My "landlords" are drug testing me...

There's something a little creepy about an older, apparently flamboyant by his dress, "uncle" wanting late teen boys to come live with him.. Then he makes them all shave and shower together... Just sayin. What's he gonna do with that finger?
Even worse, I shared a house with a bunch of very basic guys.

Roommates, I have been there...
What I hate is you'll finally get a nice group and everyone gets along, then one will move out and somehow the new person is able to screw up all the good vibes that were there just 5 minutes before...
Then the house is in chaos, all from one asshole...

Then there's always the one roommate with the "odd" animal that then becomes everyone in the house's responsibility.

Or the person who insists on having EVERY SINGLE FUCKING LIGHT on in the entire apartment...

I have so many roommate stories and they all seem funny now, but it sucked having to live through that mess...

I hated living with roommates...
Ha! I started loan sharking when I was 16, does that count as starting a business? I was able to quit my first real job because of it. Funny thing is I quit because they accused me of stealing, then didn't apologize when they found out who actually did it, so I claimed moral high ground about I'm not a thief, I don't steal, blah, blah blah... Then I went collecting that Friday. Lol.

I never suggested he actually sue his parents...
The letter is referred to as a "demand" letter and lawyers write hundreds of these a year and they have nothing to do with actually going to court...

It is meant as a BLUFF...

Actually it was meant as a joke to be honest...

Jesus Christ for a bunch of pot smokers y'all are too serious!!!

Read the names of the lawyers!!!

"Jerkins, Moore, Auftin and Partners (especially with partners, lol)....
Come on!!!
Nobody got that?

It was meant as a joke...

Has everyone lost their sense of humor?

Please don't tell me y'all are this tight-assed that you can't get a joke when you see one, loosen up a bit...
Dont worry our asses are extremely loose. Jerking off more often and with partners is a bit of a stretch of the term 'joke' especially when buried in a long winded response. As long as you laughed right?

I never suggested he actually sue his parents...
The letter is referred to as a "demand" letter and lawyers write hundreds of these a year and they have nothing to do with actually going to court...

It is meant as a BLUFF...

Actually it was meant as a joke to be honest...

Jesus Christ for a bunch of pot smokers y'all are too serious!!!

Read the names of the lawyers!!!

"Jerkins, Moore, Auftin and Partners (especially with partners, lol)....
Come on!!!
Nobody got that?

It was meant as a joke...

Has everyone lost their sense of humor?

Please don't tell me y'all are this tight-assed that you can't get a joke when you see one, loosen up a bit...
You suggested he ruins his relationship with his folks with legal action...

I agree with and disagree. If living at home live by the rules. If paying the rent and bills and rent to live at home you are tenant with rights.

Without a lease stating no pot then it's an open month to month and he's an adult.
No argueing the points of should adults be able to choose to smoke or if it may be arguably legal to do so.

Arguing with parents over weed at all is childish at any age.

The first conflicting conversation about weed should be the first clue it's time to fly.
