Oops on global warming

Again, look into a now defunct PR group called the Global Climate Coalition. There you will find how a group of people cast doubt among the lay about global warming, for their own sake and not for the sake of truth. This is the core of why you believe what you believe and why those uninformed in the population believe as they do. Polls only tend to prove what I say.

This is not the core of anything regarding me. I don't doubt it's existence or purpose though. As I said to UB, both sides are bought and paid for. I could say the same to you...that you have bought into political propganda and fear mongering with the ultimate goal being to get the govs hands into the energy biz and the enpowerment of more global bodies
i hear you say 'noteworthy'.

interesting choice of word.
we won't really know what is 'noteworthy' until we know how the whole system is suppose to work to begin with.
and since we are constantly messing with shit, it's kinda hard to get a base line.

Genghis Khan's wild rampages locked up a 'noteworthy' amount of carbon over the course of 150 years or so...we have the rocks to prove it...you disregard this as well?
Indeed...this is a more accurate example...however, you have forgotten "something we can all do to see for our very selves"

ordinary people simply can't fathom such large numbers nor possess instruments sensitive enough to record anything of value
we must regrettably roughen up our cherished ways and rise to their level of the world at large...

allow our dear friend to explain it better for us..

while not everyone may have a cramped closet in which to experiment with, many other small areas may be substituted....in fact the whole global warming experiment can be carried out by imagination alone using objects and numbers we deal with in real life

empirical data? nope.
i'm afraid fancy shit like that is just gibberish to folks like me....i believe what i experience first and fore most...flawed as it may be
pretty sure we outnumber the rest of you too....

global warming is a real deal...heat moves...we make tons of it
how important the matter really is.just depends how far down the road you look

The sun makes lots of heat too! BAN THE SUN!!!
Actually, those of us who are skeptical of MMGW, are skeptical because the science is based on computer models that are COMPLETELY at the mercy of the individual that programs the parameters and inputs the data. The political/social agenda of that person can make the difference between a global meltdown in twenty years and bundle up cuz it's gonna be cold as hell for the next couple o' decades.

Leading figures of the MMGW movement have even recently stated that if man's emissions were cut to ZERO, it wouldn't affect the temperatures for the next 50 years. We contribute less than 1/10th of one percent of the greenhouse gases that affect our climate. Common sense not the "Global Climate Coalition" is to blame for our conclusions.

Line up 50 elephants (representing natural green house gas emissions, the sun, other species and every other influence on climate) to push a passenger train (representing the climate) down the tracks, now direct a housefly (representing man's contribution to green house emissions) to fly into the ass of the last elephant. Significance of the housefly's contribution to moving the train? I'm guessing very little. Like I said...common sense. Something that people of your political/social leanings usually sacrifice to emotional overreaction.
i believe i already said something to that effect earlier....yes

ban the sun before it runs out of fuel and swallows all the inner planets!
here here!
This is not the core of anything regarding me. I don't doubt it's existence or purpose though. As I said to UB, both sides are bought and paid for. I could say the same to you...that you have bought into political propaganda and fear mongering with the ultimate goal being to get the govs hands into the energy biz and the empowerment of more global bodies

Nope, I am not afraid of global warming. It does not mean the end of the earth nor does it mean the end of civilization. I see far too many reasonable reports on climate trends, the ones that don't fear monger but state what appear to be facts in evidence. The original findings and premise were not meant to do anything but explain a phenomenon, it was only groups like the GCC that made those facts political.
Indeed...this is a more accurate example...however, you have forgotten "something we can all do to see for our very selves"

ordinary people simply can't fathom such large numbers nor possess instruments sensitive enough to record anything of value
we must regrettably roughen up our cherished ways and rise to their level of the world at large...

allow our dear friend to explain it better for us..

while not everyone may have a cramped closet in which to experiment with, many other small areas may be substituted....in fact the whole global warming experiment can be carried out by imagination alone using objects and numbers we deal with in real life

empirical data? nope.
i'm afraid fancy shit like that is just gibberish to folks like me....i believe what i experience first and fore most...flawed as it may be
pretty sure we outnumber the rest of you too....

