATTENTION TO THE NUMBERS 3& 6)

Matthew 13:3-9
The Parableof the Sower

New Living Translation (NLT)

3 He told many stories in the form of parables, such as this one:

&#8220;Listen! A farmer went out to plant some seeds. 4 As he scattered them across his field, some seeds fell on a foot path, and the birds came and ate them. 5 Other seeds fell on shallow soil with underlying rock. The seeds sprouted quickly because the soil was shallow. 6 But the plants soon wilted under the hot sun, and since they didn&#8217;t have deep roots, they died. 7 Other seeds fell among thorns that grew up and choked out the tender plants. 8 Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they produced a crop that was 60, 30 , and even a hundred times as much as had been planted! 9 Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.&#8221;

Mark 4:3-9

New Living Translation (NLT)
The Parable of the Sower

3 &#8220;Listen! A farmer went out to plant some seed. 4 As he scattered it across his field, some of the seed fellon a foot path, and the birds came and ate it. 5 Other seed fell on shallow soilwith underlying rock. The seed sprouted quickly because the soil was shallow. 6 But the plant soon wilted under the hot sun, and since it didn&#8217;t have deep roots, it died. 7 Other seed fell among thorns that grew up and choked out the tender plants so they produced no grain. 8 Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they sprouted, grew, and produced a crop that was 30, 60, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted!&#8221; 9 Then he said, &#8220;Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.&#8221;

Ok you read the Scripture and noticed the numbers. A little of My background and then the reason why I quoted this. When I was a little boy, I first smoked herb at the age of about 7 years old. I didn&#8217;t even know what it was but I was about that old. I used to go into school at like 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] and definitly 4[SUP]th[/SUP]grade STONED! When I was 15 years old I lived at 63 Pine St in Stoughton MA and I decided I wanted to grow herb with some bagseed because I was smoking herb like every day. My dad had a little garden and figured I would grow some herb so I wouldn&#8217;t have to buy it. LOL! I caught some sun fish at a pond and I added lime powder to my dads garden and I planted the seed; BUT I didn&#8217;t know how to grow anything, Iwas just guessing. LOL! The plants were like 7ft tall in August but My dad pulled them out before they budded; My dad didn&#8217;t even know what a pot plant looked like, he thought they were just weeds and I honestly believe him because he only smoked herb ONCE in his life (to this day). The funny thing is that they would have been seeded bud because I didn&#8217;t know the difference between male and female plants. I never went on the internet at this point in My life and I didn&#8217;t want to show anyone My crops. I was born in 1985, I&#8217;m 27 NOW! That was the FIRST time I ever grew herb and I NEVER grew it again until I bought My house at the age of 21 at 36 Aroostook Ave in Millinocket Maine. Like I said this was the SECOND time I ever grew pot. I NEVER had a mortgage on My house because I paid CASH (or a bankcheck) and I bought My house when I was 21 because I worked HARD on fishing boats or scuba diving for clams and I saved all My money so I could start a family. FYI I started smoking herb at 7 and I smoked with friends until I turned 16; at 16 I stopped doing drugs until I turned 23 because I went toschool to be an electronics engineer at a Voc Tech High School, and I actually went to college for engineering BUT I didn&#8217;t complete a semester because I didn&#8217;t have a car or enough money, so I dropped out and than started to work construction, than the fishing career. BUT I lived at these TWO homes BEFORE Iever read The Bible or had the notion that I AM Christ, God is My Witness. The parable is about The Sower and the seed. Look at the numbers again. I&#8217;m The Sower and the seeds were pot seeds&#8230;. LOL! The reason why I bought 36 Aroostook was because I could afford it; I wanted something MUCH CLOSER to MAss. I bought the house so I could pay My taxes and retire early instead of doing the rat race. You know? It&#8217;s a long story but I&#8217;ll be candid as possible. To surmise The Bible put the 3 and 6 in that order and LOOK at the FIRST TWO places where I grew weed. Coincidence? Maybe, but what if it was (a) set up by God? Look at all the other facts I&#8217;m confessing. Oh, and BTW (By The Way) I grew some killer buds at 36 Aroostook in Maine, everyone said they were the best buds they ever smoked. I gave some of those seeds to Loud Blunts from RIU.org like 5 years ago.. LOL! Fdd2blk had to intervene on an argument between Me and Loud Blunts.. LOL! I sent him those seeds and LB said he didn&#8217;t get them? WTF? Next Scripture, hold on to your pants.

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Matthew 14:13-22

Today's New InternationalVersion (TNIV)

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

13 When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this,the crowds followed him on foot from the towns. 14 When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.

15 As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, &#8220;This is a remote place, and it&#8217;s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.&#8221;

16 Jesus replied, &#8220;They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.&#8221;

17 &#8220;We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,&#8221; they answered.

18 &#8220;Bring them here to me,&#8221; he said. 19 And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. 20 They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. 21 The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.

Ok, well I cant take 5 loavesand 2 fish and feed over 5000 people from that alone but, as I said, I was a commercial fisherman and I first became a commercial scuba diver ; I was diving for quahogs and I was catching about 600 pounds a day. Next I met a one of My best friends that was/is a fisherman and he got Me set up working on the first fishing boat called The &#8220;Dona Martita&#8221; which was the 185ft boat which was fishing for HERRING and (holy) MACKEREL. That boat had a 800 thousand pound capacity for fish, which is just about 1 million pounds. This boat was a para-troller which means it needed 2 boats to pull A HUGE NET. These are the 2 fish, (maybe?)the 2 boats. And the crew members were 5 total; 2 deckhands, 1 captain, 1 mate,and 1 chief engineer. These are the 5 loaves, (maybe?) the 5 crew members. The point I&#8217;m really trying to make is that I caught MILLIONS of pounds of fish and feed MILLIONS of people because we would catch MILLIONS of pounds every week and I worked on a bunch of boats that caught TONS of fish EVERY DAY. (If you know Me and have watched My videos, do I even need to say that once I AM King I will feed THE WHOLE WORLD? I&#8217;m going to need farmers to help and employ the rest of the world too, but growing (organic food) is going to be paramount!) This is a FACT, its on My record that I worked on these boats and I&#8217;m not going to tell you how hard or how many hours STRAIGHT I would work BUT SUPER HARD(LABOUR) & LONG HOURS. FYI, I never paid taxes on the money I made from commercial fishing though&#8230;. LOL! Its all good. I&#8217;m also going to write about this boat, the Dona Martita, and the miracle of catching over 1 MILLION poundsof (holy) mackerel in 1 tow or set of the net. The Bible talks about how Jesus said &#8220;&#8217;Let down the net&#8217;.. And they caught so much fish that the boat was sinking and they shared it with a partner boat.&#8221; This also happened to Me but I&#8217;m going through The New Testament in consecutive order, so I&#8217;ll get to that later.

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Matthew 14:23-33

Today's New International Version (TNIV)

23 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, 24 but the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.

25 Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. &#8220;It&#8217;s a ghost,&#8221; they said, and cried out in fear.

27 But Jesus immediately said to them: &#8220;Take courage! It is I. Don&#8217;t be afraid.&#8221;

28 &#8220;Lord, if it&#8217;s you,&#8221; Peter replied, &#8220;tell me to come to you on the water.&#8221;

29 &#8220;Come,&#8221; he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, &#8220;Lord, save me!&#8221;

31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. &#8220;You of little faith,&#8221; he said, &#8220;why did you doubt?&#8221;

32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, &#8220;Truly you are the Son of God.&#8221;

Like I said, &#8220;I am/was a commercial scuba diver!&#8221; (I haven&#8217;t been diving in a few years though). When I would go diving for quahogs I wouldn&#8217;t wear fins because it was easier to walk on the ocean floor because I would wear like an extra 50 pounds of lead weight to keep Me from floating. It was a lot quicker just to walk on the sea floor and glide across the ocean bottom like superman because I would push off the floor and My head would be like 2 feet off the floor because that angle was the quickest. When I was moving 100-200lbs of quahogs to My Jeep I would walk like straight up on the floor because with that much extra weight I could move quick at a vertical angle (or 90 degrees) but when I wasn&#8217;t moving heavy quahogs I was gliding at like a 30 degree angle because that was quickest. I never thought &#8220;I&#8217;m walking on water!&#8221; because I was walking IN water and I never thought I was Christ or anything like that (because I was under 23 years old here and it was at 23 is when I found out about My Name.), it was My job. I used to spend like 6-7 hours a day UNDERWATER collecting quahogs so I could make some money, that&#8217;s it. It was My favorite job because I was My own boss and I didn&#8217;t have to worry about getting bitched at for stupid sh*t. It was just Me and the fish and quahogs and I was surrounded by ocean water all the time. (This is also a FACT of life becauseits on My record and I have plenty of people that would testify.) I loved it and I became really good at it too. So I can NOT walk ON water but I walked IN water plenty of times, it was My job&#8230; LOL! Like I said, if someone can walk ON water (without any machines) than they could fly like superman too, because both would defy physics. Another prophecy fulfilled in Me. Need I say more?

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Matthew 17:1-9

New International Version (NIV)

The Transfiguration

17 After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. 2 There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. 3 Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.

4 Peter said to Jesus, &#8220;Lord,it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters&#8212;one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.&#8221;

5 While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, &#8220;This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!&#8221;

6 When the disciples heard this, they fell face down to the ground, terrified. 7 But Jesus came and touched them. &#8220;Get up,&#8221; he said. &#8220;Don&#8217;t be afraid.&#8221; 8 When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus.

