My "landlords" are drug testing me...

When you fight a turd you are going to get full of shit.
"Con-feces say"

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Move out. Even though you're of age, your parents make the rules in their house .
Either pass the test, or get a new place to live.
Becoming a man is a big step .
So I'm 19 and I still live with my parents, I have a job, pay rent, help with bills and mostly buy my own food. Last month I was chilling with in friends car smokin' a blunt when a cop rolled on us. In my state weed possession is just a small fine, so i wasn't tripping. I intended to pay the fine and move on with my life. I didn't realize they would be sending me a copy of the ticket in the mail... which my mom found and opened. All hell broke loose and they said if I want to continue living in their house I would have to submit to a piss test once a month. I do want to respect their house, but I also am a rent paying tenant and an adult, so I feel what I do outside their house shouldn't be an issue. So I've started looking for a new place to live, which sucks cus it will be more expensive, but it is what it is... In the mean time i'm still smoking, I just cheated the test with U-pass Synthetic Urine, and so far it's worked. I just need to get through another month or two of saving up for a deposit and then i can have my own pad with a bong on the coffee table... you know... the dream...

Remind your mom that opening someone else's mail is a felony.

What follows is pretty harsh, but so is what your parents are doing to you, so you decide if you want to proceed with it...
You do so at your own risk...
If it backfires, don't come bitching to me...

If you put the following letter on some fancy linen paper with a nice formal font like "Times New Roman", "Garamond", or "Bookman Old Style" and add just a few legal clip art images, you could scare the shit out of your mom and make her think you went to see a real lawyer...
Especially if you pay some stranger a few bucks to "serve" her with the papers.

It is normal for people to have lawyers draft letters like this all the time, it's pretty standard practice, except a real letter from a lawyer will cost you at least $500, probably more.

The law quoted is real
It's actually a federal crime to open someone else's mail.

Here's the letter just in case you want to try....

Change the name of the law firm and partner name to something more convincing...

Law Offices of Jerkins, Moore, Auftin, and Partners (especially with partners, lol)
Address and phone number of "law office"

Dear Mrs. (insert mothers full name here),

Pursuant to Federal Statute 18 U.S.C. § 1702, intentionally opening, intercepting or hiding someone else's mail is a felony punishable with an accompanying fine and/or punishable for up to five years in a federal penitentiary.

My client (Insert your full name here), who is a tenant in your household is of legal age and sound mind has not given you the right (written or expressed) to open his mail and he reserves the right to pursue legal action against you for infringing on his rights.

If you would like to continue to infringe on my clients rights, please understand that out of mere principal I will have no other option but to pursue this matter in a court of law to ensure your invasion of my clients privacy does not affect his future prospects in regard to finding a new place to live.

Please be advised that I am on active retainer.


Joeseph Seamore

This is of course a mean thing to do, but not all parents are nice people, sometimes they are down right shitheads and they need to be reminded that they are not the boss of their 19 year old son.
Gentle guidance is one thing, but forcing you through coercion is another.

If you want to "fuck up" your life it is your right to do so, as an adult...
well, I'm paying my share of bills and also rent, which is the only reason i'm annoyed, but i am close to what i need for a deposit to move into my own place. should only be another month or two


After this invasion of privacy you need to draft a rental agreement, which makes the terms of your stay in your parents home very clear.

Make sure they know they crossed a line...
That you are an adult and you need to be taken seriously.

Make sure to refer to them as Mr. and Mrs. so and so and not "dad" and "mom"
The point of the document is to put some space between you and your parents and define a clear boundary.
It sucks but this is what it means to be an adult, sometimes doing shit you don't want to and having to be diplomatic about it...

I would also suggest getting a P.O. box and use it as your address.
If you go a little bit out of town they tend to be drastically cheaper than if you get one in town.
For instance it could cost you $150/yr in the city center, but only $20/yr like 10 miles out of town.
This way your mail (which probably isn't much) goes to the P.O box and not to their home.
You can also have your driver's license address changed to the P.O box address, just use the street address of the P.O box place, and add Suite# or Apt# instead of P.O box#
1234 Satan Lane Apt#123
Anytown, US 11111
This way mail will get shipped to the address and then forwarded to your P.O. box#
If you use Apt, usually it is wise to make sure the number is three digits or less, unless you live in a town with skyscrapers or else it will look odd if you have Apartment #12345 in a town where none of the buildings are taller than 3 stories.

Or move are going to sue your parents when they let you live in their the USA that stupid really?
Or move are going to sue your parents when they let you live in their the USA that stupid really?

It's a bluff to buy him some time while he looks for a new place to live, that's all...

This way his parents don't interfere with him trying to make a life for himself.

He's not going to actually sue his parents...

What version of the USA do you live in?
Letters like this are drafted every day, it's just a way of making sure his parents know he's serious...

That's all...
It's a bluff to buy him some time while he looks for a new place to live, that's all...

This way his parents don't interfere with him trying to make a life for himself.

He's not going to actually sue his parents...

What version of the USA do you live in?
Letters like this are drafted every day, it's just a way of making sure his parents know he's serious...

That's all...
Course then he has to prove she opened it. Sue your parents, that's great advice. No wonder the world's so fucked up
I would recommend not cheating and lying; it's a very bad start to your adult life. If you choose to live under their roof, be a man and comply with the rules. Stop smoking and test negative honestly.

Alternatively, if you want to smoke, FIRST move out and make an independent living. Welcome to Adulting 101.
I agree with and disagree. If living at home live by the rules. If paying the rent and bills and rent to live at home you are tenant with rights.

Without a lease stating no pot then it's an open month to month and he's an adult.
Course then he has to prove she opened it. Sue your parents, that's great advice. No wonder the world's so fucked up


I never suggested he actually sue his parents...
The letter is referred to as a "demand" letter and lawyers write hundreds of these a year and they have nothing to do with actually going to court...

It is meant as a BLUFF...

Actually it was meant as a joke to be honest...

Jesus Christ for a bunch of pot smokers y'all are too serious!!!

Read the names of the lawyers!!!

"Jerkins, Moore, Auftin and Partners (especially with partners, lol)....
Come on!!!
Nobody got that?

It was meant as a joke...

Has everyone lost their sense of humor?

Please don't tell me y'all are this tight-assed that you can't get a joke when you see one, loosen up a bit...