Is it Possible That the U.S. Government Staged the Boston Marathon Bombing?

IMO there is some truth to most fiction. Whether or not the government is 'conspiring' I have no clue but what I do know is that if there was a bomb squad there already then somebody knew something was up.

Really? You think it's suspicious to have a bomb squad at a public event with tens of thousands of people there? Tell me, if the police on site had identified a suspicious package or someone had phoned in a bomb threat, were they supposed to call dispatch and have the bomb squad suit up and come out? It's as ridiculous as saying police or government agencies running drills is suspicious. You run drills because you have no idea when you're going to need to be prepared--we should be happy to know they're drilling!
dude. when i was a kid we made home-made explosives, home made fireworks, and even stump blasting powder in the barn.

these days i would have been locked up as a terrorist at age 10.

shit. one of my friends made a rock throwing bombard out of an old cast iron sewer pipe cast into a block of concrete and some home made black powder. we would lob 6" rocks into the lake on weekends with his uncles and grandpappy.

my grandpappy taught me how to drill, pour and blast a stump with fertilizer and diesel oil when i was 12.

your perspective is not universal, and country folks still do shit that would make you shit your britches. or do you think fishin with dynamite is just a joke?
What you've mentioned is far from an ordinary childhood, I can't deny that you were given proper instruction, love and understanding of a family unit/member...some don't have such a thing and don't see the world as you. And yes I agree with you that 90% of those TV shows are bullshit, but that 10% can be the inspiration that sets things off so to speak. As for the part which is in bold, I'm not sure why you would say that. Are you pointing to the fact that you have the capacity for such violence or that someone like yourself, who has a similar childhood, who with the love and understanding of a grandpappy and knows how to blow shit up, is some how an average US citizen and by today's standards are considered for all intents and purposes a terrorist?

Fishing with dynamite, sure if you're lazy
What you've mentioned is far from an ordinary childhood, I can't deny that you were given proper instruction, love and understanding of a family unit/member...some don't have such a thing and don't see the world as you. And yes I agree with you that 90% of those TV shows are bullshit, but that 10% can be the inspiration that sets things off so to speak. As for the part which is in bold, I'm not sure why you would say that. Are you pointing to the fact that you have the capacity for such violence or that someone like yourself, who has a similar childhood, who with the love and understanding of a grandpappy and knows how to blow shit up, is some how an average US citizen and by today's standards are considered for all intents and purposes a terrorist?

Fishing with dynamite, sure if you're lazy

to sum up, in a word, YES.

when i was a kid, if you heard BOOOOM from over the hill, that usually meant

A: somebody is removing a stump to clear a feild
B: somebody is engaging in shenanigans for the amusement of their kids/grandkids
C: somebody is limbering up their old cannon for the upcoming 4th of july festivities
D: old man Trochet's still blew up again.

as long as you call up Mr Trochet and he's alright, fuckit. if he doesnt answer the phone, then you send somebody round to check on him.

these days if somebody feels the need to set off a "device" on his own property, it's time to call the sheriff/dea//homeland security.

the truth is, they dont give a flying fuck about REAL problems, they are just there to ensure compliance.

couple years ago i reported an 80CF oxy-cylinder (if you dont know thats the 5 foot tall high pressure oxy-acetylene welding tank that looks like a torpedo, and is often called "The Bomb") dumped in a creek bed. the sheriff's depf routed me to the Fire dept, how directed me to the local Homeland security, who directed me to the local EPA, who sent me right back to the sheriff's office... 6 days later that cylinder was still there. it could have been charged, just waiting for something to break it's regulator off (boom) it could have been stuffed with explosives as an IED (it was under a bridge on a major thoroughfare) or it could have been just an empty cylinder that got washed away in a flood or was dumped accidentally, but they are NOT the sort of thing one generally just tosses into the creek.

they never came and got it, and the next big rain sent it on down stream. Yay Homeland Security.

so yeah, they would arrest me as a terrorist over some firecrackers, but mustaffa up the road with 50 lbs of semtex wired to his prius is just aces.
I'm not a fan of Kynes but making things go "boom" is part of a normal childhood pre-90's.... Post-90's people have become so brainwashed and pussified, I'm surprised the US Government doesn't issue every man, woman, and child their own "Summer Eve" cleansing wash :P
to sum up, in a word, YES.

when i was a kid, if you heard BOOOOM from over the hill, that usually meant

A: somebody is removing a stump to clear a feild
B: somebody is engaging in shenanigans for the amusement of their kids/grandkids
C: somebody is limbering up their old cannon for the upcoming 4th of july festivities
D: old man Trochet's still blew up again.

