i just read that the "new" cigarette tax increase for the city of philadelpia is going to fall about $20,000,000 under what it was predicted to pull in.. big surprise there when people can simply walk across the street and be outside of the city limits in a lot of places and avoid the tax(es)..
the thing about the new soda tax, it's hardly limited to soda, it's pretty much tacked onto any beverage that's not water.. of course people will simply go outside of the city limits to buy their drinks, just the same they're doing to buy their smokes, and all of the poor children in public schools won't get the money they thought they'd get, and they'll find something else to tax..
and i don't think the masses were anything near ignorant on this new soda tax, they've been against it pretty hard since it's inception..
i just read that the "new" cigarette tax increase for the city of philadelpia is going to fall about $20,000,000 under what it was predicted to pull in.. big surprise there when people can simply walk across the street and be outside of the city limits in a lot of places and avoid the tax(es)..
the thing about the new soda tax, it's hardly limited to soda, it's pretty much tacked onto any beverage that's not water.. of course people will simply go outside of the city limits to buy their drinks, just the same they're doing to buy their smokes, and all of the poor children in public schools won't get the money they thought they'd get, and they'll find something else to tax..
Then again, cigarette consumption is way down compared to not very long ago. The medicare and medicaid savings alone pay for those decreases in taxes on tobacco that you mention. I hope tobacco tax revenue continues to decline.
Taxes are often used to shape behavior. That and media campaigns to inform the public. It works pretty well on tobacco. Too bad for Coke, Pepsi and other suppliers of that shit. But then again, their product is harmful. So fuck'm

Tax the shit out of it. Tax it like tobacco.

again, the soda tax is hardly limited to soda....
again, the soda tax is hardly limited to soda....
Its called the soda tax. You want to invent a new term? Have at it. I'll just stick with common terms and you can make up whatever you like. It's not as if you are saying anything meaningful anyway. So, call it "thatshittytaxthatliberalsmadeuptosoakpoorpeoplewhoaregoingtodieearlyduetoobesity". That way the circle will be complete. You will be speaking nonsense and nobody will understand what you are talking about.
Its called the soda tax. You want to invent a new term? Have at it. I'll just stick with common terms and you can make up whatever you like. It's not as if you are saying anything meaningful anyway. So, call it "thatshittytaxthatliberalsmadeuptosoakpoorpeoplewhoaregoingtodieearlyduetoobesity". That way the circle will be complete. You will be speaking nonsense and nobody will understand what you are talking about.

well when i quoted your post, you said that it's fine, go ahead and tax coke and pepsi, i'm just simply pointing out that it's not limited to soda, ie, coke and pepsi, the two examples you used for your thatshittytaxthat liberalsakeuptosoakpoorpeoplewhocaregongto dieearlyduetoobesity tax..
well when i quoted your post, you said that coke and pepsi, i'm just simply pointing out that it's not limited to soda, ie, coke and pepsi, the two examples you used for your thatshittytaxthat liberalsakeuptosoakpoorpeoplewhocaregongto dieearlyduetoobesity tax..
what are we talking about again?
the 457 hillary counties comprise 65% of our economy and fund your social security checks, limp dick.

you have erectile dysfunction.

There are no Hillary counties. Only Trump counties now, well, in two weeks. SS is for retirees which I'm not yet, soon though. My defined pension will be larger than most folks paychecks. Pick a good career and plan for the future. Or marry rich.