My First Grow -BagSeed- From some Mids ANY TIPS ARE WELCOME and ENCOURAGED! Pics

heyy guys.. well the time has finally come.. lol. i DID harvest the 2 plant.. im uploading th pics now and then puting them on.. they honestly look a little better than i thought they would.. they have more bud than i thought.. i was thinkin after i removed all the pollen sacs and shit.. there wouldnt be much bud left.. but there is some.. and just so you know theyre not fully trimmed.. once they finish drying im gonna trim them up some more. i just didnt have the time to get all the little little leaves yesterday because im moving in 2 days.. soo i got alotta packin to do..

after i post the harvest pics up im gonna post some pics up of the other plant with the shiny leaves.. its growing.. nut it does look weird... really weird. lol you will see
ok. well heres all the pics i have for now... Enjoyyyyyyyy!!

Heres the 1st plant, the same plant that i have as my avatar









and heres what i ended up with all together from that one plant.. i dont have a scale right now.. soo i dont have a wet weight, but im hoping to get a scale when theyre dry..

ok.. and hers the next plant.. the tallest one i had.. it was about 2 1/2 ft. tall.




i cut the plant into 3 pieces.. so it would be easier to trim.. soo heres a couple before.. and after pics.. thought they looked cool.







and heres what i ended up with from that plant...

and... here it is all together.. not too bad looking.. for my VERY 1st groe.. and kinda jumpin into it quicker then i should have since i didnt have the right lights and fans etc.. i mean wen i 1st started off.. i was using incandescent bulbs for a while.. the daylight ones.. and with all the problems.. especially towards the end with the lights stayin on all night when they shouldnt have been.... im surprised they made it... here it is

and here they are hangin out to dry in a cardboard box on a string.. i have a little fan i put it in after for exhaust..

well like i said.. they didnt come out too too bad... coulda been worder i guess.. cant wait to start the white widow tho!!
are those buds loaded with seeds, or am i seeing things? lol..

yeaaa. they are.. not ssayin this in a mean way.. but if you look through the journal.. it sais they both ended up goin hermie... but i just grew them out anywayz.. didnt have any otha seeds i wanted to grow.. but im gettin ready to do my white widow grow.. starting tomorow.
Honestly... the smoke was A LOT better than i was thinking it was gonna be.. considering it turning hermie.. and being harvested early.. and all the stress from my lights fucking up.. it was pretty damn good. better than any mids ive ever smoked or bought.. but deff no where near as good as some kush.. its really really green.. and sticky.. but really hard to break up... and honestly.. its the smoothest weed ive EVER smoked.. and ive smoked ALOT of weed wen i used to sell it.. must be cuz i cured it.. anyways.. it was prett damn good. lol
all together it weighed in at 42.2 grams dry... not bad for my first grow... i was happy with it.. cuz i really thought i wasnt gonna have much to smoke. and it deff gets me and everyone elde high!! lol. my white widow sprouted.. cant wait till that finished!! cant wait to smoke it!! I still hhave that other plant growin.. the funky lookin one.. but sadly.. ive been sick for the last 3 or 4 days.. and havent made it to my house cuz i couldnt get outta bed.. soooo wen i finally checked on it today.. i went in and almost all the leaves were drooping... some of them were pretty crispy.. abd the rest were all soggy.. the soil was wicked dry!! sooo i gave it lots and lots of water.. and trimmed off all the leaves that were either soggy or crispy.. whcih was most of them sadly.. but im gonna see what happens to it.. cuz i was lookin at it after i cut all the leaves off.. and the buds still look pretty good.. but idk if it will be abl to grow without many leaves.. ill have to wait anad see. i dont wana give up onit. =-( i will post some pics of it tomorow.. tell me if you guys think it will survive. lol