Is There An Afterlife?

But 1 thing I will say is out of all the people I know that worship god, and I don't mean go to church every week, Im just saying people that believe....They all seem to live a happy life...of course not everything goes how they want it too but it is just the feeling of knowing everything will be ok.

yea your right, i saw the study on that where religiuos people live longer than non belivers. i used to belive in god real good till some asshole like me came along and explained to me what I think now is the truth. but i almost wish I still belived.

its really hard to shake off being indocranted christion from when you were young. for many years I didnt belive in god anymore but still found myself talking to him every once in a while in my head. took a long time to get out of that habit even after I knew in mind that he did not exist i would still catch myself talking to him, pretty wierd talking to a guy in your head that you think doesnt exist:roll:. thats why those islamos nazis are so dangerous ITS IN THIER HEAD:shock:
Hi Panda..

I am aware of thoughts in my head that sound like prayers... they are often sweet and gentle... I just accept them... I do not belive in GOD.. I do not beliueve anything that comes in the form of thought.. BUt this does not mean I disbelive it either.....

The thoughts, just come and go.. and sometiimes I entertain or act on certain thoughts....

I was not brought up with prayer or christian lifestyle.. I am not sure where these PRAYERS come from..

I just accept them.. take a deep breathh and move on...

I used to be trapped in my thought.. in my brain..... the crazy thing is.. I did not know it.. Ithought my thoughts were the world..

NOW by a stroke of LUCK.. and by GODs devine intervention...

I am able to move between MIND and NO MIND... thoughts are just tools that I can choose to use... or not.. BUT i have awareness that my idnetity is based on.. rather than thoughts..

NOW.. there is something ... NOt sure what the fook it is.. and yes it is all powerful.. BUT the second a name or an idea or an image is placed ON it, IT bl;ocks my awareness... that is the only rule..

You can stay IN GOd's boosom.. BUT if you call HER GOD.. then you FALL out of the booseom.. you don;t get kicked out.. you fall out..

You can ONLY experience this state when the MIND is still... or WHEN you become aware of awareness itself.

does that make sense... lol

And finally.. even when ONE has cultivated enough AWARENESS to get a permenant glimpse oif this unknown all pwerful thing,,, ONE can still be taken over by thought oir emmotion..

One must have a SERIOUS fooking practice in order to continuously cultivate MORE and More Awareness..

The best way to cultivate awareness besides sitting .. is helping people.. any selfless act can cultivate a tre4mendous amount of awareness..

Not because you are doing GOOD.. or because you are helping gods children.. that is all rubbish..

It is becasue you are leaving the MIND when you help other.. YOU are leaving the world of EGO

I am working to make money for me so that I can buy a BMW...This is all mind shit

But when you help others.. you are truly helping yourself and the universe.. Then something else begins to happen in the MIND....

BTW - you can still drive a BMW.... :)

more to come...

im trying to figure it out, your are kinda saying your mind gets in the way of your "being" and that somtimes just being is all you have to do?

kinda like the thing if you take away all your possesions and swear everything off, you will finally be at peace cuz you wont be worrying about when you gonna get the stuff you "want" or think you "need" next or worry about losing your "stuff" and all that

so do you to step aside from your thoughts? is that what your saying? only use your thoughts when you must but mostly just be?

also i do see benifits to that, but what do you say the benits of doing that is?
also i just read your last post, it seems that doing what you said would help you in many areas like when trying to do gurls, like if you let your emotions get in the way i.e. nerves or be overly bragging or whatever, instead you just pimp those hos or toss them let the wind blow where it may
and by doing this you will not have to worry about all this and that going on in "the" world or even "your" world because you have a higher conciousness and realize that all these things are petty and you must rise above and become extrapolated from everything.
only then can you truley smoke a blunt in peace. I see the light ima try to smoke when I get home and extrapolate. ill let you know if i was able to do it:joint:

thank you grandfather

also i just read your last post, it seems that doing what you said would help you in many areas like when trying to do gurls, like if you let your emotions get in the way i.e. nerves or be overly bragging or whatever, instead you just pimp those hos or toss them let the wind blow where it may
lmao dude that to funny to me for some reason,maybe its the sweet tooth i'm smoking
also i just read your last post, it seems that doing what you said would help you in many areas like when trying to do gurls, like if you let your emotions get in the way i.e. nerves or be overly bragging or whatever, instead you just pimp those hos or toss them let the wind blow where it may

kinda.. BUT not really... LOL

In this state... your realtionsip with the pooniverse is pretty foriegn.. as far as the mind is concerned...

They is an OUT POUR or a BY PRODUCT to being in this state... I am not sure what to call it.. cause most words are so tainted... BUt lets say it is .. compassion.... not pitty or love or caring.. or feeling sorry for..

