Oops on global warming

you know how you had that one thread where you called electric cars 'faggy'?

well, my wife recently got a hybrid. can't even tell the thing is on when you back out of the driveway. i called it faggy too.

but then i drove it around for a while. you can go on calling them 'faggy', i will now call it 'smart'. especially facing $4/gallon gas.

i am a bit of a purist, i love to hear a car fire up and the roar of an engine. but i am now happy to forgo the classic car experience to reap the rewards.

edit: it gets about 50 mpg and has decent pickup to boot. sure beats the 18 mpg i get out of my shitbird.

I think electric cars absolutely are the future. Every five years they seem to have incredible advances in battery technology especially in the amount of energy they can store. The only reason I won't buy one anytime soon is regardless of what star rating they give them, they are death traps. Just like my little compact I ran around with not too many years ago. Five star safety crash test rating, but worthless if a Tahoe tbones ya in an intersection.

Gonna be a while before they can replace pickup trucks and vans on the road, and as long as those big bastards are on the road, my family will be toolin' around the streets in a tank. Mileage be damned. Nobody is paying attention on the roads out there, texting, emailing, twittering, all that crap. Life is too precious to risk on a daily threat so obvious, I'll let you brave souls roll those dice.

The Tesla is bad ass though. I wouldn't let my children in it, but I'd love to take one out for an afternoon.
you know how you had that one thread where you called electric cars 'faggy'?

well, my wife recently got a hybrid. can't even tell the thing is on when you back out of the driveway. i called it faggy too.

but then i drove it around for a while. you can go on calling them 'faggy', i will now call it 'smart'. especially facing $4/gallon gas.

i am a bit of a purist, i love to hear a car fire up and the roar of an engine. but i am now happy to forgo the classic car experience to reap the rewards.

edit: it gets about 50 mpg and has decent pickup to boot. sure beats the 18 mpg i get out of my shitbird.

i am very happy you are happy with your purchase. i would not be able to use a car like that as i am a contractor and must have a truck. i resent that people think that i am a polluter and your not. its total fucking bullshit. you arent saving the planet. you are driving a car that you think is neat and saves you money. good for you i am sincerely happy for you. now kindly stay out of my business while i decide what my needs are.

14 dollar gas hurts everyone, especially the poor. and its for no good reason other than the people pushing it to feel better about themselves. further, it puts R and D programs at risk, and even stresses schools. i contract for a school. 2000 seat school costs 750,000 a year, or about 3 percent of total budget. for electric alone. tell me how 14 dollar gas improves the school?

its hogwash and i resent it, strongly
the same thing that happens when a mountain explodes into oblivian releasing really toxic shit. sometimes even wipes out species, and entire ecosystems....its true look it up

a cat 5 hurricane releases the equivelant of 7000 nuclear war heads exploding.....explain that?

i cant, but i know there is nothing you or anyone else can do to stop it.

No similarity at all. A Cat 5 doesn't "release" anything so much as move energy around. Mountains exploding are background, that happens ALL the time. This is a historically sudden release of historically ancient and slowly accumulated carbon. Likely it has never happened before in earth's history. Of course those who believe that the earth has seen it all can't grasp that fundamental.
For electric cars they are closer then you think. The only problem is regulation. Check out the documentary called "Who killed the electric car". They have also come across new form of a hydrogen battery that is more efficient/more cost effective then the platinum battery.

ref : http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/04/110421141628.htm

As for safety rating I thought that all cars had a standardized rating although I could def. be wrong.

Canndo has a point as well, volcano's release heat and oxygen more then any other elements due to reduction during the eruption.
14 dollar gas hurts everyone, especially the poor. and its for no good reason other than the people pushing it to feel better about themselves. further, it puts R and D programs at risk, and even stresses schools. i contract for a school. 2000 seat school costs 750,000 a year, or about 3 percent of total budget. for electric alone. tell me how 14 dollar gas improves the school?

This is because to harvest oil it takes oil to refine the oil, it takes oil to transport the oil for refining, it takes oil to transport the oil for sale etc.
i am very happy you are happy with your purchase. i would not be able to use a car like that as i am a contractor and must have a truck. i resent that people think that i am a polluter and your not. its total fucking bullshit. you arent saving the planet. you are driving a car that you think is neat and saves you money. good for you i am sincerely happy for you. now kindly stay out of my business while i decide what my needs are.

14 dollar gas hurts everyone, especially the poor. and its for no good reason other than the people pushing it to feel better about themselves. further, it puts R and D programs at risk, and even stresses schools. i contract for a school. 2000 seat school costs 750,000 a year, or about 3 percent of total budget. for electric alone. tell me how 14 dollar gas improves the school?

its hogwash and i resent it, strongly

i don't think you are a polluter, i think you have the vehicle you need. i am currently trying to trade my shit bird for a good gas mileage pickup so i can do some landscaping work around town and have a place to put the yard debris.

i don't think expensive gas will help anyone, neither does "the chosen one, the messiah". he wants to open up the strategic reserves to ease the current rise is prices so the recovery doesn't sputter. if you think ANYONE wants high gas prices, i would say that is hogwash, and would resent it strongly.

based on what i can gather from your posts, i was raised not too far from where you live. funny how we are so different in opinion.
i don't think you are a polluter, i think you have the vehicle you need. i am currently trying to trade my shit bird for a good gas mileage pickup so i can do some landscaping work around town and have a place to put the yard debris.