9 As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus instructed them, &#8220;Don&#8217;t tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.&#8221;

I made a youtube video about the 5 signs in the clouds that I saw. I will briefly talk about the FIRST sign I saw which was God in the clouds. I was driving around with My buddy Patrick Gould and I ended up pulling over to a place where I made the most money scuba diving for quahogs and as soon as I parked My Jeep I looked up in the clouds and said &#8220;Look, it looks like God in the clouds!&#8221; to My buddy Patrick and he saw it too and said &#8220;Yea, it does.&#8221; (This was 2009, or about a year after I got the notion I AM Christ!). You can ask My buddy Patrick Gould what he saw that day too, but I&#8217;m going to explain. Gods face was lite up by the sun RIGHT BEHIND His HEAD and I could see long wavy hair. It looked like He was wearing a white robe; because His Body was a cloud and that cloud was separate from the other clouds. Around His waist or chest area there was like a strip of cloud that I later read in The Bible that it might have been a sickle that represents THE HARVEST AT THE END OF THE AGE! Everything was proportional to what a Person should look like, it was beautiful and I didn&#8217;t think I would see any other signs in the clouds because I NEVER saw anything like that before; I saw God in the clouds vividly for like 3-4 minutes and then the wind blew it away. Like Isaid, I saw 4 other signs in the clouds but I made a youtube video about them.The last signs I saw in the clouds was when I was in PRISON for getting into a fight with My dad, but I was NOT convicted of any crime because My dad was a child abuser and the reason why My parents got divorced was because My mom caught My dad abusing Me (which happened regularly before they got divorced when I was in the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] grade). So the last sign was about 2 months after BLACK FRIDAY in 2009 when I was in prison at Bridgewater MA for 2 months (but it felt like 2 years). I saw 2 signs in the clouds at Bridgewater; but they are explained in the youtube videos. But I saw God in the clouds ONCE and it was one of the most beautiful things I ever saw. Something or someone was controlling the clouds, it might have been God or HAARP (or ETs, because I believe in them too.). HAARP is a weather controlling facility in Alaska I believe, but I don&#8217;t know where else they might be. But someone was controlling the clouds because it was NOT natural and that&#8217;s why they stuck in My mind; because I never before,or since, have seen anything like that before. God is My Witness that I&#8217;m not lying and I tell you the Truth. So heres another prophecy fulfilled (take it or leave it because I don&#8217;t care).

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Matthew 21:1-9

New International Version (NIV)

Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King

21 As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, 2 saying to them, &#8220;Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me. 3 If anyone says anything to you, say that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.&#8221;

4 This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet:

5 &#8220;Say to Daughter Zion,
&#8216;See, your king comes to you,
gentle and riding on a donkey,
and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.&#8217;&#8221;[a]

6 The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them. 7 They brought the donkey and the colt and placed their cloaks on them for Jesus to sit on. 8 A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. 9 The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted,

&#8220;Hosanna to the Son ofDavid!&#8221;

&#8220;Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!&#8221;[c]

&#8220;Hosanna[d] in the highest heaven!&#8221;

I told you guys about My X fiancé, well this was the LAST thing we ever did together. I was 23 years old when this happened & I already started to believe I&#8217;m Christ; BUT I NEVER read The Bible and I didn&#8217;t even know this was in The Bible. God as My Witness! She broke up with Me because &#8220;she didn&#8217;t love Me anymore.&#8221;. I still wanted to be with her and I figured that if I could win her heart over again maybe she might still want to be together. I was thinking &#8220;Maybe if we go horseback riding she will enjoy herself and love Me again.&#8221;. So I asked her the closest place where we could rent some horses. We found a place that was a town over from her town. We got there and I saw the youngest and strongest horse (or colt, but I didn&#8217;t know what the word "colt" meant at that time, LOL!) and I told her &#8220;I&#8217;m going to ride that one because it looks fast.&#8221; Two women came out and we told them we want to ride the horses and I said &#8220;I want that one&#8221; but they said that &#8220;This horse has NEVER BEEN RIDEN BEFORE and they just got him&#8221; and &#8220;they didn&#8217;t know how he would react because NO ONE HAS EVER RIDEN HIM BEFORE.&#8221; I ended up charming them and they let Me ride the horse I wanted to and he was cool. They saddled the horses up and, after, My horse wanted to run and lead the pack, LOL! My X fiancé got a female horse(I believe it was female&#8230;???) that was very old and slow, andI thought to Myself &#8220;I&#8217;m glad I got this fast young horse because I&#8217;m fast and young&#8221; LOL! So we went for like a 30 minute ride and I saw a &#8220;fishercat&#8221; and some deer. Like I said, &#8220;My horse wanted to run and lead the pack but the girl that worked there had to lead because I&#8217;d take off running with him. And My X&#8217;s horse was lagging behind like 20-30 yards.(This was only the second and last time I ever rode a horse by Myself, I went on horseback rides as a kid but I&#8217;ve only rode a horse 2 times by Myself.) This is the honest to God Truth and My X was with Me and I&#8217;m sure she would testify but I haven&#8217;t seen or talked to her in like 5 years or so. So here is another prophecy fulfilled in Me. I wouldn&#8217;t lie to you guys because I&#8217;d rather be known for My integrity/honesty more than anything, plus The Truth will come out in the end. Are you guys starting to get the picture? God has blessed Me, but I believe God has only blessed Me to be a blessing to THE WHOLE WORLD! The Bible is about Me but I&#8217;m about (God and) the welfare of EVERYONE!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Matthew 21:12-13

New International Version (NIV)

Jesus at the Temple

12 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. 13 &#8220;It iswritten,&#8221; he said to them, &#8220;&#8216;My house will be called a house of prayer,&#8217;[a] but you are making it &#8216;a den of robbers.&#8217;&#8221;

So it says in The Bible that Christ &#8220;overturned the money changers tables&#8221; and After I became a conspiracy theorist I only had problems with THE CENTRAL BANKS and I was/am trying to DESTROY them for such injustice. To prove this you only need to read what Iposted on RIU.org under the name of We Tarded, especially after the first 1,000posts to like 5K posts. I believe I said it on a youtube video that after I tuned 23 I found out about My Divinity and got a Christ complex (go figure) and within hours of first telling someone about My Christ complex I was sent to a mental hospital called &#8220;Corrigan Mental Hospital&#8221; out of Fall River MA. I was PISSED OFF that I was actually sent to a MENTAL HOSPITAL for doing what I believe is GOOD THINGS! I figured the government wanted to kill Me and I figured if I told My buddies on Rollitup.org about My effulgence than if I was murdered by the government I would have evidence why. So I got out of the hospital and I FIRST told them My Name on the internet for the world to see.You guys can read the first things I ever said about My Name (and some other crazy stuff, LOL) under the first posts of We Love 1. After like 2 days of (getting out of the hospital) & telling THE WORLD My Name the stock market CRASHED 777 points in September of 2008. This is a FACT of life! Did the stock market crash because of My Name? I&#8217;m not sure but the timeline is accurate. It goes to show that My Name is stronger than any weapon made by man because I have been made by God to do His Go(o)d will. Out of the 7K posts I made on RIU.org, I&#8217;d be surprised to see Me insulting anyone besides trying to destroy the evil empire that the central banks have setup to enslave the poor people. We are all victims that got enslaved to their tyranny. So did I turn the tables on the money changers? I believe I did, but that is what I&#8217;m postulating. Like I said,My Name is a weapon against the central banks because God is GREATER and I believe I AM His Son! I&#8217;d like to setup My Kingdom today, but I want to do what I talk about in the videos and usher in THE GREAT PEACE for ALL of the world. I&#8217;m open to suggestions though but that&#8217;s why I came up with the idea of an ONLINE GOVERNMENT because I want the people to have the power, but with certain checks and balances to keep things copasetic, you know? It says that Christ said inThe Bible &#8220;I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.&#8221; And I have come to fulfill but also to DESTROY THE CENTRAL BANKS so the people can set up a bank for the people and by the people so the people will decide with their best intentions and not suck the life out of Gods people because of the banks greed.Do you see why I have come NOW? I&#8217;m a nonviolent REBEL or RENEGADE or a benevolent dissident! So this prophecy is fulfilled in Me.


The Prophet has spoken!

This is NOT in the Bible but I&#8217;d like to talk about it anyways. Shortly in the future we are going to be traveling through space and time, and one way to have almost infinite energy is to setup mirrors around a star (like our sun) and form enormous amounts of Light energy into laser like beams that will push our space/star ships and power them a billion times over until the mirrors are not so effective (than use more mirrors to bend the light). We could use a bunch of stars once we get there. These Light (laser) beams can power our star ships (many) years later, if they want to ride the &#8220;WAVE&#8221; of light too. This will allow us to travel through space, and thusly time as well.I got this idea because I saw on TV that ETs use mirrors around stars to power their ships; and I first thought why not power the world like this, WITH (CLEAN) LIGHT ENERGY? Why not cast this Light energy (using mirrors) and concentrate it and cast it to the earth where need be, like to farms or anywhere needed? I was also thinking that if E=MC^2 than M=E/C^2 or Mass is equal to Energy divided by the speed of light squared. So I believe in the soon to come future that we will be able to materialize GOLD (out of thin air) or any element with just using enough LIGHT ENERGY from the stars and concentrating it. So lots of Light=Gold. They say Light doesn&#8217;t have mass but energy = mass and mass = energy but the C^2 plays a part too in these equations but its allegedly a Constant. So if there is mass than there is potential for energy, and if thereis energy than there is potential for mass. Right? The star ships will be like HUGE cities that have farms and all sorts of things a big city has except it will be flying through space equal to or greater than the speed of light. These laser beams of Light can bend Light around solar systems or any very large objects by using mirrors; so there will be full power all the time to the star ship.Its very simple! We are aliens but we will be MORE LIKE them because we will be exploring the cosmos like never before. I figure, if we descended from the stars then why cant we ASCEND TO THE STARS? I mean if that is our home, than &#8220;Noahs&#8221; Ark has landed and we preserved at least 2 of every animal alive (which is alot of animals) now its time to get off our Earth SHIP and be friendly to thosethat we share the cosmos with and share goods. Our benevolent SPACE FORCE is going to set this up for us. NASA is so obsolete, like much of the government.I&#8217;m just trying to expand your mind, My mind has known all these things for a long time; I put the pieces together. I&#8217;m always looking to learn but I want to share knowledge so we can all be enlightened beings. BTW I thought of a good way to get rid of INFLATION, maybe for every baby that is born in this world an extra X million dollars can/should be added into the &#8220;economy&#8221; and the only way to add more money would be to add more babies
And My world(S) are going to be a combination of Capitalism, Socialism and Communism. I AM going to take the best from each one and integrate them into one! Because they all have pros and cons, but if you take all the pros and leave the cons behind than it will be the best &#8220;government&#8221; in My opinion! And if the minimum wage is 10/hour than the richest person should NOT own more than X billion dollars or whatever the online government dictates what is best; whenI say online government I mean the synergy or collective opinions of the populace. (maybe a law should NOT be passed unless 2/3rds or 66% of the populace votes for because 49% and 51% is too close and there would be strife;but let the online government discern the best ratio that would be fair. I have the answers but I&#8217;m waiting for My people to wake up and smell the cannabis/roses.What more could you want? Im not looking for attention but if I AM King than I can implement these things ASAP and endeavor for UTOPIA. I don&#8217;t want to be The King because Im actually kinda shy and I just wanted to fit in, but I had to stand up to all the worldly atrocities and than I found out about My Name (at 23 years old) and I figured if I AM Christ than I&#8217;ve got to be the best Christ ever, LOL! Who would you rather have be The King of THE WORLD? Wouldn&#8217;t you all want Christ to be King? My favorite state is California and I believe they should be the first soverign &#8220;state&#8221; to implement the online government and explore possibilities and be the first to try &#8220;the NEW government&#8221;. Than the rest of the world will follow suit. The possibilities are ENDLESS! VOTE FOR UTOPIA!

