Neigbor that (Possibly) doesn't know I'm growing, gave me a courtesy warning.


Active Member
So I don't talk to my neighbor much at all, but we say whats up to each other when we pass.
Anyway no one in my area knows I grow, only a handful know I actually smoke.
Today while passing by my neighbor he gave me a Tip? Warning? not sure.

As we said what up he stopped me and said

"Hey bro not sure if you know but the smell has gotten stronger, I don't care but I heard someone complaining to their spouse about how much they noticed it the past few weeks."

I knew my plant started to stink, personally didn't think it was too bad, but apparently it's gotten to the point where people might think I'm smoking 24/7 or got a large stash that is starting to smell.
Anyway I took it as him giving me a friendly warning to get the smell under control. Whether he knows I'm growing or not, I don't know. I do know that I'm on my last 2 weeks before harvest and I might have to cut them early or just go with the flow since neighbors have been noticing. I do have a carbon scrubber and the end of the vent of that scrubber comes out clean, but it appears the tent is leaking the smell more so at night.
A friend grows in a closet off of about a 15'x15' spare bedroom that is used for storage space only. I got him a Uvonair 1000 and he runs it around the clock in the bedroom, not the closet. I figured if it didn't kill the odor running in the bedroom, he would place it directly in the closet. So far, working great in the bedroom. The odor is eliminated completely and due to the fact that the Uvonair 1000 is sized for a 1000^3', there is (theoretically) no risk of ozone overexposure.
Unless you're growing your entire house, there is no way he is smelling it. Unless you live in the same building and share the same ducting......

2 weeks away... I wouldn't worry about it. However, I tend to have nerves of steel when it comes to not being paranoid.
Unless you're growing your entire house, there is no way he is smelling it. Unless you live in the same building and share the same ducting......

2 weeks away... I wouldn't worry about it. However, I tend to have nerves of steel when it comes to not being paranoid.

He told him to his face that they ALL fucking smell it!
Your neighbor knows. He doesn't care, but it bothers his wife. He doesn't want to have problems with his wife, so you need to deal with it.
What a shitty situation. It means even if you finish this grow, it's probably not a good idea to start the next.

The good news is you didn't figure out about this by having cops knock on your door... That's why I'm not growing now.... The bitch upstairs called the cops anonymously (the police report said it was a "she" and that she lived upstairs and smelled it through the bathroom vent), and they showed up to give me and my roommate each 1300 dollar tickets, which we hired lawyers for to fight. I didn't let the police in, but I I had to take the grow down, and now we're looking to move again. I rely on growing to get weed. We've really been screwed over financially from her selfishness now that we have to buy our own weed again. Not only that but I invested a lot of money into upgrades right before the police showed up. Part of why we moved into this more expensive place was to have more space to grow too, so we're hemorrhaging money now. Hopefully the fat old bitch falls over and can't get up.
I'm convinced now that the only reason weed is still illegal is because some miserable bitches don't like the smell.

It's always the same argument with these people. "You can't just go polluting your neighbors air with smells they don't like. How would you like it if they polluted your air space with smells you don't like?". The reason this argument is flawed is because nobody comes and takes them to prison when their dog takes a shit on the sidewalk and the whole front lawn smells like shit.

I'm sure everyone can agree that dog doo doo does not justify for a federal law where people are taken to jail, but since pot is already illegal and people like to complain and bitch about things, they manipulate the system just to get their way.

It's always nagging about how "potheads are inconsiderate people! They don't care if other people have to smell their pot!" What a complete load of horse shit. (that you don't go to jail for)

Anything that smells bad to someone should be a schedule 1 drug, and you should go to jail for using it. Got it. Light some incense? Jail time!! Fart? Secret anti-fart police! Indian food? Auschwitz! I think it's the people who are willing to call the police to have people arrested when they aren't in danger and haven't been robbed are teh ones who are inconsiderate, and as soon as it's legal, I will take pleasure in getting my revenge. Oh it will be smelly.

(just look up "what to do about neighbor who smokes pot" and you'll see how unreasonable and warped these people think)


Pregnant wife? Really? Do you really think I care what your pregnant wife likes and doesn't like to smell? Once weed is fully legal, I ain't putting a towel under my door anymore, bruh. Your pregnant wife is gonna get high as fuck (yeah right) and the baby is going to die. AWww yeah.
Your going to lose that fight and you should. You are obviously much to young to have a pregnant wife.
If i lived across the hall i would ask twice, the third time would be very abrupt, and final, go ahead screw with a pregnant woman,,,,,you must have lost your damn mind, show some respect before someone takes it from you.
Good luck if it's legal. What do you do when your neighbor smokes cigarettes and you have a pregnant wife? Absolutely nothing, and you know it. Quit whining about your pregnant wife. She's fine.

