Is it Possible That the U.S. Government Staged the Boston Marathon Bombing?

Who says anyone was even in the Challenger? The shuttle accidentally launched with no one onboard. They had no choice but activate the self destruct. The astronauts all got new identities and are secretly working on as a Chinese Star Wars satellite system cosmonaut.
I heard Reagan blew it up in a test of the 'Star Wars' defense system.
Well, they won't just come out and say it. These were DIY Claymore Mines. The pressure cooker is strong enough to back tamp the blasts.

There were projectiles in a clay layer sat atop the several inches of explosive acetate. An acetone based explosive you have to work up in a refrigerator.

Claymores aimed at legs of late finishers of the Boston Marathon.....what is your profile? Who would come up with such a specific approach to attack the legs of marathon runners?
ala' Ragnar Benson? He wrote a lot of improvised munitions stuff.

Don't know. I make sure I don't have any Internet interest in that. They reported they have seen these in Afgan, so I'm thinking a vet with an Axe to grind about legs and running....
Don't know. I make sure I don't have any Internet interest in that. They reported they have seen these in Afgan, so I'm thinking a vet with an Axe to grind about legs and running....

His off the wall stuff is best viewed via SR/TOR. I had no idea that the pressure cooker device was used, evidentially for some time. DHS advisory from about 10 years ago!:
Well, they won't just come out and say it. These were DIY Claymore Mines. The pressure cooker is strong enough to back tamp the blasts.

There were projectiles in a clay layer sat atop the several inches of explosive acetate. An acetone based explosive you have to work up in a refrigerator.

Claymores aimed at legs of late finishers of the Boston Marathon.....what is your profile? Who would come up with such a specific approach to attack the legs of marathon runners?

Helps me with analysis of a few things.. would love to see the exact components in a list though.. and I want to see mass spectrometer / gas chromatograph reports for the residue found on the inside of the cooker specifically. (Hopefully something not residual/post blast due to failed procedural mixing)
What part of Scientology is unethical? I will admit I don't know enough about it to say so but I only assume that any popular philosophy has to at least seem ethical to a large group of people, this has been my findings and thus why I made such a statement, making it as controversial as possible to prove the point.

scientology is as "ethically sound" as roman catholicism, with boytouching included. if you squint your eyes. tilt your head and peer through frosted glass just so, and obscure the catholic's coverups of priestly pederasty for like 100 years, then they blow scientology's ethics away.

with their history of forced conversions, murder torture inquisitions, witchhunts, oppression and raw evil, catholics still have a stronger ethical basis than scientology, which declares eveyrone who is not part of the cult is a drain on the adherent's "energy" and must be rejected, and any who dare question L.Ron's words is a "Suppressive Person" who is therefore "Fair Game" and in L. Ron's own super-dramatic space opera words:

ENEMY SP Order. Fair game. May be deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or Destroyed.

~ time i read this shit i imagine the words being read in the manner of Darth Vader...
Obama with a ricin envelope now too... am sure that Mossad is trying to do that one as well. (Completely facetious, for those who don't understand how my mind works)
how come the zionist don't like to talk about the attack on the USS Liberty or the israeli 5th column in washington

derp derp derp hurp a derp.

the uss liberty was attacked in a war zone, when your ship is in a war zone, sometimes it gets shot up.

i feel about as bad over the USS Liberty ads a do about the USS Vincenze incident, where an iranian airliner got shot down while ignoring commands to turn away in a hot shooting zone.

the Israelis were fighting for survival, against everybody around. an american flag isnt proof of an american ship, and the Israelis had informed washington that anybody in the free fire zone is gonna get slotted.

the USS Liberty got shot up, cuz it was the same model spy boat we had sold to the iranians before they had their little moslem revolution, and thus the boat was suspect to begin with.

get over it.

as far as your retarded claims of a "5th Column" in washington, youre fucking retarded.
Well, they won't just come out and say it. These were DIY Claymore Mines. The pressure cooker is strong enough to back tamp the blasts.