I know these things are NOT in Scripture but I&#8217;ve been thinking about some of these things for over 4 years. I&#8217;m not going to read your comments yet on this tread because I don&#8217;t need to read negative feedback right now, after I quote My favorite passages from The Bible I will read your comments but that&#8217;s goingto be in a few days. I&#8217;m praying for you guys, and the cannabis family is My family. Gods children are My people, and that includes ALL people because God created everyone, even the atheists or other religions or races. People can change, and things take time sometimes. I have faith in you guys. Read The NewTestament and see how the religious people (AKA Pharisees) treated Christ. Holy Bible = He Only Left You (the) Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. God and Christ loves you guys, trust Me. He loves the people from RIU.org especially because God grows too.


Luke 5:2-10

New International Version (NIV)

2 He saw at the water&#8217;s edge two boats, left there by thefishermen, who were washing their nets. 3 He got into one of the boats, the onebelonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he satdown and taught the people from the boat.

4 When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, &#8220;Put outinto deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.&#8221;

5 Simon answered, &#8220;Master, we&#8217;ve worked hard all night andhaven&#8217;t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.&#8221;

6 When they had done so, they caught such a large number offish that their nets began to break. 7 So they signaled their partners in theother boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so fullthat they began to sink.

8 When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus&#8217; knees andsaid, &#8220;Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!&#8221; 9 For he and all hiscompanions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, 10 and so wereJames and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon&#8217;s partners.

Then Jesus said to Simon, &#8220;Don&#8217;t be afraid; from now on youwill fish for people.&#8221;

This is the story about how I fulfilled this prophecy BEFOREI turned 23 and I had NO IDEA that I AM Christ; I was just working. So like Isaid, FIRST I was a commercial scuba diver for quahogs and than I met one of Mybest friends (Nolberto Christobol) and he got Me My first job on a fishingboat. I didn&#8217;t know a thing about fishing so that&#8217;s why I was the grunt and themaid and the cook and did all the bullshit work. Anyways the captain was fromthe west coast and he said he was looking to meet some nice Christian women inthe area; My mom has some Christian friends and I figured I&#8217;d introduce him toMy mom. To make a long story short they started to date and later they gotmarried like 2-3 months later. Before they got married I quit the boat becauseI was working like 80 hours a week and I was only making like 500 dollars and Ifigured I&#8217;d rather scuba diver for quahogs because it was a better job. I quitthe boat for like 1-2 weeks and than the captain said &#8220;We are going to startfishing for mackerel and you&#8217;ll make more money; why don&#8217;t you get your jobback?&#8221; And he knew I was a hard worker and it would be very hard to replace Me.I wanted to make good money and I figured this was My chance. To make a longstory short the same night I got My job back we started to fish for mackereland it was NEW YEARS EVE of 2006 (and on NEW YEARS DAY of 2006 My mom and thecaptain got married&#8230; WTF?) so we went out fishing and the fish sign on the fishfinder was CRAZY lite up with like 100-200 times more fish than we ever caughtbefore or after this catch. We put down our nets with the other boat (becauseit was a para-troller) and it was one of the cleanest catches (no by-catch) andit was one of the shortest tows. We filled up our 800 thousand pound fish tanks and there was soooo muchfish that we had to transfer the net to our partner boat and filled up theirfish tanks. We caught these fish AT NIGHT too; it was NIGHT of NEW YEARS EVE of2006. This NEVER happened to Me before or since, it was like a miracle and NOWI can see that it really was.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Luke 19:1-5

New International Version (NIV)

Zacchaeus the Tax Collector

19 Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. 2 A manwas there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and waswealthy. 3 He wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short he couldnot see over the crowd. 4 So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree tosee him, since Jesus was coming that way.

5 When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him,&#8220;Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.&#8221;

I told you guys about the ET person that I saw in the treeon the youtube video. He was short too, maybe 4-5ft tall&#8230;??? I&#8217;m not going totype it out on here because I made a youtube video about it and if you want tohear about it then watch the youtube video. But one thing that I didn&#8217;t say othe youtube vvideo is that I saw the ET PERSON up in a tree but I&#8217;m not goingto saw where. He was almost invisible but I saw the little buddy. It was thecoolest thing that I ever saw in My life!


The videos of "fat" Jesus are gone and because of the Christ Complex He was on meds that slowed Christ down and also made Him fat.

Plus what kind of emotions is a person supposed to show in front of a computer that doesnt talk back? What does your mug shot look like?

Lets put it this way, His mothers name is Mary J..... OK? His Name is George Manuel Oliveria and His Name means "FARMER God is with US, OLIVE TREE". His initials are GMO and what is GMO backwards? Its OMG and everyone knows OMG stands for Oh My God, and GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. But the coolest part is that if you read the Bible in Revelation 3:11-12 and Romans 11:16-26 you will see that Jesus said "Behold, I AM coming quickly.. And I will write on him My NEW Name!!!!!!!" And in Romans it talks about "The OLIVE TREE" like a dozen times or so.

If you dont get it than you dont get it, Christ doesnt want to do anything more than BLESS BLESS BLESS.... Who is perfect anyways? You talk 15 minutes into a computer and see how you look. The videos are for you guys, He has known all these things for years.

You guys have to think, if He is NOT Christ than who is? And why wouldnt the world want a Savior to make the world a better place? NOT just a little better but look what Christ George wants to do! You can be brainwased by the government or ask yourself "If He is NOT Christ than who is?"

He was born with that Name and I can 100% assure you that. Like He said, when He was 23 years old He found out all by Himself and He has had a Christ Complex since then.. He was posting on RIU.org since 2006 and He did NOT know about His Name until 2008. Go see what He said, the instructions are all laid out for you guys.

We dont need to wait for Christ, Christ is NOW WAITING FOR US!

You guys can make fun all you want, but if He is NOT lying than what does that mean? Its time to get RAPTURED, and yes the athiests and agnostics can join too because He loves them too... It doesnt mean your a bad person for being an athiest or agnostic because He would rather chill with them than hundreds of Christians.... LOL... Come as you are and if it helps, WRITE DOWN what He says instead of watching the video...

God bless THE WHOLE WORLD!!!!!!!! ! !!!!


Matthew 9:16-17

Amplified Bible (AMP)

[SUP]16 [/SUP]And no one puts a piece of cloth that has not been shrunk on an old garment, for such a patch tears away from the garment and a worse rent (tear) is made.
[SUP]17 [/SUP]Neither is new wine put in old wineskins; for if it is, the skins burst and are [SUP][a][/SUP]torn in pieces, and the wine is spilled and the skins are ruined. But new wine is put into fresh wineskins, and so both are preserved.

This is NOT the Bible, but My analogy is the NEW WINE needs a NEW SKIN or the NEW BLOOD needs NEW SKIN or A NEW BODY for The King. It says in The Bible that My BODY is THE BREAD and My BLOOD is THE WINE. So I needed a NEW BODY in order to live again. What would a 2000 year old person look like anyways? I AM BORN AGAIN like I said. I AM The Light of the world, AND as I live you shall live also. I AM DaVine and you are the branches and you can do NOTHING apart from Me... Do you get the picture? I AM Reincarnated into this Body! One day in the future I AM going to rule the world with an iron rod, bringing forth justice and peace and freedom and love and of My Kingdom there shall be NO END, because NOW its an infallible FACT that I AM ALIVE and its a process of taking back what belongs to Me. It is written in The Bible "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesars and to God the things that are Gods." What belongs to Caesar? NOTHING! And what belongs to God? EVERYTHING! Its a process, because it says that Jesus had to build up allegiances first too, but NOW over 1 billion people claim to be Christians... I have the best intentions on forming UTOPIA on earth, and of My Kingdom there shall be NO END! One day EVERYONE WILL SEE especially since I AM NOT lying about the things I speak to you all... One person could copy and paste the things I say and have said to a million people and the million to a billion and then the whole world.. Dont be afraid, just believe in the G(o)od things. And I AM with you always, because I have NO END and if you believe than you will have NO END with Me in paradise. I pray for everyones salvation, and that includes you.


What if I AM Christ and if I AM telling The Truth than what does that mean for the world? If I AM Christ than that means that the world is going to have to wake up (and smell the cannibis) because all the things I saw (and say) about expanding the world to suit all of our needs is a big concern of Mine. I want to build as many mansions as possible for the children of God, whether they be up high in a pyramid city or castles on the ground or underground mansions or even underwater mansions. The only thing really lacking is a lack of knowledge because it is written "My people perish because of lack of knowledge." But I fully understand how to do the things which I speak or I would keep My mouth shut.

What would posterity think if I, Christ, was rejected by My people in a digital age where My videos and writings can be seen and heard all across the globe at an instant? Like I said, it is infallible evidence that I AM ALIVE and letting the world know that I AM The Christ. NOW you have both seen My face and heard My voice, plus I made about 6 thousand posts on RIU.org before I found out that I AM Christ. Honest to God, I found out about My Name in August of 2008 (on My own NO ONE TOLD Me about the GMO OMG or what My Middle and Last Name means)and thats when I started to believe, than I found more evidence as I got older. What would the world be if "Jesus" was just a pushover and said "Maybe I'm not Christ because of all the people that doubt?" And I've got much better promises than Jesus. I still dont know if "Jesus" really did the miracles that he allegedly did. Of course there was a man named Jesus back than because it was a common name but where is the evience besides The Bible?

I actually was an agnostic before I got this Christ Complex. I watched the movie Zeigeist and I said, "If there is NO EVIDENCE of "Jesus", than why should I believe in a person that lived 2000 years ago and no one has heard or seen from him since?" BUT I still believed in God because how does EVERYTHING come from nothing? Than I found out about My Name and I thought, "I must be Christ". Than I found all the evidence later. And there is TRILLIONS of times more evidence for Me than "Jesus". But I AM The same Christ but with a different Name! Show Me a REAL picture of your Jesus or any infallible evidence of Jesus and I'll be waiting forever for that evidence. But Me, I AM a REAL Person and I can be traced back to when I was born in 1985. I have been in THIS BODY for 27 years now, but at long as there is The Life than I AM ALIVE! So prove Jesus for REAL. Like I said, My NEW Name is George but I will love you better than Jesus because I AM Christ of NOW!

It is written " I (Christ) will NEVER leave you nor forsake you!". Basically I'm on YOUR side. Just think of Me as a gift from God that will build Gods Kingdom for His children with diligence and haste for your sake and Gods; because God lives in all of us, so what I do for you, I AM also doing for God. I dont want to be worshipped but RESPECTED because its not an easy undertaking trying to terraform this wicked world into OUR UTOPIA. We have many decisions to be debated on the coming ONLINE GOVERNMENT and I just want to lead The Way but NOT to dictate and thats why I came up with the notion of THE ONLINE GOVERNMENT because it will be FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE because I AM just One Person and that is My solution. BTW I came up with the notion of THE ONLINE GOVERNMENT in Taunton State Hospital in 2009 trying to think of a way to put the power in the peoples hands.

My goal is to make the Earth bloom like a spring flower (or in cannibis terms, like a budding herb). I will always try and improve on making the world a better place. I figure that I AM only Blessed to be a blessing because I live and breath for God alone. I dont want to take anything away from all of Gods children but rather give and give. The only ones that I want to take from is the central banks that corrupted our government(s). If the "Rothchilds" have 500 TRILLION dollars than I figure the people of the world should divide that sum up (evenly) to all peoples over the course of 200 years or so because our children should be trust fund babies too. By that time (200 years from now) we are going to be space cadets though and money wont matter as much. To be honest with you, I'm hoping we can be space cadets in the next 20 years... LOL.

I'm praying for you guys and you might not feel the love now; but I AM Love. We Love Won! (We Love 1)! With help from God I AM only going to BLESS MORE AND BLESS MORE!

God is with you, so be with God!


You guys are right, I AM George Manuel Oliveira and I have lost alot of friends because of My Messiah Complex. I was talking in the third person because I dont like to get personally attacked! You guys dont need to say that I'm CRAZY because I know. I'll be the first One to tell you that I AM CRAZY and also that I have lots of problems. I havent read your comments till now because I havent been reading them untill I put forth the evidence. But what should I say? I'm crazy and I've lost alot of friends and I may be somewhat delusional? Should I say I was fat and kinda slow because of the MEDICATION that the Drs made Me take because of this crap? Should I say that My Life sucks and I could care less if I died? EVERY DAY since August of 2008 whenever I hear the word "Oh My God" I think of My initials backwards? I think I'm Christ and when I hear people say JESUS I believe I AM Him but with a NEW Name? What should I say? I feel obligated to ....... share My Message. I'm not doing it for you I'm doing it for God because its My "DELUSION" and I'm NOT trying to hurt anyone but just to make the world a better place.

But My story is The Truth and I think you guys are CRAZY for talking about The Bible like its some kind of fact that doesnt need to be proven. A FACT is something that is PROVABLE and I think preachers and religious people are DELUSIONAL. So whos right? Is something that can NOT be proven (AKA The Bible) a FACT or am I a FACT? Dont get Me wrong, I believe lots of things in The Bible are true, but what can be PROVEN in The Bible? So whos delusional NOW? I'm just trying to prove to the people that WANT EVIDENCE that HELLO, I AM ALIVE and I believe I have THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES and this is My honest to God story. Go watch all the preachers tell you all their "facts" which can NOT be proven. My "delusions" can be proven and will be in time. Would you rather hear about a Jesus that is dead.... but.... wait.... Hes really alive..... Ok, so where is He?....... Hes in heaven.... But Hes alive?..... Hes alive in heaven.... So Hes dead?.... No.... Hes alive in heaven... So all the other people that are in heaven are alive?..... No they are dead, only Jesus is alive in heaven..... LOL Whos deluded? I'm trying to do this for the people that need EVIDENCE to believe and NOT the religious people that believe in....... they believe in..... they believe in ficticious dogma that has been passed down throughout the centuries. I AM proven but Jesus, well you can try and prove it besides BS hearsay.

Originally Posted by delvite

does the price include his dvd collection

I dont have any DVDs just a few youtube videos that I didnt want to make but its for you. Just SEARCH youtube for WeLoveYouJesus85

God loves you.

Originally Posted by ChesusRice

does it come with the Holy Bong?"

LOL, reading some of the comments for the first time, you guys did make Me laugh.

God loves you!

Originally Posted by eye exaggerate

...hi Nevaeh, I respect your choice, but why no laugh?


I didnt laugh in the videos because I dont like talking to a computer that doesnt talk back and I feel uncomfortable making them because I'm NOT an actor and I do NOT like making videos. Sometime I'm serious and sometimes I can make people laugh till they cry, but I dont know how to be funny to a computer where I dont see the peoples reactions. You know?

God loves you!

Originally Posted by Zaehet Strife

Like i said, for heavens sake we need a walking on water video.... or he's not jesus...jesus christ!"

I cant walk on water and I never will be able to. If you read what I said in this thread you will see what I actually have done.... There is alot of Scripture that I quoted, some is important (like the prophecies that I have fulfilled) and some is NOT.

God loves you!

Originally Posted by eye exaggerate

...when a person hits bottom, they find who they are (essence). For a fleeting moment, they might feel as though they are the deity of their culture. Most people call that 'crazy', but it's the beginning of a greater sanity - if he can bring it back to earth."

I'm flying high all the time, I'm too much of a "space cadet" to ever be normal, but I'm "normal" (but what exactly is normal anyways) around people most of the time.. I've been sober for over 2 months now, but I'm usually a pot head but I'm trying to be sober.

God loves you!

Originally Posted by gioua

dudes name is Heaven backwards... think he is pushing an agenda?"

You found out, I figured since God put My initials GMO backwards to be OMG I figured Id try it with this screen name. My agenda is pushing The Kingdom of God to those that have been waiting.... for "Jesus"

God loves you!

Originally Posted by cannabineer

"I meant to do that! First time's not a mistake ... it's a baptism." cn"

I dont care if someone has been baptised or not, I believe everyone deserves THE BEST because God is with ALL of us. Is there anything wrong with that? I'm just saying....

God loves you!

Originally Posted by racerboy71

how does one become born again?? i tried, but me mom's don't want me back in her womb despite all of me promises.. how did you manage to talk your mom into allowing it??"

All kidding aside, My mom hates the fact that I believe that I AM The Second Coming.... I cant help it though.

God loves you!

Originally Posted by kelly4


Your avatar says "God listens", but I believe Hes inside of us all, so yea, He definitly listens because He is INSIDE and (outside)! Hes going through what we are going through because of it.

God loves you!

Originally Posted by ThE sAtIvA hIgH

i watched about a minuite of one of his videos and decided not to waste any more of my precious life viewing, but if someone could write out his main points of evidence id gladly take a look ."

I erased the videos of when I was FAT and on bad medicine but basically...... My Name is George Manuel Oliveira and My Name means "Farmer God is with Us, Olive Tree"... My initials are GMO and what is GMO backwards? Its OMG and everyone knows OMG stands for Oh My God! And GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism... My mom name is Mary J... Now go read, from The Bible, Romans 11:16-26 and also Revelations 3:11-12... Those two Scriptures talk about how "Christ will have a NEW Name" and it talks alot about THE OLIVE TREE in Romans.. But thats just the beginning.

God loves you!

Originally Posted by TopC0la

I'm pulling up a seat, on the right side of my Father

God loves you TOO! He loves you TOO! I get the picture

God bless you!

Originally Posted by Fencepost

(Hugs) How do you know who does and does not understand?"

I know what I understand and thats what I try and talk about. But I do NOT know what someone on the internet understands unless they tell Me. I'm One Man! A Person like you all!

God loves you!

Originally Posted by Zaehet Strife

Neva... you are fucking crazy man. Take a look at how many close friends you have... and you may begin to understand how your behavior effects your social life.