By the way, I'm not too young to have a pregnant wife at all. I'm old enough to see people using "pregnant wife" as a blanket excuse to get what they want.

If weed was legal, you'd have to come across the hall and have a fistfight with me before I'd stop smoking in my apartment, and then I'd be the one calling the police. Your "abrupt" attempt would likely be asking again nicely. I'd be a lot more likely to mask the smell if you didn't try to come off like you were on moral high grounds. The minute you start expressing dominance, I don't give a rats ass what you'd like me to do.

Keep in mind, even with it being illegal, there's nothing "Final" about calling the police. I'd be out of the station in a few hours and back to being your neighbor.

Your going to lose that fight and you should. You are obviously much to young to have a pregnant wife.
If i lived across the hall i would ask twice, the third time would be very abrupt, and final, go ahead screw with a pregnant woman,,,,,you must have lost your damn mind, show some respect before someone takes it from you.
Okay, well I'm just saying. You guys are the reason weed is still illegal. It's because your pregnant wife and children just aren't safe. (or because your wife simply likes to nag and complain. Yes, pregnant woman are VERY irritable people, but it's YOUR pregnant wife. You deal with her.)

You're just a hypocrite.
Good luck if it's legal. What do you do when your neighbor smokes cigarettes and you have a pregnant wife? Absolutely nothing, and you know it. Quit whining about your pregnant wife. She's fine.

By the way, I'm not too young to have a pregnant wife at all. I'm old enough to see people using "pregnant wife" as a blanket excuse to get what they want.

If weed was legal, you'd have to come across the hall and have a fistfight with me before I'd stop smoking in my apartment, and then I'd be the one calling the police. Your "abrupt" attempt would likely be asking again nicely. I'd be a lot more likely to mask the smell if you didn't try to come off like you were on moral high grounds. The minute you start expressing dominance, I don't give a rats ass what you'd like me to do.

Keep in mind, even with it being illegal, there's nothing "Final" about calling the police. I'd be out of the station in a few hours and back to being your neighbor.

Problem is ITS NOT LEGAL so its better to keep people happy than piss them off , no matter how petty you deem there reasons .... THE LAW IS ON THERE SIDE
This is basically what I've been saying. They're not really concerned about health hazards or risks, they're just using the law to get their way whenever possible. Someone's wife doesn't like the smell? What can we do to remedy that.. Oh good, it's illegal! I can call the police and have them arrested and my wife will stop nagging!!

I agree that I can't just piss them off .... yet.. We have a carbon filter, blow out the window, and do whatever we can, but our upstairs neighbor kept calling the cops. You just can't please some women.

Problem is ITS NOT LEGAL so its better to keep people happy than piss them off , no matter how petty you deem there reasons .... THE LAW IS ON THERE SIDE
Interesting. I have to say the abortion jibe isnt really called for.
But i do agree churchhaze, you should at least not be actively blowing smoke into a pregnant womens home. Extreme example, but i think thats probably more the beef your neighbour has. I know your not doing that, but the smoke is drifting into there flat, you should tell him to get a smoke alarm and fit it next to the door inside. If there is any smoke surely it would set it off. I dont know,,
I guess they may be thinking that smell means theres smoke in the air, and ,what was it victorian people called it, when they thought diseases was spread by smell. If you get what im saying,,...haha. Im with you that the smell of growing ganja is nothing to bitch about, but smoke, thats a different thing.

. I wouldn't want 'my pregnant wife' , (dont have a pregnant one), sitting in a room full of pot smoke. And i don't think you would.

i did think that drawing was very funny. Reminiscent of that guy who paid for the eleccie bill with a drawing of a spider. And all his other funny stuff.
Please say you have giving that to them. Haha.
if i didnt say it though, i agree with you church haze that the smell shouldn't be bitched about. And alot of the time other peoples houses smell of feet and such cause they dont have any ganja to mask the smell of there sweaty lives.

I always found the smell of ganja to be nice, the same sorta effect as incense. Sure the ancients used it as incense. Anyway...

take it easy all.
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To be honest i think it all comes down to respect ... while the person across the hall doesnt like you smoking they have at least had the decency to send you a note and let you know that all there asking is for you to put a towel down .... i see no reason to kick off about that ... What you need to remember is YOU ARE BREAKING THE LAW , they are quite within there rights to ring the cops but they no its nothing serious so a polite note is all they have done .........

The woman upstairs rang the police cus she is sick of the smell and tbh there seems little point in asking you politely it seems so maybe she felt she had no choice , altho i also agree that some people just ring the police cus that what there like , but the person across the hall is doing you a favor imo .... they could of said nothing and reported you to police or landlord etc .....
Just finish your plant and move so you can grow with no worries! Or stop growing . Unless you live in a legal or med state if thats the case then fuck it!!!