Is There An Afterlife?

Tricky one this......Aha, I have a plan.....will send you links later via PM.
Can't have certain details posted on this ID and such...if you know what I mean :wink: :mrgreen:
Personally, I don't believe in a god.

The bible is astrotheological literary hybrid.

You want a god, believe in the sun. You can see it and feel it.

As for an afterlife, I cannot truely say. We live in the absurd ( A sphere of lifeforms floating in a black void ) So who honestly knows? But while we live our physical lives, we should live it to the best.

So lets smoke all the weed we can! WOO!
Evolution has been proven, and it is fact.

Actually, that's false. Ever heard of the Cambrian Explosion? Darwin's theory supposes that we evolved over millions of years from single celled organisms. The Cambrian Explosion totally disproves Darwin's theory in just that one principle.

There are many different mathematical and physical aspects of the universe that point strongly towards the existence of God. Do some research and see for yourself.

For instance, gravity is one of the weakest forms of energy in the known universe. Yet if it were even .000001 percent stronger or weaker, there would be no such thing as solid matter in the universe. How is it that the precise, exact amount of attraction required to form matter and thus all the building blocks of life without it imploding upon itself or drifting apart is dialed in just perfectly?

Or what about the fact that we are in the least dangerous part of our galaxy with regard to space debris, shielded by planets and other large satellites at the exact distance away from the sun to keep us from either burning up or freezing into an ice ball?

Need more, cause I got em! :hump:
dude the reason life grew here is because we are in the safe part of the our galaxy man, doesnt that make sense? if you were in the messed up part you would have never existed:mrgreen: and if that part of the galaxy wasntin messed up there would probably be life on there too
the word "afterlife" should not even be in the dictionary, its an oxymoron. how can you have "life" after "life" is over? its realy a stupid thing to say, the whole point that you say "afterlife" means that it is "after" "life", so what is "after" it cannot be "life" again!!! duh!!! it can only be death:mrgreen:

haha you guys all gonna die and be gone forever haha you cant come to tems with it if you make up stories about wonderful things like heavan and alla and reincarnation and a gold nugget can be found in the center of your poop:mrgreen: just aint gonna happen brotha, they also told people that greenland was a lush green land

The whole process of being "born" is a miracle within itself when you think about it...who's to say nothing happens after we so call "die".
death? that's only a transformation from one plane of consciousness to another. it's all very subjective. life, death, just different sides of the same coin man. get with it.
i got a good one, does anyone think there is an afterdeath? how come people dont make up extra deaths? why do they only make up extra lifes?:mrgreen:

i say ther is an afterdeath, that is, after you die, you actually die again one more time but it hurts a lot more the second time:mrgreen:

theres just as much proof of my afterdeath as there is an afterlife,

i mean it just doesnt make sense to me that you only die once, there must be a greater being out there that contols all this and provides you with an after death like an extra death in a way. well I have faith of that anyway.
i believe there is an an afterdeath after death:blsmoke:. you can be a nonbeliver of this if you want but your not gonna get to go to your afterdeath if you dont believe. sorry pal
the moon takes the impact of most of the asteroids that have come our way.

Yet, there is scientific evidence that proves we too have been visited by asteroids... even comets... and plenty of them.

The crater in mexico, 3 miles wide (or something) is supposed to be from a comet that they believe was responsible for wiping out the dinosaurs.

Even today, peoples homes have been crushed by debris from space...

There is a comet set to pass us by in 2010 or 2012, can't remember which, that has been placed as a million to one shot to hit the earth. you have a better chance of winning that bet than you do the lottery. If you have 6 numbers from 1-49 the odds are 14 million to one.
The whole process of being "born" is a miracle within itself when you think about it...who's to say nothing happens after we so call "die".

i think the real problem is that everyone says "somthing" does happen after you die.

i havent had many problems with people claiming that nothing happens after you die besides decomposition. all the proof shows that nothing happens after you die, and there is zero proof that somthing "does" happen after your die.

so on a strictly intilectual basis, you should surmise that the evidence shows that there is probably only death and decomposition after your brain dies. so unless we find evidence otherwise and if you are a betting man,

which one would you bet your bottom dollar on?
You people are lame stoners

i understand it makes it easy to write us off as such, but truly you are only pulling the wool over your own eyes which if fine. religion is a very personal thing and I am just saying my opinion. non of us have proof either way
I never stated what I believed, it was just a speculation...Im not one to say if something does or doesn't because honestly nobody really knows....but I believe there is a part of us that lives on....soul perhaps yeah what you see might die (the body) but I believe there is more to a person than just a body
I hate to include this too, but it leaked out recently that even mother terasa was questioning gods existance right before she died. And really i dont blame her after seeing all the pain and horrible suffering humanity all her life that she was trying to stop. she must of sat back one day after all her many many years of hardship and trying to help those unfortunate souls and losing many of them, she must of sat back nearing her death and been like, wtf!!!

if he is really here why is he letting this go on?? to me its inexcusable what he allows to happen to innicent people even if he does exist i consider him a coward and I would never submit to him even if he existed and threated me with hell or whatever.
I never stated what I believed, it was just a speculation...Im not one to say if something does or doesn't because honestly nobody really knows....but I believe there is a part of us that lives on....soul perhaps yeah what you see might die (the body) but I believe there is more to a person than just a body

yea I feel yea no one really knows, it just pisses me off that people belive so much while they are being raped and killed and pissed on and all the time they think this guy is watching this from above, has the power to stop it but just lets it happen!!, but "in his mysterious ways"

i wish i could convince people I was thier friend while i let them crash burn suffer and die.

i dont really wish i could, just makin a point
There's no such thing as gravity... merley a useful theory..made up of concepts..

kinda like YOUR name... not real... just a useful signifier...

Einsten Disproved Gravity...

Stop thinking.... whatever you have left is reality... and don't start LISTENING to your thoughts.. thatmake up excuses for you to stop thinking... JUST it...

just try it..

you have nothing to loose, and everything to gain... BWAHAhHAHAHAHA
But 1 thing I will say is out of all the people I know that worship god, and I don't mean go to church every week, Im just saying people that believe....They all seem to live a happy life...of course not everything goes how they want it too but it is just the feeling of knowing everything will be ok.
yea look at a guy like forest gump, that guy didnt really think much, all he did when you threw a ball at him is hit it back. an he met the president!!

i wish i was more like that. I usually shun any balls that are thrown at me cuz I think too much, like who threw that ball? are they the cops? they are going to rob me!! then i run inside and lock the door. took me till I was 18 to lose my viginity cuz I was a hermit.:roll:

and yea being high 24/7 during my childhood didnt help my hermittitty much either:weed: