And I was a 12B... And your MOS?
Wow... All these douche-bags nit-picking a "blasting cap" vs. a field expedient ignitor... I'm so, so very sorry I didn't say "electronic field expedient ignitor" in my original post instead of "blasting cap"... Oy vey iz mir! It seems the tribe is hating on me... How ever will I sleep tonight? What ever shall I do?Combat Engineer doesn't know what a blasting cap is?
It was the first thing that popped into my head when I heard just like the Sandy Hook and Batman... A cashier actually told me about the Sandy Hook and I answered False Flag like she understood lol"University of Mobiles Cross Country Coach Ali Stevenson told Local 15 News, They kept making announcements on the loud speaker that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about. It seemed like there was some sort of threat, but they kept telling us it was just a drill.
The news station also reports that Stevenson thought it was odd there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines.
Stevenson then describes hearing the explosions as he ran away from the scene, having just completed the marathon.If this report is accurate, it clearly suggests there could have been some degree of prior knowledge of the bombing, which killed two people and injured at least 23.The fact that the explosions were preceded and overlapped by adrill of an almost identical nature mirrors other major terror attacks, such as the 7/7 bombings in London.
It is important to emphasize that the New York Times recently reported that most of the recent domestic terror plots in the United States were facilitated by the F.B.I., suggesting that todays incident in Boston may have been part of such an operation."
Wow... All these douche-bags nit-picking a "blasting cap" vs. a field expedient ignitor... I'm so, so very sorry I didn't say "electronic field expedient ignitor" in my original post instead of "blasting cap"... Oy vey iz mir! It seems the tribe is hating on me... How ever will I sleep tonight? What ever shall I do?
Is it possible the government shut down RIU due to this thread
Hey dooche... Did you read the thread and the original post? I was just making a point about blowing up a car and how easy it is... I said "blasting cap" in the original post then it was picked apart by another dooche saying if I had access to a blasting cap I'd have access to my choice of demo so my post was worthless - talk about pretentious post... Okay, so I post a field expedient ignitor, courtesy of YouTube... Now, the ignitor isn't good enough for you dooche-bags... It has to be a fucking "blasting cap"...You were trying to blow smoke up people's asses. "Electric igniter" would have sufficed. You decided to act like you knew it all, so pointing out the irony here seemed appropriate. Plus, slapping your MOS on the table like it's a dick of some sort, is kind of in bad taste. Makes you seem a wee-bit pretentious.
Very doubtful... There are plenty of other sites that have people that are way more observant and way more in tune than the bunch of stoners on this site - just sayingIs it possible the government shut down RIU due to this thread
Hey dooche... Did you read the thread and the original post? I was just making a point about blowing up a car and how easy it is... I said "blasting cap" in the original post then it was picked apart by another dooche saying if I had access to a blasting cap I'd have access to my choice of demo so my post was worthless - talk about pretentious post... Okay, so I post a field expedient ignitor, courtesy of YouTube... Now, the ignitor isn't good enough for you dooche-bags... It has to be a fucking "blasting cap"...
Okay, then do this, make yourself a fucking m-80, put ur fucking ignitor and position it so it ignites the m-80... Now you got your fucking field expedient blasting cap equivalent... Oh, wait... There is not physical metal cap on the m-80 - I loose again...
Here's a better idea, dooche, go fuck yourself.
That's an igniter, not a blasting cap.
I really hate to bring this up because it may be read incorrectly and out of context, but I don't think a "pro" did this, the reason being there weren't enough casualties. I don't like to say callous things, in this instance it's just a by product of the way my mind works and that {amateur not a pro} being one of my conclusions when working this problem.
Photos of 2 suspects in Boston Bombing released
Half the named 9/11 hijackers weren't actually there at all...yet you take this picture to actually mean something?Thanks for that, haven't seen this yet.. high def image on suspect 1 (the one in front on the sidewalk) is showing a jagged scar on the neck - something that I haven't heard the media mention just yet.
Half the named 9/11 hijackers weren't actually there at all...yet you take this picture to actually mean something?
so people still think this is conspiracy?
2 brothers who have been in states for 12yrs. both in colledge. they robbed convience store and used a stolen credit card... seems like few people who hate everyone from there childhood events that did the bombing and didnt think they get caught... social media got them and now they both going to end up dead im sure. albiet the young one actually gets caught and tells a story but thats if an officer doesnt just pull triger on them. for that claim?