Well-Known Member
Wow dude, you are a real duchebag. I guess I'll add you to my block list along with Rob Roy and Uncle Buck. Congrats. I answered your question a page or two back, and even gave you the specific reference. Personally I think you must be a racist is sheep's clothing. It's pretty clear you are a troll, trying to call me out multiple times on something I already answered. No, I'm not a white supremacist. My original point was that white males should acknowledge that yes they do have a privilege that non-white and non-males do not have. It's important to be aware of the big picture.
Somehow tho, you decided to try to twist my words apart and take them out of context. Yes I made a mistake with the 4%, but I acknowledged that I made a mistake. I even showed you a stat that should have helped you to understand that it was an easy mistake to make. Why did you decide to twist my words and attack me like that, when clearly I was attempting to speak on the behalf of equality? I'm not sure, but I'm only left to assume that you are actually a right-wing fanatic, attempting to sow dissent. Well I find that sad, but I am also not interested in wasting any more of my time with you, Mr GOP.
Point fingers at everyone else, but are you going to recognize your own privilege, cracker?
You have a high paying and secure union job only because of your skin color, you need to walk away from that job, you stole that job from a minority, you don't deserve to have that job, typical white thief.
You have free health health insurance and no deductible, you need to give that up to a minority, you don't pay for it, you haven't earned it.
Lastly and frankly, you've been posting too much and using up valuable bandwidth, you should stop posting so a minority can post more.
Practice what you preach Mr. hypocrite ultra liberal honky racist