But more like compassion and being enamoured...

kinda like the thing if you take away all your possesions and swear everything off, you will finally be at peace cuz you wont be worrying about when you gonna get the stuff you "want" or think you "need" next or worry about losing your "stuff" and all that

This is exactly what it is in THEORY... EXACTLY.... remember.. just a THEORY

If you get rid of all your possesions and your mind is not still.. the mind will still find things to keep it busy...

sneaky fook!

Let us go ON with this THOUGHT for a moment ----------

IF your mind is bigger than your body, then you are crazy....

Meaning, if you think that IPOD is YOURS and you would let your self be effected by something that happened to that IPOD.. then YOU have lost awareness of "god" and are now IN MIND...

That does not mean, that if you spilled bong water on the ipod and it broke that you may not still experience sadness...

YOU very well may EXPERIENCE sadness.. BUT you just watch it from GOD's chair...

You can even cry.. and watch the tears.. it is really neat...

my dog died recently and I watched the entire event... My body was experiencing such intense sadnes.. BUT i was never sad... just breath..

I also watched my mind turn to prayer.. It was praying for my dog to be happy...

those were just more thoughts to HELP "mind" get through this experience.. :)


you are smart and GET it... congrats.. many people.. struggle with the mind part.. cause it is so scarry that YOU, "The mind" is not in control..

LOl ahahahahhaa

They'd (the mind) would rather not KNOW that nobody is driving the car!!!

But 1 thing I will say is out of all the people I know that worship god, and I don't mean go to church every week, Im just saying people that believe....They all seem to live a happy life...of course not everything goes how they want it too but it is just the feeling of knowing everything will be ok.

You see what people want you to see. It's all front... we all are. You can never really know somebody else... never.

Religous people are just as likely to be miserable as anybody. More so in fact... isn't it a religous man's lot to suffer the questioning of his faith frequently? This anguish they must feel at forcing themselves to believe, forcing themselves to pray to something that they believe might not even be real. The question is there, must be there.

They will call the Truth the Devil and cast it from their minds... The fear of death will always hunt mankind... no matter what walls we try and build against it within our minds, it will always find a way to creep over and question any faith.
The fear of death will always hunt mankind... no matter what walls we try and build against it within our minds, it will always find a way to creep over and question any faith.

I'd like to add to this idea..That man fears death because of its UNKNOWN elements....

And anything that threatens a MAN's KNOWN, he fears...

it could be turtle soup
new boss at work
blind date


But it doesn't have to be this way...
im not sure I have a fear of death, to me its the fear of my loved ones suffering if I die, and also them not haveing me around to make sure they grow up the way I intend. when i was younger i didnt really care one way or the other. think about it, what if everyone you know and care about disapeared one day. wouldnt it be much easyer to die? i mean you might fear the pain of death and try to off yourself in a non painful way but then death would be welcome and not feared

like say somthing horrible happen and your kid died or somthing, i dont think i could or would want to live with that pain, but your not able to off yourself cuz what about the other kid or kids that are still alive & you wife and family. so realy you are forced to live with the pain. I rather have a fear of death for my loved ones


anyway guys im home sickfrom work so ha!! blaze on:mrgreen: i aint dead yet suckas!!!!!:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:
yea I feel yea no one really knows, it just pisses me off that people belive so much while they are being raped and killed and pissed on and all the time they think this guy is watching this from above, has the power to stop it but just lets it happen!!, but "in his mysterious ways"

it is called free will. what would be the point if we were all perfect with no choice? it's just like having an all volunteer army versus a draft army my friend. the volunteers are there because the choose to be, while the draftees never had a choice in the matter.
im not sure I have a fear of death, to me its the fear of my loved ones suffering if I die,COLOR]

thanks for sharing that..

You IDENTIFY with your loved ones as being a PIECE of you ...? correct...?

The line between where YOU and them.. is blurry. correct?

If they DIE.. it is like YOU are dying? correct?

AND before you had kids and a family.. you never imagined such an EXPANSION of your identity or SELF was even possible.. correct?

Before the biggest things were your parents.. your pets... which is always very emotional when they die... BUT you KNOW it is going to happen...

and your car.. sure it gets totaled and it sucks.. but IT is not something IN your IDENTITY that can't be replaced...

BUT YOUR KIDS.... they are YOU!!!! and if they die... YOU die...


am I understanding this...?

BECAUSE, this is exactly what I am referring to when I talk about AWARENESS... WHEN ones awareness actually goes beyond ONE's OWN MIND.. ONE starts to realize that THEY are everything..

That they are cancer, they are Saddam, they are Jesus, they are the dirt in their own front yard...... And THEN what.... once ONE realizes that we are all ONE.. then what? Then it sounds so absurd to KILL.... to hurt... to offend... to destroy...

From this place of awareness, people who killl look like the mad man who chops off his OWN toe becasue it offeded HIM.... how crazy is that?

So how do get rid of those that kill....? We don't...
