Make no mistake: Medicare for All would cut taxes for most Americans

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Bernie doesn't feel he has to tell us how much M4A is going to cost us or how it will be paid for, just that we'll magically save money by paying more taxes.

But but but, blu3bird there's no more detuctibles and premiums! No shit, it's going to be called payroll deductions from now on, absolutely brilliant!

Bernie's only plan is to tax those rich mf'ers.
Anybody who has even half of a brain should know that rich people aren't going to just roll over tuck their tail and pay for everything.

All the average working Americans are the ones who are going to shoulder the cost of Bernie's dogshit plan, it will be great when people have free free free health insurance but can't make house payments or eat because their paycheck was devoured by taxes

I'm looking forward to living in tent and eating crackers and crumbs, but on the bright side, I'll have free health insurance.

If you have healthcare provided through your union or your company, you pay for it through dues or a reduced wage or whatever. It makes no sense to pay for healthcare coverage that way. It's a drag on businesses too. "Insurance" companies have a dis-incentive to hold prices down because when prices go up, their vig goes up with it.

You pay for healthcare coverage, but it's hidden in your compensation package so it doesn't feel like it's much. When all is toted up, you probably pay a lot more than you think, probably around 10k/y.

Everybody is going to pay something for their coverage, one way or the other. The problem with Bernie's plan it's a symbolic measure that is simply written as a vehicle to get him votes. It's not funded. Because funding is the hard part. Your overall cost might not be more under a federally subsidized system but it means taking control of funding, including yours. Control of that 10k/yr must be wrested away from "insurance" companies and that's going to be a tough battle. Bernie talks big but he's really just a mouse.

I don't advocate the authoritarian measure of stuffing everybody into Medicare and taking control of funding without people's permission. This is why the Medicare option is an important step. Instead of the draconian measures in Bernie's plan, Congress should focus on making Medicare attractive to the average consumer and to businesses. Let them move to Medicare on their own. I also don't understand why a younger person has to pay the same as an older or less healthy person. Consideration should be given to that too.

Not to mention the poor state of health in the US.
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Too bad we can't possibly figure out how to pay for Medicare For All..

Globally in 2017, the United States spent over $46 billion in foreign aid. How much do you think heath care for all would run ? This does require a little thinking and research...think you can try it.
Instead of the draconian measures in Bernie's plan, Congress should focus on making Medicare attractive to the average consumer and to businesses. Let them move to Medicare on their own. I also don't understand why a younger person has to pay the same as an older or less healthy person.

Lol @ draconian.

The government advertising to businesses/individuals and trying to get their "business" defeats the purpose of socialized healthcare.

As for paying less when younger vs old, sick, or unhealthy is also against the principle of socialized healthcare.

Are you really that used to your socioeconomic privilege that you really can't grasp the idea of socialized healthcare. You aren't paying for you as an individual, everyone is paying as a whole. You truly are dumb!

Oh, and a hypocrite for preaching about privilege but not wanting to contribute to equalization because it's "draconian". Lol @ that again.

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Lol @ draconian.

The government advertising to businesses/individuals and trying to get their "business" defeats the purpose of socialized healthcare.

As for paying less when younger vs old, sick, or unhealthy is also against the principle of socialized healthcare.

Are you really that used to your socioeconomic privilege that you really can't grasp the idea of socialized healthcare. You aren't paying for you as an individual, everyone is paying as a whole. You truly are dumb!

Oh, and a hypocrite for preaching about privilege but not wanting to contribute to equalization because it's "draconian". Lol @ that again.


mmm, so, who ever said anything about advertising Medicare. I said make it better. What do you have against that, Burt?

It's a valid complaint that people with a healthy lifestyle make when they see otherse eating their way to diabetes knowing they will pay for dumb decisions. Two thirds of this country is obese. I don't have an answer but your authoritarian one size fits all approach is dumb. No surprises there. People with bad driving records pay higher insurance rates. Nobody complains. You are complaining about asking our legislators to craft smart legislation. No surprises there either.

Explain why I'm privileged. It's my mother who gets Medicare, not I. How does that make me privileged? I work and pay taxes into Social Security. I'm not complaining about it either. Where is the privilege in that? Do you mean you are jealous that I'm working?

And yes, Sanders plan is draconian. He's insisting that everybody everywhere must give up their healthcare plan that they like for one that isn't even funded and therefore can't exist.

Does Canada not fund it's healthcare system? Question regarding Canada's system. Do provinces vary in coverage?
mmm, so, who ever said anything about advertising Medicare. I said make it better. What do you have against that, Burt?

It's a valid complaint that people with a healthy lifestyle make when they see otherse eating their way to diabetes knowing they will pay for dumb decisions. Two thirds of this country is obese. I don't have an answer but your authoritarian one size fits all approach is dumb. No surprises there. People with bad driving records pay higher insurance rates. Nobody complains. You are complaining about asking our legislators to craft smart legislation. No surprises there either.

Explain why I'm privileged. It's my mother who gets Medicare, not I. How does that make me privileged? I work and pay taxes into Social Security. I'm not complaining about it either. Where is the privilege in that? Do you mean you are jealous that I'm working?

And yes, Sanders plan is draconian. He's insisting that everybody everywhere must give up their healthcare plan that they like for one that isn't even funded and therefore can't exist.

Does Canada not fund it's healthcare system? Question regarding Canada's system. Do provinces vary in coverage?