i don't think expensive gas will help anyone, neither does "the chosen one, the messiah". he wants to open up the strategic reserves to ease the current rise is prices so the recovery doesn't sputter. if you think ANYONE wants high gas prices, i would say that is hogwash, and would resent it strongly.

based on what i can gather from your posts, i was raised not too far from where you live. funny how we are so different in opinion.

you would really have to give some evidence that the messiah wants cheap gas. he has stated publicly, just the opposite and the first thing he did when getting emaculated was to remove a couple million acres from the possibility of drilling.

please provide some evidence he wants cheap oil, cuz it sure isnt happening.
this thread was all the rage when it was still cold outside....

i see conservatives are avoiding the subject.

how about global warming now???????? we had one of the hottest and longest heat waves since records were kept happen in July 2011.

this thread was all the rage when it was still cold outside....

i see conservatives are avoiding the subject.

how about global warming now???????? we had one of the hottest and longest heat waves since records were kept happen in July 2011.


yeah, i thought the same thing the other day.

they are always the first to dismiss the well-accepted theory when it is cold out, but go oddly silent once a massive fucking heat wave starts killing people over several nations.

the line of thought that weather = climate is a fallacy, but it is a telling one.
Yeah, the earth is warming, ok fine. Guess what, it's gonna warm until it starts to cool. Nothing you or I do is going to change that. We're kinda still coming out of a mini ice age, remember. Imagine that, it's cold, it's hot, it changes...just like it always has.

Or, we could all drive around in death cars..err, I mean "smart" cars. No thank you, I'll let it be you they're picking out of my grill, rather than the other way around.
Man i remember 20 years ago it was way way fucking hotter around than it is now. The last heat wave was about 25F lower than the ones we had 20 years ago.
Fear = Power = Money = Government = Sensationalism = Con Men

Does not Equal Reality
Does not Equal The People

Carbon Tax is not the answer to anything but greed, Legalize it :)
Man i remember 20 years ago it was way way fucking hotter around than it is now. The last heat wave was about 25F lower than the ones we had 20 years ago.

oh really???

Friday Highlights

Newark, NJ: New all-time record high of 108 degrees. Breaks old all-time record of 105 degrees set on August 9, 2001.

New York, NY: Central Park topped out at 104 degrees. Second hottest temperature on record. Hottest temperature since 1977.

Dulles International Airport, VA (IAD): New all-time record high of 105 degrees. This breaks the old all-time record high of 104 set back in 1988 and 1983.

Baltimore, MD: Daily record high of 106 degrees. All-time record high is 107 degrees set on July 10, 1936.

Trenton, NJ: Daily record high of 106 degrees.

Philadelphia, PA: Daily record high of 103 degrees.

Atlantic City, NJ: Daily record high of 105 degrees. Old record high for July 22 was 98 degrees set in 1998. Second hottest day on record. Max heat index of 120 degrees. Hottest temperature recorded since 1969.

Boston, MA: Tied for 2nd highest temperature on record at 103 degrees. Hottest day in exactly 85 years!

Washington, DC: No daily record high set. However, peak heat index of 121 degrees.

Hartford, CT: New all-time record high of 103 degrees.

Saturday Highlights

Newark, NJ: New daily record of 102 degrees breaks old record of 100 degrees for the date.

New York, NY: Central Park topped out at 100 degrees toppling the old record of 99 degrees set in 1991.

JFK Int'l Airport: New record high of 102 degrees beating the old record of 100 set in 1972.

Islip, NY: New daily record of 99 degrees breaks the old record of 97 degrees set in 1991.

Philadelphia, PA: New daily record high of 101 degrees.

Dulles International Airport, VA (IAD): Ties record high for the date of 99 degrees.

Baltimore, MD: Ties the daily record high of 102 degrees.

Trenton, NJ: Soars to 104 degrees. Smashes the old record of 99 degrees set in 1991.

Atlantic City, NJ: Peak temperature of 105 degrees. Ties for second hottest day on record which was set the day before on Friday.

Washington, DC: New daily record high of 102 degrees.

Reading, PA: 100 degrees. Beats the old record for the day of 99 degrees set in 1991 by 1 degree.

it comes from:


the headline reads:

Northeast Heat: Rewriting the record books.
oh really???

it comes from:


the headline reads:

Northeast Heat: Rewriting the record books.
I don't live anywhere near the east coast, no records being set here. So what was your point?

BTW temps were 120-122F 20 years ago, Makes 102 look like springtime.

Record temp for New Jersey was 110F set back in 1936.
New York highest ever temp? 108F set back in 1926
New Hampshire? 106F set back in 1911
Virginia? 110F, 1954

I'm waiting for some record heat, not these sensationalist temps you try to spout as evidence of man made global climate change. None of those temps you stated were records for those states.

Back in 1913 it got to 134F in California....1913.....Man Made global warming from all the cars i bet.
I wonder if I can pay off my credit card with carbon credits? Guess that means I'd best start eating beans, driving around in a beat-up ol' dodge, and have beef cook-outs using charcoal bonfires
I love it when naysayers point at blizzards in the midwest and here in the northeast as proof against global warming. Well, of course it's snowing, it's winter and it's cold. The important part is the increase in precipitation. Increased frequency of large winter storms supports climate change theory.