as long as you call up Mr Trochet and he's alright, fuckit. if he doesnt answer the phone, then you send somebody round to check on him.

these days if somebody feels the need to set off a "device" on his own property, it's time to call the sheriff/dea//homeland security.

the truth is, they dont give a flying fuck about REAL problems, they are just there to ensure compliance.

couple years ago i reported an 80CF oxy-cylinder (if you dont know thats the 5 foot tall high pressure oxy-acetylene welding tank that looks like a torpedo, and is often called "The Bomb") dumped in a creek bed. the sheriff's depf routed me to the Fire dept, how directed me to the local Homeland security, who directed me to the local EPA, who sent me right back to the sheriff's office... 6 days later that cylinder was still there. it could have been charged, just waiting for something to break it's regulator off (boom) it could have been stuffed with explosives as an IED (it was under a bridge on a major thoroughfare) or it could have been just an empty cylinder that got washed away in a flood or was dumped accidentally, but they are NOT the sort of thing one generally just tosses into the creek.

they never came and got it, and the next big rain sent it on down stream. Yay Homeland Security.

so yeah, they would arrest me as a terrorist over some firecrackers, but mustaffa up the road with 50 lbs of semtex wired to his prius is just aces.
Honesty an honorable trait...thanks
I'm thinking Monsanto was getting too much media attention over the "get out jail card free" law that slipped in anonymously and got signed. just a thought....

Seems we have a bunch these "Media Distractions" when our law making has undertones of foul play. jmo.
IMO there is some truth to most fiction. Whether or not the government is 'conspiring' I have no clue but what I do know is that if there was a bomb squad there already then somebody knew something was up. In the Sandy Hook case, again, they probably knew something was coming but not what for sure. In the Boston bombings it appears that some idiot was trying to make a point because a real terrorist wouldn't plant duds. And all the conspiracy theorists out there have plenty of shit to choose from. All in all, I know my government could care less about me or my family and friends as long as they are able to stay in bed with the powers that be and make money doing it. Am I a conspiracy theorist? no, I am not, I am a realist. My biggest fear? the tin hatters starting a revolution of sorts and screwing us all.

Someone mentioned 1984 and then there is Brave New Worlds...very predictive and already here. Like 1984, we are glued to the govt info streams...war, rumors of war....

But, check out Stand on Zanzibar.

It has among a bunch of very real prediction truths, the idea of bombing as a hobby.
I'm thinking Monsanto was getting too much media attention over the "get out jail card free" law that slipped in anonymously and got signed. just a thought....

Seems we have a bunch these "Media Distractions" when our law making has undertones of foul play. jmo.

the so called "Monsanto Protection Act" doesnt do shit for monsanto.

it just protects farmers, so they dont have to plow their fields under every time some eco-loon's lawyer gets an injunction against some particular crop.

when you got crops in the ground, you cant expect a farmer growing shit under contract to plow it up, and lose his shirt. so instead he can complete his harvest, deliver on his contract, and if the contract holder cant use that crop due to a court ruling thats his fucking problem, not the farmer's

monsanto doesnt get SHIT. its for farmers. (Archer Daniels Midland, IGN, et al however...)
Guess you were wrong... again...

ha ha ha ha ohh shit, thats not a fucking blasting cap you dolt.

i could do the same with a spark plug, an old lawnmower ignition coil and a small pile of match tips.

youre just fucking silly as fuck. that little fizzler wouldnt set off a stick of dynamite, much less C-4, Comp B, or semtex.

ohh man, youre clownshoes.

you never handled explosives in your life.
to sum up, in a word, YES.

when i was a kid, if you heard BOOOOM from over the hill, that usually meant

A: somebody is removing a stump to clear a feild
B: somebody is engaging in shenanigans for the amusement of their kids/grandkids
C: somebody is limbering up their old cannon for the upcoming 4th of july festivities
D: old man Trochet's still blew up again.

as long as you call up Mr Trochet and he's alright, fuckit. if he doesnt answer the phone, then you send somebody round to check on him.

these days if somebody feels the need to set off a "device" on his own property, it's time to call the sheriff/dea//homeland security.

the truth is, they dont give a flying fuck about REAL problems, they are just there to ensure compliance.

couple years ago i reported an 80CF oxy-cylinder (if you dont know thats the 5 foot tall high pressure oxy-acetylene welding tank that looks like a torpedo, and is often called "The Bomb") dumped in a creek bed. the sheriff's depf routed me to the Fire dept, how directed me to the local Homeland security, who directed me to the local EPA, who sent me right back to the sheriff's office... 6 days later that cylinder was still there. it could have been charged, just waiting for something to break it's regulator off (boom) it could have been stuffed with explosives as an IED (it was under a bridge on a major thoroughfare) or it could have been just an empty cylinder that got washed away in a flood or was dumped accidentally, but they are NOT the sort of thing one generally just tosses into the creek.