Bernie doesn't think we have the right to know how much his brainfart will cost us either, we as American citizens have every right to know

Also by the looks of it, Burt is very envious of you.

You have a job, you take care of your family, you pay your taxes and pull your own weight. Burt doesn't pull his own weight and have a feeling of self worth, it bothers him. I can see it in his posts
mmm, so, who ever said anything about advertising Medicare. I said make it better. What do you have against that, Burt?

It's a valid complaint that people with a healthy lifestyle make when they see otherse eating their way to diabetes knowing they will pay for dumb decisions. Two thirds of this country is obese. I don't have an answer but your authoritarian one size fits all approach is dumb. No surprises there. People with bad driving records pay higher insurance rates. Nobody complains. You are complaining about asking our legislators to craft smart legislation. No surprises there either.

Explain why I'm privileged. It's my mother who gets Medicare, not I. How does that make me privileged? I work and pay taxes into Social Security. I'm not complaining about it either. Where is the privilege in that? Do you mean you are jealous that I'm working?

And yes, Sanders plan is draconian. He's insisting that everybody everywhere must give up their healthcare plan that they like for one that isn't even funded and therefore can't exist.

Does Canada not fund it's healthcare system? Question regarding Canada's system. Do provinces vary in coverage?
Yes the provinces vary slightly in coverage, they all must provide medically necessary treatments as per federal legislation but their respective medical groups decide what is “necessary”. This is pretty much the same from province to province with slight differences. As for higher risk groups paying more the answer is no and it can’t be in a universal system. The amount paid into the system is based on income to a maximum of (I believe) $900 per year in Ontario.
mmm, so, who ever said anything about advertising Medicare. I said make it better. What do you have against that, Burt?

It's a valid complaint that people with a healthy lifestyle make when they see otherse eating their way to diabetes knowing they will pay for dumb decisions. Two thirds of this country is obese. I don't have an answer but your authoritarian one size fits all approach is dumb. No surprises there. People with bad driving records pay higher insurance rates. Nobody complains. You are complaining about asking our legislators to craft smart legislation. No surprises there either.

Explain why I'm privileged. It's my mother who gets Medicare, not I. How does that make me privileged? I work and pay taxes into Social Security. I'm not complaining about it either. Where is the privilege in that? Do you mean you are jealous that I'm working?

And yes, Sanders plan is draconian. He's insisting that everybody everywhere must give up their healthcare plan that they like for one that isn't even funded and therefore can't exist.

Does Canada not fund it's healthcare system? Question regarding Canada's system. Do provinces vary in coverage?

All I hear is "but but but, I'm better so I should pay less". You have the ability to help your fellow Americans by educating them and helping them with healthcare, instead you act like you're better than them and fight against the so called "equality" you preach.
It doesn't get more privileged than that!
Bernie doesn't think we have the right to know how much his brainfart will cost us either, we as American citizens have every right to know

Also by the looks of it, Burt is very envious of you.

You have a job, you take care of your family, you pay your taxes and pull your own weight. Burt doesn't pull his own weight and have a feeling of self worth, it bothers him. I can see it in his posts

Lol, wrong. I hauled heavy equipment around for a construction company for 25 years, and when I had my daughter and I couldn't work from 5am to 9pm anymore I got a good, government job, where I get a pension, the best of benefits and more time off than I can use. I am also getting a sweet business management course worth about $20,000 for free, and my wife and daughter will get any courses they want for 1/2 off.

All I do is "take care of my family", now get on your skirt/high heels and get back to your lady trucking job!
All I hear is "but but but, I'm better so I should pay less". You have the ability to help your fellow Americans by educating them and helping them with healthcare, instead you act like you're better than them and fight against the so called "equality" you preach.
It doesn't get more privileged than that!
Obviously, you haven't read Bernie's bill. It doesn't do what he promised. It's just a vehicle to trick smaller minds into voting for him. I support universal healthcare. That's not what Bernie's bill will deliver.
Likely option A: You pay less thus have more, you will get taxed in another way. In the UK this is essentially VAT on top of general produce price increase. You also wind up in a situation where wages in many sectors begin to fall since certain company's can now afford to undercut others in sustainable labour cost, even in high skilled sectors. The ''increased income'' will fall back to base line across the country in as little as 5 year.

Unlikely option B: You get a tax reduction and don't have it siphoned from you in another way. Outcome of that is all negative ventures that cost money will increase, such as drug, cannabis and alcohol abuse, eating like a pig, gambling, so on. Positives come of it, but extremely subjective. For example millions more family's may now be able to afford that yearly holiday or second car they ''need'' resulting in more pollution and reduced associated exercise. Endless examples exist to prove money, after a certain threshold is counter productive.

The uk's NHS is a good system but don't be fooled into thinking it made the working man any richer. It is option A for sure, but that's not a bad thing if you comprehend the cost of excess finance.

The real issue in American and British culture is a lack of moral education. It is counter productive to consumerism so no surprise the schools and culture catalysts (e.g Hollywood) are way behind on it.

I highly doubt any of us here truly need a wage increase, more likely a reduction is pointless expenditure is all.
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Obviously, you haven't read Bernie's bill. It doesn't do what he promised. It's just a vehicle to trick smaller minds into voting for him. I support universal healthcare. That's not what Bernie's bill will deliver.

You're seriously worse than the Russians with your propaganda.
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