My First Grow -BagSeed- From some Mids ANY TIPS ARE WELCOME and ENCOURAGED! Pics


Well-Known Member
ok guys.. i ended up movin the small plants into a new bigger/better box.. its really nice and sturdy and taller and wider.. soo they all have more room.. while i was moving them.. i took some pictures of each plant while i was moving them... soo you guys can get a good look at them.. theirs deff a nice indica strain.. and a sativa strain in there as well... you can see a BIG difference in the leaves.. i cant wait for them to show sex.. because then.. i casn take the males out.. and that will free up alot of space for the females...

they all have ALOT of growth on the bottom.. also... i took the plastic screen out.. it wouldnt fit the new box.. soo im going to make a screen out of string.. im going to measure and put a string across every 2 inches.. and then go the other way with the string and go every 2 inches as well. and go over and under.. until it comes out like a checker board.. i will take pics before i do it... and then i will take pics after i finish.. im hopin it comes out good tho.. wish me luck guys!!!

oo yea.. one more thing.. i got 2 more clamp lights.. and soo right now.. with the box of smaller plants.. i have two 120 watt CFL's.. and two 150 watt CFL's too.. and i also place a cup of water in there too so i can keep the humidity up. =-)


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3533248]Sounds good man, cant wait for the pics, your screen idea should do fine as well[/QUOTE]

yeaaa it actuall cam out awsome!! wayyy better than i was expecting it to!! i saw there and measured everything all out.. soo that the squares would be 2inx2in.. and i measured it 5 1/2 in from the top.. to give it some space to grow up and then be pulled back down.. im downloadin the pics now.. il havem up soon!!


Well-Known Member
I find new great grow journals every day...

yay... :bigjoint:

good job man!!! keep it up!!!
heyy thanks alot man.. good to have some encouragement.. lol.. i try my best to make my journal at least somewhat interesting.. well im bout to put up some new pics.. check'em out :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
alrighty... well here they are....

this is a few pics from the top.. to show off how the screen made from strings looks.. lol. i just used a sewing needle.. and went around the box and marked where every 2 inches were.. and went through on one side.. and then went over and under the other side.. i think it looks pretty fuckin good!!

ok and heres a bunch of pics of the plants as i was moving them into the new box.. soo you casn acrually see what they look like now.

heres what this one lokos like now.. this was the one that grew into the screen.. and i bent it over and under.. lol.. and then i had to take it out.. soo now it looks like this

heres them in their new box

heres the 4 lamps i got for them.. for now

heres a look under each lamp...

Shhhhhhh.... this is my secret little opening.. lol.. you cant even see it when its close.. but this is how i manage to water them..

a look from the bottom of the box.. up towards the screen and lamps... the screen came ot fuckin awsome!!

and heres a look at a few of the babie from the top.. notice HOW different the leaves are.. some are very skinny.. and some are pretty fat.. good to know i have a good mix of strains..



this is the shiny sruff i lined my box with.. it was a DOLLAR.. at family dollar.. for a 10 foot roll.. you cant beat that.. its wayy cheaper than mylar.. im sure mylars better.. but this shit works AMAZINGLY.. and for the price....

and one of the best things about the shiny stuff is..... you can see through it!!! these were handles that were already made into the box.. i just put the shiny stuff over it (on the inside) and it workds fuckin awsome.. i can just look into it and check on them through there.. without lwttin any air out

well thats it for now.. im confused tho.. cuz i KNOW im missing some pucs.. i had one of the home made Co2 bottle and stuff like that.....?? oo well and sorry there was soo maby.. but i took like 3 pics of each plant.. and theres 6... soo theres 18... Hmmmm.. well yeaa that doesnt explain why i put like 40 pics up.. lmao. sorry.. i get a little crazy with the pics..wait till theres actually some buds.. lol. i feel bad for my camera...

aiight giuys.. im bout to go make some pizza rolls.. lemme know what youy think of the new box and the screen... Laterrrr



Well-Known Member
heyyy.. i know this is probably a dumb question.. but you dont know anywhere.. well anyone i could order seeds from on this site right...?? like somebody thats already in the US.. soo i wouldnt have to worry about shipping them overseas and getting intercepted...? like is there anyone on this website that would be willing to mail them to me in the mail...?? and ill send them the money..?? probably not.. but i figured it would be worth a shot.. im still nervous to order online.....