they never came and got it, and the next big rain sent it on down stream. Yay Homeland Security.

so yeah, they would arrest me as a terrorist over some firecrackers, but mustaffa up the road with 50 lbs of semtex wired to his prius is just aces.

i thought you grew up near or around a inner city, didnt you cry all over some thread a year ago about how you were beat up and harassed by the locals of the area(if i remember correctly you used this as your reason to be prejudiced toward black communities but i could have it wrong i do forget things) . . .or is this one of those, when i was kid cliche responses coming where you inform me that you had to travel to go to a shitty school, in a shitty neighborhood

just confused as you describe your childhood boom scenario with over the hill and removing stumps seems more rural
i thought you grew up near or around a inner city, didnt you cry all over some thread a year ago about how you were beat up and harassed by the locals of the area . . .or is this one of those, when i was kid cliche responses coming where you inform me that you had to travel to go to a shitty school, in a shitty neighborhood

just confused as you describe your childhood boom scenario with over the hill and removing stumps seems more rural

well since you wanna be my biographer, i spent summers on my grandpappy's farm in the central valley, near a little town called Firebaugh, and the rest of the year in a shitty little town north of san francisco called Vallejo.

but i suppose thats really complicated to figure out.

Edit: i also spent a lot of time traveling with my grandfather, panning for gold, later i spent time as an itinerant field hand, i worked as a permamnent hand on a farm/ranch, and also worked in a vineyard for some years, became a licensed PCA and worked on MANY farms, did wildland firefighting for a couple years, and also worked in factories shops, mills, forges and packing houses. i know it's hard to keep up, but maybe you should take notes.
i thought you grew up near or around a inner city, didnt you cry all over some thread a year ago about how you were beat up and harassed by the locals of the area(if i remember correctly you used this as your reason to be prejudiced toward black communities but i could have it wrong i do forget things) . . .or is this one of those, when i was kid cliche responses coming where you inform me that you had to travel to go to a shitty school, in a shitty neighborhood

just confused as you describe your childhood boom scenario with over the hill and removing stumps seems more rural
Yeah the farmer is from the inner city...

well since you wanna be my biographer, i spent summers on my grandpappy's farm in the central valley, near a little town called Firebaugh, and the rest of the year in a shitty little town north of san francisco called Vallejo.

but i suppose thats really complicated to figure out.

i spent some time near petaluma, damn must have been wierd back then there

was it still a big marina boating area
i spent some time near petaluma, damn must have been wierd back then there was it still a big marina boating area

petaluma is an entirely different area. vallejo is on san pablo bay, and is usually associated with oakland/richmond.

petaluma is closer to san francisco and is NOTHING like Vallejo.

Vallejo is oddly equal in it's racial profile, at around 24% for whites blacks hispanics and asians, but those groups are tightly stratified in neighborhoods. "Country Club Crest( invariably just called Da Crest) " is nearly 80% black, "Rancho Vallejo" (just Rancho if you please) runs about 75% chicano, etc...

and this is why i got bussed across town.
Yeah the farmer is from the inner city...


cuz cities have walls and shit to make sure nobody can get out, especially if their gramps needs help on the farm. yep. big walls.

every fall i had to go back to the shithole, and every summer i got to escape back where i belonged,

vallejo is not really an "inner city" though it's really wierd, half rural, with all the urban problems of crime gangs and crack, but not at all an urban wasteland. drive for 15 minutes from the depest part of the least appealing ghetto scene you can imagine and your in a vineyard or a horse ranch.

the scum in vallejo pretty much just stayed in their enclaves, like rancho or the crest or the hilariously inappropriately named "Beverly Hills" and the rest of the city operated like a suburban center.

until the sun went down.
ha ha ha ha ohh shit, thats not a fucking blasting cap you dolt.

i could do the same with a spark plug, an old lawnmower ignition coil and a small pile of match tips.

youre just fucking silly as fuck. that little fizzler wouldnt set off a stick of dynamite, much less C-4, Comp B, or semtex.

ohh man, youre clownshoes.

you never handled explosives in your life.
No, you said to get a blasting cap, one would need access to demo. Here is an improvised ignitor that will work to set off a gas tank as I laid out... Sure it's not a "blasting cap" but it would get the job done to blow a car up. I can do the same with a broken brake bulb with the filament exposed.

And I was a 12B... And your MOS?