Is There An Afterlife?

i realized what you meant by inner conscious, last night, i think that word is charged and has lost its meaning so i never really thought you litterally ment your "inner" "conscious"

which is basiccaly the voice in my head

like when you said you were watching yourself grieve for you fallen dog through you inner conscios.

basiccaly your saying you must step back and be with your inner conscious which is who you really are, all you outward appreances and actions are only that, appearances and reactions or actions.

have you ever been so drunk that your brain shutsdown and you are running on autopilot? i think the reason you dont remember anything from the night before is because you were shutdown by the alcohal and your inner conscios takes over.

cuz everytime i black out if a drink too much people say i was either like a zombie, or i was soo sweet and was able to mack lots of gurls.

iwoke up from this state once to find myself in bed talking to my roomates g/f, but i just became aware of it right then, i guess some of the alcohal wore off and woke my brain up,

so i realize im in bed talking to my roomates g/f, he was asleep and my g/f was puking in the bathroom but she kept peeping out the bathroom to make sure me and roomi's g/f when not messin around, i had the gurl all over my shit, not litteraly but man she wanted me just cuz i was being real to her through my inner conscious i dont even remember what i was saying to her, but this other gurl had called while we were talking on the bed that night and she told me the next day that I was awsome and that somthing to the effect like i really made her day talking to her and shit.

anyway i guess i should also add that my roomate's g/f and mine were also rolling on x at the time:mrgreen: but i wasnt
thanks for sharing that..

You IDENTIFY with your loved ones as being a PIECE of you ...? correct...?

The line between where YOU and them.. is blurry. correct?

If they DIE.. it is like YOU are dying? correct?

AND before you had kids and a family.. you never imagined such an EXPANSION of your identity or SELF was even possible.. correct?

Before the biggest things were your parents.. your pets... which is always very emotional when they die... BUT you KNOW it is going to happen...

and your car.. sure it gets totaled and it sucks.. but IT is not something IN your IDENTITY that can't be replaced...

BUT YOUR KIDS.... they are YOU!!!! and if they die... YOU die...


am I understanding this...?

BECAUSE, this is exactly what I am referring to when I talk about AWARENESS... WHEN ones awareness actually goes beyond ONE's OWN MIND.. ONE starts to realize that THEY are everything..

That they are cancer, they are Saddam, they are Jesus, they are the dirt in their own front yard...... And THEN what.... once ONE realizes that we are all ONE.. then what? Then it sounds so absurd to KILL.... to hurt... to offend... to destroy...

From this place of awareness, people who killl look like the mad man who chops off his OWN toe becasue it offeded HIM.... how crazy is that?

So how do get rid of those that kill....? We don't...


ahh, you must be talking about the 5th and final stage of consciousness. the state where you become totally aware of your surroundings and your impact on and relationships with other people and you have empathy for those around you.

or something. i'm really high.
That they are cancer, they are Saddam, they are Jesus, they are the dirt in their own front yard...... And THEN what.... once ONE realizes that we are all ONE.. then what? Then it sounds so absurd to KILL.... to hurt... to offend... to destroy...


Sometimes... i agree with you whole-heartedly. I believe the same things as you, i think.... just slightly different. Weird.
You see what people want you to see. It's all front... we all are. You can never really know somebody else... never.

Religous people are just as likely to be miserable as anybody. More so in fact... isn't it a religous man's lot to suffer the questioning of his faith frequently? This anguish they must feel at forcing themselves to believe, forcing themselves to pray to something that they believe might not even be real. The question is there, must be there.

They will call the Truth the Devil and cast it from their minds... The fear of death will always hunt mankind... no matter what walls we try and build against it within our minds, it will always find a way to creep over and question any faith.

Religion and believing in God are totally different things....Perhaps it is a front, but I doubt it. Coincidence maybe, I doubt that also...If you are a believer in God(or whatever you may worship) people are more happier, they learn to deal with problems in a peculiar way, a way in knowing that everything will turn out OK no matter what the situation may be...I know the people that are full of shit and the ones that really are in contact with there higher power....Of course everybody has problems, but I know that mine will be ok regardless of anything...MY god doesn't put me in any situations that I can't handle....I have had lots of rough times but I am here to tell you about them....In other words, Im ok with my life, problems and everything else around me....and MY god allows me to be...I just let go and he takes care of the rest:hump:
Im probably the least religious person you would ever meet....I don't do church ( it bores me) and quite frankly all religion is to me is somebody telling you the way to worship there god or which 1 is the "REAL" way...I call Bullshit on that...It comes within yourself, you develop your own way, and who is to tell me my way is wrong?
Religion and believing in God are totally different things....Perhaps it is a front, but I doubt it. Coincidence maybe, I doubt that also...If you are a believer in God(or whatever you may worship) people are more happier, they learn to deal with problems in a peculiar way, a way in knowing that everything will turn out OK no matter what the situation may be...I know the people that are full of shit and the ones that really are in contact with there higher power....Of course everybody has problems, but I know that mine will be ok regardless of anything...MY god doesn't put me in any situations that I can't handle....I have had lots of rough times but I am here to tell you about them....In other words, Im ok with my life, problems and everything else around me....and MY god allows me to be...I just let go and he takes care of the rest:hump:
Very well put:mrgreen:
Midnight Cowboy author, James Leo Herlihy,once had a house in Key West. The peep-hole in the front door was covered with a leather strap, on which Herlihy had written the following:

"God is at the door. Let's see which face he's wearing today."

