Is it Possible That the U.S. Government Staged the Boston Marathon Bombing?

so all the people who let the police into there homes to see if hes inside should say no unless they have a warrant? i would allow them in cause i have nothing to hide and could save lives knowing they dont need a week to provide warrant for everyone... or no one lets them in and there loved ones could be the next victim when he detonates bomb later that day.

those people who just want him off streets and allow cops to do a search quick dont deserve to have rights?

for every disaster there is a conspiracy. conspiracies lead to false info spread... watch news an listen to many people who knew the kid from school and said they didnt call cause people posted fake pictures of some kid from brown. whereas, they could have seen photo on tv an called an gave kids info an save the cops life who was shot.

not saying i believe everything gov says but i do beleive conspiracy people will always make bs up even when there is video of a suspect planting the bomb.
ontop of all, you have 100s of cops an different task forces who all are hiding something ? its clear that cops have family who were hurt from bombing and want justice but they will just hide from truth cause someone else says so? i thinks its unfair to victims family and victims that people go to such lengths to make a sonspiracy up an tell them there family will never see justice.
so all the people who let the police into there homes to see if hes inside should say no unless they have a warrant? i would allow them in cause i have nothing to hide and could save lives knowing they dont need a week to provide warrant for everyone... or no one lets them in and there loved ones could be the next victim when he detonates bomb later that day.

those people who just want him off streets and allow cops to do a search quick dont deserve to have rights?

for every disaster there is a conspiracy. conspiracies lead to false info spread... watch news an listen to many people who knew the kid from school and said they didnt call cause people posted fake pictures of some kid from brown. whereas, they could have seen photo on tv an called an gave kids info an save the cops life who was shot.

not saying i believe everything gov says but i do beleive conspiracy people will always make bs up even when there is video of a suspect planting the bomb.

It is a hot pursuit lock down. You can't say no. They are not searching your house. No plain sight rule, here. They can take no official notice of what they see. (at that time) They are searching for someone that may have a gun to your head.

I had this happen to me. A witness said he saw the guy the cops were chasing, hopped my fence at 3 am.

I wasn't offered a choice. When I answered, the door was shoved open and 3 guys fanned out around me, ....protect the citizen stance.

"Who is upstairs! Did you see someone?" I had to take them up, down, in the basement, etc.
It is a hot pursuit lock down. You can't say no. They are not searching your house. No plain sight rule, here. They can take no official notice of what they see. (at that time) They are searching for someone that may have a gun to your head.

I had this happen to me. A witness said he saw the guy the cops were chasing, hopped my fence at 3 am.

I wasn't offered a choice. When I answered, the door was shoved open and 3 guys fanned out around me, ....protect the citizen stance.

"Who is upstairs! Did you see someone?" I had to take them up, down, in the basement, etc.

anything they might have found while searching without a warrant is inadmissible in court against you.

unless it turns out you were involved, then the report that your homey went into your crib becomes "probable cause" of course...

see the cops CAN search your shit without a warrant, and they CAN turn your crib upside down looking for a perp,they just cant use that shit against you, nor can they use that shit as "probable cause" to get a warrant to search your shit later.

the protections against "un-warranted" (meaning needless, as opposed to "warrantless" which means without a warrant) search and seizure is part of your evidentiary protection in court, not some imaginary nebulous right to "privacy"

and if i get busted knocking over the Piggly Wiggly, i got 30 or so homies and relatives who will swear it wasnt me, even if they know damned well it totally WAS me, and they saw me robbin the joint.

these kinds of claims are as useless to believe as they are to repeat.
my fault, they made it seem they were just knocking on doors asking for access. didnt know they just open up an push you aside.
my fault, they made it seem they were just knocking on doors asking for access. didnt know they just open up an push you aside.

Mime was a bit different. 3 AM. The pursuit was hot. They caught the guy in a house just across and down from me.

Did I want him hiding in my basement? They didn't.

So, here do you think you might seem like you were harboring the guy if you turned them down? You would not turn them down. That would be stupid and dangerous for everyone. In that case they would have to insist.