My First Grow -BagSeed- From some Mids ANY TIPS ARE WELCOME and ENCOURAGED! Pics

I'm still reading. Keep up the work you are doing. Everyone learns the hard way, but you'll come out better in the end. Just think a year from now you'll probably be stinking up the place all the amazing bud you're growing and smoking.


Well-Known Member
I'm still reading. Keep up the work you are doing. Everyone learns the hard way, but you'll come out better in the end. Just think a year from now you'll probably be stinking up the place all the amazing bud you're growing and smoking.
yeaaaaaaaa... thats true.. like i said that was pretty much just a test run... just to see what the experience was like.. and it wasnt too bad.. the last plants that i grew came out AWESOME... well.. besides last week wen almost all of them dies for no reason.... lol. not sure why still.. but i mean other than that.. they were coming out great.. soo im sure i can make these white widows grow!!

i know alotta people dont like nirvana or say their weed is crap.. but lemme tell you.. i can guarantee you that these white widow plants... will be better than anything else you could buy around here... lol. and thats all that matters to me!! and i dont think that if their genetics or seeds were that bad.. that they would have stayed in business for THIS long... they gotta be doin somethin right.. does anyone know if the nirvana seeds come with freebies??? when i ordered they said nothing about it on the page or order form or anything... but ive heard people say theyve gotta freebies. as recent as 12/15... on one of their reviews...


Well-Known Member
Heyyy guys. I'm happy to say that my order had changed from "in transit" to "shipped" :-D sooo according to everyone elses posts. It should be arriving within a week. :-) can't fucking wait!! I will keep you guys up to date.


Active Member
ill definitely be checking back on this as i am thinking about ordering a few seeds from the 'tude myself, im an east coaster idk about you but im still hesitant about ordering them, no one knows i cultivate so i cant really ahve someone order them for def opt for the stealth method, thinking about LSD, then im up in the air between bubba kush, the church, and any of the White strains, w rhino, gw shark, ww, or chrystal (ww x NL) im not trying to thread jack but if anyone has any opinions id love to hear about'm and keep postin CHB!!


Well-Known Member
Wow. Lol. Thanks for all the info. I'll deff have to write that stuff down. And check home depot to see if they have it. I got a question for you tho. You said I could make 100 watt hps out of a lamp?? Or something like that.... How would I do that??
1- 150watt hps security light from lowes or depot . im gonna say it wood b easier 2 search diy hps gro light on riu , with that said , i left all the "guts " inside the light frame and used an old extension cord for my plug and remote fixture . ull understand after u read the diy and ill b glad 2 answer ?s


Well-Known Member
ill definitely be checking back on this as i am thinking about ordering a few seeds from the 'tude myself, im an east coaster idk about you but im still hesitant about ordering them, no one knows i cultivate so i cant really ahve someone order them for def opt for the stealth method, thinking about LSD, then im up in the air between bubba kush, the church, and any of the White strains, w rhino, gw shark, ww, or chrystal (ww x NL) im not trying to thread jack but if anyone has any opinions id love to hear about'm and keep postin CHB!!
heyy wats good man??? yeaaaa my 1st choice was Nirvana... and i was like set on ordering from them.. and then i did my order and clicked checkout.. to see how much shipping was.. and the shipping all together was like 30 bucks.. thats including regular shipping.. the t-sjirt.. and the dvd case thing.. and idk.. it just ended up being wayy to much for shipping....

i really wanted to buy my seeds from attitude.. but like i said.. i couldnt see myself paing that much for shipping on 4 seeds... i was goin to order the Blue Venom seeds.. which i heard were pretty good!!! its White Widow and Blueberry.... Mmmmm .. it even sounds good!!

well.. i ended up goin to nirvana.. since their prices were cheaper than attitudes.. and the shipping was under 8 bucks flat rate.. soo it was almsot 22 cheaper!!! which is about 8 dollars shy of a 10 pack of regular (unfeminized seeds) seeds... and the order procees was really fast and easy!! i ordered on the 23rd... the status changed to "In Transit" (ready to be shipped) on the 24th.. and yesterday.. on the 25th.. it changed to "Shipped".:hump:... soo it should take about a week to get here.

