Well-Known Member
yeah, next year tell no one
^ this guy is a pussy too. Go beat his fucking ass. Who honestly gives a fuck about right and wrong nowadays? Oh two wrongs dont make a right SHUT THE FUCK UP MOM YOURE A BITCH
good advice.. i sought revenge last year on some one who stole weed from me. All that led to was an arrest on my part, didnt get my shit back(obviously) and most of all i didnt feel any better after whooping him it. just resurfaced a bunch of old bullshit that wouldve stayed where it was if i decided to leave it there. Just bc we are more level headed beings that can see past the immediate situation, and can see carrying it on will do no good, doesnt mean our moms were "up our ass growing up". sure, our moms were up our asses, and atidd's dad beat him as a child, making him an angry individual, eager to seek revenge at any moment.Dude. If there was no concept of right or wrong we would be an even more horribly chaotic planet of pure anarchy. I agree that what he did was very dick, but doing the same thing back to him is pointless and will just lead to more problems down the road. Let karma take its toll IMO.
i really dont know what to do so im gonna ask you guys to see what you have to say or see your opinions! so this summer i showed 2 of my close friends my garden that was pretty far from my house hidden off nice in the woods because i just wanted to show them how big they were and one of them showed me his plants that were even bigger then mine i had about 20 or so me and my friends all summer told each other about are grows and helped each other with stuff! we made each other a promise not to even think about stealing each others crop and i wasnt worried about what so ever because i was pretty good friends with this kid! so i went out to my spot yesterday to water and all my plants were pulled nothing left what so ever so i looked on the walkway far from the entrance i saw some kind of boot prints! whoever it was.. was on a mission to get my plants and leave plain and simple! so i decided to not tell anyone what happened and i was gonna see who was lying and who was sketched out when i hung out with them so i called and we hung out they were definitly different then usual so i suspect them but they were with there friends also so i want to get them back or figure out who exactly stole them and what do you guys think i should do as retaliation! take his crop? kick the shit out of him! slash his tires ? thanks again! and to anybody who worked hard and got there crop stolen i know how it feals!
I agree. But u still sought revenge. There is no seeing past it when 20 plants r missing. Its kill that mother fucker period. But ya bro still go fuckin beat his ass and tell him hea a pussy regardless of if hes the one who actually stole them or not he the one who showed people. I dont think u shud kill him.. Just give him a good ole ass beatin theres really nothing wrong with that and i think its good advice. And face the consequences if they come.. But they prolly wontgood advice.. i sought revenge last year on some one who stole weed from me. All that led to was an arrest on my part, didnt get my shit back(obviously) and most of all i didnt feel any better after whooping him it. just resurfaced a bunch of old bullshit that wouldve stayed where it was if i decided to leave it there. Just bc we are more level headed beings that can see past the immediate situation, and can see carrying it on will do no good, doesnt mean our moms were "up our ass growing up". sure, our moms were up our asses, and atidd's dad beat him as a child, making him an angry individual, eager to seek revenge at any moment.
DUDE! Are you old enough to be posting here?i really dont know what to do so im gonna ask you guys to see what you have to say or see your opinions! so this summer i showed 2 of my close friends my garden that was pretty far from my house hidden off nice in the woods because i just wanted to show them how big they were and one of them showed me his plants that were even bigger then mine i had about 20 or so me and my friends all summer told each other about are grows and helped each other with stuff! we made each other a promise not to even think about stealing each others crop and i wasnt worried about what so ever because i was pretty good friends with this kid! so i went out to my spot yesterday to water and all my plants were pulled nothing left what so ever so i looked on the walkway far from the entrance i saw some kind of boot prints! whoever it was.. was on a mission to get my plants and leave plain and simple! so i decided to not tell anyone what happened and i was gonna see who was lying and who was sketched out when i hung out with them so i called and we hung out they were definitly different then usual so i suspect them but they were with there friends also so i want to get them back or figure out who exactly stole them and what do you guys think i should do as retaliation! take his crop? kick the shit out of him! slash his tires ? thanks again! and to anybody who worked hard and got there crop stolen i know how it feals!
id just go to his house beat his fuck ass the go to his crop and just fuck it up fuck the weed just ruin everything. and then play it off too. haha
well i have alot more info and stuff but i really cant put it up here but his older brother steals peoples plants every year he has told me! and his brother was with him yesterday and he never is! they were plotting to steal some other guys grow that they dont know! and he said that he would never rip off a friend but who knows really he told me to buy a deercam a while back so i told them i bought one the day before and set it up before they took my crop! and after i said that i watched there reactions and his face got red and he looked nervous like he knew he was wrong for doing that!
So what you sayin, that jus because he showed some1 his plants that they're fair game? If I showed my friend & he stole my shit, i'd beat his ass no question ask jus for being fake.this thread is filled to it's capacity of fail...she just can't take anymore... anyone saying he should be violent is a moron...it's OP own fault... OP,you broke the rules and you get what comes to you... it as simple as that...don't flip and become a ripper,don't be a dickhead... start preparing your plans for next year..... loose lips pop crops... also don't game cams throw flashes? wouldn't someone just take it?
Agree with aboveRemember
Man who seeks revenge should dig two graves