Well-Known Member
Jesus, he's gone for months and the best he can do is this watered down bullshit?
Ummm ok first of all I said lots not more, not less so I really didn’t assert anything other than many immigrants here seem to choose it as a career. Secondly I said “here” lol. Where’s here? You should ask so you can pull up the right statistics lol.
Oh lucky you, my plan coverage ran out 2 months ago. Now it’s about $500 a month out of pocket till Jan 1Just noticed my blood pressure medicine is nearly out. I shall have to pop into a pharmacy today and get my publicly discounted medication.
damn. I dont have a plan coverage and not sure what that is to be frank I just have the universal one everyone has. $5.50 for 30 days supply.Oh lucky you, my plan coverage ran out 2 months ago. Now it’s about $500 a month out of pocket till Jan 1.
All race's go into trucking dont they? Its an easy non skilled job to get that pays around and in some cases more than the avg wage. A couple of my mates still do it and allot more have done it at diff stages in their lives.It's so odd that you think immigrants are only brown or black, like there's no such thing as Russian, Bosnian or Croatian immigrants that might go into trucking that would support those statistics
Well the skilled ones live longer probablyAll race's go into trucking dont they? Its an easy non skilled job to get that pays around and in some cases more than the avg wage. A couple of my mates still do it and allot more have done it at diff stages in their lives.
lol.Well the skilled ones live longer probably
Work health plan, and it sucks. Lots here go without meds due to affordability. I’m waiting for a cardiac ablation and until that happens it’s 7 pills a daydamn. I dont have a plan coverage and not sure what that is to be frank I just have the universal one everyone has. $5.50 for 30 days supply.
No its not. But its better than anything else.universal health care is not the miracle some claim it is.
All race's go into trucking dont they? Its an easy non skilled job to get that pays around and in some cases more than the avg wage. A couple of my mates still do it and allot more have done it at diff stages in their lives.
By non skilled its not a Trade or a degree type job.I wouldn't say it's an easy non skilled job by any stretch.
Anybody can get their foot in the door for trucking, it's a job you don't need a college degree for, it can pay above average if you're a good driver and you find the right company to work for
Yes, I've seen every race of people so far in trucking, it's definitely a male dominated industry though. At my company about half of our drivers are Mexican and the other half white and we have one white female OTR driver
I'm fairly certain billionaires don't really need insurance, they can just pay the medical bills with cash. My only point is that for medicare to really be great is to ensure that we all have it, including the politicians who will be writing the specific policies to go along with it. If that's the coverage that politicians are forced to have, they will make sure it's good.
By non skilled its not a Trade or a degree type job.
Ease depends on the work u do. I have one friend who does explosive liquid transport, earns well over 150k a year just going back and forth to the same place everyday- be boring as bat shit, another does interstate earns about 100k. One zips around town in a non articulated and would be lucky to earn $800 a week and one of of my best friends semi retired a couple years ago and went from trucks into a rural school bus driver instead, working an hr in the am and an hr in the PM for $100 a day. So yea the wage is dependent on what u drive and the work u do. But the non articulated licence is pretty easy to get and often the trucking companies will pay for it as they are all short of drivers. Articulated is harder of cause but the pathways are defined and again a driver stepping up will often have the cost covered by his company. Thats a rough run down here of cause but im sure it would be similier in most countries.
Not many here want to drive trucks. the hrs are long and its often weekend work.
Minorities pay taxes too.Lol, a bunch of fake liberals arguing against socialized healthcare because corporate propaganda says they will lose their socioeconomic privilege.
Poor whitey!!!!
Bunch of racists.
AFib? Great site here.Work health plan, and it sucks. Lots here go without meds due to affordability. I’m waiting for a cardiac ablation and until that happens it’s 7 pills a day. There is a 6 month wait for the surgery, universal health care is not the miracle some claim it is.