but by all means.. if you have the money.. YOU SHOULD ORDER FROM ATTITUDE!!! i just didnt have the money for the shipping.. and i was ordering seeds from the pick and mix section.. but yeaaaa LSD sounds really really good!! and out of the other strains you mentioned.. i think i would go for either Bubba Kush... or Great White Shark... you should maybe consider looking at the Blue Venom seeds as well... ive heard its some nice bud.. but yeaaaaa.. thats my opinion.. you know what else i heard was good... Pineapple Express.... just a thought

amd just so you know.. im from the EAST COAST myslef... =-D i heard from Nirvana.. it takes about a week to get to the east coast.. and sooo im guessing that attitude would probably have them here within a week too.....

and dont worry about thread jackin.. lmao.. go for it.. idc wat u do.. you can post pics of your plants/seeds or w.e u want.. i dont care. lol.. w.e. will get more people lookin at my thread.. lol but deff let me know what you end up doing... i wouldnt worry about the legitimacy of the seed banks.. as long as u go to attitude or nirvana... the seeds should get there no problem... ill let you know as soon as my seeds come.. =-) and ill let you know if i get any freebies too..


Well-Known Member
1- 150watt hps security light from lowes or depot . im gonna say it wood b easier 2 search diy hps gro light on riu , with that said , i left all the "guts " inside the light frame and used an old extension cord for my plug and remote fixture . ull understand after u read the diy and ill b glad 2 answer ?s
oooo.. i seeee.. aiight cool. thanks. ill deff look into it and see if i can figure out how to do it.. also.. we got my grandma a new computer for christmas.. and i talked her into giving me her old computer.. which is fucking HUGE by the way.. lol.. and im gonna do my own PC grow.. im gonna start takin it apart and stuff now.. and try to have it ready for when the White Widow seeds get hre.. cuz ive seen some nice ass plants and harvests from pc grows....


Well-Known Member
heyyy guys.. well.. i know its been a while since my last update.. i wasnt sure if the plants were gonna make it or not.. after that little mishap.. or w.e the hell it was.. but theyr doin OK.. i tossed out 2 males so far.. and have 3 females... i also have the LST plant in the box with them for now.. im still not sure if its even worth keeping aroubnd to tell you the truth.. i feel like its a waste of light.. ill show u some pics.. if i can find my fucking camera!!!! as far as the big plants.. theyre almost 4 weeks old now..?? im pretty sure.. lol. it looks pretty good.. theres a fe red hairs on it.. just scattered throughout it... and the other one is really really slow... i was gonna toss it.. cuz it doesnt look ANYTHING like the other plant.. but then i realized that some of the pistons are almost pinkish.. and theres a really wierd/good smell tho.. soo i decided to keep it around for a little bit... and see what happens.. its wierd tho. the leaves are REALLY REALLY shiny...?? idk if thats normal.. it been like that the whole time tho.. it just looks wierd.. it alwasy looks wet....


Well-Known Member
if growing inside a pc tower id use t5ho lights . u can purchase a single bulb fixture for 25-30$ and put them where u like , customized if u will .


Well-Known Member
heyyy guys... well. i know this is LONGGGGGG overdue.. soo here it is.. a new update with some pics... and just to pre-warn you guys... i know you guys are probly gonna be mad at me... and give me shit....... but.. i did keep the hermie.. had him down in my basement for a few days... and forgot about him/her.. and went down there and found him/her.. and there were buds growin all over.. and i was taking it upstairs to throw out... and idk.. i just couldnt do it..

it was the VERY 1st seed i planted.. and the very 1st plant to show sex.. even tho the little bastard tricked me into thinking it was just a female... but i forgave him/her.. i just couldnt kill it..

soo i know you guys are gonna give me shit.. lol.. but i figured wtf.. they will be done in a few weeks.. which is right before ill be moving.. sooo any pollen thats there will be staying at my old house.. soo im not worried about that.. and my white widow seeds should be here by the end of the week.. soo ill have those to grow.. and i just wanted this 1st grow to be a test run.. before i decided to pay for my seeds and grow something good...