You could be right, you could be wrong, either way... you are crazy, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least that you have little to no friends to connect with... which is probably why you are here in RIU looking for attention, and probably many, many other social network websites begging for attention.

No one here agrees with you, you aren't jesus... you are just a simple little boy who wants to be jesus. Grow up dude.

Change your behavior and outlook... make more friends. Trust me, it's better that way."

I'm not on RIU looking for friends or attention, I'm journaling on the internet. But your right, I'm Fu(king CRAZY, no doubt brother

God loves you!

Originally Posted by st0wandgrow

I'm not really interested in the house, but I'd love to get my hands on whatever it is you're smoking.

PM me ............"

Its for sale, I want to move to the west coast and be a care-taker. PM Me if interested in it. Its all set up for growing!

God loves you!

Originally Posted by dashcues

For many will come in my name,claiming,"I am the Christ",and will deceive many.--Matthew"

What am I deceiving you guys about? I'm telling The Truth. I've been the same Person since 1985 but I've changed over the years like everyone..

God loves you!

Originally Posted by Zaehet Strife

You do know that none of those videos you posted have more than 25 views right? .............. You would think jesus would have more followers than that."

I just made THOSE videos, I had a few videos that had over 1000 views but I deleted them because I was fat and on BAD medication, from over a year ago.

God loves you!

Originally Posted by greenswag

I'm eating some salted cashews and they're great! Oh yeah and the dude in the videos isn't jesus"

Prove who Jesus is than.... Thats for ALL of you guys- PROVE WHO JESUS IS! What evidence do you ALL have for your Jesus? I have proof of Myself! LOL!

God loves you!

Originally Posted by Heisenberg

Lets not pretend this guy is interested in anything we have to say. There has been next to no conversation from him. No serious question asked and none answered. He seems to be interested in spamming his links and oversized words and then moves on, quite indifferent."

I havent read the comments until now. Sorry about the oversized font but some of you might need glasses and I figured I might help. My vision is fine though.

God loves you!

Originally Posted by eye exaggerate

...smaller hieroglyphs, please

I like you EYE, I think your cool. Hieroglyphs are set in STONE for the AGES. I like that

God loves you!

Originally Posted by eye exaggerate

...dude, those 'people' in the bible are 'personifications' of human attributes. I don't think anyone's laughing. 'Enemies', etc, are negative thoughts - biblically speaking. "Be still and know I Am God'.


"This command &#8212; &#8220;be still&#8221; &#8212; forces us to think on two things: that we are finite, and that God is infinite. That being the case, we need to drop our hands, go limp, relax, and &#8220;chill out.&#8221; Christian people ought to &#8220;come, behold the works of Jehovah,&#8221; that we may enjoy a calm confidence in him who gave us his Son.""

Praise God for The Son of God! I just wish it wasnt Me because look at all the SH!T I get to go through! Maybe I'll be crucified NEXT? LOL, I want to live but I'm ready to die. At least then I'd be able to rest! LOL!

I believe in God 110% though, I just dont have proof of Jesus and than I found out about Me. Look at the evidence and tell Me.... Well you GUYS dont need to tell Me anything, I have My own spirituality and I'm not trying to impose it on anyone because I'm not forcing anyone to read what I type or watch My videos, its for those that NEED EVIDENCE for Christ! I believe I have enough evidence and this is what I believe. I believe that anyone alive is alive for a purpose and God lives in everyone. Thats why I try and treat everyone with utmost respect because I could be them or they could be Me. That is why I AM on a mission to share the love of God with whoever is willing to recieve it. Like I said, I believe that I AM Christ and therfore I believe that I need to do whatever it takes to usher in UTOPIA and thats why I have come up with so many "CRAZY" SOLUTIONS to problems. If I didnt have this Messiah Complex than I surely would have killed Myself by now because I found out most of the BIG CONSPIRACY THEORIES! But now I feel as though I can help, even if its by making suggestions that just might work.

God loves you!

Like I said, I KNOW THAT I AM CRAZY, its just something I have to deal with. But I AM still a wonderful Person. I try and help people whenever possible and I'm a good friend to My friends and I want to do good things. I just believe that I AM Messiah! But I bet I have more proof than (most likely) anyone in the whole world. My Christ Complex could be a bad thing to some people that dont want to hear it, but what about the people that want REAL EVIDENCE? What about the people that have a spiritually open mind? I've been called Christ or Jesus or God by lots of people, its been about 5 years since I found out. It seems like people tend to believe more in person and the people that I have known since BEFORE I found out, well most of those people knew Me as George and rejected Me because of it. You guys havent offended Me because I didnt even want to believe in Myself when I first found out because I knew I was going to get into alot of SH!T. Plus, Who am I and why would God pick Me to be The Christ? I doubted Myself ALOT ALOT ALOT because I AM human too, but like I said "I figured if Im Christ than I'm going to be the BEST Christ."

I'm praying for you guys, and God IS IN YOU, SO BE WITH God!

Edit- Tell Fade AKA Fdd2blk that I said "Whats up brother?" I love Fade and Pot Roast and I think they should be the President and Vice President of the USA
They know Me from like 2006 or so, some cool dudes! Lets use the ONLINE GOVERNMENT to elect them to be THE PRESIDENT AND THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE USA! That would be the best because we know Fdd2blk is cool sh!t and Pot Roast would legalize too!


I'm going to reply to your comments later but FIRST I'm going to tell you guys about the FIVE (5) SIGNS IN THE CLOUDS THAT I SAW between 2008 and 2009. I made a video about these SIGNS but I erased the video but I will make another one when I feel like making a video..... I really dont like making videos but its just so hard to explain these SIGNS with just words.

By The Way, if you dont believe Me than go look at My year-book pictures since I was a boy. You can start by looking at Hancock Elementary School in Brockton MA (USA), I was there from 2nd grade to 6th grade. Than I went to West Jr High in Brockton MA (USA). Than I went to South Eastern Regional Vocational Technical High School in Easton MA (USA). I finished senior year at Greater New Bedford Voc Tech High School in New Bedford MA (USA). You guys can do a backround check and see where I worked too. But I've been George Manuel Oliveira My WHOLE LIFE! But thats obvious to Me but you might think I'm trying to pull a fast one. NOPE, its The Truth! Go ahead, I dare you to.

The FIRST SIGN I saw in the clouds was God! I was with My buddy Patrick Gould and I was driving in My Jeep. Than I pulled over and parked at a spot that I used to make the most money scuba diving for quahogs. Within a minute of parking I looked up and said "That looks like God in the clouds." And My buddy said "Yeah it does look like God." I'm not going to get into details because I dont have time right now but like I said, Im going to make another video. The sun was right behind the face of God and it looked like He was wearing a white robe that went to His feet and He had long wavy hair and everything looked proportional to what a human would look like wearing a robe, but His face was lite up by the sun and His hair was SUPER WAVY and pretty long. It was the most beautiful thing I ever saw (at the time, but NOW I saw an ET about 3-4 months ago and that was MUCH cooler because it was an ET person wearing a somewhat invisible suit! I watched the ET person for like 2-3 hours until the sun went down and I couldnt see him in the tree. The ET I saw was super beautiful and I still cant believe what I saw!
)But I watched the cloud that looked like God for about 5 minutes or so and than the wind blew it away. It was SUPER VIVID and it honestly looked like God, you would say it did too if you saw it too. That was THE FIRST SIGN!

The SECOND SIGN was AN UPSIDE-DOWN PYRAMID that had like 4 distinct layers of the pyramid! What happened was I was going to the grocery store with My mom, and I looked up into the sky and I saw this SUPER VIVID UPSIDE-DOWN PYRAMID with like 4 distinct layers and I was like what is this supposed to mean? It was SUPER VIVID and God as My Witness, I AM telling The Truth. I wouldnt lie to you guys because it would make Me a liar. I looked at it for like 30 seconds and then I went into the store and I was like "What was that?" I knew what it looked like and I still do because it was so VIVID, but I still dont know what its supposed to mean....??

The THIRD SIGN I saw in the clouds was A BLACK BLACK BLACK low flying cloud! For some reason I felt like taking a little ride on the eve of BLACK FRIDAY in 2009 and I stopped at a park up the street from Me- it was between 2AM-3AM in the NIGHT or EARLY MORNING. I looked up and I saw A BLACK BLACK BLACK CLOUD that was flying LOW LOW to the ground, maybe like 200-300 yards above the ground, but I didnt measure it so that My best guess. This cloud was decent size, I just dont know how to measure something in the clouds, LOL.. But the funny thing was that A WHITE WHITE WHITE cloud was flying much higher and it was WHITE and the other, lowflying cloud was BLACK BLACK BLACK. And this was THE EVE OF BLACK FRIDAY of 2009. I didnt know what to think of it but I knew I saw something that I never saw before. And the funny thing is that like a week later I was sent to PRISON for fighting with My dad. So if you do a backround check and see when I entered Bridgewater State Prison, go a week (or so) back to THE EVE OF BLACK FRIDAY and thats when I saw THE BLACK BLACK BLACK CLOUD, at a park in New Bedford MA called BUTTONWOOD PARK, it actually has a little zoo there too. Anyways, I was in PRISON for 2 months but I was NOT convicted of any crime but I saw the LAST TWO (2) SIGNS IN THE CLOUDS in PRISON! I'm going to get to those in the next couple paragraphs.