There were projectiles in a clay layer sat atop the several inches of explosive acetate. An acetone based explosive you have to work up in a refrigerator.

Claymores aimed at legs of late finishers of the Boston Marathon.....what is your profile? Who would come up with such a specific approach to attack the legs of marathon runners?

hmmm a podiatrist with gambling debts?
@Doer - Were you / are you suspecting something like powdered/crystalline acetone peroxide as the explosive/high explosive used? The reason I ask, fits the profile for sensitivity in terms of where it had to be utilized.. given that it's quite susceptable to friction, shock, heat, and who knows what else.
They might have used good old black powder. I read that because of the lack of concusion injuries, they suspect a low pressure explosive, like black powder! And by the look of the flame & smoke in the videos, it looks like every civil war movie scene.
With Google Earth, they should have pictures of people placing these bombs.
They might have used good old black powder. I read that because of the lack of concusion injuries, they suspect a low pressure explosive, like black powder!
With Google Earth, they should have pictures of people placing these bombs.
You mean with the secret American "Daedalus" class Battlecruisers scanning from orbit?

Google Earth isn't a live stream bro, it's a composite of thousands of photos from loads of seperate satellites in orbit. It says what company took the photo and what year on the pictures ;)
They might have used good old black powder. I read that because of the lack of concusion injuries, they suspect a low pressure explosive, like black powder!
With Google Earth, they should have pictures of people placing these bombs.

..yeah black or smokeless is what I heard.
Here's part of the any of the newer shows, the ones with plots based around these type of scenarios and what do you see, a complete break down of the composition of explosive materials which can used , the type of timers/detonators which work best, how steel reacts, how quick response times are for the emergency crews, strategic plans and insight on how and where to dispose of evidence. It's basically Terrorist 101
You mean with the secret American "Daedalus" class Battlecruisers scanning from orbit?

Google Earth isn't a live stream bro, it's a composite of thousands of photos from loads of seperate satellites in orbit. It says what company took the photo and what year on the pictures ;)
I mean it was a marathon race, someone someplace was recording the whole thing from space!
They might have used good old black powder. I read that because of the lack of concusion injuries, they suspect a low pressure explosive, like black powder! And by the look of the flame & smoke in the videos, it looks like every civil war movie scene.
With Google Earth, they should have pictures of people placing these bombs.

lack of concussion injuries? Ok.. that's fine and dandy, until you see the concussive shockwave alone (not causing bodily injury with flying bearings or metal) still knocked a runner on his ass after his knees completely buckled. What's the max PSI that said pressure cooker can take? Was it truly designed to be a directed blast, or did it turn out to be weaker around the point where the lid would seal and just appear to be a directed blast? (physics says this would be a yes - the lid/seal is definitely weaker - especially in terms of quick/hella fast expansive pressure, as pressure cookers aren't designed to handle immense pressure compared to a few other designs) Am not arguing, just stating that it looks to be more than just a bit a bit of low pressure explosive used.. given that the forensic photos by no means showed any sort of a cone, or device capable of directing the blast out.. and as such, probably sprayed bearings out the sides as well. At this point, short of seeing the mass spec / gas chromatograph results and trajectory calculations based on where the devices are.. this is pure speculation and is open to debate / your own interpretation.
^^^Having said that, it would seem plausible the bomber was unaware of the physics involved and the brunt of the force would have been projected more in an upwardly direction. Any compartment will be weakest at it's hinges and I believe most pressure cookers have theirs at the top.
^^^Having said that, it would seem plausible the bomber was unaware of the physics involved and the brunt of the force would have been projected more in an upwardly direction. Any compartment will be weakest at it's hinges and I believe most pressure cookers have theirs at the top.

Agreed, and is precisely why I've for the most part ruled out quite a few of the foreign terrorist organizations that exist, except for NDFB.. a small sub-cell of NSCN-IM - which are known to use household items for devices (generally speaking, not specific to pressure cookers) - have to run out for a bit, will explain my statement more when I return if any are truly curious as to how I came across that.