Is it Possible That the U.S. Government Staged the Boston Marathon Bombing?

My wife is so ugly the dog has to wear burrka!

Why you talkin about me, woof!
"University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach Ali Stevenson told Local 15 News, “They kept making announcements on the loud speaker that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about. “It seemed like there was some sort of threat, but they kept telling us it was just a drill.”
The news station also reports that Stevenson “thought it was odd there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines.”​
Stevenson then describes hearing the explosions as he ran away from the scene, having just completed the marathon.​
If this report is accurate, it clearly suggests there could have been some degree of prior knowledge of the bombing, which killed two people and injured at least 23.​
The fact that the explosions were preceded and overlapped by a”drill” of an almost identical nature mirrors other major terror attacks, such as the 7/7 bombings in London.​
It is important to emphasize that the New York Times recently reported that most of the recent domestic terror plots in the United States “were facilitated by the F.B.I.,” suggesting that today’s incident in Boston may have been part of such an operation."
Another conspiracy theory. Yawn.
I called the sheriff to come and get mine. I was scared to even touch it. They are dangerous if not used properly, you know.
Actually, they are. My neighbor didn't put the lid on correctly and her cooker blew it's top. It threw the lid thru the sheet rock on the ceiling and plastered more than boiling hot food all over her kitchen. If she had been in there when it happened, she would have been scalded by the hot food. The vent can become plugged and the cooker will really explode. The blowout plugs have been known to fail.
Yeah, because being a known terrorist in Russia is going to net you an easy time. I don't think the Russia has been known for going easy on threats to security.

I believe he has a better chance of getting any form of justice in the US, as much as quite a few would agree with me. Justice being an at least almost fair trial, where in Russia they may gun him down in the streets which from memory, they've done to those in the past trying to start shit with other countries. Mid 90s maybe? Could be another country, but was pretty sure it was Russia. If I'm wrong, my bad.
I believe he has a better chance of getting any form of justice in the US, as much as quite a few would agree with me. Justice being an at least almost fair trial, where in Russia they may gun him down in the streets which from memory, they've done to those in the past trying to start shit with other countries. Mid 90s maybe? Could be another country, but was pretty sure it was Russia. If I'm wrong, my bad.

Their cops used to have no issues torturing detained folks, and getting away with it. That was something that gained notoriety in the last few years. Russia is still working on becoming a place that gives a shit about civil liberties.
Their cops used to have no issues torturing detained folks, and getting away with it. That was something that gained notoriety in the last few years. Russia is still working on becoming a place that gives a shit about civil liberties.

This is one of the instances.. as much as not many/anyone will agree with me, that we need to run the cycle until we're given the information we need/request. Sensory deprivation to start, then sodium pentothol, then we'll work into electrocution, waterboarding, and anything else deemed necessary.
i bursted out laughing when the guy told media that their pictures and ONLY their pics should be used.The gullibility of the sheeple is sooooo amazing i cant help but laugh(i know its wrong). and the black flaggers understand this and are sloppy and don't care how obvious it is.also heard that obama signed a bunch of new gun regulations through executive orders the same day.
This is one of the instances.. as much as not many/anyone will agree with me, that we need to run the cycle until we're given the information we need/request. Sensory deprivation to start, then sodium pentothol, then we'll work into electrocution, waterboarding, and anything else deemed necessary.

There's a reason we don't use torture; aside from simply not being barbarians anymore. It's unreliable as all hell. Start tearing off a guy's fingernails, and he'll tell you the locations of all the troops in North Korea (Regardless of what he actually knows). People will tell you what they want to hear to make it stop. It's a useless prospect. Besides, what would be gained?
There's a reason we don't use torture; aside from simply not being barbarians anymore. It's unreliable as all hell. Start tearing off a guy's fingernails, and he'll tell you the locations of all the troops in North Korea (Regardless of what he actually knows). People will tell you what they want to hear to make it stop. It's a useless prospect. Besides, what would be gained?

Is why I mentioned the sodium pentothol as one of the first.. sensory deprivation + the truth serum is a hell of a good start..and we'd see what results - as long as it's done by military interrogators, and not CIA. CIA, I would be worried that they'd mix the sodium pentothol with speed or ephedrine and play a round of "You have about 5 minutes before your heart explodes, talk fast and we can stop this" which would give the same reply as other forms of ripping nails out, cutting fingers and limbs off, etc.
Got some proof?

pay attention sheep

WEST PALM BEACH, Fl, April 19, 2013 - President Obama today started the process of expanding background checks for perspective gun owners despite a defeat of a background check measure in the Senate this week.
Obama initiated a process to remove provisions of health privacy laws that prevent some states from reporting information to the federal background check system.
"Truth serums" aren't as effective as many think. They're just barbiturates. It's like getting a guy drunk to get information out of him. You may be successful, but he can still lie. It's just lowered inhibitions working to your favor. If it gets you info, I wouldn't be opposed to using it; don't expect just the truth though. To me, torture is pointless in any circumstance I can think of. It's not worth sacrificing a bit of our humanity for the chance of information that may or may not be reliable.
but of course he never did that . . right . . . .fucking eh

but hey hes better then Romney so lets no pay attention now

torture- statistically unproven as reliable source of info, aka gets our people killed, so violence and denigrating behavior for all just to hurt more Americans . . . .people who act out of fear always loose

to sum it um its illogical and incomprehensible