Well-Known Member
But 1 thing I will say is out of all the people I know that worship god, and I don't mean go to church every week, Im just saying people that believe....They all seem to live a happy life...of course not everything goes how they want it too but it is just the feeling of knowing everything will be ok.
yea your right, i saw the study on that where religiuos people live longer than non belivers. i used to belive in god real good till some asshole like me came along and explained to me what I think now is the truth. but i almost wish I still belived.
its really hard to shake off being indocranted christion from when you were young. for many years I didnt belive in god anymore but still found myself talking to him every once in a while in my head. took a long time to get out of that habit even after I knew in mind that he did not exist i would still catch myself talking to him, pretty wierd talking to a guy in your head that you think doesnt exist