Well-Known Member
He is 'god here'...maybe 'spirit world' is being confused with 'spirituality'..idk..I'm high on drugs...
Meth is NOT a good drug....just sayin...n if u woulda watched the video I suggested ud feel pretty stupid bout claimin this atheist business...The spirit world... how lame.........wouldnt that be some bullshit if we died and had to hang around watching the living..... fuck that send me to the fire ..please..... ...... you die and then only tweakers can see you ...... ?! Atheist are the only sane people on this planet... jeeebus christo man. fuck meth....can we move this to its own Meth forum?! i hate that good drugs get balled up with this conundrum.
I agree...I stay away from meth now a days and after reading some of this post I will be staying away from reading about meth as well.
too many bad memories!!
The spirit world... how lame.........wouldnt that be some bullshit if we died and had to hang around watching the living..... fuck that send me to the fire ..please..... ...... you die and then only tweakers can see you ...... ?! Atheist are the only sane people on this planet... jeeebus christo man. fuck meth....can we move this to its own Meth forum?! i hate that good drugs get balled up with this conundrum.
Don't hate man. mr atheist tangle w this one...where did DNA come from...I feel incredible enlightened as a Atheist! I can breath the air and live this life more fulfilled. I have much stronger morals as a Atheist than ever as a Christian. I don't do meth and I value family then education above all things. That includes mental and physical education.
I don't get to pray to god and ask for help or forgiveness. I hold myself accountable to myself.... and I am a very harsh critic of myself and actions.... I don't get a last second forgive me clause in life. Every moment is equally important as the last and there is only one life.
To fantasize about heaven and hell is cute and all but that is for the ignorant. The very idea is contradictory of itself... it does not take a philosopher to see the flaws in the idea of a heaven and hell and eternity. That is like saying magic unicorn fairy. Eternity in hell.... would that not be exactly the same as heaven? that only makes since to the dumb, which makes since to most of us under 40 crowd... we are the generation of Dumb...... but if you must choose between Jeesus and Meth, ....thats a tough call for me.... cuz a tweaker is a tweaker but you never know what skeletons a christian is shoving in the closet
Im not tryin to b a dick....I struggled w this for a long time n at one point I was like u....hopeless...until I started doin some research n figurin on my own...n learnin abt stuff...abt us..abt what we know of the universe....everything in existence is significantly dependent on eberything else...everything...from the moon and the stars rite down the the very cells that make up you..this was all orchestrated perfectly and was no accident...we're no accident...once u start digging into the science of it all its plain to see we were created...everything was n everythings connected in some way....its all like a big swiss watch ticking perfectly and w precision....this was no intelligent mind had to create all thisIf u even knw what dna is n u understand it in anyway n u can deny it came from an intelligent creation then ur just being stupid n stubborn....uve got a lot to learn my friend
If u even knw what dna is n u understand it in anyway n u can deny it came from an intelligent creation then ur just being stupid n stubborn....uve got a lot to learn my friend