Make no mistake: Medicare for All would cut taxes for most Americans

If you support Bernie and his healthcare bill then you have already eliminated other options.

I'm all for discussing how to move this country from where it now is to universal healthcare. I think the path begins with shoring up the ACA with funding to subsidize everybody who can't now afford health care coverage. Also, the Medicare buy-in option as a choice for people when selecting their coverage provider. Everybody who is already covered under a private insurance plan should be able to keep it.

The Medicare buy-in option will bring an end to private insurance once people find it is cheaper and provides just as good of a service. What people are resisting is being forced from plans they like and into an undefined Medicare system. Also, Medicare isn't ready to expand to cover all 330 million people. This transition must be done well or people who currently depend on the system will suffer.
The medicare buy-in option means the fat politicians can give themselves primo insurance, and not give two fucks about how good the "medicare for everyone else who can't afford what we got" is.
I think you're quite wrong there. Many people also have jobs (multiple jobs in many cases) and work hard, but do not have health insurance due to lack of socioeconomic privilege.
Everyone should have health insurance, that was Obama's goal with the ACA but it got reduced to pass through the senate to 92% and the final 6 years Mitch and Paul Ryan blocked everything that Obama tried to get done.
Everyone should have health insurance, that was Obama's goal with the ACA but it got reduced to pass through the senate to 92% and the final 6 years Mitch and Paul Ryan blocked everything that Obama tried to get done.
Don't we all agree by now that insurance is a racket? Obviously the insurance companies are doing quire well, which is why they stay in business.

That said, I disagree that everyone should have health "insurance". I do agree however that everyone should have health care as a basic human right.
Paid taxes?
They aren't liberals, but they don't want to be too closely associated with the far-right either. They are centrists. That's why they like Clinton and Biden, who are also centrists. Personally I think the centrists are afraid of change. Fear rules their moral compass unfortunately. Some of them tho I hear are good people.
Oooh those evil people that are not extreme in their ideology! All their rationality and realistic understanding of how things in the world works!
Oooh those evil people that are not extreme in their ideology! All their rationality and realistic understanding of how things in the world works!

Did I say they were evil? In case you missed it, the tagline to that post was supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek Trumpism.
Don't we all agree by now that insurance is a racket? Obviously the insurance companies are doing quire well, which is why they stay in business.

That said, I disagree that everyone should have health "insurance". I do agree however that everyone should have health care as a basic human right.
lol no no we don't 'all' agree with that nonsense. 'I know best because everyone says so' is just bullshit.

Insurance has very real benefits to our society and our ability to have the level of healthcare that we do have. If anything happens to someone in America they are brought to the emergency room and everything that can be done is to get them healthy. We have healthcare, we just don't have it set up so that people don't have to go bankrupt when they get stuck with a bill for it.
Did I say they were evil? In case you missed it, the tagline to that post was supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek Trumpism.
Fair enough, I think I got a little triggered dealing with the trolling too much for today. You all have a great night.
The medicare buy-in option means the fat politicians can give themselves primo insurance, and not give two fucks about how good the "medicare for everyone else who can't afford what we got" is.
I don't care what Trump gets for his coverage. I care what kind of coverage my mom who is on Medicare receives. I care what kind of coverage my family receives. You are conflating economic inequality in this country with the issue of providing good health care coverage to everybody.

Medicare buy-in allows people to consider Medicare as a choice when selecting a health care provider. I've said this before and will say it again. Today's Medicare coverage is a good deal and much better than what many people currently get through their employer. Because Medicare has been better at containing costs than private insurance, once the Medicare buy in option becomes available to employers, they will flock to it. The profit incentive in private coverage will dry up and within a few years, Medicare will be the dominant provider of health care services.
lol no no we don't 'all' agree with that nonsense. 'I know best because everyone says so' is just bullshit.

Insurance has very real benefits to our society and our ability to have the level of healthcare that we do have. If anything happens to someone in America they are brought to the emergency room and everything that can be done is to get them healthy. We have healthcare, we just don't have it set up so that people don't have to go bankrupt when they get stuck with a bill for it.
Yes, the idea of insurance (or health coverage, as I'd prefer to call it) is great. My point is these insurance companies are taking advantage of us as their customers. It's a racket, plain and simple. I'm sorry, but I just don't think they should be making billions off our health.
I don't care what Trump gets for his coverage. I care what kind of coverage my mom who is on Medicare receives. I care what kind of coverage my family receives. You are conflating economic inequality in this country with the issue of providing good health care coverage to everybody.

Medicare buy-in allows people to consider Medicare as a choice when selecting a health care provider. I've said this before and will say it again. Today's Medicare coverage is a good deal and much better than what many people currently get through their employer. Because Medicare has been better at containing costs than private insurance, once the Medicare buy in option becomes available to employers, they will flock to it. The profit incentive in private coverage will dry up and within a few years, Medicare will be the dominant provider of health care services.
Really, so you wouldn't like the same coverage as Trump? Medicare for all would give you that.
If you don't want everyone to think your a troll, stop trolling, and stick to moderating.

Rolli and schy go way back.

Actually, she went racist on that post. I don't know why you would defend her on this.

Yes, the idea of insurance (or health coverage, as I'd prefer to call it) is great. My point is these insurance companies are taking advantage of us as their customers. It's a racket, plain and simple. I'm sorry, but I just don't think they should be making billions off our health.
Again, you confuse the discussion. Bernie's bill will never deliver what you say you want and I'm just pointing that out. The op in thread is about Bernie's bill, not whether or not single payer universal health care coverage is a good thing or whether or not insurance companies are adequate to provide affordable health care coverage to all.
Really, so you wouldn't like the same coverage as Trump? Medicare for all would give you that.
Medicare doesn't provide the same care that a billionaire gets. No country with socialized health care coverage provides that level of care either. At around $6k per year per person, people in Canada seem pretty happy with their coverage. I'd like that in the US eventually.

Medicare is pretty good though.

Have you drifted off from Medicare For All or are you talking about Billionaire coverage for all?
Pardon me, calling out someone who has posted some racist shit is not trolling. She is a deep south racist, who has proven that many times over the years.

Also, I am the longest-running member of this forum, so what do you know about it, Newbie? :lol:

I guess somehow I missed the racist post. Yeah, I've only been here 8-years, compared to your 13. Didn't realize the way you like to fun this forum is via name calling. I mean I guess it makes sense given what I see you allow from certain members who let the name calling be their daily routine. Yeah, what do I know anyway, I've only moderated four different highly visited non-cannabis related forums in the past 15 years. That said, congrats on being a member here 50% longer than I have. You must feel so achieved.
Have you drifted off from Medicare For All or are you talking about Billionaire coverage for all?

I'm fairly certain billionaires don't really need insurance, they can just pay the medical bills with cash. My only point is that for medicare to really be great is to ensure that we all have it, including the politicians who will be writing the specific policies to go along with it. If that's the coverage that politicians are forced to have, they will make sure it's good.
Get the fck out of here with that bullshit!

I paid for CDL school out of my own pocket, no one gave me a loan for school because I'm white

I have a truck driving job because I have a CDL, no one let's me drive a truck just because I'm white.

It fucking does not matter what color you are, if you don't have a CDL then you're not getting a trucking job
Driving transport is a career path that lots of immigrants have followed here. It only discriminates against sleep apnea lol.