soo just thought id let you guys know ahead of time.. seems like the top of the plant is growing goof.. more female.. and in the middle is more male.. and then at the bottom is female as well.. and the other tall plant.. which actually ended up growing taller than the hermie.. as about maybe 2 1/2 ft... :-| might even be at 3. idk for sur.. i learned my lesson tho.. cuz i didnt want my plants to get this big... soo im gonna veg for a little bit less next time..

the little plants are doing good too.. took out 3 that were males.. and i got the other ones still in the box.. im gonna doa seperate update for them.. its wierd tho.. in the middle of the smaller plants.. the leaves has a red tint to them...?? kinda wierd looking.. but they look really healthy.. soo i dont think its anything bad.. well.. here are the pics... finally!!!!!

heres the new setup of my closet..

heres some pics of the plant with the wierd shiny leaves... idk what it is.. but theyre really really shiny.. and the pistons have like a pinkish tint to them..

ok and heres some pics of the really tall one.. the 2 1/2 footer.. i think theyre might be a couple bananas on it.. but i plucked them out.. as far as i know.. theres alotta bud sites on this one

ok.. and here is the hermie... its got plent of babanas and pollen sacs.. but also had lots of buds.. im just curious how it will finish out...

ok heres a couple close ups of the one with the shiny leaves and pinkish hairs.. not sure if youll be able to tell the leaves are shiny.. or see the pink.. i tried to get as close as i could

holy shit... wow.. just realized how big these pics are,.... i dont know why they came out soo big?? i uploaded them the same way as i always do?? hmmm. ooo well.. i like them better like this anywas.. u can get a nice clear pic.. well thats it for today guys.. enjoy...


Well-Known Member
shit... looks like i scared everyone away with my ginormous herie pics.. lol. sorry.. still witin on the seeds.. hopin they will be here in a couple days.
Pics look good. Yeah, I've never seen shiny leaves before, but that's the fun you get with bagseed. I'm growing with bagseed too, but my next grow will be with fem seeds.


Well-Known Member
Yeaaa. It's pretty cool. It's stinky too. Lol. And the other 2 plants have a REALLY strong smell. But only wen u touch them and then smell your fingers. It smells like a really really strong dro. It's hard ti explain. But it's deff Good!! Lol

and i'm happy to say... I jut opened up my mail an got my seeds from nirvana!!! Soo it took 8 days to come!! Even tho I ordered them the day before Christmas. I think they woulda came a day or 2 earlier if it wasn't for Christmas and new years. Cuz I didn't get mail for the last to days. And with the seeds also came a little gift which was cool. Not gonna say what it was but it had to do with chistmas. Which was nice of them. AND I also got 10 free seeds!! Which was an even bigger suprise!! It doesn't say what they are. But I don't care. I know they must be from their seed bank. Sooo that's good enough for me!! Lol once I start growin in I'll make a journal and make a poll so you guys can guess which strain it is. Well just wanted to let you guys know they came and they're all fine. None are crushed and they all look good too!! I will deff order from them again! A++++


Well-Known Member
I will be postin some pics of the seeds on Monday probably. They just came in a little mini ziplock bag. That had a golden sticker that sais nirvana. White widow. And the other bag with te 10 freebies just has the work FREE written on it in black marker. Can't wait to plant them!! I'm still debating on wether or not I'm gonna germinate the seeds now and start them on 18/6 and then move them into the new house durin the dark period. Or if I should just wait and start them as soon as I get to the new house..? Idk. I wanna get the vegging out I'd the way tho. Soo I can start flowering as soon as I get to the new house. Idk. I'll figure something out.