This is THE FOURTH (4) SIGN I saw in the clouds! So I was in PRISON (in 2009) for fighting with My dad (and like I said "I wasnt convicted of any crime") and I was really depressed because its PRISON but I was sharing the Love of God with My fellow inmates. They were all good people in My opinion, I had alot of friends there and most of them called Me "Jesus". No lie, most of My fellow inmates called Me Jesus! Anyways, I watched a commercial on the ONE TV that we had, and something inspired Me to think of the UNDERWATER CITIES/MANSIONS, FARMS AND ENVIORNMENTS and I started to tell My fellow inmates "WE ARE GOING TO LIVE IN UDERWATER HOMES AND FARM UNDERWATER AND DO SOME CRAZY COOL THINGS!" It sparked a NEW world of inventions for Me and I was telling My fellow inmates about it.... Than like 20-90 minutes later it was time for "chow" or lunch and we exited the building to go to the "chow hall" to get our food. On the way there I looked up and THE WHOLE SKY was UNDULATING like WAVES IN THE OCEAN! Its hard to explain with words but I spent countless days UNDER THE WATER SCUBA DIVING for quahogs and when I looked up at the clouds that day it looked like I was UNDERWATER because I spent countless days working as a SCUBA DIVER and I KNOW WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE UNDERWATER and the clouds looked like I was under the water.. The NEXT SIGN that I saw while in PRISON wasnt as cool but I'll talk about it in the next paragraph. These are TRUE EVENTS that happened to Me!

The FIFTH (5) SIGN and last sign that I saw, I was still in PRISON for fighting with My dad, By The Way, this was the ONE and ONLY time I ever got into a fight with My dad. In the past 10 years I've only gotten into ONE FIGHT! So this is the 5th sign, and what happened was I was in a PRISON cell and a few days prior I got a picture of Jesus. In the picture, Jesus had on arm verticle towards the sky and one arm parallel with the ground and in the backround there was a strip of clouds. So I put the picture of Jesus in the cell window so the prison guard (or C.O.) could see it. I think the other 4 signs were much cooler but I remembered this because the next time I went for "chow" or lunch I looked up in the clouds and THE WHOLE SKY was covered with clouds EXCEPT a strip of blue sky was parting the whole length of clouded sky. It was basically OPPOSITE of the picture of Jesus that I put in the cell window. Like I said, the picture of Jesus had a strip of clouds in the backround but I saw the OPPOSITE, I saw the whole sky filled with clouds but a strip of blue sky was parting it. It was completly opposite to the picture but at the same time it was PROPORTIONALLY OPPOSITE! Its funny because I put that picture of Jesus in the cell window and than like 1-2 hours later I saw the opposite of the picture. I think this is the least coolest sign I saw in the clouds but whatever!

I also saw like 8 UFOs on July 2 of 2012, and like 2 months after that I saw a partially invisible ET. I'd have to say that seeing the ET was THE COOLEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN IN My Life. Maybe the ETs like Me and they manipulated the clouds. I talked a little about the ET in a youtube video that you guys can watch and I think I talk a little about the UFOs that I saw. Ya, the ET that I saw was THE COOLEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN IN My Life. I only saw the ~8 UFOs ONCE in My Life and also I only saw ONE ET in real life! The ET was super cute, LOL
Light could pass through him at will, because it was wearing an invisible suit, but it made an upside-down smile at Me where light could pass right through. There is no reason trying to explain what it looked like because words can NOT explain but God as My Witness I saw an ET and I would NOT lie because that would make Me a liar and I'm not. But light could pass right through him, how do I explain that? I could see him but I could see what was behind him too... It must have been wearing a high tech suit because thats the only explaination I can think of. I wish I could have shaken his hand but he was like ~50 feet obove the ground in a tree. I didnt talk to him but I watched the show that he showed Me by passing light through in a really cool way. Like I said, I know I AM CRAZY but I wouldnt lie and I will take a lie detector test to vindicate Me. I'm "crazy" because some people dont want to hear My Truth. Or it sounds crazy to them and I'd think I'm crazy too but these things literally happened to Me.

To be very blunt and candid, I dont know if it was God controlling the clouds or EXTRA Terrestrials or something like HAARP? But something was making the clouds form into the shapes that I AM telling you guys about!

God lives in YOU, so be with God!


Originally Posted by Zaehet Strife
I'll pray for you too buddy."

Thank you bud, I'll pray for you too, but I pray for THE WORLD and THE UNIVERSE constantly.

God loves you!

Originally Posted by Heisenberg

I think you have a very lax idea of what counts as evidence. The same standards that are used to discount the evidence of the bible (standards which you support apparently) can be applied to the evidence you have put forth. IOW you seem happy to criticize the mistakes of Christians while overlooking those mistakes in yourself. With that sort of approach you could 'prove' to yourself just about anything you were motivated to.

If your mother was on trial for murder wouldn't you want something more solid than her initials being G.K (guilty killer) or that she likes to drink 'redrum'? What if the prosecutor just had a strong feeling and really believed she was a killer? After all, we can prove that she is alive, trace her birthdate, ect. What if I found a prophecy that a woman with her initials and birthdate would be a monster who kills children? Would you be okay with seeing your mother get the electric chair based on this 'evidence'?

If you choose to be delusional rather than suffer the consequences of the medication that is your business I suppose. But when you disingenuously shout that you have evidence and all you have are half-baked scraps of insanity, you should be prepared to realize that your message is being impressed upon no one."

Dont get Me wrong, if I had only one book to read for the rest of My Life than it would be The Bible because of all of the spiritual "truths" (what is truth though?). But My point is that these truths are refutable because some people dont even believe in God... How can one prove or disprove God because God is different to most people? I AM a Person, and that is irrefutable and what I say is what has literally happened and if I say something I believe, I usually say "I believe" so try and disprove My irrefutable FACTS that I postulate.

I believe God loves the Christians but at the same time I believe that I have irrefutable evidence of what I am sharing. Maybe My words are NOT meant for you and thats fine but I'm speaking to the people that want evidence for believing, besides a book from 2000 years ago that people preach like its an irrefutable fact. Like I said "I will take a lie detector test in order to be vindicated!" I love The Bible and its My favorite book, but I cant prove most of the things it says but I put My faith in it. But I want facts that are provable, and I found them in Myself and revealed through The Bible, as I showed you guys the prophecies that I have fulfilled IMO. I say IMO (In My Opinion) because I actually did the things I said but its up to the observer whether they think it fulfills prophecy or not. To Me, I believe the SIGNS all point to Me, but to some of you that is My "DELUSION" but to Me its evidence. You dont have to believe anything, but I choose to believe in My evidence. I dont want a cult I want to be King. Why? Because I could set up PARADISE for us, it would/will happen very fast because I'm not going to tarry. God knows that I dont want to be King because I AM shy and I dont want attention but if I do it for everyone than I'll be able to live in peace. Whats My goal? UTOPIA for the masses! But Utopia will be different for everyone and thats why diversity is going to be paramont too. I want the best for everyone and I feel as though I could help, but I need help to get to that point.

Watch My videos and refute the evidence based in there and whats bad about the things I say?

God loves you!

Originally Posted by eye exaggerate

...we should be able to separate evidence from evidence. I think I know what kind of 'evidence' you're talking about. It's the kind of evidence that you can feel and see within, so no outer expression is necessary. Even the most skeptical among us can't 'prove' their own thoughts, other than to talk about them. Another form of evidence is tangible, right? So the tangible manifestation of 'thought' is a 'product'. (going with the flow here, all, bear with me) The line that divides genius and madness is nothing more than a product. I'm using the term genius in the inner genius / higher voice sense. I've asked the question before, who is 'driving' when someone is having a 'nous' experience, or is experiencing madness. Either or, the answer is still the same. The 'base self' of who we are does the driving. Some call that self. Some say that if that 'self' ever says that harm is in order, then it would be the flip-side of that self and best not to make action of that thought. I hope that's kind of clear.

Don't do stuff that harms yourself, or other people. There's your 'higher voice' right there. It's fckn genius!

I'm not going to hurt Myself (or others) because I'm a Man on a mission and you guys may believe what you want but I'm doing it for God.

What would happen if Christ is a FACT and He just never tried to reach anyone with The Message? Whats a better way than THE INTERNET? What if heaven on Earth was just One Person away? What if everyone could be rich? What if everyone could have a MANSION, A MANSION UNDERGROUND, A MANSION UNDERWATER, and maybe a mansion on another planet? What if this is just the starting point? What if GREATNESS is One Person away? What if the basic necessities of life can be FREE or very cheap? What if a Person could fulfill most of your dreams? What if Christ wants to do these things NOW?

What about NOW?

God loves you!

Originally Posted by Zaehet Strife

So then you are talking about the difference between objective evidence and subjective hearsay.

Though subjective hearsay isn't evidence, it's far from it... usually our emotions/feelings tell us what we want, rather than what really is... when dealing with reality."

I believe preachers preach subjective hearsay but good for them, people need to believe in something right?

What is reality? I dont think anyone can really answer that because there are as many realities as there are beings or people or life. How many universes are there? Could there be as many universes as there is life? How much life is there? I'd have to say that there is infinite life and thusly infinite universes. So pick your reality. LOL

God loves you!

You guys might be wondering how I, Christ, plan on building all THESE MANSIONS? I'm going to use My favorite plant, THE HEMP PLANT!... Hemp can make PLASTIC and thats how I AM going to do it. So if THE MANSIONS are built on the ground or UNDERGROUND, or UNDERWATER or where-ever the answer is PLASTIC from the HEMP PLANT. I AM going to employ BILLIONS of FARMERS like you guys to cultivate the HEMP plant and build up and build down and above the water and below the water.

