Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
Where would money for basic services come from? I like trash collection, parks, roads, etc...
I'm all for lower taxes and think that it is currently a burden for the middle class. I'd love to see corporations contribute like the little man has to. Shift some money around and take the burden off the middle and lower class. But everyone has to pay some taxes - just a little...
Basic services to one person are not the same to another. Let those who use the services pay for them and those who don't should not be made to.
Roads could still exist and and can still be maintained by user fees and privatization. We breathed air before it was untaxed and we used private roads before government jumped in.
I have no interest in taking anyone's money whether they are rich or poor under the force of government "benevolence". Everybody "has to pay some taxes" because they fear the consequences and the force if they don't. Paying for what you use is responsible and freedom, being made to pay for something else you do not use is what?