It took $50 and 3 minutes to have my own business
like always you are full of horse shit
please don't tell me you went to Legal Zoom.. is free to file.
It took $50 and 3 minutes to have my own business
like always you are full of horse shit
Have noticed this over and over.....true liberal dems say they are for everyone.....unless you don’t agree with them.....then you become a racist.Lol, a bunch of fake liberals arguing against socialized healthcare because corporate propaganda says they will lose their socioeconomic privilege.
Poor whitey!!!!
Bunch of racists.
Because it’s just not true.when premiums, co-pay and out-of-pocket disappear, will you still be laughing?
according to the Federal Government Budgeting Guidelines, health is supposed to be 5% of your it? would you like it to be?
you're worried about your taxes increasing for YOU, yet when increased they go to the 1% in tax cuts- this has already happened..did you PAY FOR THE FIRST TIME LAST APRIL 15th? many of my friends have to the tune of $1-2K, and that went right into the pockets of the wealthy..why aren't you upset about this?
It took $50 and 3 minutes to have my own business
like always you are full of horse shit
no offense Bluebird but your racism is showing..russian, bosnian and croation would be cosidered 'white or caucasian'.
Running a business under your own name as a sole proprietorship here in Nova Scotia required no registration at all.It took $50 and 3 minutes to have my own business
like always you are full of horse shit
Not sure if you're trolling, trying to be funny or if you're serious, either way no offense taken
Also for future reference, you shouldn't use language like calling someone "high yellow", it's racist. Just looking out for you.
Burt I agree that racism is the reason Americans do not have a healthcare system like the rest of the English speaking world. There are a lot of economic rationalizations used to justify the statues quo, all are false, but they have none the less sucked in many Americans who are not motivated by race. They have been sucked in by racially motivated ideology that makes a society of individuals preferable to one of communities, not sharing and forming a bond with those they do not like are behind much of it, whether they realize it or not and whether they are motivated by it or not. The insurance companies are making vast fortunes off the government and population under the current scheme of things and are fighting hard to keep it that way with billions of dollars deployed to do it. Most of those here who are anti Trump, but not in favor of a public heath care system are not racists, they are ideologues, who's thinking is distorted by bad information and an ideology that eschews community efforts because of racist roots that are not apparent to most people.Lol, a bunch of fake liberals arguing against socialized healthcare because corporate propaganda says they will lose their socioeconomic privilege.
Poor whitey!!!!
Bunch of racists.
To start a business you simply register with the secretary of stateplease don't tell me you went to Legal Zoom.. is free to file.
Except Obama identifies as black so when you call him by racial slurs (and then blame me for it even though I wasn’t even a member yet) it proves what a racist pos you areCertainly it's not nice to make derogatory remarks to people based on racial makeup. Kind of funny though how language is imprecise sometimes.
Many people refer to Obama as the "first black President etc. " Yet, that's not accurate, he's mixed race and calling him "black" could be seen as a hypodescent type remark and as an insult to him. It was known colloquially as the "one drop rule" by racists who lumped mixed race people into what they considered an inferior class of people.
Here is an internet definition of hypodescent...
In societies that regard some races or ethnic groups of people as dominant or superior and others as subordinate or inferior, hypodescent refers to the automatic assignment by the dominant culture of children of a mixed union or sexual relations between members of different socioeconomic groups or ethnic groups to the subordinate group.
I don't care what Trump gets for his coverage. I care what kind of coverage my mom who is on Medicare receives. I care what kind of coverage my family receives.
Conald only deserves a bullet between his temples as healthcareWell, you should care, and that's part of your problem. Your mother deserves the same healthcare services as that lunatic, and so does every single American.
You obviously believe that a person's wealth, education and privilege determines a person's value. You constantly look down on people because of these criteria, and that makes you a hypocrite and a phoney. That's a fact I fully grasp.
Except Obama identifies as black so when you call him by racial slurs (and then blame me for it even though I wasn’t even a member yet) it proves what a racist pos you are
To start a business you simply register with the secretary of state
as always, you only prove your incompetence by speaking
You used a racial slur to describe our first black president then blamed me for it even though I wasn’t even a member of the site yet.Well see that's sort of hypocritical though. The term "mulatto" has origins in a descriptive of race way and not in a derogatory way.
Applying the term "black" to a person who isn't black, but of mixed race, is common today. Yet that application has origins in being a derogatory term, used by people who were applying the "one drop rule" . Funny huh?
I personally think a person's actions are better way to judge them, than their race though and hope you agree, honky.
If your obvious troll of what you mean by "true liberal dems" is saying that they are for 'everyone' and you are not agreeing with them that means you think things are not for everyone?Have noticed this over and over.....true liberal dems say they are for everyone.....unless you don’t agree with them.....then you become a racist.
Changing the goalposts because you were proven wrong is just pathetic, and a signature move for you, you convicted pedophileDoesn't the mafia also take money for permission and get a cut of all the business action in their territory too? How can you tell the difference ?
You used a racial slur to describe our first black president then blamed me for it even though I wasn’t even a member of the site yet.
you’re a racist
Changing the goalposts because you were proven wrong is just pathetic, and a signature move for you, you convicted pedophile
Obama identities as black. Calling him black is a sign of respectExcept calling a person of mixed race "black" could be an application of the "one drop rule" which undeniably has racist origins.
In other words, you're wrong and are now beating yourself with the stick you thought you would beat me with.
Still winning. Too easy. Yawn.