These MANSIONS are going to be MASS PRODUCED in forms, or molds, that will shelter all of mankind. They are going to be pre-installed with FIBER OPTIC ceilings and walls that when you speak to your wall and/or ceiling you can watch TV or go online or download any image or picture or video right on your walls and/or ceiling. These walls are also going to be breathalble or pourous. In other words your walls (and/or ceiling) are going to to have pre-installed ductwork that is going to be like central air for climate control. You will be able to chill in your rooms at a comfortable 70 degrees (or whatever you want) and be able to make a draft, at that tempeture, to suck the air out and replace it with new air. This would help if you like to smoke but dont like stagnant smoke in the room. (Just speak to it and it will be done.) You could have a 10mph breeze flow through your walls if you want. In order to do this its very simple, you just need to have like 1/2inch gap between the FIBER OPTIC screens and the "base board" or interior of the walls. So there will be breathable walls for climate control. Also the plumbing will be intergrated into the plastic MANSIONS and if you want radiant heat than that will be pre-installed too. Basically THESE MANSIONS will be preinstalled with all the right accomadations to suit royality. HEMP plastic is impervious to water so you will never have to worry about a leak. And the insulation will be made out of HEMP too for the exterior walls; the insulation will be between maybe a 8inch gap and it will work fine. THESE MANSION will also have the ability to be INVISIBLE and BULLET-PROOF. The exterior of your home will be able to take on any picture, color or even video that you want. It will be BULLETPROOF because the exterior plastic can be made like 4inches thick which would stop viritually any bullet but in the soon to come future there will be such a PEACE that people wont have to worry about it. Like I said, it will be made from HEMP PLASTIC. Your HEMP MANSION will also have like 50 basements UNDERGROUND so how many square feet will that add to your MANSION? I said "LIKE 50 BASEMENTS"! It could be more or less. UNDERGROUND MANSIONS could be made using TUNNEL BOREING MACHINS (or TBMs). In the future I plan on building (over) MILLIONS of TBMs to augment the process of DIGGING BELOW in order to create insulated space homes BELOW! UNDERWATER is easy because the HEMP PLASTIC is the solution for that too. Dont worry the Oxygen will come from the SALT WATER in the OCEAN! We can even FARM UNDERWATER too and grow HEMP for PLASTIC to help build more UNDERWATER MANSIONS. Like I said, I have THE GRAND DESIGN!

I also plan on gathering ASTROIDS and COMETS from the Astroid belt in order to make NEW PLANETS in the "Goldy Locks Zone" so there will be more planets like Earth revolving around The Son (of God
) In the videos I talk about turning Jets into SPACE JETS and also UNDERWATER JETS so we will be able to fly where-ever we want to go, whether it be in SPACE or AIR or UNDERWATER! What more could you want? And energy is NEVER going to be a problem because NUCLEAR FUSION is going to work for us. And with enough pressure, I will be able to CREATE GOLD AND PLATNUM (or any element) from (the Hydrogen in) WATER! So like I said, invest in your family because in the end thats what really matters because once people find out that GOLD can be created from WATER than the price is going to drop and hit the floor, but I dont know when thats going to be. And if we need more light for FARMS than we can always redirect the suns light energy to any-where needed....... And people need fresh water(?) that answer is simple too; all you need to do is take the salt out of the ocean water. Its called distilleries, and basically its boiling the water to make steam and collecting the steam, steam doesnt have salt in it. People are hungry(?) they say the HEMP seed is very nutricious and a good source of protien and other organic fruits and vegitables will be GROWN like never before to feed EVERYONE! We are going to grow topside and UNDERGROUND and UNDERWATER and the sky is the limit.

You guys dont understand all the G(o)od things that I can do. I'll make what needs to be made. I'll create what needs to be created. I'll feed those that need to be feed. I'll shelter those that need to be sheltered. I'll provide as much water to those that thirst. I'll love as much as I can love. What more could people want?

How many jobs would My plan create? It would employ THE WORLD!!! (My people dont perish because of lack of resources BUT LACK OF KNOWLEDGE!)

Its nothing personal to you guys, all I see is words and avatar pictures. But can you guys blame Me for being honest and wanting to do good things for people? Like I said, I believe God lives in everyone so I dont know how else to repay God for My Life other than helping people. What if everything disappeared when I die? Just a question, and you cant prove it ANY WAY YOU TRY because if I AM dead than you wont be able to prove anything (to Me), and I believe that I AM The Life so..... What happens if (The Way, The Truth and) The Life goes to heaven and passes? Like I said, I dont want to be worshipped but RESPECTED because its not an easy endeavor trying to usher in UTOPIA to a WICKED world! You think you could live without Me but you will NEVER EVER be able to prove it. And I'm living for God and thusly you all. What if everything is THE BODY of God? What if you have been bought with a price and your NOT your own? (It teaches that in The Bible, right?) I'm not trying to depress any of you but rather to stimulate your mind and expand you spiritually. We are all connected through God so just think about Who made EVERYTHING? Jesus allegedly said "You believe in God, believe also in Me!"

I'm praying for you guys and I wish the best of luck... Like I said, I'm not trying to start a cult but I want to be King, either The King of nothing or The King of EVERYTHING. I really dont need to ask permission but I'll be a gentleman.

God loves and blesses you ALL!


...hey man, that's lots to read. You asked one discernible question: what are the chances?

Google 'Christification'. You 'are' christ, but 'only' a part of christ. Not "THE" christ, or we'd have trouble reading your message through the crazy amounts of fusion ;)

Google 'Christ as archetype'. An archetype 'asks' us to assimilate a teaching - not to be the archetype (original form). Look up Aberamentho.

Remember how 'satan' places himself 'above' God. If God is 'the people', it follows that satan is 'above' the people.

I like to consider you and I as equals, don't you?

*in before they seal the rock over the cave door :lol:

ps: nev, consider 'reincarnation'. The second coming of christ is exactly that. The first one was 'in the flesh'. The second one is 'in the heart'. It's a universal event - meaning - it's for everyone. Not 'just' you. Christ's teaching 'comes back' in your heart. "Happily nevaeh after" :)
I think it's great that you're nuts :razz:

LOL Me too. When I say that I AM CRAZY I actually smile because I know its true but in a good way.

Me being "CRAZY" is what sets Me apart because I'm not just a mundane or programmed person that.... I'll put it this way, I'd rather be "crazy" because I AM crazy in a cool way. Let My words speak for theirself. I want to terraform the world for God: I want to bless everyone beyond belief! My head is NOT in the sky, its in THE STARS, and THE GALAXIES, and THE UNIVERSES, and THE MULTIVERSE!

I AM far out there and that has come from what I have learned and meditating on it and applying it. (And the things I have litterally seen and done.)

Like I said, I like you EYE, keep on keeping on.

God loves you!


...hey man, that's lots to read. You asked one discernible question: what are the chances?

Google 'Christification'. You 'are' christ, but 'only' a part of christ. Not "THE" christ, or we'd have trouble reading your message through the crazy amounts of fusion ;)

Google 'Christ as archetype'. An archetype 'asks' us to assimilate a teaching - not to be the archetype (original form). Look up Aberamentho.

Remember how 'satan' places himself 'above' God. If God is 'the people', it follows that satan is 'above' the people.

I like to consider you and I as equals, don't you?

*in before they seal the rock over the cave door :lol:

ps: nev, consider 'reincarnation'. The second coming of christ is exactly that. The first one was 'in the flesh'. The second one is 'in the heart'. It's a universal event - meaning - it's for everyone. Not 'just' you. Christ's teaching 'comes back' in your heart. "Happily nevaeh after" :)

It is alot to read, thats why I copied and pasted most of it, LOL. I'm not trying to undermine anyone, I think God made us all into gods, but NOT God! Its a life experience to find out the inner god in each of us and many will NOT find it because of whatever. I believe that I AM The Son of God or another-words Christ! Maybe God choose Me to be Christ because "He exalts the humble and humbles the proud..."? And God uses the foolish things to confound the wise! I'm not preaching for Me but rather for you people because would you rather have objective evidencce of Christ or subjective hearsay from a 2000 year old book?

When I AM around people I dont act like I'm better than anyone because I could be them and they could be Me. I'm using My Name and the prophecies that I have fulfilled and the things I know for others. I want EVERYONE to live like ROYALITY because we all belong to God and thusly heirs, and thusly ROYALITY. I want to lift others up through My experience. Like I said "I dont know how else to do good for God besides doing good for (Gods) people!!!?"

What would God want more than for all of His children to live like ROYALTY? So what can I do for God besides helping the people of the world?

Do I talk on the internet like I AM The Man? I do! But its NOT like I care so much about Myself as to what I can potentially do for the world. If we are all rich than there wont be a "poor" person. Right?

So I might sound cocky (on here) but watch My videos because that is My disposition and I dont talk about this stuff to people in person because its overwhelming for most but I dont know whos going to read what I put on here.

Do you guys kinda get the point? I'm only Blessed to be a blessing.

But EYE, I totally agree with what you just said " It's a universal event - meaning - it's for everyone. Not 'just' you." I agree that it should be a universial event and also its NOT JUST FOR Me... But if I thought it was just for Me than I wouldnt be posting it on THE WORLD WIDE WEB. Right now I AM fishing for MEN! To gather them to the "universial event" so God can rule and reign and I'm The Messenger about the Love of God!

I hope you guys understand, its about good times and prosperity and love and freedom and Gods people!

Once again HOW WOULD PEOPLE KNOW UNLESS I TOLD THEM? You guys have to admit, God IS GOING TO DO A MIGHTY WORK VERY SOON. I believe the Kingdom is going to be ushered in VERY SOON. What if I didnt tell anyone? What about the believers that are looking FOR THE SIGNS? Like I said, "I LIVE AND BREATH FOR God ALONE!" And how can I do for God unless I do for His children? And how would the children of God know unless someone tells them what is going to take place? Just some things to ponder!

LOL Me too. When I say that I AM CRAZY I actually smile because I know its true but in a good way.

Me being "CRAZY" is what sets Me apart because I'm not just a mundane or programmed person that.... I'll put it this way, I'd rather be "crazy" because I AM crazy in a cool way. Let My words speak for theirself. I want to terraform the world for God: I want to bless everyone beyond belief! My head is NOT in the sky, its in THE STARS, and THE GALAXIES, and THE UNIVERSES, and THE MULTIVERSE!

I AM far out their and that has come from what I have learned and meditating on it and applying it. (And the things I have litterally seen and done.)

Like I said, I like you EYE, keep on keeping on.

God loves you!