Well-Known Member
heyyy.. i know this is probably a dumb question.. but you dont know anywhere.. well anyone i could order seeds from on this site right...?? like somebody thats already in the US.. soo i wouldnt have to worry about shipping them overseas and getting intercepted...? like is there anyone on this website that would be willing to mail them to me in the mail...?? and ill send them the money..?? probably not.. but i figured it would be worth a shot.. im still nervous to order online.....

yea you can't really do that, the seed banks are legit man, i would order, and im planning on ordering but i already have seeds that i have had for a while now. peep these homie

im gonna order from here when i get the cash

here are the reviews


Active Member
hey SICC.. thanks for all the help with the links and stuff. and its such a relief to hear that the little leave just fall off... lol. i was like oooo shit.. im killing my plants!! :wall: but yeaa after i finish this grow.. i might try one more grow.. depending on how good this grow comes out.. and then i want to order some seeds.. cuz the weed around here... is fucking gross.. and its never what people say it is... and its just annoying.. its like the better they say the weed is... the worse it ends up being.. lol. soo id love to have something good for once.. and espeacially something I grew myself. well im gonna check out all those links when i get back.. thanks again!!
On my first grow now and seems to me less is more esspecially when it comes to feeding your plants ive also found that a fan works miracles! i have tried two other times very unsuccessful lol! was to over caring to them got ahead of it all and treated them to the excess! have found its easier to sit back and let the plant tell ya what it needs i to got my seeds from some friend that said they were some juice lol and it seems to me they are definately good! got lucky planted 4 and ended up with ine fem. well cant wait to read more and much sucess bro! have a grateful day


Well-Known Member
heyy guys.. yeaa the plants are looking good.. i still have the hermies)s) in the closet.. the 2 of them.. idk.. i had just put soo much work into them.. soo it was hard to just throw it out... you know what i mean..?? and idk.. i know its gonna make some buds.. even tho its not gonna be as good as it could.. i couldnt just throw it out.. and i still have the smaller plants in the box.. im starting to see some pre-flowers on there now.. soo im happy about that.. i cant wait for them to show.. soo that way i can figure out how many are staying and how many are going.. because if theres only 3 females.. ill have alot more room in there which will be great!! im hopin for at least 2 females out of the 6...

Also.... I APPLIED FOR COLLEGE TODAY!!! AND I START JANUARY 11th!!! :hump: happy about that... its an online school tho.. university of phoenix.. goin for IT (information technology) like computers and stuff.. and another good thing... im gettin a few grand in cash somewhere around January or February.. soo im gonna get a 400 watt hps.. well im gonna get teh switchable kinda soo i can use mh for Vegging.. and use hps for flowering.. and ill have plenty of money to get a really nice one.. and im also gonna order some seeds from nirvana.. im gonna get a few types.. im gonna get Blue Mystic.... AK-48... White Rhino/Castle/Widow... one of those white strains. lol.. and some Durban Poison..and Raspberry Cough.. maybe Jack Herer.. lol.. thats kinda alot.. soo maybe i wont get that many.. lmao.. but im gonna get at least like 4 diff strains.. a WHITE strain... a "BERRY" strain.. an INDICA strain.. and a SATIVA strain. =-D i cant fucking wait!! lmao..

im gonna be doing ALOT of ordering when i get the money.. might get a grow box or too... 1 for flowering and one for Vegging.. or i might just buy a small shed.. lol. and im gonna get some rockwool cubes and some good soils/nutes too.. lol.. its gonna be fun.. soo make sure to keep an eye out for those grows. cuz theyre gonna be AWESOME!!


