Make no mistake: Medicare for All would cut taxes for most Americans

I think you're quite wrong there. Many people also have jobs (multiple jobs in many cases) and work hard, but do not have health insurance due to lack of socioeconomic privilege.
No. They lack coverage because the current administration has managed to undercut the ACA. Had Obamacare been left alone, universal health care coverage would have been achieved.
It's so odd that you think immigrants are only brown or black, like there's no such thing as Russian, Bosnian or Croatian immigrants that might go into trucking that would support those statistics
I never said that immigrants are only black or brown, but I will say that most immigrants are non-white. In fact the statistics back up that statement, showing that only around 4% of the US foreign born population is white. Nice try tho. Better luck next time.
I never said that immigrants are only black or brown, but I will say that most immigrants are non-white. In fact the statistics back up that statement, showing that only around 4% of the US foreign born population is white. Nice try tho. Better luck next time.

Here's the thing, Budley Do Right is in CANADA, and when he said a lot of immigrants choose a trucking career, he is right and he was implying that in reference to CANADIAN immigrants.

Then you post some random statistics of AMERICAN truck driver demographics, you idiot. And even then you double down on your ignorance and post more random shit about US immigrant foreign born population.

Smoke more weed and try to keep up with the conversation.

Better luck next time, racist
Honestly I can negotiate for myself better than I feel my union can negotiate for me, but that's my problem. I don't know why people think they wouldn't be able to negotiate this for themselves. Fear I guess. Then again, I am a former union negotiator.
Fear and refusal are the main reason low income earners can not negotiate for higher wages. That is why the country as a whole should. What the fuck does being a union negotiator have to anything to do with this conversation? Your talking a group of people sitting at a table not individuals. Being in a union must be clouding your perception of the real world. Worker: “I would like a raise please”, supervisor: “Um nope”. Worker: “Well then I’ll leave”, supervisor: “ok” ......... That worked out well lol.
No its not. But its better than anything else.
Yes it is great and when my heart issues started (they said I drank to much in Mexico lol) I was in intensive care for 8 days and didn’t cost me a cent other than the $500 (appr.) that I pay a year through payroll deductions but that does not cover meds :(. All progressive parties here are now discussing universal pharma-care. It is causing lots of people major financial issues.
Fear and refusal are the main reason low income earners can not negotiate for higher wages. That is why the country as a whole should. What the fuck does being a union negotiator have to anything to do with this conversation? Your talking a group of people sitting at a table not individuals. Being in a union must be clouding your perception of the real world. Worker: “I would like a raise please”, supervisor: “Um nope”. Worker: “Well then I’ll leave”, supervisor: “ok” ......... That worked out well lol.
I'd normally say something like heath care is American domestic business and to an extent, it is, but it's also a human rights issue too and also a trans national one. We can afford single payer quality healthcare in Canada, and America is a richer country than Canada, richer than all the other countries that provide these services are. In the past few years our healthcare system has tightened up with strict use of healthcare cards etc and this is typical across the country. I believe some of this is the result of desperate Americans needing healthcare and using the healthcare cards of Canadian friends and relatives. Americans pay up to ten times more for pharmaceuticals than we do because the republicans made it illegal for the government to even ask for a better price. I don't think this law, hidden in and added (secretly by a republican senator), to a typical republican bill of 2000 pages, has been repealed, if not, why? We have bus loads of seniors coming here to fill prescriptions and of course it's illegal for Canadian pharmacies to sell online into the states.

So American racism and the corruption it spawns affect Canada in this way too, it's not just compromising our national security. It's racism alone that is the reason they don't have a healthcare system similar to Canada's and other modern civil societies. It's racism that causes much of the corruption in American politics. The con artists know how they can get away with corruption because hate blinds the suckers to it and their districts and states have a majority of white racist suckers. Many of those senior citizens who make the long bus ride to Canada don't think about this during the trip up north and back. They vote republican and fuck themselves right into the grave, because the brown folks might get some, it's the same reason their kids fuck themselves and their children's future. Hate and fear are all that is required to enslave a people, they will even use it to fuck themselves, black slaves never fucked themselves, or abased themselves in servitude, as much today's white Americans do in freedom. Most white Americans are bound by the chains of hate and fear, no master could bull whip them as hard as the self flagellate themselves.

The only slaves left in America are white and Donald Trump owns them, he is fucking them worse than any slave owner would or could. No black slave was stupid enough to fuck himself like these people, he needed a greedy heartless cocksucker to do it to him. They had to use guns, whips, chains and the threat of family separation to do it, these dumb white cunts do it to themselves and are thirsting for more...
Fear and refusal are the main reason low income earners can not negotiate for higher wages.

If people didn't experience legal horseshit barriers to entry into business, more people would be able to have their own business.

When more people have their own businesses, prices for goods usually drop. (Economic reality)

When prices drop, people aren't as susceptible to "wage slave syndrome". I could explain more, but fear your grasp of reality, economics and "what could be" are rather lacking, so do carry on in your false dichotomy for my amusement.
Yes, the idea of insurance (or health coverage, as I'd prefer to call it) is great. My point is these insurance companies are taking advantage of us as their customers. It's a racket, plain and simple. I'm sorry, but I just don't think they should be making billions off our health.
Do you have some specialized knowledge of the insurance industry? Because I call bullshit on 'their making billions off our health'.

I would point out that they collect a small monthly payment from people and by pooling those resources they are able to pay huge amounts to the (relatively) few people that need the care. By using that money they are able to invest intelligently and earn a profit off the excess until it is needed, which is how most money is made by financial institutions.
I never said that immigrants are only black or brown, but I will say that most immigrants are non-white. In fact the statistics back up that statement, showing that only around 4% of the US foreign born population is white. Nice try tho. Better luck next time.
You mean that America was not able to wipe out all the indigenous brown people of this continent and they have the audacity to walk across the imaginary line that Trump has deemed illegal for them to do? And they still pay taxes.
Bullshit I did. Show me where I said that. Stop lying. You are full of more misinformation than FOX news.
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You assumed race mattered when @Budley Doright said immigrants. Color didn't come into it until you mentioned it.
It's so odd that you think immigrants are only brown or black, like there's no such thing as Russian, Bosnian or Croatian immigrants that might go into trucking that would support those statistics

no offense Bluebird but your racism is showing..russian, bosnian and croation would be cosidered 'white or caucasian'.
If people didn't experience legal horseshit barriers to entry into business, more people would be able to have their own business.

When more people have their own businesses, prices for goods usually drop. (Economic reality)

When prices drop, people aren't as susceptible to "wage slave syndrome". I could explain more, but fear your grasp of reality, economics and "what could be" are rather lacking, so do carry on in your false dichotomy for my amusement.
It took $50 and 3 minutes to have my own business

like always you are full of horse shit
It would have been so much better if you had spelled "Shackleford" correctly.

Better luck on your next account.

Oh no the pedantics are coming and they disagree...

However will one respond to this bastion of logic and discourse


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