Make no mistake: Medicare for All would cut taxes for most Americans

You're seriously worse than the Russians with you propaganda.
Obviously you haven't read Bernie's bill. There is no funding for the program and it lacks details needed for the OMB to estimate how much it will cost. Most of what's in the bill is fine with me. The part that is missing -- how much and how it will be paid for -- is why I can't support it.

Link to the bill:

In his own words, Bernie confirms that he left out how to fund the program:

In my view, there needs to be vigorous debate as to the best way to finance our Medicare for All legislation.
I wonder why the only opposition to medicare for all comes from people taking large amounts of money from the insurance and/or pharmaceutical industries, or those that support the people taking large amounts of money from the insurance and/or pharmaceutical industries..
I wonder why the only opposition to medicare for all comes from people taking large amounts of money from the insurance and/or pharmaceutical industries, or those that support the people taking large amounts of money from the insurance and/or pharmaceutical industries..
I am guessing it is because making wide sweeping generalized assumptions with zero proof makes it easy to think anything you want?
I wonder why the only opposition to medicare for all comes from people taking large amounts of money from the insurance and/or pharmaceutical industries, or those that support the people taking large amounts of money from the insurance and/or pharmaceutical industries..
I don’t take money from insurance or pharma
Warren just released on Friday her cost analysis for her health insurance program, stating it would cost $20.5 trillion (minimum) and would be funded by raising taxes on large corporations and the wealthy, cracking down on tax evasion, reducing defense spending and putting newly legalized immigrants on the tax rolls (ha ha ha)
Trump 2020, because that will be the reality if she is nominated as the DNC's selection to run for POTUS, she won't stand a chance with that price tag.
Wanna bet?
Warren just released on Friday her cost analysis for her health insurance program, stating it would cost $20.5 trillion (minimum) and would be funded by raising taxes on large corporations and the wealthy, cracking down on tax evasion, reducing defense spending and putting newly legalized immigrants on the tax rolls (ha ha ha)
Trump 2020, because that will be the reality if she is nominated as the DNC's selection to run for POTUS, she won't stand a chance with that price tag.
Wanna bet?
I think what she said seems pretty reasonable, because it mostly is already the reality. Immigrants pay taxes on fake s.s. numbers, Corporations are already going to have to give back some of this gift Trump gave himself, and we already have to pay for everything the medical system does as a country.

But it will never pass. And therefore is just noise.
What is the price tag for universal healthcare, as in what’s too much? Where is the line crossed where it’s a no go? I’m really not following it other than here and honestly there seems to be conflicting views on what is and how to fund guaranteed care for all. I get it’s controversial but it needs to be laid out in a more transparent way as to what it means for the well off and the not so well off.
why did Trump go to NY last night and come right important he had to be there for one night?- he's up to something..
i think i'll switch to shaving cream or vanilla milkshakes- i'm there to make a point, not light someone on fire or take their life over politics.
That’s s great ideal, silly string has cause grievous injuries. I’m glad your not following your friend Tty’s lead to firebomb houses ..... I was worried you might :(. It seems he has the ability to make people do things they really don’t want to do :(.
Warren just released on Friday her cost analysis for her health insurance program, stating it would cost $20.5 trillion (minimum) and would be funded by raising taxes on large corporations and the wealthy, cracking down on tax evasion, reducing defense spending and putting newly legalized immigrants on the tax rolls (ha ha ha)

Vote according to your values in the primary and vote tactically in the general. Biden simply doesn't make the grade for me in the primary. If it's any comfort to you, he still dominates the national polls among Democrats by fairly wide margins.

What is wrong with those policy positions you listed? You do realize that the 20 Trillion price tag is over ten years? If nothing changes, the US is on track to spend 38 Trillion on its current system. If anything, Warren's price tag is too low but it doesn't break the government or taxpayer.

In 2017, the US spent on healthcare about $10,739 per person and 3.5 Trillion in all (source) . With 4% inflation, that makes 2019 healthcare spend about $3.8T. She's saying 2 Trillion per year over ten years. I admire that she came out with a price tag and how to pay for it but I don't believe she can cut cost in half and keep quality of service the same while extending services to more people. I'll let the analysts kick this around for a while before making up my mind on this.
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i think i'll switch to shaving cream or vanilla milkshakes- i'm there to make a point, not light someone on fire or take their life over politics.
This is more than politics isn’t it? I was referring to the end of days when Trump decides to become supreme leader and not leave the White House. Milkshakes of any flavour seem useless. Maybe cheeseburgers will distract long enough to blind them with the shaving cream.
All polls say otherwise..

Your link just shows Biden is winning in the polls right now. Biden is not a proponent of any "Medicare for All" plan. Polls that mostly show Biden is the preferred candidate of the majority of Democrats is not exactly a grand endorsement for Medicare for All. What are you claiming "all polls say"?
The polls show both Warren and Sanders beating Trump. When talking about Medicare For All candidates vs Trump, the other candidates are irrelevant to that discussion.