Well-Known Member
yeaaa i know i was just thinking that.. lol. im gonna be happy as shit!! being able to have an actual GOOD light!! lol.. and HPS and MH.. and then some good Fox Farm soil.. an dthe little rockwool cubes for clones.. cuz im gonna just order FEM seeds from nirvana.. and grow a few.. and keep a mother plant of each plant.. like 1 blue mystic mom.. 1 raspberry cough mother plant and a white widow mom.. etc.. and label them and just take cutitngs from them.. and eventually.. i wanna get fancy and try breeding some some plants.. ive always wanted to grow some "Blue Widow" (white widow and blue mystic) and some BubbleBerry BubbleGum.. lmao or how bout Bubblicious BerryGum... lol.. idk. ill come up with some crazy shit.. and ill be sure to have journals on each one. haha.. that will be fun. =-) im really thinking about gettin a small shed in my backyard.. and turn it into my little weed growing laboratory.. Hahahahaha.. =-D wow.. im a loser. lol


Well-Known Member
Heyyy everyone.. well pretty much SICC.. Difference and polishedpothead.. lol. sicne no-one else really ges on my thread. =-( Anywayz... well obviously once i get that money im gonna start my nice ass grow. =-D probably gonna only grow about 4-6 at a time.. and maybe 2 mother plants.. not 100% sure wether the 2 mother plants will b eincluded in the 4-6 or if ill just keep them seperate.. but i plan on gettin a grow box for the moms.. and maybe a grow box for the clones as well.. not sure about the actual flowering plants.. ehhh.. i might get a grow box for them too... who knows..

Buy anywayz.. until i get all that stuff.. im just gonna grow out what i have now.. yess... including the hermies.. just for fun.. since i know im gonna eventually have a nice ass setup along with some nice ass seeds/plants.. im not really too worried how these come out.. i just want to finish them.. soo i will be puting up some pics of the plants today.. i might do a seperate posting for the smaller plants.. and do one for the hermies as well.. the hermies... are actually looking pretty good.. the biggest one has alot of pollem sacs all over it.. and i can see some pollen on the leaves.. but th eother one.. doesnt really have that many sacs at all.. i think i saw like 2 maybe.. and theyre still tiny.. i pulled all the other ones off.. the LST plant is looking ok.. still very small but has plent of white hairs.. and the other one.. eghhh.. the other one is growing really really slowly.. not sure why but it is.. if it doesnt start growing bigger/more white hairs within the next week.. im just gonna toss it.. its a waste of a box and lights.

also.. i noticed on the bigger hermie.. there are a few red hairs growing on it.. i know this is probably gonna sound stupid.. but i aleways thought.. when people said the white hairs turn 2/3 red.. theyre ready to harvest.. i thought that they meant the white hairs... would change to red.. ?? not that the buds are covered in 3/4 red hairs and 1/4 white hairs... idk.. i may be wrong.. ill take pics and show you guys them... and the smaller ones still have a few pre-flowers... but nothing showin yet...

pl. well im gonna go check on them.. and then take some pics.. soo ill have them up in a lil bit.


Well-Known Member
hey bro nice grow so far.. sorry for the hermies but bro if you dont remove them you wony have no buds youll have seeds...if your going to grow them out put them in there own box...then let them do there thing im sure you already now this but those hermie will make your ladies seed up right along with the hermies...So if you care about smoking any thing worth smoking move your hermies...

instead of putting all there energy to producing buds the will put there energy to producing seeds...


Well-Known Member
The hairs are turning red cause the hermie Plant Pollinated it self, this will be the last time but toss those damn Hermie's, it dosnt matter of there in a diff box, there going to pollinated your other plants, pollen can travel for miles, your whole room is probably filled with it, trust me its a wast of time, and you wont get anything smokable cause every part of the bud will have seeds in it


Well-Known Member
lol... alright guys... ill toss the hermies... that only leaves the lst plant.. which is tiny.. and that other plant that i have in its own box.. which seems to be growing in slow motion. =-/ soo im gonna just have to wait and hope that some of the 6 smaller ones turn out female... and STAY female.. and dont go hermie..... =-/ well.. im gonna put up some last pics of the hermies.. before i toss them out.. as a tribute... lol


Well-Known Member
lol i kno its hard man, but its the right move, and since the plants went strait hermi, any seed you get will just be hermie and no good, just clean everything out to get rid of any pollen laying around