I'm pretty sure it's illegal to post bomb making tips online, that whole War on Terror thing perhaps.
I don't think it's actually illegal. The attempt by Congress some time ago to make it illegal failed to be enacted into law.
I'm pretty sure it's illegal to post bomb making tips online, that whole War on Terror thing perhaps.
And drink hard first.For anyone thinking of making a bomb large enough to blow themselves up, remember to ground yourself first. This is best done by sticking a fork in an electrical outlet. And don't forget, be safe.
There's 2 things you never tell an Irishmen...1 The bar is open and 2 The bar is closedMy family fought on both sides during the american civil war in 1860's, don't get us riled up, we don't care which side we fight on, just so were in the fight!lol!
In less time it takes to smoke a joint, I've noted that the possible suspects are indeed a varied bunch, from a non issue average disgruntled joe to the government and of course the ever present "them". Maybe some due diligence is required before slinging hash.
Here's part of the problem....watch any of the newer shows, the ones with plots based around these type of scenarios and what do you see, a complete break down of the composition of explosive materials which can used , the type of timers/detonators which work best, how steel reacts, how quick response times are for the emergency crews, strategic plans and insight on how and where to dispose of evidence. It's basically Terrorist 101
You tried a pipe bomb even after seeing the results on video, so what would it take to get you to try something bigger {not saying you would, just a hypothetical}...was the premise
I'll give you one for free.
Incandescent lightbulb filament
(Disclaimer: Above are three random words, nothing more).
For anyone thinking of making a bomb large enough to blow themselves up, remember to ground yourself first. This is best done by sticking a fork in an electrical outlet. And don't forget, be safe.
BEFORE doing that, remember to bypass your GFCI/RCD/RCBO or if you have the old school fuses, replace the wire with nails... This will increase safety 10 fold.
Run an el3ctric blasting cap to the gas tank.... But just make sure the tank is only 1/4 full or a bit less - the gas fumes ignite, not the gas itself (gas is a secondary burn - more fumes, bigger the pow). Anyways tie the cap off to the brake light, run cap down filler tube - this works best at night so they can't see the wires running down ur gas cap. Steps on brake, POW.
This is a public service announcement brought to you by actual army training - back to your regularly scheduled lives....
[video=youtube;C_xsake03f4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_xsake03f4[/video]if you have access to blasting caps then you almost certainly have access to primary explosives.
IMPROVISED munitions are the subject, not "go buy some dynamite, and some blasting caps and 15 feet of green-core fuse.... " that's less than useful.
if you cut pieces of bologna into the shape of letters, and slap that bologna to the hood of a car on a hot day, when the dupe pulls the meat off his car, the paint will come away too, spelling out your disdain indelibly on his jalopy.
you can also cut the bologna into the shape of penises. just make sure the shapes are bold and easy to grasp. bologna is not a scalpel, it's a broadsword.
LOL... I didn't deny ur little tribe's bedtime story bro - just put it in perspective... Did you know that a thermite reaction is said to have really brought down the WTC... yep, MOSSAD.i see the holocaust denier is doing everything he can to attract the right kind of attention to our website.
well done, we applaud your efforts.
LOL... I didn't deny ur little tribe's bedtime story bro - just put it in perspective... Did you know that a thermite reaction is said to have really brought down the WTC... yep, MOSSAD.
And say hello to ur tribe for me bro... and quit thinking about my muscles - that's kinda creepy ...but then again, understandable - your genetics and alli'll let dr kynes dispatch your loose change version 47 "science" and will simply snicker happily at the ensuing hilarity.
And say hello to ur tribe for me bro... and quit thinking about my muscles - that's kinda creepy ...but then again, understandable - your genetics and all
if you pin oil soaked rags to your clothing you can improve the safety margin considerably.