...nev, bring that multiverse down to earth, you'll find people are more receptive to what you want to express. Remember how Christ came to earth and taught? If you're a 'follower' of his, you'll have to do the same :)

edit: I know people who were zealous about spreading a message and changing the world. They ALL learned that the world to save is their own. So, the 'good' intent was there - just pointed in the wrong direction. (outside instead of inside)
...nev, bring that multiverse down to earth, you'll find people are more receptive to what you want to express. Remember how Christ came to earth and taught? If you're a 'follower' of his, you'll have to do the same :)

edit: I know people who were zealous about spreading a message and changing the world. They ALL learned that the world to save is their own. So, the 'good' intent was there - just pointed in the wrong direction. (outside instead of inside)

I EDITED the last post, so you might want to read that because it was directed towards you, buddy. :D

Like I said, I wish I was NOT Christ but this is My Complex and actually why I take medication, because it offends alot of people and I get chastised because of it. I was a Christian as a boy to wait for the return of Jesus and than to be His follower and I figured I would help Christ advance His Kingdom and be a good servant of His. But at the age of 21-22 years old I became an AGNOSTIC and I figured that Jesus could NOT be proven and the stories of The Bible were just that- STORIES! I became an AGNOSTIC because I started to study politics and I came across the movie Zeigeist and I became a CONSPIRACY THEORIEST AGNOSTIC, and I watched every conspiracy theory I could. It was right after I turned 23 that I got this Christ Complex.

Maybe I AM over zealous about it, but maybe I'm not..? Plus, if I didnt tell the world about My dream than who would? I'm on THE WORLD WIDE WEB trying to reach EVERYONE and My Words are forever traceable.

The stuff that I want to be calculated or be made into STATICS is the objecctive FACTS which I have postulated! What are the chances about THE FACTS? My point being made is that I believe that I AM the only One that qualifies for Christ. Anyone please tell Me the STATICS of Me being Christ, who can compare? And once you guys find out that I AM the only One that qualifies than what does that mean? Plus, what have I said that is a "bad" thing? And if I say only good things then why do some of you people hate Me?

Like I said, "What if I kept all these things to Myself and never told anyone? Shouldnt Christ be shared with THE WHOLE WORLD? Of course there are going to be haters but people hate so many things. There will always be haters, but there are people out there that would forever cherish the fact that their "religion" or spirituality can be VINDICATED; whether they be Christians or Jews or Muslims or Buddists or Hindu or whatever. I tell people that I AM a Prophet and NOT for one type of spirituality but rather to anyone who wants to believe. Like I said "I HAVE THE GRAND DESIGN" and its for ALL people.... Need I say more?

Wow, this thread is about as useful as a cock flavored lollipop.:finger:


A cock flavored lollipop, LMAO.... I never heard that before.... LOL. Your funny!

Surely you have some magical abilities, Jesus, what amazing things are you capable of besides spreading a message? What do you have to say about other religions? What do you have to say about other experiences that conflict with your beliefs of what "god" is?

Believe it or not, I know a couple people that can compare to "Jesus", one likes to think of himself as the anti-christ though, jokingly of course. I am infamous on this site for my stories about my spiritual friends that are capable of amazing things. Would you say my friends are evil demons in the flesh?
Isn't it convenient how we can do that here. I wonder if the first Christ edited himself.

Well IT SAYS in The Bible something like- "All these things Jesus spoke to the crowds in parables, and He did not speak to them ... He did not tell them anything without using a parable. ... All this Jesus spoke to the people in figurative language, and except in figurative language He spoke ... the many other parables he afterwards delivered"....

So it says that He spoke in PARABLES to the crowd but to His disciples He explained the parables. So is that a form of editiing? I dont know, but I'm trying to be as candid as possible but I do make TYPOS that I need to go back and edit to make better sense.

But the reason why I edited that post was because I posted it and than EYE posted RIGHT AFTER Me, so I figured instead of making another post, I would quote his last post and reply through an edit. Get it? In other words, I JUST posted and than I saw that EYE made a pertinant post that I figured I would reply to it and I figured I would reply to that post in the post I just made and thusly had to EDIT!

But I make TYPOS and have to edit usually because I make typing mistakes.

God loves you!

...how bout starting with bringing the font size down to earth. My finger is getting tired from the 'scrolling'.

I think a font size of 4 is fine... Sorry..... I'm not going to do a font size of 6, so cheer up :D

God loves you!

Surely you have some magical abilities, Jesus, what amazing things are you capable of besides spreading a message? What do you have to say about other religions? What do you have to say about other experiences that conflict with your beliefs of what "god" is?

Believe it or not, I know a couple people that can compare to "Jesus", one likes to think of himself as the anti-christ though, jokingly of course. I am infamous on this site for my stories about my spiritual friends that are capable of amazing things. Would you say my friends are evil demons in the flesh?

I wouldnt say I'm magical like Harry Potter or anything but I believe God has gone BEFORE Me and goes AHEAD of Me and He is ALL AROUND Me and He has ordained My steps and that to Me is MAGICAL. I'm better at prophesying, or making predictions of the future. I AM very GRANDIOUS and that means that I take things to THE FULLEST. If something is very good than I figure it should be implemented to the fullest because I believe God wants to maximize the good things and wean down the "bad" things. I have come up with many NEW NOTIONS that I talk about but its only by THE GRACE OF God because without God I can do NOTHING! So I give all the credit and GLORY to God for anything good that comes from Me. But I have serendipitous moments ALL THE TIME because, as I said, God has gone BEFORE Me and I'm trying to live for God in everything I do; so He loves Me and guides Me. He shows Me, through serendipitious moments, that I please Him and I couldnt love God anymore but My goal is Him, in EVERYTHING that I do. He lives inside of us and that is THE GREATEST MIRACLE OF ALL!

One thing I did NOT come up with is THE PYRAMID CITIES; actually My brother (Paul) showed Me that. I thought it was a WONDERFUL idea and I later found the youtube video that I'm going to link you guys right NOW!


I give My brother credit for showing Me that, but most of the other stuff that I have talked about on My youtube videos is FROM Me!

EDIT- I've said this THOUSANDS of times but heres one more: I plan on building MILLIONS of PYRAMID CITIES all across the globe once I AM The King! :D

I cant really do anything magical besides be Myself. I cant touch people and heal them; I cant literally turn water into wine; I cant walk on water; I cant feed over 5 thousand people with a few fish and some barely loaves; I cant raise a man from the dead; I cant do the miracles that Jesus ALLEGEDLY did.... I'm sorry. But I can do things greater than these because Jesus ALLEGEDLY said "You will be able to do the things I do and EVEN GREATER because I go to The Father!" I can do things to THE MAX that are scientifically possible and I plan on MASS PRODUCING things that will turn the world into UTOPIA like the things I have talked about but I need to be King first or else I'm just a joke to most.

What do I say about other religions? I say God bless anyone that believes in The HIGHER POWER. I consider Myself an OPEN MINDED Christian but spiritual truth is spiritual truth. Just because other cultures speak other languages and calls God a different Name, it doesnt mean they dont believe in God. People have different Names for God because of the language barrier but I dont judge them, I try and remain open minded because I dont confess or act like I know everything, I learn every day. And if you ask Me, I've been embraced by more athiests and agnostics about Me being Christ than some Christians. So I try not to judge because I havent walked in their shoes and vise versa.

What other people have to say about God is their opinion, I dont act like I know everything about God because God (to Me) is unfathomable and I can only say what I feel convicted of. The Bible is My main source of doctrine to what God is like; but some say that The BIBLE stands for "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth"! So I figure I have some of the BASIC INSTRUCTIONS but I dont tell people that they NEED to believe this or that but rather, My OPINION is THIS OR THAT; but God is EVERYTHING so I believe God is The ULTIMATE GO(O)D so when I talk about God I try and say the best solution that I know because God would give THE BEST SOLUTION! I'm 100 percent human so I dont act like I know everything, or everything about God, but the Scriptures are a good start IMO!

I dont think your friends are "demons" or anything like that. I've been called the devil or a demon because of My spiritual beliefs- for example, Me saying that I AM Christ. I have friends that used to think they are God and the devil in one person. I say, try to be nice to them because they might be confused and they probally have problems, like all of us, but in a different way. I knew over a couple of people that believed they were God and the devil (in one person) and they ended up to be some of My best friends. I dont have a solution besides treat them as you would like to be treated and they could be a wonderful person, and dont judge a book by its cover.

But like I said, I'm not into magic at all. My "magic" comes from God leading and guiding My Life; its Him in Me! Its only by THE GRACE OF God that I AM Who I AM. I have lots of problems too. I have feelings, I have to eat and drink and sleep and do the stuff that every human has to do. My best advice is to put your trust in The HIGHER POWER (I call Him God) and try and treat others the way you would like to be treated but do it all for the glory of God.

The "magic" I am going to do is bringing people together to unify this WICKED world and bringing the children of God together to bless the world for us and posterity. I told you guys what I want to do, you have seen My face and heard My voice on My youtube videos and your reading what I'm typing right now. I'm a wonderful Person but its because of God and I would want nothing more than for us all to have the option of living in the world that I can build with you all. I can NOT do it by Myself, its going to employ THE WHOLE WORLD! I'm just One Person and I owe every good thing about Myself to God. No magic, just God!

This is for you all- In My Opinion IF YOU LIVE FOR God THAN God WILL LIVE FOR YOU! This means being on your best behavior all the time. No one is perfect and no on ever will be, but try and do good things for yourself and others. Jesus said in The Bible "Love one another as I have loved you!" Everyone makes mistakes because we are human. Jesus said in The Bible "Judge not and you wont be judged" and "How you measure, it will be measured back to you." I guarentee that if you try and live for God, or THE HIGHER POWER, than He will live for you; and that is how to have a personal relationship with God. There will always be good times and bad times but keep the faith. I dont know what else to say, maybe read the New Testament and see how they treated Jesus!

God loves you!

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