Outdoor Bud Quality


True but you can get buds jus as good as indoor outside jus takes alot of love and skill ur able to boost co2 outdoor jus takes a plan to contain it for a lil bit feed proper and use indoor soil mixes out door it can be done its jus like saying hydro is better than soil we can go back and forth all day but the fact of the matter is look wise indoor all day but thc content and cbd's flavor can all b equally as good as indoor with out a doubt come out to nor cal we show you some outdoor you cant tell apart from indo but like guy said there so many shity growers outdoor gets a bad wrap
All that being said i prefer to smoke indooover outdoor becouse u dont have to spray anything for bugs so in my opinion its a cleaner smoke but someone using organice pest control ill smoke there outdoor but some people use hard chems that can dangerous to inhale
Only done with the up most respect to our girl Fumble. She can put it together like no other I've met. I come to these BBQ's for the food not the weed, I have plenty of that!

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Fumbles food is freaking delicious. Although, the pop corn she brought last time had me dry heaving. I was eating some and I think it was mohican who was like, you know thats medicated right? I was like oh damn...

So far my track record at the bbq's has been bad. Kase knocked me out with the chocolope dab and fumbles popcorn did me in last year.
That was for my whole house plus the grow. Are you using central AC to cool? That must be why. I have a mr slim mini split. That thing is super efficient. It's got an 18 seer rating I believe.
window unit. Central don't come on til summer. then it's huge.
Yep, I got a 2 ton with inverter technology for 2200 I believe. They were on sale at the time for 25 or 30% off with free shipping from florida.
yea i paid 3500 for my 3 ton. I felt i could of gotten a better deal some where. So did you buy yours fully on line?