I really liked that. I feel we are ONE. We just like pretending to be everyone, 'cos it's so fascinating. :)
Throughout time, god has been the sun. That's it. There's your god. Without that we would be dead.

So people that believe in a god lead happier live than the rest of us?

Well, I'm happier knowing the truth. It's not about believing in a god, it's about knowing the truth.

To know the truth you need to look at evidence... the earliest god is the sun, and since that time the sun has taken on many personifications. There is no need to believe in the sun... its there. So long as it rises every morning, you know you are going to be ok. It is that that has given you life... and continues to do so every day.

Now we are modern men... there's no need to worship the sun any more, as we know there isn't anything magical about it. One day the sun will not rise (the end of the world), but that is a long way away.

We need to move on... speak only the truth. Are you not tired of all the lies? I know I am.
Throughout time, god has been the sun. That's it. There's your god. Without that we would be dead.

So people that believe in a god lead happier live than the rest of us?

Well, I'm happier knowing the truth. It's not about believing in a god, it's about knowing the truth.

To know the truth you need to look at evidence... the earliest god is the sun, and since that time the sun has taken on many personifications. There is no need to believe in the sun... its there. So long as it rises every morning, you know you are going to be ok. It is that that has given you life... and continues to do so every day.

Now we are modern men... there's no need to worship the sun any more, as we know there isn't anything magical about it. One day the sun will not rise (the end of the world), but that is a long way away.

We need to move on... speak only the truth. Are you not tired of all the lies? I know I am.
I respect what you're saying but you don't the truth. No one on this planet does. The truth isn't revealed until your dead. Everything else is just personal opinion. But i would rather continue my life beleiving in God b/c if I'm right I go to Heavan and if I'm wrong who gives a shit b/c I'm dead. But if it is the non-believers that are wrong than they have to pay a much steeper penalty for being wrong.
I respect what you're saying but you don't the truth. No one on this planet does. The truth isn't revealed until your dead. Everything else is just personal opinion. But i would rather continue my life beleiving in God b/c if I'm right I go to Heavan and if I'm wrong who gives a shit b/c I'm dead. But if it is the non-believers that are wrong than they have to pay a much steeper penalty for being wrong.

Just because you say the words..."I believe in a god" does not make them true. If you truly believed in this god then there could be no ifs... you could not consider the possibility that you might be wrong. If you truly believed in this god, you would believe it possible for a man to know the truth. For your truth would be your god.

Truth is honesty... I'm not asking this honesty from anything magical, mythical whatever... I'm asking for honesty from mankind itself. People must first stop lying to themselves, then share this honesty with others.
afterlife, hell, theyre all the same. a human construct put in place to ensure that we each follow a moral code and live our lives accordingly. the fear connected with hell represents the same concern people have in respect to karma, and the state of their reincarnation.
Just because you say the words..."I believe in a god" does not make them true. If you truly believed in this god then there could be no ifs... you could not consider the possibility that you might be wrong. If you truly believed in this god, you would believe it possible for a man to know the truth. For your truth would be your god.

Truth is honesty... I'm not asking this honesty from anything magical, mythical whatever... I'm asking for honesty from mankind itself. People must first stop lying to themselves, then share this honesty with others.
Ok, good points. I guess under your defintion I am not a true believer because while I believe in God I do not know it to be 100% truth. I think everybody that believes in God struggles with this at some points. It is human nature to be skeptical of something you cannot see for yourself. Which makes me wonder how you can be so sure. Don't you ever wonder if maybe your wrong about an afterlife or God? (or a higher power, if you will.)
Don't you ever wonder if maybe your wrong about an afterlife or God? (or a higher power, if you will.)

No. As I understand the basis of this belief. I understand that we have not just evolved physically, but also mentally. Worshipping the sun is where we began... maybe even then there were those wiser, and used this worship against the people. I don't know who was the first man to control people in this way, but I do know that it has gone on long enough.

We live in a new age now... and one lie merely covers another while the people in control take advantage of us. The whole world is corrupt and living under a shroud of lies. Now that they no longer have religion to control our lives, they have a new weapon. Terrorism.

We've never been truly free, and now we are going to lose even more of our liberties. Soon we will be little more than robots.
Sorry buddy BUT you are wrong. I have never told anyone on this site that they were wrong but you my friend are.

No ones knows the truth until death???
You can die and come back to life you know.
Its happened to more than one person on this planet.

:dunce:Must be youngen
I respect what you're saying but you don't the truth. No one on this planet does. The truth isn't revealed until your dead. Everything else is just personal opinion. But i would rather continue my life beleiving in God b/c if I'm right I go to Heavan and if I'm wrong who gives a shit b/c I'm dead. But if it is the non-believers that are wrong than they have to pay a much steeper penalty for being wrong.
Very interesting thread nongreenthumb
No. As I understand the basis of this belief. I understand that we have not just evolved physically, but also mentally. Worshipping the sun is where we began... maybe even then there were those wiser, and used this worship against the people. I don't know who was the first man to control people in this way, but I do know that it has gone on long enough.

We live in a new age now... and one lie merely covers another while the people in control take advantage of us. The whole world is corrupt and living under a shroud of lies. Now that they no longer have religion to control our lives, they have a new weapon. Terrorism.

We've never been truly free, and now we are going to lose even more of our liberties. Soon we will be little more than robots.