Well-Known Member
Ughhh. My lanlord cane to show the house again yesterday. Sooo I had to hide my plants and take down alm my lights and shut. Which was a pain in the ass. But they were only there for about 45 min. So the plants were only in boxes for 45 min. Which wasn't bad. And I set everything back up as soon as he left. The people he showed the house to are going to move in. Thy will be moving in the 15th. Which means we will be moving into the new house really soon. In gonna leave my plants in the closet as long as I can. They will be the last thing to move. I've made up my mind tho.... In gonna chop them down the day we move all out stuff over there. I don't want to risk bringing ANY pollen into the new house. And have it pollenate my white widow plants. Soo i'm gonna have to chopem early. They will be about 7 1/2 - 8 weeks into flowering when I chop them. I think it's 53 days to be exact. I know it won't be as strong as it could be etc.. But I'm not gonna risk bringing pollen into my new house. Noooooooooo wayyyyyyy. Sooo that will give these plants about another 12 days to fill out. Which they are already starting to do now. I will post done new pics up on monday.


Well-Known Member

and heres the other plant.. thats starting to grow a couple bananas and 1 or 2 pollen sacs.. :-?

im tryna decide when i should pluck all the leaves off.. and leave just bud.. if im planning to chop it down on the 15.. well actually the 14th.. because ill be busy moving all day on the 15th.. i wonder when i should do that...?? i already stopped with the nutes.. and i did a small flush today.. gonna do 1 or 2 more before i chopem down... anyone have any ideas about when i should pull all the leaves off and leave just buds...?? cuz the taller plant.. the one that has less hermie traits.. has lots of leaves.. especially around the lower buds.. these pics are from 3 days ago.. soo they have changed a bit.. i will put more recent ones up tomorow.. hope someone can help me out..


Well-Known Member
hey guys.. im gonna put up some pics of that other plant tomorow too... the one with the shiny leaves.. its finally starting to come along.. not sure what its gonna have by the 15th tho... =-/ but it has such a strong smell... like a really skunky smell.. when i touch the leaves... my fingers get sticky!!! the leaves on that plant are COVERED in crystals... its wierd how much different it is that the other plants... and one of the baby plants i have in that box.. almost forgot about them.. lol. one has yellow pistons... and the other has like blueish/purpleish pistons.. its pretty wierd.. ill put up some pics tomorow....


Well-Known Member
heyy guys.. if anyones still reading this thread. lol. i havent update in a while.. been busy gettin ready for the move.. im plannin on chopin the big 2 maybe 2day or 2morow... not really look good. =-/ theyre much bigger and fuller, but theres just sacs everywhere, and i wouldnt doubt if there was nothing to smoke. =-( but idk. w.e. u learn from your mistakes.. im just glad these white widow seeds ARE feminized.. and i wont have to worry bout males.. and if there is a hermie.. im gonna kill it.. with pleasure! lol. the other wierd lookin plant with the shiny leaves seems to amaze me more and more.. its looking really good now.. starting to for little buds here and there.. but uts still really wierd looking.. the leaves are rough.. almost hard.. and thick..?? and still shiny.. and alot of the inner leaves are VERY VERY crystally. i will touch the leaves and my fingers get sticky from touching them.. the top of the plant looks kinda wierd too.. the leaves point up.. and the leaves are big.. idk.. ill just have to put pics up.. hard to explain it... im gonna go in my room right now and trim off all the leaves on the 2 hermies.. and debate wether or not to wait another day... im probly not gonna tho.. im sure they wont magically look good after one night.. i will take some before and after pics of the hermie plants.. even tho its gonna be pretty embarasing i think. =-( i know my white widow plants will come out better because i have had a little more "hands on" experience now.. soo i know the Do's and Dont's.. and i ill soon have a 400 watt HPS once my school money gets here. which will hopefully be withing the next month, which ill be vegging the white widow plants at that time. =-) well.. off to work.. on the plants i mean. lol. post pics wen im done.. wish me luck guys.. i fucking need it!!!


Well-Known Member
also.. just in case u were wondering.. even tho it doesnt look like it.. the plant with the hard shiny leaves.. is the same age as the othe 2 plants that im chopping today... wierd isnt it..?? the one with the shiny leaves.. (gotta come up with a better name than "the one with the shiny leaves" lmao) looks like it just started flowering! and th eother ones are done!!