global warming is a real deal...heat moves...we make tons of it
how important the matter really is.just depends how far down the road you look

how can i make moulten lava come out of my closet floor? or how about hot springs from the ground? or maybe a forest fire started by lightning. or a cloud that covers the sun for 10 minutes and lowers the air temp by 15 degrees instantly? your example extrapolation is what a stupid school teacher would teach our children in third grade. and they would be totally fucking wrong on all counts.

our earth is a bit more complex than your closet with your stoned buddies....yeesh
Address my scenario then Jeff. releasing carbon sequestered from the atmosphere for hundreds of millions of years in 200 years.
That article from the "financial times" lacks any type of argument forming evidence, or conclusive evidence. They state that the EPA has conducted studies but has failed to cite any reference towards the research in question. I call B.S on this article and it should be thrown in the "junk-science" folder.
That article from the "financial times" lacks any type of argument forming evidence, or conclusive evidence. They state that the EPA has conducted studies but has failed to cite any reference towards the research in question. I call B.S on this article and it should be thrown in the "junk-science" folder.

that "junk science" folder is already full of shit like "sunspots are behind climate change, not man" and "it snowed here today, no fucking way we are effecting our environment around us".

there is no getting through to these people, they will continue to think the sky is red no matter how many times you point and tell them it's blue.
Ok, I'll explain it to ya like a third grader.

Gore has been one of the "front men" in the Man Made Global Warming hoax. He's in it for the money and the power that comes along with government intrusion.

Scientists are in it for the grant money, ask any of them and they will tell you, toe the line and play up the MMGW garbage and money abounds... deal in reality and good luck.

The spotted owl is just ONE recent example of how the ECO-LOONS grab hold of a cause and destroy peoples lives and livelihoods in the name of some overblown and quite often false impending disaster.

You didn't REALLY need me to explain this did you?

Are you fucking kidding me? It is the rich who are trying to discredit any global warming positions. They are the ones that have the most to lose. What do you think a poor guy in the inner city has to gain from confronting global warming theorists, Oh, that's right, nothing. When the rich, who actually consume most of the energy per capita, have to give up some of their comforts, that's when they start discrediting global warming with a vengence. Wake up man, Global warming is real and has been for quite some time. Try looking for some unbiased info. I'm sure you'll find the truth and the truth will set you free.
What if we spend trillions of dollars and impoverish 99% of the world and nothing changes, the world just keeps going up by 1 degree F every hundred years or so? Will you still claim it was a good idea?
What if we spend trillions of dollars and impoverish 99% of the world and nothing changes, the world just keeps going up by 1 degree F every hundred years or so? Will you still claim it was a good idea?

these clowns still think the UN is our friend. they never will get it cuz they fell for it. too much egg on face....
Address my scenario then Jeff. releasing carbon sequestered from the atmosphere for hundreds of millions of years in 200 years.

the same thing that happens when a mountain explodes into oblivian releasing really toxic shit. sometimes even wipes out species, and entire ecosystems....its true look it up

a cat 5 hurricane releases the equivelant of 7000 nuclear war heads exploding.....explain that?

i cant, but i know there is nothing you or anyone else can do to stop it.
What if we spend trillions of dollars and impoverish 99% of the world and nothing changes, the world just keeps going up by 1 degree F every hundred years or so? Will you still claim it was a good idea?

i highly doubt that a gradual transition to sustainable energies will impoverish 99% of the world, but if we do make that switch with greater urgency and it does not have the intended effect of flattening the curve, i'll have no regrets.
the same thing that happens when a mountain explodes into oblivian releasing really toxic shit. sometimes even wipes out species, and entire ecosystems....its true look it up

a cat 5 hurricane releases the equivelant of 7000 nuclear war heads exploding.....explain that?

i cant, but i know there is nothing you or anyone else can do to stop it.

you know how you had that one thread where you called electric cars 'faggy'?

well, my wife recently got a hybrid. can't even tell the thing is on when you back out of the driveway. i called it faggy too.

but then i drove it around for a while. you can go on calling them 'faggy', i will now call it 'smart'. especially facing $4/gallon gas.

i am a bit of a purist, i love to hear a car fire up and the roar of an engine. but i am now happy to forgo the classic car experience to reap the rewards.

edit: it gets about 50 mpg and has decent pickup to boot. sure beats the 18 mpg i get out of my shitbird.